Anarcho-Pacifism, referred to by the abbreviation AnPac, is a usually economically left,
culturally left, and
anarchist ideology that advocates for the use of non-violent action to facilitate the abolition of the state.
AnPac thought is predominantly based in the writings of Henry David Thoreau,
Leo Tolstoy, and
Mahatma Gandhi, and serves as a core tenet in most variants of
Religious Anarchism[1]. However, Anarcho-Pacifism need not be religious. Religion may be a grounds for seeking peaceful revolution as opposed to
violent revolution, but secular anarchists can support nonviolent revolution. Despite significant anarcho-pacifist thinkers citing
Thoreau as an influence, Thoreau himself did not subscribe to pacifism[2].
AnPac believes that the use of violent force stands contrary to the anti-hierarchical principle of Anarchism, as a group using force to topple a hierarchy has not eliminated it, but established itself at the head of it. Instead, AnPac favors general strikes and other forms of nonviolent revolution such as hacktivism. Despite popular belief, AnPac generally does not favor electoralism and will be mildly unhappy if another character says he does.
Despite AnPac's peaceful nature, some of its praxis can be described as somewhat radical. AnPac has been known to disrupt arms fairs and hold large 'Anti-War' protests.
Although the people attending these events are not ideologically Anarchist or even identify as such, the praxis of these demonstrations can be described as 'Anti-Statist' and
anarchist in nature.
Despite having no defined economic position, the Anarcho-Pacifist and broader peace movements can be associated strongly with Socialist,
Environmentalist and
LGBT movements. However, there are
economically right-wing anarcho-pacifists such as Adam Kokesh.
Personality and Behavior
Anarcho-Pacifism appears in comics as a timid, conflict-averse individual who is often seen haplessly trying to defuse conflicts between its ideological relatives. Other common depictions feature it as an everyman or neutral character with a professional demeanor, in a similar manner to Apoliticism and
Moderatism. Both chaotic and peaceful due to his pacifistic and anarchist nature, he likes peaceful protests.
Comic appearances
A female Anarcho-Pacifism is one of two main characters in Reddit user hydratedbirb's AnPac x AnCap comic series, which explores the budding romantic relationship between the two seemingly-incompatible anarchist ideologies. Unfortunately, this series aged pretty badly. Hydratedbirb's reddit account has also been deleted.
There was a running reddit gag that made anarcho-pacifism more aligned with Anarcho-Capitalism than the other anarchist balls, this is usually not the case as generally, (1) anarcho-pacifism is a revolutionary ideology and (2) anarcho-pacifism doesn't agree with anarcho-capitalism's hierarchical social structure even if the
NAP may sound pacifist.
How To Draw
- Draw a ball with eyes,
- Draw a black diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right of the ball,
- Color the upper half of the ball white and the lower half black.
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
Best Friends!
Religious Anarchism - We tend to get along very well since most of you are pacifistic.
Philosophical Anarchism - Based brother!
Utopian Socialism - Using peace to end capitalism seems like a pretty good idea.
Taoist Anarchism - Taoism tends to be peaceful, we get along quite well!
Libertarianism - Is also anti-war and anti-authoritarian, but he likes owning, and selling weapons but NAP helps with that problem. Sadly does he fully reject the state, either. Shame.
Anarcho-Distributism - Truly subscribes to Catholic doctrine, and while I'm not often Catholic, Catholics are supposed to believe in peace and love.
Agorism - Another fellow anarchist who knows how to end the state without violence.
Buddhist Anarchism - Very peaceful ideology. Based!
Cosmopolitanism - It's much better that we focus more of what we have in common than what we don't, because we really are part of one community at the end of the day.
Apoliticism - Always nice to me and invites me to cookouts, but doesn't want to upset the status quo. Says I'm "better than the other anarchists".
Isolationism - You are against wars and imperialism, which is awesome! However, why won't you see that refusing to accept other cultures is inherently oppressive?!
Agrarianism -
Anprim can get a little violent on occasion and you're close with him. An agrarian system could potentially lead to less large-scale violence, as commodities would more likely be produced and controlled locally, however he might have a hard time with violence inside the community.
Anarcho-Capitalism - Your NAP is a good premise, but capitalism leaves the door open for a lot of indirect violence not covered by the NAP, if a company town forms and one day an employee upsets their boss, starving them would not be directly aggressive, but I'd argue it's still violent.
Anarcho-Communism - I hate the cops as much as you do but coordinated tax evasion is a much better strategy than beating them over the head, which is to say, I'm not often a fan of your means, but your goal seems nice enough.
Existentialist Anarchism - Some of your followers support me, but I still don't like your rejection of morality.
Paleoconservatism - Usually authoritarian, but at least peaceful and dislikes empire-building.
Not friends
Neoconservatism - So your plan is to enforce the will of the state upon other nations through strong military force, so that they then bolster your forces when you're trying to enforce the will of the state upon other nations?
Trotskyism - Same as above, but socialist.
Wat do you mean you are not a red neocon?Posadism - So your plan is to inflict one of the worst possible genocides that falls short of instant human extinction for everlasting peace? You make the last guy sound halfway sane...
Insurrectionary Anarchism - At least when the state does violence it has an end-goal in mind! You're just violent for the sake of it!
Illegalism - Same as above, but worse.
Hindutva - Why did you murder
Reactionary Socialism - I still don't get how socialism is compatible with feudalism...
Mercantilism &
Jacksonian Democracy - My entire identity is shaped from rejecting your authoritarian jerkishness.
Chomskyism - Your self-described anarchism and anti-war stance makes me inclined to like you more, but I just can't ignore your REALLY bad habit of downplaying the crimes of tyrannical dictators just because they don't like America. It makes me seriously question to what degree you're really an anarchist...
Anarcho-Nihilism - I hope you realize one day that the world really isn't so bad of a place. Also, why are most of you so violent?
State Atheism - Yes, religions have been used to justify some pretty awful things in the past, but have you ever thought that they can also hold some very real value and wisdom if you look closer? And this goes without saying, but persecuting innocent people is a very not good thing to do.
Meanies who I don't like (okay im sowwy just pweese don't hurt me!)
Totalitarianism - A scary meanie!
Marxism-Leninism - You're so mean! Stop being so violent! Pretty please?
Nazism - Above but worse.
National Bolshevism - This two combined.
Fourth Theory - Even worse...
Crusadism &
- Justifying violence with religion? Disgusting.
Racial Nationalism - You often lead to genocide and terrorism, and I don't really like both.
Ultranationalism -You promote division and increase conflict.
National Capitalism - Biggest meanie ever! He's so greedy and bigoted and fear mongering. Worst ideology ever.
Kraterocracy - NO! THIS IS THE WORST!
Social Darwinism,
Avaritionism &
Combatocracy - NO! JUST NO!
Neo-Bolshevism &
Death Worship - Eternal war between totalitarian states is my nightmare.
Stratocracy - Your wars only prolong the suffering.
Kleptocracy - The same as above, the mafia is just an irregular army.
Jingoism &
Irredentism - Your entire belief systems are based on war.
State Liberalism and
Neo-Enlightenment - Manipulating and warmongering... Oh god... Why people like you exist?
Alternative designs
Libertarian Pacifism
Comics and Artwork
Further Information
- ↑ Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre. (March 2010). "A Christian Anarchist Critique of Violence: From Turning the Other Cheek to a Rejection of the State". Political Studies Association. Archived on 2011-08-12.
- ↑ Meyer, Michael. (1980). "Thoreau's Rescue of John Brown from History" Studies in the American Renaissance, pp. 301–316