List of Templates
This page serves as a list of templates most commonly used in this wiki.
Infoboxes are commonly found in most articles in the wiki. The regular infobox is used for most ideologies, while the infobox variant is used for subpages of existing articles. The user infobox isn't used for articles but only for user pages. To insert an infobox, insert it on the top of the page as an infobox, select the one you want and fill in the fields.
Ideology Template
This is the main template in the Polcompball wiki, it is meant to be added to every page that is about an ideology regardless of the state of completion of said page. To add this page in the visual editor click the insert button, select infobox and choose the Ideology infobox. one the infobox is added it will prompt you to fill the fields and once you're done, press Apply, to go back to the infobox editor click the infobox and select edit to return to it. If you prefer to use the source editor like an absolute chad add the following lines to the top of your page:
{{Ideology | themecolor = | textcolor = | title = | image = | caption = | aliases = | alignments = | influences = | influenced = | song = | theorists = | examples = | likes = | dislikes = }}
User-Ideology Template
Literally identical to the Ideology template except it doesn't add the "ideologies" category to the page, making it suitable for users who prefer to use the ideology infobox for their profile page or want to add their personal ideology to their profile page.
User-Infobox Template
This template is designed to be added to be added to users' profile pages and to pages about users, implementing it works in the same way as the template above but instead of selecting the Ideology infobox, select the user infobox. For source editors paste the following:
{{User-Infobox | themecolor = | textcolor = | bordercolor = | border = | title = | image = | caption = | name = | gender = | sex = | birthday = | alignments = | ideology = | nationality = | orientation = | language = | religion = | mbti = | enneagram = | likes = | dislikes = | interests = | reddit = | discord = | twitter = | other = }}
Extra information templates
These templates are used for extra information. The flag auto template is used for flag colors of the ball. To insert extra information templates, upload them as a template and fill in the fields.
Flag-auto Template
The Flag-auto template serves to indicate the canon color tones for each ideology's design to aid in the creation of more visually accurate art. To add this template in the visual editor click the insert button, select template, type "Flag auto" without quotes and click add template. Click each of the fields to add information to them, with c# fields being the color name and h# fields being their respective hex code. For source editors insert the following code and fill as many fields as necessary:
{{Flag-auto |c1 = |h1 = |c2 = |h2 = |c3 = |h3 = |c4 = |h4 = |c5 = |h5 = |c6 = |h6 = |c7 = |h7 = |c8 = |h8 = |c9 = |h9 = |c10= |h10= }}
Hatnote Template
Hatnote is a template for displaying some pertinent small piece of information above the main body of the page, it can only be utilized in the source editor and to deploy it add at the top of the page the following code with text replaced by whatever you want to put in the hatnote:
These navboxes are used on most articles in the wiki and are found on the bottom of each article. These are used for navigation without having to use the search bar. To insert navboxes, insert it as a template and search and select the one you want.
If you're creating/editing a navbox, the format should be like this. Some fields aren't required:
{{Navbox |title = |name = {{subst:PAGENAME}} |state = |bodystyle = |titlestyle = |above = |abovestyle = |groupstyle = |liststyle = |oddstyle = |evenstyle = |group1 = |list1 = |group2 = |list2 = ... |group20 = |list20 = |below = |belowstyle = }}
The Anarchist Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all anarchist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Authleft Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Authoritarian Left quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Authright Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Authoritarian Right quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Authunity Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Authoritarian Unity quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Caps Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all capitalist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Centrist Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Centre quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Conservative Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all conservative ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Eco Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all environmentalist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Ego Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all egoist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Ethnostate Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all ethnonationalist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Fash Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all fascist and Nazi ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Fem Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all feminist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
Fictional Infobox
The Fictional Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all fictional ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The FrenchRepub Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all ideologies originating from the First French Republic. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Geo Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all georgist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The LGBT Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all ideologies who explicitly include LGBT aspects. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Leftunity Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Left Unity quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Lib Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all liberal ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Libertarian Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all libertarian ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Libleft Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Libertarian Left quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Libright Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Libertarian Right quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Libunity Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Libertarian Unity quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Monarch Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all explicitly monarchist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Nation Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all nationalist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Nonquad Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all ideologies that do not have a defined position in the political compass. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Offcomp Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all ideologies that are positioned outside the conventional extreme borders of the political compass. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Oppunity Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Opposite Unity ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The PCB Community Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all pages about users of the Polcompball community. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
{{Navbox/PCB Community}}
The Post-Humanists Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all post-humanist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Postleft Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all post-left ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Prefixes Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all ideologies with prefixes. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Primitivist Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all explicitly primalist, primitivist and agrarian ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Reactionary Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all explicitly reactionary ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Religious Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all explicitly religious ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Rightunity Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Right Unity quadrant ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Socs Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all socialist and communist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Transhuman Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all transhumanist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Welfare Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all welfarist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
The Zionists Navbox is meant to contain and be added to all Zionist ideologies. To add it to a page append the following code to the bottom of the page:
Colorlinks are used only in navboxes and add color to the links. To insert them, edit the navbox and insert each one of the colorlinks listed below to a link, which should look like this:
{{Colorlink|Color goes here|Article link goes here}}
Article Management Templates
Article management templates are templates added to the top of pages to indicate a given status.
Art Improvement Template
The Art Improvement template is meant to be added to pages featuring substandard Infobox art or lacking any Infobox art at all.
{{MessageBox/Art Improvement|Reason|Fix}}
Best Art Template
The Best Art template is meant to be added to pages featuring the best Infobox art on the wiki.
{{MessageBox/Best Art}}
Disambiguation Template
The Disambiguation template is meant to be added to disambiguation pages, which list pages that might share a same title in some way.
Featured Template
The Featured template is meant to be added to pages of high quality that represent the best of the wiki.
Fictional Template
The Fictional template is meant to be added to all ideologies that don't exist in reality and don't relate with real politics.
This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
Improvement Template
The Improvement template is meant to be added to pages who need a given issue fixed but are not at risk of deletion.
The RC (Reddit Contest) template is meant to be added to ideologies given a page on the wiki after winning an OC ideology contest on Reddit.
Stub Template
The Stub template is meant to be added to stub pages. (Pages that are severely underdeveloped and in need of expansion.)
Talkpage Template
The Talkpage template is meant to be added to talk pages.
Warning Template
The Warning template is meant to be added to pages violating editing guidelines.
Will Be Integrated Template
The Will Be Integrated template is given to pages that will soon be combined with another page.
This page will be integrated into: Page, we suggest moving elements from this page to the target page by: Date of Integration
{{MessageBox/WBI|Page|Date of Integration}}
Work in Progress Template
The Work in Progress template is meant to be added to pages that are currently being worked on by a given user.
Custom Article Management Template
If necessary, a custom template such as the one below can be written and added to a page that needs a special notice.
This page is almost as wholesome as Keanu Reeves. Please cherish it with all your heart.
{{MessageBox |image = Wholesome.png |header = <big>Wholesome 100</big> |style = border-left-color: #00E621 |text = <small>'''"We did it Reddit!" - {{PHB|Eudaimonism|Wholesomeism}}'''<br> This page is almost as wholesome as Keanu Reeves. Please cherish it with all your heart.</small> }}
Go here for a complete list.
Userbox Template
Userbox templates are meant to add small snippets of info to a page.
- Anarchists
- Authoritarian Left
- Authoritarian Right
- Authoritarian Unity
- Capitalists
- Centrists
- Conservatives
- Environmentalists
- Egoists
- Ethnonationalists
- Fascists
- Feminists
- Fictional Ideologies
- First French Republic Ideologies
- Georgists
- Left Unity
- Liberals
- Libertarians
- Libertarian Left
- Libertarian Right
- Libertarian Unity
- Monarchists
- Nationalists
- Non-Quadrant
- Off The Compass
- Opposite Unity
- Community-related articles
- Post-Humanists
- Post-Left
- Primitivist
- Reactionary
- Religious
- Right Unity
- Socialists
- Transhumanists
- Welfarists
- Zionists
- Art for improvement
- Best Wiki Art
- Disambiguation Pages
- Featured Articles
- Articles for improvement
- Contest Winners
- Stubs
- Talk
- Warned pages
- Will Be Integrated
- Work in Progress
- Browse
- Lists
- Miscellaneous