European Federalism

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"Yes, it is Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, it is Europe, it is the whole of Europe, that will decide the fate of the world."

European Federalism or Eurofederalism, sometimes called Europeanism, is a Pan-Nationalist ideology focused on creation of a federal and usually democratic superstate, uniting European nations.


Ancient Rome

The Roman Republic and Roman Empire had a significant influence on the Europeanist ideology. The Roman Empire was the only nation that to this day, at its peak in 117 AD controlled majority of European continent and was the first ever Pan-European state. Rome spread its laws, culture, philosophy and later Christianity throughout Europe, forming the foundation for Pan-European identity.

Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire

With the coronation of Charlemagne as the Emperor of Rome in the idea of a sole sovereign Emperor would re-emerge in the West. The idea of the Holy Roman Empire possessing a special sovereignty as a Universal Monarchy was respected by the surrounding powers and subject states, even when that Empire had undergone severe fragmentation.

Otto's Universalism

Ruling since 996 to 1002 AD Holy Roman Emperor Otto III dreamed of a united Europe, creating a concept of universal Holy Roman Empire that would consist of 4 lands: Germania, Italia, Galia and Sclavinia, effectively creating a Pan-European universal monarchy centered around the Holy Roman Emperor.

Renaissance and Dante Alighieri

Italian Poet Dante Alighieri saw the reality he lived in as decadent and in civilizational decay. He compared his homeland, Florence to Babylon and said it was ruled by the lazy, dumb and malicious. The solution for that problem in his opinion was his concept of universal European monarchy. In Dante's opinion an Emperor already possesses everything so he can't fall to greed or envy. Alighieri's Universal Empire was to become a state that would fulfill all needs of its subjects, both material welfare and spiritual salvation. The Emperor was to be the servant of his people's, of which the dominant one would be Italians as the inheritors of Rome.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Another influence on Eurofederalism was French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte. The conquests of the First French Empire were another attempt to unite all of the European continent under single authority. They also had a significant influence in spreading the ideas of constitutionalism, nationalism and republicanism to all European nations. According to Felix Markham, during a conversation on St. Helena, Napoleon Bonaparte himself remarked: "Europe thus divided into nationalities freely formed and free internally, peace between States would have become easier: the United States of Europe would become a possibility". However, one could argue that anti-Napoleon coalitions themselves were an example of pan-European cooperation against a common threat.

Pan-Europa Movement

The Pan-Europa movement was created shortly after the publication of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi's 1923 manifesto Paneuropa, which presented the idea of a unified European State. This movement, led by Coudenhove-Kalergi and subsequently by Otto von Habsburg, is the oldest European unification movement. His ideas influenced Aristide Briand, who gave a speech in favour of a European Union in the League of Nations on 8 September 1929, and in 1930, who wrote his "Memorandum on the Organization of a Regime of European Federal Union" for the Government of France.

After World War II

European Economic Community and Schuman Plan

Created as the continuation of European Coal and Steel Community, spearheaded by French and German Christian Democrats, The European Economic Community was meant to bind European nations together economically, and bring their political and economic interests closer to prevent the possibility of another war between Europeans. While the EEC was far from anything resembling a federal state, it was something that Euro-federalists believed could in time evolve in a more integrated construct and someday a European Federation. One of EEC architects Jean Monnet believed that the EEC can be used as a tool for gradual centralization of political authority in Europe, justifying it with common economic interest it would gradually turn into a Federal European Republic.

Europe a Nation

Another Post-WW2 proponent of a united European state was a former British Fascist leader Oswald Mosley. In his book The Alternative publicized in 1947, he argued that the traditional vision of nationalism that had been followed by the various shades of pre-war fascism had been too narrow in scope and that the post-war era required a new paradigm in which Europe would come together as a single state. Although Mosley rejected any notions for Federal Europe, instead calling for creation of a unitary European fascist republic, his idea of Europe a Nation was the first example of a far-right vision of united Europe.


Eurocommunists were a revisionist communist movement, that said they had developed a theory and practice of social transformation more relevant for Western Europe. One of the founding fathers of the European Union, Altiero Spinelli was a prominent figure among the Eurocommunist movement. After the war, Spinelli, leading the European Federalist Movement, played an important role in the early episodes of European integration, criticising the small steps approach and the dominance of intergovernmentalism, feeling even that the chance to unite Europe had been missed as sovereign states were re-established without any common bond other than the functionalist OEEC and the largely symbolic Council of Europe. Even the European Coal and Steel Community was felt to be too sectoral. The EFM believed governments alone would never relinquish their national power without popular pressure. They advocated a European constituent assembly to draft a European Constitution.

Modern World

European Union

Just like with its predecessor, EEC, Eurofederalists see the modern EU as another stepping stone on the process of federalization. The debate between the future of EU is currently focused between 2 direction it may take. The decentralized "Europe of Nations" which is supported by people that would like to come back to more purely economic cooperation of EEC and "United States of Europe" which is supported by people that believe in Eurofederalism. One of the leading Eurofederalist organizations, other than the old European Federalist Movement, that works within the framework of the European Union is the Pan-European technoliberal party called Volt Europa.


While many identitarians generally dismiss the European Union as "corrupt" and "authoritarian". The Identitarian movement remains under the strong influence of ethnonationalism that prevents it from completely rejecting the Eurofederalist idea, the voices for a creation of Pan-European political body to protect European civilization from influences of Chinese and Americans are common among its members.

Richard B. Spencer

Richard B. Spencer is an alt-right commentator who is critical of "euroskepticism". Despite being an outspoken critic of the current European Union, he supports the idea of Pan-Europeanism, which is a view held by people in the identitarian movement.

Imperium Evropa


Eurofascists are a group of Fascists who while they hate the current EU and Liberalism, believe that European Unity is the only way forward, since all other World Powers are hostile to the people of Europe too.

How to Draw

Flag of European Federalism

EuroFed's flag is essentially just an EU flag.

  1. Draw a ball and color it Navy Blue.
  2. Draw a circle of 12 golden stars.
  3. Add eyes.

And you are done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 Navy Blue#006AA7rgb(0, 106, 167)
 Gold#FFFF00rgb(255, 255, 0)




  • British Fascism - Why do you insist on unitarism? Only federal Europe is sustainable.
  • Multiculturalism - Everybody's welcome! As long as you don't do anything stupid that is. And remember, Europe > the world. Plus, united Europe already has multiple cultures, even without immigrants.
  • American Model - "Friends", depending on the president, although I like them a lot more. I wish I could choose my own security instead of relying on a few thousand voters from the Rust Belt every four years. Spending 2% on military is hard, also school shootings and no healthcare lol
  • Nordic Model - Based Scandinavians! Except for Norway and Iceland.
    • Faen deg! Jeg vil aldri gi deg oljen og fiskene mine!
    • I wanted to join during the recession. But we'll think about holding a referendum in the near future.
  • Agrarianism - THIRTY. EIGHT. PERCENT. You're too oversubsidized! Now get back to work or I'll turn your tractors into scrap!
  • Walter Hallstein - Our other less talked about founder.
  • Neoconservatism - NATO is good and all, but the EU army will be better, even though I don't want to spend 2% on the military. Not to mention I wanna become less dependent on the Yanks, now that the Orange bastard is back again.
    • So are you going to apologize for calling me braindead now?
    • That was in 2019 and I didn't know what was going to happen, okay?!
  • Eurocommunism - As much as I respect Altiero Spinelli, communism is not the way to go.
  • Syncretic Populism - Many of you within the EU hate my guts, but some outside of it don't.
  • Left-Wing Populism - Unlike his crazy conspiracy theorist brother he at least is open to reforming me rather than outright leaving, and he at least supports immigrants but still annoying when it comes to economics, oh and some of you are eastern supporters or sympathizers.
  • Democratic Socialism - Mostly another annoying Eurosceptic, though some of his American supporters seem to have a weird quasi-crush on me. Also, George Orwell apparently supported me, so that's something.
  • Separatism - A lot of annoying Eurosceptics here as well, but the SNP and Plaid Cymru really like me, so that's cool.
  • Gaullism - I'm glad some of your modern variants are more supportive of me, but I still remember when De Gaulle vetoed Britain from joining the EEC.
    • Hey, I told you not to trust Britain.
  • Dengism - You were a good trading partner in the past but it seems like we'll be going separate ways due to your increasing authoritarianism. We'll also stay out of Taiwan crisis.
  • Zhivkovism - You are a communist and an ethnic nationalist, but at least you were somewhat close to the west if compared with the rest of Eastern Europe. Yet I'm glad the flag of Europe has been used for your birthday celebrations since 2012!
    • Какво?
  • Helvetic Model - Still waiting for him to stop being so stubborn and JOIN US ALREADY! But other than that we're good.
    • Nein, danke.
  • Kaczysm - How's Putinflation going?
  • Neo-Ottomanism - We had a good thing going for us at the start, but then you became increasingly more authoritarian, so I had to freeze your EU application. Not to mention that most of our members don't really like you that much.
    • Pfft, umurumda değil. Never liked this "European family" bs anyway. Plus, the Balkans are of rightful Ottoman clay.


  • Euroscepticism - Garbage people who are trying to divide us.
  • Putinism - We had a good thing, you wannabe empire! We had Merkel, we had pipelines, we had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork! You could have shut your mouth, sell us gas, and made as much money as you ever needed! It was perfect! But no! You just had to start a war! You, and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man! If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now!
  • Lukashenkoism - Putin's puppet state and the last dictatorship in Europe.
  • Ethnonationalism & Racial Nationalism - One people. THE EUROPEAN PEOPLE.
  • Jihadism - STOP TERRORIZING MY CITIZENS!!!! please? Remember the the last time Europe united against Islamic aggression?
    • That's what you get for meddling in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria! Not to mention that you welcomed thousands of refugees from those said countries, some of whom sympathyze with me.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Very dangerous to our union.
    • Sending more migrants our way won't fix the problem, y'know. Enjoy your downfall.
  • National Liberalism - Not very different from the guy above, honestly.
  • Faragism - Cringe Brexiteer! Are you happy now?!
  • Bojoism - You apparently only backed Brexit in order to further your career- now both are in the gutter.
  • Korwinism - I'm not the fourth Reich yet, you bigot!
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Similar to the three previous one above him. Stop saying that I'm a neo-marxist plot!
  • Orbanism - I can't wait for Hunexit to become real so I won't have to hear your whining anymore.
    • (sigh) Next Tuesday, Magyar, next Tuesday. Maybe we should replicate 1956 so we don't have to deal with you anymore?
  • Bennism - No, we're not "building an empire" for now and we aren't "fundamentally undemocratic".
  • Khomeinism - Sanctions go brrrrrrrr
  • Fourth Theory - Utter insanity and my arch-nemesis.
  • Nazism - You oppressed and killed millions of Europeans under the belief that your "master race" should be the ones ruling the whole continent! That is not the kind of European unity that I want! Let's not talk about Hallstein.
  • Marxism–Leninism - Same with you!
  • National Bolshevism - NO.
  • Hoppeanism - I dream of everything but a Europe consisting of 1,000 Lichtensteins.
  • Muskism - We can Make Europe Great Again once we Make Elon Go Away.


Further Information


Online Communities



  1. Although the term "Pro-European" implies approval of the European Union, it is not inherently Pro-Eurointegration
  2. Chen has made multiple tweets in support of the EU as a "potential counterbalance to US hegemony".
  3. PIGS - a derogatory term used to describe struggling southern european economies during the European debt crisis. It used to include the Republic of Ireland. Basically, countries who refuse to pay their debts.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kalergi Plan
  2. Professor Ludwig von Mises studied currency problems for Coudenhove-Kalergi's movement.
  3. He was an enthusiastic supporter of "fourteen points" made by Woodrow Wilson.
  5. [1]
  6. [2]
