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Ultranationalism is an ideology that emphasizes the importance of extreme devotion to one's own nation, and believes in always putting the national interests above all others, at any cost. It is one of the core tenants of  Fascism.


Civic Ultranationalism

"Chauvinist doesn't mean sexist. Chauvinist means extremely patriotic."

Civic Ultranationalism is a extreme form of Civic Nationalism. This form of ultranationalism sees citizens as the main priority above all others whether they be illegal immigrants or refugees.

Cultural Ultranationalism

Cultural Ultranationalism is a extreme form of Cultural Nationalism that puts a large emphasis on the preservation of the cultural and traditional values of a nation. Due to this fact, many Cultural ultranationalists are reactionaries.


Eco-Ultranationalism is a form of ultranationalism that puts an emphasis on protecting the environment. Most eco-ultranationalists believe in militant environmentalism, and support violence in order to protect the environment. Eco-ultranationalists believe that the environment is a integral part of the nations values that must be defended at any cost.


Ethno-Ultranationalism is a extreme form of ethnonationalism that calls for the genocide of ethnic minorities.

Left-Wing Ultranationalism

Left-Wing Ultranationalism is a extreme form of Left-Wing Nationalism. It can be described as a form of ultranationalism that supports socialist economics. Left-wing ultranationalists reject internationalism, believing it to be equal to capitalism. The term may also be used to describe National Bolsheviks and left-wing Jingoists.

Progressive Ultranationalism

Progressive Ultranationalism (or Ultranational Progressivism) is a culturally left form of ultranationalism. It is an extreme version of National Progressivism. Progressive Ultranationalists, who tend to be Civic Nationalists or Cultural Nationalists, seek to promote the interests of their nation, even at the expense of others, while pushing Social Progressivism at home. As such, they will support Militarism and sometimes even Imperialism, while still pushing for social justice, equality, and other progressive ideals at home.

Racial Ultranationalism

Racial Ultranationalism is a extreme form of Racial Nationalism.

Religious Ultranationalism

Religious Ultranationalism is a form of ultranationalism that buts a heavy emphasis on religion. Religious ultranationalists believe that the nations citizens are God's chosen, and that the nation is supposed to promote the interests of that religion and that the religion is a part of the country's values. Most religious ultranationalists believe in strong traditionalism, as they put an emphasis on preserving the hierarchy and traditional order that is promoted by their religion.

New Founding Fathers of America/NFFA (Fictional)

The New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) represent a radical form of ultranationalism mixed with social Darwinism, where the state enforces a hierarchy of power rooted in violent nationalism and survival of the fittest. Under the NFFA, America's greatness is tied to purging undesirable elements from society, framed as a necessary sacrifice to maintain national strength and purity.



Main Article: Volkism

Volkism was German ethnonationalist movement characterized by populism, national mysticism, agrarianism and antisemitism. Both the concept of German people as spiritual body (volk) and Jews being the "inferior, alien race" which were originally part of Völkisch movement, were later adopted by National Socialists.

Der Flügel ("The Wing") was far-right faction within Alternative for Germany party. The faction was officially dissolved in 2020. Its estimated that one out of five party members was member of the faction. Der Flügel was staunchly anti-immigration, anti-Islam movement. Being the radical wing of party, it was often accused of historical revisionism and links to neo-Nazi groups. Faction's leaders were Björn Höcke and Andreas Kalbitz (latter was expelled from party).


Spartans is a Greek ultranationalist orgnization created in 2017 by Vasilis Stigkas, a Greek politican. The party gained popularity due to its heavy use of the internet in campaigning. The party would create a coalition under the name K.Y.M.A of Hellenism with other ultranationalist parties such as LEPEN. The party participated in the 2023 elections and gained 12 seats in parliament. However, the party was banned from participating in the following years EU parliament election, in an act that was condemned by many other right-wing parties.


Toroczkaism is the ideology of Hungarian politician László Toroczkai, and his party, Our Homeland Movement. Toroczkai and his party identify as "third way", as they oppose the policies of both the opposition and Viktor Orban's government. The OHM is agrarianist, promising to create a land distribution program. The party also believes that Hungary should become economically independent. The OHM is strictly opposed to communism, calling for the demolition of communist statues, and for accountability of the leaders of defunct communist parties.


Ergue-te, originally named the National Renewal Party is a Portuguese ultranationalist party founded in 2000. It's current leader is José Pinto Coelho, who became the group's leader in 2005. The group is a prominent organizer of right-wing demonstrations in Portugal. Since 2006, Ergue-te has been attempting to recruit young school students into it's youth wing. As a result, the party has been accused of exposing children to extremist views. In 2020, the organization would change it's name from the National Renewal Party to its current name, Ergue-te, to avoid confusion with other Portuguese organizations.


Organization of Ukranian Nationalists

The Organization Of Ukrainian Nationalists was a Ukrainian ultranationalist and fascist orgnization that was founded in 1929. The organization was preceded by the Ukranian Military Orgnization, a militant organization that carried out terrorist attacks against Soviet and Polish targets. When the OUN was first founded in 1929, it became influenced by fascist and chauvinist ideologies. This began the OUN's alliance with Nazi Germany. The OUN would countinue its acts of violence against Polish targets, such as arson attacks on Polish landowners and boycotts of Polish stores in 1930. In 1934, Polish politician Bronisław Pieracki was assassinated by a member of the OUN. Around this time, the radical faction in the organization, led by Stephan Bandera, became splitting form the faction led by Andriy Melnyk. This split would intensity after the invasion of Poland and the start of the Second World War. OUN-B forces would start fighting on the side of the Axis after the invasion of the USSR in 1941. The OUN-B would carry out bloody anti-Semitic programs against Jews in Lviv that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jews in the region. After the OUN-B declared an independent Ukranian state in the territory of Lviv, Nazi forces would launch an extensive crackdown on the orgnization, leading to Bandera being sent to a concentration camp. This led to a rise of anti-German sentiment in Ukraine and the rise of general chauvinism. This would lead to the UPA, a OUN paramitlary, killing 60,000-120,000 Poles in massacres in German-occupied Poland. After the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of World War 2, OUN members would start partisan movements in Soviet Europe. The OUN would later become backed by Western forces as a result of this.

Right Sector

The Right Sector is a Ukranian ultranationalist orgnization established in November 2013. The organizations membership mostly came from other smaller right-wing groups. In January 2014, the group became internationally famous for its participation in the Euromaidan protests, were it's members attacked police with Molotov cocktails and bricks. After accusations of Anti-Semitism from Russia, the group became protecting Jewish sites in Odesa and contacting the Israeli ambassador around February of the same year. In March 2014, one of the groups leaders, Oleksandr Muzychko, was shot dead by a group of men outside of a cafe. A month after Muzychko's death, the conflict in Donbas would begin, and the Right Sector would form a paramilitary organization named the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps in July 2014. The group participated in the capture of the city of Avdiivka from Russian separatist forces, and would later participate in many other Ukranian offensives. The UVC also participated in the infamous Second Battle of Donetsk Airport from September to November. In July 2015, members of the Right Sector clashed with Ukranian forces in Zakarpattia Oblast, killing two people. The Right Sector would later lead a blockade of Russian-occupied Crimea in September 2015. In 2022, the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps would see more action as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine that year. The organization would participate in the defense of Kyiv and Chernihiv, with battles in the former resulting in the killing of the group's co-founder, Mykola Kravchenko. The UVC would become more integrated within the Ukranian armed forces, and cooperation between the forces increased. The UVC would later rebrand itself as the 67th Mechanized Brigade in order to become more integrated within the military.

United Kingdom

The English Defense League is a social movement in England that began in 2009. The EDL describes itself as part of the "counter-jihad" movement, opposing Islam. The EDL describes Islam as a"ideology" that is a threat to Western culture, Jewish people, and women. The EDL has also used populist rhetoric, claiming to represent "ordinary peoples" against the "Liberal elite". The EDL heavily invokes Crusadist imagery in its ralies. The EDL was first founded by British activist Tommy Robinson. Although Robinsons motivation for founding the group was to only fight against " radical Islam" and not Islam or the British Muslim population itself, a majority of the group had xenophobic views towards Muslims. This caused Robinson to leave the group and found a rival group, Pegida UK. After Robinson's departure, the EDL underwent a decline and eventually dissolved around 2019.

The Britain First party is another ultranationalist and anti-Islam political organization in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 2011 by Jim Dowson after he was driven out of association with the British National Party after sexual assault allegations.

The party gained popularity in 2013 after it threatened to place Islamist extremist Anjem Choudary, who was accused of radicalizing the murderers of British Army soldier Lee Rigby a few days before, under citizens arrest. The BF would also gain popularity for organizing "Christian patrols" inside and outside of mosques. The organizations leader, Paul Golding was fined in 2015 after harassing a woman who was related to an alleged mastermind behind the July 2005 bombings.

Calls for the organization to be proscribed as a terrorist group increased after the assassination of Jo Cox in 2016. In 2017, the organization became internationally famous after then-President of the United States Donald Trump retweeted three videos shared by the organization's co-leader, Jayda Fransen. Fransen would later leave the party in 2019 after serving jail time.

In 2024, the organization participated in the May 2024 local elections, notably the London mayoral elections. The party was mocked as a result of satirical candidate Count Binface gaining more votes than the BF candidate.


Ultranationalism has an introverted, uptight and stern personality, characterized by loud voice, military discipline, boundless love and adoration for his nation and people, and absolute unbreakable loyalty to them. He usually seems cold, detached and really arrogant, and can act quite cocky and unfriendly around others. He is also prone to mood swings, and can often be violent, ruthless, and downright terrifying, especially towards enemies of his nation, real or perceived. Even Ultranat's father, Nationalism, is annoyed by his son's behavior and believes he is too extreme and takes everything way too far. As such, Ultranat is somewhat difficult to be friends with, but he does usually enjoy the company of his close comrades Revolutionary Nationalism, Irredentism, Jingoism and Fascism.

Stylistic Notes

- Likes to run extremely patriotic accounts on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and such, and very often gets into arguments on the internet Balkan nationalist-style, which tend to look rather petty and hilarious to outside observers.

- Has a weird and pervasive fascination with football.

How to Draw

Flag of Ultranationalism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color it near-black,
  3. Draw two red flags in the center,
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Dark Grey#191919rgb(25, 25, 25)
 Red#C80000rgb(200, 0, 0)




  • National Liberalism - Filthy libcuck, at least he knows about the importance of the nation.
  • National Conservatism - Not bad at all but too moderate, I hope that one day you become me.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Similar to above.
  • Alt-Lite - He does a good job promoting anti-globalism but is too moderate for my taste, Tommy Robinson (apart from his betrayal to the EDL) is ok.
  • Patriotism - He is proud of Stanistan as much as I am, but he's sorta a soft-ass cuck.
  • Racial Nationalism and Ethnonationalism - Remember Soil is more important than blood nonetheless abolish ius solis is the right thing to do.


  • Globalism - I won't share a country with them.
  • Civic Nationalism - "If they came here legally and contribute"?! They don't contribute and are all illegals! That's the fuckin problem! If they did contribute and came legally OF COURSE I would've let them in. Or would I?
  • World Federalism - A united multicultural world?! You think I am just going to sit by and be subservient to lesser nations? What a pathetic excuse for an ideology you traitor.
    • No nation is lesser, we are all one world.

Further Information







Artwork and Comics


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "They claim to be National Socialist, fascist, anti-communist and anti-globalist and there are several posts critical of the liberal Hungarian-American businessman and philanthropist George Soros."
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 https://brerore.al/2021/01/23/te-ruajme-kulturen-tone/?fbclid=IwAR1rx9u1wnPNTEBedRr1DIboG2PR9FKFUYO8itgX67C-PnX_8GcK8z-wzSI
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 https://nacionale.com/politike/hitleret-shqiptare-qe-kerkojne-permbysjen-e-sistemit-interviste-me-grupin-e-erret-fashist
  4. Britain First leader Paul Golding admits attacking deputy Jayda Fransen in secret recording The Independent, 29 May 2019
  5. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britain_First#Jews_in_London
  6. https://x.com/GoldingBF/status/1712564661013385231?t=GnCIWX0Iky_aY61BBOQOHw&s=19
  7. 7.0 7.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Defence_League#Relationship_to_fascism_and_neo-Nazism
  8. 8.0 8.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Defence_League#Nationalism,_anti-immigrationism,_and_views_on_race_and_sexuality
  9. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/07/31/english-defence-league-could-proscribed-terror-organisation/
  10. https://www.partidoergue-te.pt/2023/04/obrigado-salazar/
  11. Being a fascist party, the PLNF opposed economic liberalism. However, the group did initially support Pinochet, an extreme neoliberal capitalist.
  12. We Seek To Become Like Hezbollah: Golden Dawn MP, International Business Times
  13. [1]
  14. [2]
  15. [3]
  16. [4]
  17. [5]
  18. [6]
  19. 19.0 19.1 [https://www.zavetnici.rs/porodica-je-tvrdjava-koju-treba-svi-zajedno-da-branimo-milica-djurdjevic/ "Returning to the family, we return to ourselves, to our origin, to our roots, to what we are and who we are, because when we look into the eyes of our ancestors we see ourselves, when we look into the eyes of our descendants, we also see ourselves. When we are surrounded by those we love the most, our family members, we are closest to ourselves and to the Lord God and the values of our people who have survived here for centuries."
  20. "The Serbian party Zavetnica proposes an entire strategy for environmental protection."
  21. "For the Serbian party Zavetnici AP, Kosovo and Metohija is an inalienable and integral part of the Republic of Serbia , which after the illegal military intervention, i.e. the aggression of the NATO pact, was placed under the temporary control of the UN, after which separatist-terrorist forces carried out ethnic cleansing of the Serbian and other non-Albanian population and unilaterally established parastatal institutions. Everything was preceded by decades of oppression of the Serbian people, violently changing the demographic picture of our southern province and permanent violation of basic human rights of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and other citizens loyal to the Republic of Serbia."
  22. "The Serbian party Zavetnici believes that healthcare is one of the priorities of the overall state policy. The right to health care is one of the basic human rights in the modern age"
  23. [7]
  24. Despite being anti-socialist and ethnoultranationalist, the party often pragmatically allied with the (self-proclaimed) socialist regime of Slobodan Milosevic and its multi-ethnic Socialist Party of Serbia, which is very similar to the Querfront Strategy, which advocated far-right and far-left groups to come together to achieve a shared goal.
  25. "Working towards the respect of the fundamental principles of parliamentary democracy" - Serbian wikipedia"
  26. During the 1990s, the party recruited of skinheads and used neo-Nazi symbols, Svoboda advisor Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn started a blog called "'Joseph Goebbels Political Research Centre" in 2005, Mykhalchyshyn wrote a book in 2010 citing works by Nazi theorists Ernst Röhm, Gregor Strasser and Goebbels. Elsewhere Mykhalchyshyn referred to the Holocaust as a "period of Light in history".
  27. Le Pen's party was funded by the Unification Church in France while they funded the RPR too, however that process had stopped after his speeches on Jews and gas chambers.
  28. In his political fiction book, Behind the Thistle, Krasnov describes future Russia isolated from socialist Europe by large wall and based on Nicholas I's policies.
  29. https://ellinikipatriotikienosi.blogspot.com/2017/02/blog-post_65.html?m=1
  30. https://ellinikipatriotikienosi.blogspot.com/2017/04/rothschild.html?m=1
  31. https://ellinikipatriotikienosi.blogspot.com/2017/11/blog-post_42.html?m=1
  32. http://ellinikipatriotikienosi.blogspot.com/2015/11/blog-post.html
  33. http://ellinikipatriotikienosi.blogspot.com/2017/03/blog-post_69.html
  34. https://ellinikipatriotikienosi.blogspot.com/2017/04/21-1967.html?m=1
  35. 35.0 35.1 https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/06/15/russian-far-right-party-unveils-ai-chatbot-of-deceased-leader-a81519
  36. In a sense of being a self-proclaimed liberal party that espouses reactionary rhetoric.
  37. http://andrewsolomon.com/articles/vladys-conquests/
  38. https://www.britainfirst.org/anthem
