"Some well-fed foreigners with nothing to do, poking their noses into our affairs. China does not export revolution, does not export hunger and poverty, and does not toss you, there is nothing to say."
Isolationism is a usually nationalist,
non-quadrant ideology, which believes that its nation's interests are the most important, and it wants to keep the affairs of other countries at a distance.
The term "Isolationism" can be interpreted more broadly as a foreign policy of military and political non-interference in international affairs and in the internal affairs of sovereign states, coupled with Economic Nationalism and cultural isolation, as well as with the impossibility of being in permanent
military alliances
, while maintaining the possibility of participation in temporary military alliances that meet the current interests of the state and in permanent international organizations of a non-military nature.
Moderate Isolationism
Moderate Isolationism also known as non-interventionism, is a version of isolationism that avoids being involved in most regional alliances, but isn't opposed to international co-operation or involving itself in international organizations.
Total Isolationism
Total Isolationism is a version of isolationism that completely avoids any interaction with the outside world in any context, and is opposed to joining any regional alliance or involving itself in intergovernmental organizations.
Non-Interventionism is a variant of Isolationism that supports a foreign policy that doesn't interfere in the domestic politics and affairs of other countries, mostly for anti-war and anti-imperialist reasons. However, it rejects total isolation and can support free trade, peaceful international cooperation, and/or immigration.
Peaceful Nationalism
Peaceful Nationalism is a political current that combines nationalism with peaceful values.

The United States of America under President Calvin Coolidge (from 1923 to 1929) was a great example of isolationism. Coolidge was a right-wing libertarian that wanted to shrink the government in many ways, especially by allowing more civil liberties, democracy, and capitalism to flourish. Coolidge also greatly reduced the US military budget to lower the US's impact on the world stage. He also rose tariffs to a MASSIVE extent to protect domestic industry. Basically, he wanted the United States to have an extremely small to non-existent impact on the rest of the world.
Main article:
After 1978, the People's Republic of Albania adopted a policy of strict neutrality. By that point, they have already cut ties with the USSR, Yugoslavia and China. Hoxha ordered the border closed and build a lot of bunkers to prevent potential invasions from Yugoslavia and Greece. The peak of isolationism lasted for 7 years. After Hoxha's death, Alia abandoned isolationism and developed a friendly relationship with the West. The last vestiges of isolationism died down after Berisha and his successors solidified the pro-EU and pro-NATO course.
Bhutan is one of the foremost examples of Isolatonism with much of it being caught within a time stasis isolated from the outside world.
Bhutan has also isolated itself in terms of economics by Implementing a concept called "gross national happiness". Bhutan's King Jigme Singye Wangchuck and its government have promoted this concept since 1972, based on Buddhist spiritual values, and as a counter to gauging a nation's development by gross domestic product (GDP), representing a commitment to building an economy that would serve Bhutan's culture based on Buddhist spiritual values instead of material development, such as being gauged by only GDP.
Between 1641 and 1853, the feudal Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan pursued a policy called Kaikin, which forbade any contact with foreign countries. Despite that, Japan maintained limited trade and diplomatic relations with
Imperial China, the
Joseon dynasty, and nearby
Ryukyu Islands, as well as the
Dutch Republic, Japan's only Western trading partner for most of the period.
Main article:
In the mid-1860s, Regent Heungseon Daewongun, father of Emperor Gojong, pursued a policy of strict foreign policy isolation as he strengthened the army and began to equip it with the latest Japanese weapons, reorganized the military system, transformed the coast guard. The policy of isolation has strengthened Korean patriotism and protected their culture. Heungseon Daewongun was able to protect Joseon from cultural imperialism and westernization and thus protect Korea's heritage from it. He also wanted to avoid engaging with the West, which would have been inevitable if Western countries had been allowed to trade freely, as this would have worsened the state's influence.
Modern-day Korean isolationism exists within the borders of North Korea and their
Juche ideology which promotes strict autarky. Despite this, they are not neutral and take the
pro-east side, having favorable relationships with Russia, Iran and China.
Main article:
De Francism
Main article:
Helvetic Model

'In Turkmenistan, the Turkmen Model' Is an economically center, totalitarian and culturally apathetic ideology. It is focused on a state capitalist economy focused on exporting natural resources, such as natural. It initially had a one-party system before deciding on a strong non-partisan executive.
- Usually stays at a (sometimes fortified and well-defended) home and refuses to go outside.
- Rarely talks to anyone, including their own family.
- "What happens over there stays there."
- Isolationism's reaction to literally anything.
How to Draw
Isolationism has two designs. One features a brick wall with barbed wire to represent isolation, especially closed-off borders. The other is simply the icon of Isolationism on 9Axes.
Wall variant

- Draw a ball.
- Fill two thirds of it with dark green.
- Draw a dark grey brick wall and the barbed wire on top in the bottom third of the ball.
- Add the eyes.
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Dark Green | #327D4B | rgb(50, 125, 75) | |
Very Dark Grey | #191919 | rgb(25, 25, 25) |
Flag variant
- Draw a ball.
- Fill it with purple.
- Draw a silhouette of a waving flag
- Add the eyes
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Purple | #9C27B0 | rgb(156, 39, 176) | |
Very Dark Grey | #191919 | rgb(25, 25, 25) |
Protectionism - The economy should be protected against foreign influence. (Switzerland supports free trade, but I'll let it slide this time.
I'll also let it slide that some of you are imperialist)Nationalism - The nation's interest is very important.
National Liberalism - The best form of liberalism, although you're too pro-free-trade sometimes.
Paleoconservatism - The best form of conservatism.
Paleolibertarianism - The best form of libertarianism.
National Libertarianism - Another very based libertarian. Coolidge was the last great president of the USA.
Anarcho-Capitalism &
Hoppeanism - Rothbard and Hoppe are based.
Juche &
Hoxhaism - The best forms of socialism, especially the latter guy.
National Anarchism - The best form of anarchism.
Ethnopluralism - Send them to their chambers, lock 'em up!
Indigenism - He understands that the outsiders don't care for his people or their way of life!
Helvetic Model - My Capitalist, Democratic child from Switzerland & Liechtenstein, two best countries in Europe.
Tokugawa Period - Probably the best period in Japanese history. (Though sometimes you definitely went too far, like forbidding even Japanese shipwreck survivors to return home aboard foreign ships.)
Alter-Globalism - The best form of globalism, but still cringe. At least he hates some of my enemies though.
Patriotism - You don't go far enough, but at least you're usually not a globalist cuck.
Trumpism - You kept screaming "America First!", yet ended up turning your back on me for
Marxism–Leninism - You talked about Socialism in one country, but then ruined it by invading Poland.
Still sounds better thanTrotsky's "permanent revolution"
Pol Potism - You said that you would be neutral and non-aligned, but then you tried to invade Vietnam.
De Francism - You were going great until that idiot Solano López messed it up.
Chinese Theocracy - Sometimes a based Isolationist, at other times a cringe Imperialist.
Autarchy &
Asocialism - I wanted the isolation of our nation from the rest of the world, not the isolation of every individual from each other.
de Valerism - Thanks to you, Ireland for a while became one of the better European polities (you did cooperate with the Allies in WW2, but given what the Axis was up to, I can't really blame you). I still wish your successors didn't bring the Emerald Isle into the EU.
Nordic Model - At least
two of you
tried to keep neutrality in the Cold War even if they were pro-free-trade, and
Denmark also was neutral before WW2. Shame it all went down the drain in 2022.
Anarcho-Pacifism &
Pacifist Feminism - We all oppose foreign wars, although for very different reasons.
Globalism and
World Federalism - Globalization is an awful idea and it won't work.
Universal Monarchism - Sorry, I'm not interested in your global personal union.
Imperialism - We shouldn't conquer nor invade other nations!
Jingoism &
Irredentism - Fine, I'll say it again: We shouldn't conquer nor invade other nations!!! (Even if some of their territory was once ours.)
Neoliberalism - The worst form of liberalism.
State Liberalism - This one is even worse than the guy above. No, I will not open up, and stop throwing rainbow rocks through my windows, you pink imperialist dick!
Fordism - Same with you.
Neoconservatism - The worst form of conservatism. Also, you're literally not conserving anything at all.
Neo-Libertarianism - The worst form of libertarianism. Also, you're weird.
Trotskyism - Permanent revolution? What the fuck! Piss off commie! And btw you're basically just
red neocon
Castroism - You call yourself an "anti-imperialist" but then intervene militarily in other countries and finance rebel groups just to promote your "revolution"? Are you kidding me, man? You're pretty much just another red neocon.
Jacobinism - Exporting revolution? Aren't you just
his prototype?
Anationalism - The worst form of anarchism. Also, you’re just literally Anarcho-Imperialism anyway.
Meijism - If you knew
your push to end Japan's isolation would lead to, would you still see it as worth trying?
Nazism - Imperialist asshat who called Switzerland "a pimple on the face of Europe". If so, then your Reich, all your RKs and puppet states are cancer cells on the face of not only Europe but ALSO THE ENTIRE... WORLD!
Gaddafism - Hates Switzerland like
him, funded foreign rebel groups like
him, and later on worked with
him. Truly the worst of various worlds.
Bio-Posadism - Your virus will never get into my homeland because I closed the border. And if it starts in my homeland, the border will prevent it from spreading abroad.
American Model - Why did you leave me? :(
Further Information
- Ruhnama: The Book of the Soul by Saparmurat Niyazov
By country:
- Hawk, Dove, Eagle or Headless Chicken? US Foreign Policy under Trump by Jonas von Hoffmann
- The Weirdest Dictator in Modern History by A Grain of Salt
- Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868) by Simple History (Isolationism at 6:33 and 8:45)
- The Real Reason Why North Korea Is So Isolated by NowThis World
- Neutrality in Europe after 2022 by Kraut
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