This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
"Survival comes first, truth, understanding and science later."
Avaritionism, formerly known as Ego-Darwinism, is an off-the-compass
Libertarian right-wing ideology that believes that an individual should be able to do anything they desire (i.e, live according to their avaritions), resulting in the stronger individuals rising to the top, and killing off those that are weaker.
Ideology combines both ideas of Anarcho-Egoism and
Social Darwinism which coincidentally are features of people with antisocial personality disorder, also called psychopathy or sociopathy. They share with Egoism: a sense of self-worth, and irresponsibility. Plus they share with Social Darwinism belief that success in life can only be achieved at the expense of others, failure of others is their own fault.
Disregarding the state in tandem with individuals acting however they want will allow those that he considers "strong" will act in their best interest to take the property of others, and will allow maximum competition of both markets and people.
In contrast with Egoism, Avaritionism holds almost the same beliefs with lack of empathy on top, as Stirner wrote: "I love them because love makes me happy, I love because loving is natural to me, because it pleases me." and "I have a fellow-feeling with every feeling being, and their torment torments, their refreshment refreshes me too; I can kill them, not torture them." Avaritionism, in turn, rejects relationships with others in general and cares exclusively about oneself, even to the detriment of others.
"Avaritionism" originated as "Ego-Darwinism", which was coined by Discord user monkeysszz. The current name, "Avaritionism" was coined by Discord user StormTigrex in the original Polcompball discord while users were trying to fill off-compass balls. A page (this one) about Avaritionism was added to the Polcompball wiki by User:DatUdderCow on 21 March 2020 to the Polcompball wiki. /r/avaritionism was created on 15 April 2020, likely also by DatUdderCow (DUC).
Online following
On the internet, self-described Avaritionist communities have formed on Reddit and Discord, and on the Polcompball subreddit many have flaired themselves as Avaritionist. It appears that most of these "Avaritionists" use Avaritionism as a niche/joke ideology, and do not sincerely reject empathy or morality in the way sociopaths do.
The discord for Avaritionism appears to contain sincere defenses of Avaritionism, with arguments in defense of pedophilia or murder relying on moral nihilism.
Others defend avaritionism based on breaking the monopoly of laws, in which an anarcho-capitalist society would have this monopoly because of the NAP.
Avaritionism as radicalisation of capitalism 
Avaritionism can be considered a radical form of capitalism because under this ideology the individual, being deprived of moral social and certain restrictions and relying solely on his own strength, appropriates himself property, wealth and resources.
Cruelty Squad
Guardiões do Estado
In real life, something very close to avaritionism would be the Brazilian criminal faction Guardiões do Estado (Acronym: G.D.E), in which it has no leader and is decentralized, but still commits drug trafficking, commits massacres (such as the Cajazeiras Massacre) and murders of people from other criminal or innocent groups with armed robbery or bus burning. Most of the members of the faction are minors and became known for bombings/bus burnings and wars between other criminal groups, leaving the state of Ceará (where the group is located) a relatively violent place.
State of Nature
State of Nature is a thought experiment mostly associated with the philosopher Thomas Hobbes. He assumed that without the state, people would start killing each other in a selfish scramble for resources. Hobbes explains the concept of this term in the XIII chapter of Leviathan:
"Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called War; and such a war as is of every man against every man.[...] In such condition there is no place for Industry, because the fruit consequent is uncertain: and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continual Fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." This ideology have nothing to do with philosophy of Egoism. It serves to describe society without institutions, traditions and universal morality but it also presupposes human nature to be exactly the same.
Thomas Hobbes himself believed that such a society can only be temporal, people will eventually unite under a single social contract out of the need for peace. Mentions of the State of Nature can be found in works of John Locke,
Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
David Hume, etc. but their concept of human nature was different, and shouldn't be associated with this particular ideology.
In this version, society has returned to a primitive stateless lifestyle after the collapse of civilization, but the people living in the ruins use whatever technology they can scavenge, with knowledge from civilization being kept and passed down by those who remember it and given mystical components, small-scale technologies still being built, hereditary transhumanist augmentations remaining, self-replicating technologies still functioning, scrap being harvested, and irreplaceable technologies being zealously guarded. Such a state would likely only last a few generations, but could potentially be extended to last longer if civilization is unable to rebuild. Technobarbarians can also refer to people adopting a barbarian ethos with advanced technology in opposition to an oppressive and/or collapsing society, either as warriors in a collapsing society who wish to establish a good position for themselves or anti-civilization rebels who wish to establish a primal society or societies. Lastly, it can also refer to those who adapt to city life while maintaining a barbarian and primal ethos.
Personality and Behaviour
Avaritionism tends to call everything, especially morality a spook and is close to his parent, Anarcho-Egoism. He is never seen with his other parent,
Social Darwinism, preferring to hang out with the other anarchists instead. As a psychopath, it cannot have lovers or friends, but it can respect strength, act "nicely" and be manipulative to people who can be useful. His defining personality trait is immense greed, with him being to use force both to seize the property of others and protect his own. For some strange reason, he can be very polite and speak often with corporate, technological, and bank-related jargon.
He is also sometimes portrayed as Libertarian Feminism's Ex-Boyfriend.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball.
- Fill the ball in with a lighter shade of black (#141414),
- Draw the Avaritionism symbol (two crossed claws) in yellow (#FFFF00) and fill it in with the same color.
- Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | rgb(255, 255, 0) |
Good Business Card
Anarcho-Egoism - Morality, humanism and society are artificial concepts that should be negated and abandoned.
But you are too close to the left and claim money is "spooked."Illegalism - My partner in crime taught me almost everything I know.
Hydrarchy - Another old partner from the sea.
Social Darwinism - "The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive!" Which is me obviously.
Autarchy - "Every man should be free to think... to act... for himself!"
Agorism - He sells me guns, even if he hates violence. Your "peaceful revolution" is pretty cringe, I will sell organs from killed enemies in red markets if I want, but you are definitely the best criminal because you support unlimited free trade.
Combatocracy - Even if we fight, in the end, the strong will be free.
Libertarian Transhumanism - NANOMACHINES, SON!Anarcho-Frontierism - Imagine my ideal
societyon the frontier.Pragerism - He likes murder and killing people for fun like me.Techno-Anarchism - Your works are great and very helpful: cryptocurrency, torrent, secure messengers, and darknet marketplaces. Thank Bell for my rebirth.
Landian Accelerationism,
Acid Communism and
Accursed Anarchism - Cruelty Squad is a utopia for me.
LesbiaNRx - Cool girl, we had some fun in cyberspace, but I request to be more polite on
Anti-Humanism - The human is dead... Both physically and philosophically.
Toss the Coin
Objectivism -Your ideas about egoism and capitalism are based, but you are still too moralistic. I am your radical version.
Korwinism - Same to you. The stuff you say about communists is extremely true.
Libertarian Feminism - You should expand your price list, violent market videos are way more profitable than Onlyfans. Also I don't care about women and men conflict, I would equally sell and kill everyone, if I want.
Primalism - Nathan Martinez is the greatest writer and return to the
natural state that existed before the emergence of order is based, but the problem is that you support degradation instead of development. Not to mention monkeys have no concept of private enterprise.
Anarcho-Primitivism - Same as above but more moderate. Also, some of you are
commies who idealize the collectivism of a tribal society.
Soulism - He believes that the ego is supreme, but I cannot defend myself if he violates mine.
And HOW does this lazy stoner achieve advanced tech and superpowers without doing anything? I want to know!Anarcho-Capitalism - This system would open a lot of possibilities for me, but the NAP is obviously a downside, be more like
him you b*tch. And yes, I am true freedom, freedom is simply permissiveness, an attempt to limit this under such pretexts as preventing violence leads to authoritarianism.
Anarchism - The elimination of the state is good, but society as a whole needs to vanish as well.
Propertarianism - Mostly good, but too moderate. True privatism means the constant expansion of MY own property. And I do not care if others get their property rights violated as long as I profit, but I do want to make sure no one violates MY property rights.
Hoppeanism - I see nothing wrong with throwing commies from helicopters, but your natural order and social structure are dumb. Why do you want to live in a covenant community? Maybe you are a communist yourself? I will take drugs, have sex, and kill people when I want and how I want, and I don't care about your social norms.
Kleptocracy - I don't need the state to serve myself, you also should understand it!
Financialism and
Corporatocracy - On one hand, you help me save my money, buy cool weapons and pay for my assassination services. On the other hand, you are statists and don't like it when I'm trying to attack you. Still better than commies anyway.
Anarcho-Individualism - We both love individualism, but you too moderate and many of your followers lean on the left.
Posadism - Post-apocalyptic wasteland would be great. He will try to build communism by himself when aliens do not come, so I will kill him.
Kraterocracy - Controlling the weak is too bothersome, limits my freedom to roam where I want, and is also a drain on the budget. But some of your ideas like your "Might make right" are great.
Anarcho-Nihilism - We ran away from the mental hospital together. Cheer up my friend, there are so many people around to rob or sell their organs, but what do you mean by "money is not worth it"?
Capitalism - Rich cuck who insists on having that boring "civil rights" crap, but his mercenary contracts do pay well.
If he didn’t have all those bodyguards around his mansion 24/7, I would have robbed him a long time ago.Insurrectionary Anarchism - I am basically you but
capitalist, so you are a worthy opponent.
Please be more precise with your weapons, organs need to be whole to be sold.Anarcho-Fascism - He really understands and embraces the aggression principle, but I don't care about race issues at all, I can kill both whites and blacks. Not to mention racism is bad for business.
Neoreactionaryism - I like that
economic darwinism thing. What do you mean you don't want people to murder each other for money? Social Darwinism boils down to pure competition which is me.
Fordism - Only good not darwinist totalitarian. I can do whatever I want on the islands.
Foucauldianism and
Nomadology - Prisons and mental hospitals are surely oppressive institutions that limit my freedom of action. But why do you support the left-wing movement?
Wait, you are a Marxist, that makes sense.Counter-Enlightenment - Condottieros were cool AF, but you try to shove “conservative” moralism down everybody's throat, not to mention you are mostly authoritarian and non-capitalist. And also... This is my BOOMSTICK!
Archeofuturism - I want liberation from nature and society, but here and now, not in some r*tarded utopian world!
Piratism - You are getting there with your “free internet” vision. Sadly you are a snowflake cuck who hates me selling 'em krokodil and organs. And I will personally hunt down anyone who infringes on MY intellectual property.
Anarcho-Totalitarianism - Tolerable, to say at least, since I could do anything and with everyone. Allow free entry/exit, and you will be perfect.
Illuminatism - I got money, you got corpses of your enemies. Simple. Otherwise I will destroy your New World Order.
Limpdick Lawyers and Chickenshit Bureaucrats
Authoritarian Conservatism - You call me "state of nature", you described the fucking principles of my work, and you literally gave birth to me. Now out of the way, humanity no longer needs a "Leviathan" in the person of the state.
Hive-Mind Collectivism - My opposite. Stick together and I will destroy you all.
Esoteric Socialism - The bafoon, who invented "Locks" and "Windows" had never heard about hammer.
Ochlocracy - I don't care if there are many of you, I'm still better than all of you. I will exterminate your crowd.
Communalism - Your commune? Destroyed. Your common property? Looted.
Theocracies - You limit my freedom by both religious morality and even more artificial law. I will kill, steal, and fornicate when I want and how I want.
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 is based tho.Religious Socialism - Evidence that religion and socialism are the same altruistic egalitarian bullshit.
Mediocracy - Sheeple to be exploited by me for cash.
Kakistocracy - And these are literally weak. Also to be exploited.
Ingsoc - Not a single individual has power or wealth under this system, the Inner Party holds it collectively. I would rather die fighting than live under such a regime.
And this is why we should fight for this disputed territories to not allow thoughtcriminals to be there.
Synthesis Anarchism,
Social Anarchism and
Anarcho-Collectivism - All social anarchists have the same problem, they want to change the state's law with culture, and for that, they will need to indoctrinate everyone to serve society.
Minarcho-Socialism &
Platformism - Finally, ancom admits his love of state-like institutions.
Mediacracy - "F*ck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullsh*t!"
- Moralism and tradition. Everything I stand against.
Conservative Socialism,
Paternalistic Conservatism and
Reactionary Socialism - This shit is the quintessence of moralism.
Authoritarian Conservative Socialism - Absolute piece of garbage. I will kill you!
Progressivism- You are also a cringe. You are a lefty moralist who loves weak.
Total Liberationism - You believe in equality, but in an animal society, the stronger will always be free and alive. You are just a fool likening herbivores.
Humanism - "I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip."
Authoritarianism - I will destroy all your social institutions! Only the chaotic state of nature will reign!
Civil Libertarianism - I have all rights I can take.
Market Socialism - No, not that type of market. Storm likes you tho.
Social Capitalism - A soysialist in the guise of a capitalist promoting welfare and regulation bullshit.
Capitalist Communism - The same as above. Communism + social "capitalism."
Left-Wing Nationalism - I don't care about the nation, you commie.
Paternalism - Shitty system that nurtures helpless citizen slaves.
Communitarianism - Fuck community!
State Socialism &
LIKE ME!Ego-Communism - "Individualism" but allowed within the framework of collectivism, what bullshit of "healthy egoism."
Anarcho-Pacifism - Another pathetic weakling! Maybe I will leave you alone because you will die from weakness in this miserable world anyway.
Authoritarian Pacifism - The same as above but honest. Pacifism is imposed by authority.
Left-Rothbardianism - A worse version of voluntaristic Rothbardianism.
Welfarism - You do nothing except prolong the existence of the useless. I will not pay your taxes.
Gift Economy - Owning "gifts" is the right of the strong, not everyone! Everything has its price, nothing is free.
Police Statism &
Kritarchy - Fuck you, limpdick lawyers and system guards. I can do whatever the fuck I want!
Scientocracy - Psychiatry is bullshit, I'm not "mentally ill" just because I don't want to follow social norms or want cash.
All right, here is your chemicals, that will cost 5000$.Regulationism - Regulation is anti-market and anti-liberty bullshit. I will sell any organ and weapon I get.
Benefactorism - Ladies and gentlemen, today I will have dinner with Benefactor's flesh as main course.
Constitutionalism - What can a FUCKING PAPER do to ME!?!?
Further Information
- Le Darwinisme Social (Social Darwinism)
- My Thoughts on Anarcho-Darwinism
- Bible of avarice
- Assasination Politics
- avarice
- Émile Gautier
- What Is Polycentric Law
- Mad Max
- Exploitation and Consumerism Are Actually A Good Thing
- Paleo-Agorism
- Steel Anarchism
- The Aggression Principle by Jreg
- Senator Armstong's "I have a dream" speech
- Archetypal Adventures: Techno-Barbarians
Online Communities
- Moral nihilism
- Polycentric law
- Bellum omnium contra omnes(War of all against all)The first description of the ideas of Avaritionism was made by Thomas Hobbes in the treatises "De cize" and "Leviathan" as the term "Bellum omnium contra omnes."
- State of Nature
Movies/Fiction Examples
- The Purge Series (The Forever Purgers from the fifth movie want it forever)
- Shin Megami Tensei (The "Chaos" faction believes in a lawless and social darwinist society)
- Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance) (Believes in an anarchic, social darwinist America. In which the weak are purged so that the strong may thrive)
- Anton Chigurh(No country for old men) (Anton is an assassin sent for Llewynn Moss, who accidentally took $2.4 million. Throughout the film, we see Anton's psychopathy bordering on obsession with achieving his goal. This character was created as an example of a psychopath and is recognized among psychologists.
- Patrick Bateman (Patrick Bateman is wealthy and materialistic yuppie and Wall Street investment banker, who has the secret life of a serial killer. History of Bateman shows, that basically, he kills those people who are repugnant to his self-esteem, or those whom he wants to kill to pleasure his ego)
- Trevor Phillips (Trevor is an infamous career criminal and former bank robber with a complicated past, who later founded his own company, Trevor Philips Enterprises, operating with drug dealing and weapon smuggling. He is known as a difficult person to deal with as he is impetuous, vengeful, psychopathic, unhinged, unpredictable, untamed, homicidal, and prone to violent outbursts and destructive rampages.)
- Rinny The Bear (As a cute-looking white bear who maintains the public image of an extremely likable and extroverted malino for the purpose of blending into the unsuspecting population, Her true nature was that of a pure cruel sexual sadist; who is willing to torture and kill others just to satisfy her lust and her addiction made her do everything to obtain it; even to the point of having a child solely to subject them to a slow and painful death once they understand the concept of agony. She's also cowardly; either by create lies to save her own skin, or abandons her own peers to the slaughter..)
Comics and Artwork
- ↑ He was firstly mentioned in an autobiographical book by Samuel Emery Chamberlain "My Confession: The Recollections of a Rogue", so he potentially can be real character
- ↑ "In such condition there is no place for industry"
- ↑ He declared that HIV doesn't exist and he invited people to have sex without protections
- ↑ as a means to be able to enter Tele Padania
- ↑ In 2015 he was reported by the AIDAA together with the porn star Moana Conti for sexual violence against a horse.
- ↑ Not to be confused with Italian politician and current prime minister
Giorgia Meloni.