Fourth Theory
"In principle, Eurasia and our space, the heartland Russia, remain the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-american revolution... The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us. This common civilizational impulse will be the basis of a political and strategic union."
Fourth Theory is a reactionary,
authoritarian and economically
third positionist (but tolerant of other forms of economic illiberalism) ideology that claims to go beyond the 3 modern political theories,
Communism and
Fascism. According to
Fourth Theory,
Liberalism and its associated
Post-Modernism have successfully defeated their 2 major political opponents (
Marxism–Leninism and
Fascism), and are currently destroying politics as a whole.
Fourth Theory rejects the ideas that the main subject of politics is one of
class or
nation but one of Dasein, a concept of Heideggerian philosophy that roughly refers to the experience of being unique to humans. The Fourth Theory also wants and calls for a return to
traditionalism and
theology, because it seeks to return to a set of values that oppose those of the current
liberal modernity. This article discusses Fourth Theory from the point of view of Dugin as well as the Russian government. However, it is crucial to point out that Dugin's views and the Russian government's views are not the same despite the huge overlap.
Aleksandr Dugin
Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin is a
Russian political philosopher, analyst, and strategist known for his
anti-liberal, and
anti-western views. Aleksandr Dugin is believed to have close ties to
Vladimir Putin's regime and influenced aspects of Putin's foreign policy over the past two decades.
Dugin was baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church at age six by his great-grandmother. In 1999, he formally joined a group called the Old Believers, who reject certain reforms made by the official Russian Orthodox Church in the 1600s. His Eurasian philosophy is influenced by Traditional Integralism, Nouvelle Droite, and Neopaganism, particularly Slavic Native Faith like Anastasianism and Ynglism. Dugin's ideas also draw from Hermetic, Gnostic, and Eastern traditions, advocating for the use of "Eastern theology and mystical currents" in his Fourth Political Theory.
Marlene Laruelle suggests that Dugin's affiliation with the Old Believers allowed him to navigate between Paganism and Orthodox Christianity. He sees Russian Orthodoxy, especially among the Old Believers, as preserving an esoteric character lost in Western Christianity. This enabled him to formulate a merger of Russian Orthodox tradition with Neopaganism, providing a nationalist anchor rooted in Russian culture.
In the 1980s, during the late days of the Soviet Union, Dugin was an
anti-communist dissident and worked as a
journalist before becoming involved in politics just before the fall of communism. In 1988, he and his friend Geydar Dzhemal joined the
ultranationalist group Pamyat (Memory), which would later give rise to Russian fascism. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Dugin helped to write the political program for the newly reformed Communist Party of the Russian Federation under the leadership of
Gennady Zyuganov. In 1993, he co-founded the
National Bolshevik Party along with
Eduard Limonov. Dugin, however, left the party 5 years later after he disagreed with Limonov and other members of the party on policies.
Dugin published the book Foundations of Geopolitics in 1997 which has been used as a textbook in the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian military and is been by western analysts as the Russian version of Manifest Destiny. In Foundations of Geopolitics, Dugin calls for Russia to take back control over regions that once belonged to the former Russian Empire and unite Eurasia against
the US and
NATO and
liberal values.
Dugin supports Vladimir Putin and his foreign policies and "military operations" in Chechnya,
Syria, and
Ukraine (although he believes that Putin hasn't gone far enough).
Dugin published in 2009 the book that originated his current ideology, In The Fourth Political Theory he argues that Liberalism has led to globalization, the erosion of national identities, and the subjugation of cultures under a homogeneous, capitalist-driven logic. Meanwhile, Communism and Fascism have been discredited and are no longer relevant. The Fourth Political Theory is thus Dugin’s attempt to create a new political ideology that could attempt to defeat Liberalism and establish a multipolar world order, where different civilizations and nations are allowed to assert their own autonomy and cultural identity, free from the pressures of globalization and Western imperialism.
Fourth Political Theory to Supersede the Three

The Fourth Theory believes that there are three main political ideologies which are Liberalism,
Communism, and
Liberal politics were based on individualism,
Communist politics is based on class, while
Fascist politics was based on nation and race.
Fourth Theory itself then believes to be itself a completely new ideology away from the orthodox three considering it as superceding the three. Thus Fourth Theory politics are based on what's known as Dasein also known as existence itself along with ethnos which is cultural phenomenon as a community of language, religious beliefs, daily life, and sharing of resources "as an organic entity."
Dasein is a Heideggerian concept and one of the main ideas of Fourth Theory. Dasein can be translated as "being here/there", and it is Heidegger's understanding of human nature. It is a human Being which is always embedded in concrete historical, temporal, cultural and local reality. Dasein is particular, not universal. It is shared with other members of a community, but not with all of humanity. It can be understood as subjectivity. Subjectivity, particularly cultural, shapes a large part in how Fourth Theory sees the world.
The Fourth Theory is deeply influenced by Traditionalism. It promotes the preservation of traditional values and is strongly opposed to modern liberal societal values such as
secularism and
materialism. It has strong spiritual foundations that borrow especially from
Orthodox Christian tradition. The Fourth Theory advocates for societies to recognize the importance of tradition, faith and the natural order.
The Fourth Theory really hates liberalism and believes that Liberalism has beaten the other two ideologies,
Fascism and
Communism. Therefore, despite having disagreements with both of those ideologies, it seeks to create an alliance of anti-liberal forces in a common struggle against liberalism because it sees it as way worse and
satanic. It is often anti-American and sees
America as responsible for global liberalism. It doesn't like modern technology and sees it as a tool of the
globalists, but nevertheless doesn't completely reject it because it would leave Russia and other illiberal countries defenseless against the "Great Satan".
Fourth theory considers liberalism racist because it sees it as intolerant of illiberal cultures, and views it as a form of cultural supremacism.
Dugin, following Popper, has assessed that there is a fundamental struggle between the friends of Open Society and the enemies of Open Society. Open Society is based on central role of an individual and its basic characteristic features. The enemies of Open Society advance various theoretical models based on the rejection of the individual's central role. Practically, noone from Open Society enemies (Such as fascists, marxist-leninists, various reactionaries, traditionalists and others) admitted their relation to the analogous ideologies. The fascists and communists rejected the historical national-bolsheviks' integrationist efforts. At the same time the different versions of Open Society itself were developed jointly with one another, the varied versions of the “individualist” philosophy have gradually concentrated in the ideological camp of the liberals, uniting the "right" (Market theory) and "left" (Legal society, human rights and so forth) varieties of individualism. As a result the enemies of the Open Society were able to win only a temporary victory over liberalism in the 20th century before being defeated.
The Fourth Theory rejects the Enlightenment idea of placing humans at the center of existence, it challenges the primacy of individualism in
Liberalism, class reductionism in
Communism, and ethnocentrism in
Fascism. Instead, it advocates for a post-anthropocentric world in which human interests are subordinated to spiritual, metaphysical, and cosmic orders.
Foreign Policy 
Duginism believes that the world is in a stage called unipolarity where the United States and liberalism act as the dominant power force on international relations. It denies national self determination in favor of Western Capitalist cliques.
Probably the most well known and most understandable part of Fourth Theory is its foreign policy. Fourth Theory believes in Eurasianism, a socio-political movement that believes Russia to be a standalone civilization not a part of Europe or Asia, but with roots of both. Russia should aim to retake land lost in the 20th century and then aim to unite the Eurasian continent in a coordinated struggle to fight Atlanticist hegemony. Despite its opposition to Russian ethno-nationalism, critics have labelled Eurasianism as a national mythos designed to justify Russian chauvinism. Due to this belief, it is often called "Russian Manifest Destiny".
A key concept in Russian foreign policy is the idea of multipolarity, where states and civilizations across the globe exercise their own power in contrast with the Western-led unipolar hegemony. Fourth Theory claims that the fight for multipolarity is important in countering liberal hegemony, and in the construction of a more just world.
Much of the Alt-Right and
conservative left are also attracted to the views of Dugin. It is rumored that
Fourth Theory has influenced
Putin to invade Ukraine.[11]
Fourth Theory views Russia's Dasein as liberating because it sees other cultures and nations as itself, as opposed to Western Dasein which is neurotic and anxious, perceiving others as hostile. It also sees Russian imperialism and foreign policy, as well as the policy of all countries, as constrained and determined by geopolitical "big spaces".
New Resistance
The New Resistance is a
revolutionary nationalist organization that was founded in 2015. Its current leader is
Raphael Machado.
The organization and its members hold socially traditionallist views, opposing the
LGBTQ movement, the
Black Lives Matter movement, and
"gender ideology".
The organization opposes Laissez-faire economic policies, such as the privatization of
public companies. Instead, the organization advocates for
distributist economics.
An ex-nato soldier in Thailand, very pro-Monarchy (WIP)
Similar to how Neoreactionaryism is often portrayed as the
Alt-Right's more "intellectual" brother, Fourth Theory is also portrayed as
Nazbol's more "intellectual" and less GANG-focused brother.
He's often calm enough towards other ideologies in spite of his litany of insults towards anything liberal, while his eccentric and anti-Western views make many ideologies hate him, with others taking him as an ally of convenience - which he reciprocates, allowing his hatred of the Western world to surpass any other hate he might feel towards them. Often resorting to violent solutions regarding global issues, Fourth Theory has earned a reputation of fear and hatred from many, particularly those he considers Atlanticists. Many illiberal ideologies side with him for his unrestrained hatred and opposition towards liberalism. He expects other political ideologies to either side with him or his
arch nemesis, with many refraining from doing so.
Stylistic Notes
- Like
Marxism–Leninism, Fourth Theory possesses a heavy Russian accent.
- Occasionally wears traditional Russian clothing, preferably an ushanka.
- Likes
throwing people out of windows.
- Enjoys driving
- Believes he has the pretext to invade people's homes if he thinks
Neoconservatism is there.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with black
- Draw 4 sets of double-pointed yellow arrows at 45-degree angles from one another (The Symbol of Chaos)
- Add eyes, and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Yellow | #FFCD01 | rgb(255, 205, 1) |
Friends of Eurasia
Caesarism and
Byzantine Model - Great predecessors, Russia will carry on your work.
Neo-Bolshevism - Eurasia forever! Although, you do take it a little far...
Conservative Socialism - On a good path. Your
Patriotic Socialism variant is especially based.
Wagenknecht and
Fusaro are one of those rare glimmers of hope among the degenerate Western world.
Reactionary Socialism - Nice cultural policies.
Anti-Centrism - Beyond left and right and against the center.
NO, I am NOT working withthose two
Authoritarian Conservatism - You know how to run things.
Combatocracy - There should be an
Aristocracy of warriors who are chosen by how well they fight!
Contrarianism - Literally anybody siding with the
Atlanticists is automatically my enemy.
Irredentism - Malorossiya and Finland have always been a part of Russia and we are simply rebuilding our traditional heritage. I'd also love for Russia to split Poland with Germany again!
Protectionism - Russia has more than enough materials of every sort to sustain itself.
State Socialism,
State Capitalism and
Welfare Chauvinism - The economic systems of most of my followers.
Putinism - The Western media outlets will always think that I'm your ideological brain. Your moves in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and others are great but you'll need to have more ideological institutions. Regardless, we MUST win against the Nazis, for there can only be one Eurasia, and that is under our great leader.
Rashism - We must defeat Ukraine, for the sake of multipolarity! The Atlanticists must be buried, only then will the world breathe again!
Lukashenkoism - Belarus is the only Europe country not swallowed by NATO and it's Atlanticist masters. Helped us quite a bit in the SMO.
Mladorossism - I'm not a particular fan of monarchy, but you were pretty based.
Left-Wing Nationalism - The vanguard of the Eurasian revolution! Your
Turkish variant is literally me!
Left-Wing Populism - Leaders like Evo Morales and Wagenknetch genuinely care for their people. It's nice to see resistance to the Atlantist snake and support for the Eurasian cause.
Khanism - The Tatar yoke was not as bad as people usually think (or at least that's what Lev Gumilyov says).
Bismarckism - Germany and Russia are supposed to be allies by nature itself, and they should've retained their tellurocratic alliance. I wish you were more accepting of socialist economics, though.
Spenglerism - I would much rather have had you at the helm in Germany than
this Russophobic genocidal monstrosity.
Juche - Best Korea! Juche is the Dasein of the Korean soul, and your rejection of capitalism and liberalism is extremely based! Russia should adopt Juche with its own separate characteristics.
Also at the current rate it's going, South Korea will literally kill itself with demographic collapse and suicide rates, so you might legit win by default.[12][13]Xi Jinping Thought - You want a multipolar world led by socialists too. That's based, and a huge improvement from the days of
Deng. Why won't you cut the economic ties with Westoids completely though?
Oh, right, money. You'll do it if the situation escalates in the South China Sea though. And never forget that some of your regions were rightfully part of Zhletorossiya.Milosevicism - The most based Yugoslav leader who tried to cleanse the legacy of
Tito the Traitor. Rest in power, legend, and may your demise be on the West.
Socialism of the 21st Century - Latin America needs to unite to achieve true sovereignty.
African Socialism - A true revolutionary fighting against neo-colonialism.
Julius Malema is extremely based, and has denounced Western imperialism against Putin and Russia!
Ba'athism - A great ally against the Western unipolar hegemony.
Assad was especially based!
Gaddafism - Libya was way better under you.
Khomeinism - Iran is based for how it stands up to the West. Currently, you're the center of the war against modernity.
Hamasism - We harden our hearts to Israel and Malorossiya, God stands with Palestine!
Houthi Movement - The bastion of free Arabia. Carry on, brothers! Just don't attack Russian and Chinese shipping, all right?
Dubious and Fence-Sitters
National Bolshevism - I've co-founded you in Russia, but left your movement because you were so unserious and very punk. But I can't fully discard you...
National Communism - Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea are all great nations, but class struggle is still an awful idea.
Diaz-Canel may be a little too progressive for my likings though but he's great otherwise for standing against America and the west.Leninism - Anti-clerical progressive who created
Ukraine! At least you kept Mother Russia out of the claws of the Whites and their Entente Atlanticist masters.
Luxemburgism - "Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to Socialism or regression into Barbarism." On that we agree, but have you considered choosing both? You have traces of liberalism within you, but your anti-liberal stance is nonetheless constructive.
Trotskyism - You have some good ideas, anti-liberalism is based, But can you tone it down with Permanent Revolution? You're acting like
him. "No war but class war" is opportunistic dogma, we must support
anyway because we need an alliance to oppose the Atlanticists. Also, you believe in the Marxist view of international world revolution, when we should be trying to consolidate Eurasia. PCO in Brazil is pretty decent, however.
Posadism - Progressive transhumanist, but we both agree that dolphins will be philosophers.
Vietnam - PICK A SIDE COMRADE! You can't stay neutral forever. You defeated the Yanks before and we can do it again! Wait, you're aligning with the Americans?!! Gah, what kind of Marxist are you?!
Ikki Kita - Our ideas are pretty close, but... could you please focus on taking Western colonies in South-East Asia instead of Siberia and Sakhalin?
Orthodox Fascism - In the past I considered Russians in the Orthodox Chruch real fascists, but I have grown out of that view.
Ethnocacerism - The Anti-Christian sentiment is quite bad, and the extreme racism as well (even if it's anti-white), but it's hard to blame him considering what the Yankees did to his country.
Falangism - Your Spanish branch used to be quite based but you had to send the Azure Division to assist
the enemy of Mother Russia. That said, I agree with
him that your
Lebanese branch is but a post-fascist Z**nist bootlicker.
Saadehism - Not as good as
the Assads, but can be an acceptable substitute if something happens to them. Oh wait, now Bashar IS gone. Now what?
Archeofuturism - You want a return to tradition as well. But stop with the transhumanist cr*p, and stop stealing my ideas. And your idea to unite Eurasia and North America betrays the very purpose of Eurasianism, we want to create a Eurasian big space to force the USA to finally leave Eurasia alone, not to merge the continents into one.
Reactionary Modernism - Same as
him, but more realistic. I'm also a modernist reactionary, but I don't like the transhumanism at all. I do think Putin carries some of your ideas better than Medvedev, though. That said,
Alexander III was one of the better Tsars.
Neoreactionaryism - On one hand, you are often a stupid liberal, and many of your transhumanist ideas are dangerous. And Nick Land's plans are outright disgusting. But often, your ideas are derived from the same sources as mine and you often have a certain respect for tradition.
Liberalism 1.0 - You're a liberal, but you're the worst enemy of the limitless hedonism and total individualism of
Liberalism 2.0, so you have some of my respect. Bozonaro and LDP can piss off though.
Minarchism - Tolerable form of government to escape liberal totalitarism.[14]
Libertarianism - You are a variant of liberalism; That's stupid. Your "NAP", however, allows me to conquer things unchecked, so you can be a useful idiot for my goals.
Alter-Globalism - We both oppose global liberalism, and we both root for the same people most of the time, but for completely different reasons. And let me build an empire!!
Talibanism - We used to be enemies but I admire how you owned the Atlanticists even harder than the Vietnamese did. Also, I approve that you don't seek to invade anyone to shove your version of Islam down others' throats unlike
those idiots. With that in mind, you're not a role model (especially since we already have
this gem).
Capitalism - Despite what I may say about socialism, I’m not really that much of a fanatic, and some of the nations I support aren't socialist. You're still pretty terrible.
Alt-Lite - The vast majority of you are Western-aligned conservatives, even if Bannon likes me. You also hang out with
them sometimes.
Alt-Right - Spencer betrayed me for the Westoids, but you're an improvement of
him in terms of anti-liberalism . Though, your supporters are often Nazis and racists. Some of you don't like me, others see me as a good tool against 'globohomo'.
Authoritarian Capitalism - Gazprom and Putin are incredibly based, but many of your variants are US-backed puppet states.
Dengism - I once suggested that China should be dismantled, but now that's no longer the case, thanks to
him. You introduced foreign markets into China and you even cooperated with the Americans.
National Capitalism - Hmm, the Wagner group was great
before the backstab, but people like Videla, Banzer, Barbie, and Cao Ky all worked with neoconservatives. And a saboteur from the Azov regiment literally killed my daughter!STOP CALLING ME JEWGIN GODDAMIT.Bonapartism - A stupid enlightened liberal who fought against Russia... To make Tsar Alexander honor his promise on standing with France's opposition to English commercial hegemony? I think you aren't so bad after all, and your aspiration to build a monarchist, tellurocratic Eurasian empire was actually pretty based. Pity
your nephew turned out to be such an Anglophile.
Nicholas II Thought - You should've gone to war against the Limey and the Frog-Eater like your
namesake great-grandpa, not against the Kraut. At least you took the right way in regards to
the Young Turk nutjobs.
Black Hundredism - Some good takes, but can you please stop glorifying the Tsar that plunged Russia into a war against its
natural ally for the interests of Atlanticist bankers? I mean, the Bolsheviks weren't always in the right but they at least had legit interests of Russia's sovereignity in mind.
Longism - Huey Long is entertaining and atypical. He was right on Welfare and progressive tax and much more, but still, he can`t be attributed to Fourth Theory. But still, let's hope that the United States will return to your ideas
Paleoconservatism - Your cultural policies are too moderate and some of you are economically liberal. And why do you hate imperialism?
Tucker Carlson is based, we may have our differences, but he visited us and talked to me and
Putin. I'm sure that after our great leader gives him another 2 hour lecture, he'll certainly join our ranks. In addition, you would let me conquer the world unchecked like that
idiot. However, unlike him, I think we could have the potential to become temporary allies against the
Right-Wing Populism -
Alex Jones is based for a Westerner!
Orbán is also pretty good, but
AfD is a mixed bag. However,
Salvini and
Meloni are Atlanticist post-fascists. And a lot of you support
Poland. Although I kinda liked Trump winning the 2016 elections...
Social Authoritarianism - Lukashenko, Duterte, Rahmon, and Juan Velasco are all great, and it's good to see Schroder eventually shed his Atlanticist and Third Way ideology to fully side with Russia. But Thaksin and Third Way supporters are still cringe.
Esoteric Socialism - A great example of an esoteric ideology that is genuinely and diametrically OPPOSED to us (although the economics and Gumilyov are based... Wait, am I basically you but in practice and actually real?).
Hydrarchy -
unmasked, but at least the Houthi pirates are based.
Catholic Theocracy - The Catholic Church is a “natural ally” but I am not Catholic and in modern times you have connections to liberalism. At least you understand my daughter's death was a mistake.
Integralism - You seem to place the Catholic religion above the Eurasian order, but we still can be allies against the godless libtards, right?
Orthodox Theocracy - The current Eastern Orthodox Church is cringe, but society still needs a religious revival.
Jewish Theocracy - Honestly, I don't know what to say. On one hand, you support
Israel. But hey, maybe you can drop the Talmud and embrace a new tradition mixing the Torah with Kabballah. Then we'd be good. Or is that wishful thinking?
Zionism - Bullshit occupant state. Also, Israel controls America, and both are controlled by shadow governments. I would however be willing to ally with Israel if it breaks away from the West...
Kahanism - The above except more economically liberal and racist! Also many of you are just atlanticists in disguise. However we both hate nazis and
Avigdor Eskin is based.
Post-Humanism - We MUST create our own AI with religious and patriotic specialists! However AI in hands of Atlantis will bring age of death of Dasein.
Kemalism - Your
Ulusalists factions are based, but I still prefer
Patriotic Party. The
Nation Alliance were just Atlanticist puppet, So I suppoted
Erdogan in 2023, Though.
Soulless Atlanticists
Social Liberalism,
Neoliberalism - Your time to go has come! Off to the window!
Fascism - Your end was not just an accidental misunderstanding, it was pure lucid historical logic. You're a bloody vampiric ghost tinged with an aura of global evil that is no longer relevant.
Marxism–Leninism - You're too focused on class warfare, there's no chance for you to return to political relevancy.
At least held out longer than the guy above.Big Tent Liberalism - A political theory that unites all the liberals against me? Not gonna lie, I'm kind of impressed. NOW BRING IT ON!!!
Neoconservatism - Can you feel your work unraveling my friend? Nobody in your own country likes you anymore, neither left nor right. How has your mighty industrial complex failed at every turn of the way in the Ukraine, how you still overextend over the world, how you are a puppet of the very institutions you created. It was only a matter of time, consider it divine punishment for destroying the Middle East and Eastern Europe!
Third Way - You're a horrid monstrosity, you have all the expansionism and Western chauvinism of the American right and all the degenerate liberalism of the American left. You best start believing in curses, because the Assad and Zelensky curses are very much real and have done wonders to your ranks.
American Model - The American Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race!
European Federalism - An Atlanticist puppet. Europe must free itself and join the Eurasian continent! Break the chains imposed on you by the Atlanticist slave masters... or good luck with the gas prices, XAXAX!
Kaczyzm - Poland is a CIA puppet and Atlanticist police state! You really think threatening to unleash
Article 5 on me would leave you with anything besides the total annihilation of the West?
Zelenskyism - Mariupol holds, Bakhmut holds, Avdiivka holds... What happened Zelya, almost like the Pindos don't actually hold up their ends of the bargain!
State Liberalism - This is what liberalism leads to, people.
Landian Accelerationism - Honest liberal, funny to see how other liberals trying to exclude you from their club when I speak with them.
LesbiaNRx - Anarchist degenerate who happens to be influenced by
his disgusting ideas and plans to create even more disgusting ideas and plans that will do much more harm to the world. People like you are truly the result of liberalism, scum.
CyberFeminism - You're pretty much like above except not explicitly influenced by
him. Still pretty bad, though.
Thaksinism - I’ve heard strange rumors about you from Thai Ultraroyalists that you’re funding recent pro-democracy protests with the purpose of turning Thailand into a US proxy against China. That’s why I’m supporting Prayuth and Vajiralongkorn!
Liberal Conservatism - Out of the three main forms of conservatism, you are indeed the worst.
But Berlusconi is good diplomaticallyNazism - The torturer and butcher of the Soviet people, and currently Malorossiya. I don't know why
he likes you so much. And there is nothing wrong with race mixing.
Although we wouldn’t have gotten the Dasein without Heidegger, who was a member of your ranks.Esoteric Fascism - You're a psychotic and racist freak. Your few supporters openly hate
Eurasianism and your mere presence is regrettable at best. And stop bashing Abrahamic religions!
But you do provide great information about ancient traditions and Catharsis. And I can't deny that some of your figures have influenced a few of my ideas.Strasserism - Fuck you Strasser, you are a pan-European retard who wanted to destroy glorious Russia!
I know we we align on many of the same issues but you're still a Nazi.White Nationalism - Racist chauvinist! You reject the beauty of the Eurasian continent. Africa will be a new pole in the multipolar world, and there is nothing you can do about it!
Totalitarianism - You are the inevitable result of modernism! Funny to see how liberals and liberal sympathizers say that I'm you when they are the ones who are truly reaching towards you.
Pol Potism - An anti-intellectual, anti-glass genocidal idiot who was used as a proxy for the atlanticists to counter Soviet and Vietnamese influence. Although Vietnam isn't perfect, they were 100% right to get rid of you.
Pinochetism - You're a neoliberal dictator siding with the Atlanticists, there is literally nothing redeemable about you. Can your helicopter save you from the window?
Globalism - Death be upon you!
(How does uniting half the world against the USA oppose you, you ask? Хаха, don't ask questions.)Liberal Socialism - Why did you bring liberalism into left-wing politics? You essentially removed all of your redeeming qualities, enjoy the taste of tank tracks for lunch!
Titoism - Traitor who sided with Atlanticists over his supposed Soviet comrades. Stalin was right to call you a "bloody hound"!
Progressivism - The worst possible expression of liberalism. You want to destroy illiberal cultures! Although, your
non-interventionist friend here fought against
his lies, and that I can respect.
Revolutionary Progressivism - You are scum of the earth, you're even worse than the above! Off to the window, you liberal freak!
Libertarian Feminism - More like "Literally Slutty-ism". Enjoy your
STDsWestern values!Queer Anarchism - Anarchist and progressive queer, you belong in a children's playground.
Actually, no, we shouldn't let them near children.Pink Capitalism - The worst mutation of liberalism possible.
- The worst mutation of conservatism in the world, almost completely irredeemable! Although, I did once suggest that the Kremlin should back patriotic homosexuals.
Gay Libertarianism - And you’re the worst mutation of libertarianism, you ARE completely irredeemable!
Maoism - The enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend. Your Cultural Revolution destroyed the very foundations that China was built on, and is exactly why ultra-progressivism is a disaster! I also won't forget how you welcomed Nixon to China in 1972. From that moment on, you and your successor
Deng worked with the Americans against us!
Hoxhaism - I don't care if Khrushchev was anti-Stalinist and liberal and if Tito was a traitor, you left the Eastern bloc, one of
Marxism–Leninism his greatest achievements, and that alone, even when disregarding your disguisting denegenerate state atheism and progressivism, is enough to pit me against you!
Marxism–Leninism–Maoism and
Maoism–Third Worldism - You're fake socialists and degenerates, and the only thing you do is unleash destruction upon countries like the Jungle Trots you are. I am the true representative of the Third World! Also, "no war but class war"? Even if the three of us hate liberalism, neither of you belong to any position of power.
Illuminatism - Jean Parvulesco showed me that you are the ones controlling the USA and Great Britain. And you are probably an ancient Seth-worshipping cabal who already corrupted Atlantis.[2] [3]
Transhumanism - You will be humanity's self-destruction and you are the end point of modernity and the ultimate evil.
Jihadism - You're a mass-murdering psychopath who wants to tear Russia apart, slaughter Muslims en-masse, and actually, are nothing more than an Atlanticist puppet! We buried you in Chechnya, we buried you in Syria, now to snuff you out for good!
İttihadism - Forget it, Enver. Turkestan will always be Russian. Turanism is a dead ideology and its remaining embers will be buried! Also, fuck you for killing millions of Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks, who are brothers of the Russian people.
Neo-Ottomanism - I tried to trust you, but you tricked me again and again. First you purged
Ulusalists and
Eurasianists in Turkish Armed Forces, you said
Fethullah Gülen did it; then
my turkish tendencie support you, you approved Sweden into
NATO; then you said you will opoose
Israel, you finally overthrew
Bashar. You are just a Westoid with a Neutral Mask. I won't trust you anymore.[15]
Tridemism - You're basically
him but without the redeeming values. May he crush you one day!
Japanese LDPism - Sakhalin and Kuriles are Russian and will forever stay so! Cope and seethe, American lapdog!
Sartreanism - Degenerate Ancom who wants to tear Christianity apart... AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU READ HEIDEGGER AND FOLLOW HIS TEACHINGS?! GGGAAAAAHHHH!!!
Anarcho-Nihilism - You're the end product of modernist neoliberal dystopia, and yet instead of fighting the liberal system, you rage against everybody and everything. Go outside and clean your room already.
Anarcho-Capitalism - Just keep looking at the trading screen. There is nothing to worry about, all of your neighbors are doing fine.
Anarcho-Communism and
Ingsoc - We have ALWAYS been at war with Oceania!
Schwabism - The Atlanticist plan for the enslavement of humanity, YOU will own NOTHING!
Metaliberalism - Metamodern liberalism, that assimilated even MY thoughts about world? I give up.
Avaritionism - I know not if I agree with Hobbes on everything, but this is indeed the lowest state of mankind, and the worst result of liberal values and individualism.
Neo-Enlightenment - What... ARE YOU?
Neo-Libertarianism - Aren't you just
him again- *Gets turned to dust by a A-10 gatling gun*
Former Image
Comics and Artwork
Further Information
By Dugin
- Foundations of Geopolitics (1997)
- The Fourth Political Theory (2009)
By Others
Parties and Organizations
Eurasia Party
Patriotic Party
Truth and Justice (Dissolved)
Left Oppostion (Banned)
Nashi (Banned)
Revival Party
- The Unlikely Origins of Russia’s Manifest Destiny by Charles Clover, Foreign Policy
- Alexander Dugin’s Multipolarity Explained by Momcilo Nevesky
- The Politics of Apocalypse: On the Russian Anti-world by Mikhail Epstein (in Russian)
- Aleksandr Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics by Dunlop, John B
- The Insane Russian Plan to Conquer the World by RealLifeLore
- Ідеолог «русского міра», «мозок» путіна та людожер: БОЖЕВІЛЬНИЙ ІМПЕРАЛІСТ ДУГІН (Ideologue of the "Russian World", Putin's "brain" and maneater: CRAZY IMPERIALIST DUGIN) by Telebachenya Toronto (In Ukrainian, with English subtitles)
- Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin at the Nexus Symposium 2019 by TheNexusInstitute
- Interview with Alexander Dugin (Philosophy, 4PT, Education, Mysticism, Theatre) by Michael Millerman
- Restoring Sovereignty: A Conversation with Alexander Dugin about Japan Knowledge Kino
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Modern Eurasianism has two major currents, one of them being the state-sanctioned Eurasianism of Putin's regime which for all intents and purposes is either
Putinism (listed as Authoritarian Conservatism) or its appendage "Rashism". Rashism is more aligned with broader Russian ultranationalism, militarism and jingoism, however some proponents advocate for Dugin's views.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Dugin has denounced nationalism as "bourgeois", "liberal" and "anti-traditional". He has called himself a patriot. Dugin's understanding of nationalism is that it is a western bourgeois capitalist phenomenon and it is the first stage of capitalism. He believes that nationalism is artificial and it does not follow the creation of a nation, but rather it creates a nation. He believes that unlike a people or an ethnos, a “nation” is a political and artificial concept, created for pragmatic purposes by bourgeois ideologists, when it was necessary to hold society together after it rejected the tradition - religious, class and hierarchical (imperial). It invents ancient roots for specific, distinct groups of historical people, it imposes a single language, single cultural code and a common system of law, and it invents a common enemy. According to him nationalism is anti-traditional and modernist. He sees it as fundamentally connected with modernity, and as such with atomization, capitalism, western notion of progress, modernist citizenship, secularity, abolition of estates and the destruction of rural communities in favor of urban crowds. In contrast to the modern national state Dugin prefers the traditional system of an Empire.
- ↑ "In Russian Orthodox Christianity a person is a part of the Church, part of the collective organism, just like a leg. So how can a person be responsible for himself? Can a leg be responsible for itself? Here is where the idea of state, total state originates from. Also because of this, Russians, since they are Orthodox, can be the true fascists, unlike artificial Italian fascists: of Gentile type or their Hegelians."
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Besides Putin's own cult of personality, even more prevalent is a kind of romanticized cult of war (particularly the Great Patriotic War, though the "Special Military Operation" has also developed a cult, elements of which include, for example, entire newly erected exhibitions and museums dedicated to it) as well as a cult of the past/cult of the ancestors, officially brought forth and glorified by both the state institutions and state-controlled media as well as the regime's supporters. In addition to this, Putin has also built new monuments dedicated to Stalin and helped build a personality cult around him that is a romanticized, if not completely fabricated idea of who he (Stalin) truly is. Some people, however, argue that Putin isn't truly pro-Stalin (see: his de facto anti-communism, relationship with Solzhenitsyn, etc.) and is mostly presenting and pretending as such for personal gain and as a strategic means to to gain the support of a western leftist/soviet nostalgia/etc. audience.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ "I would have died for Stalin, the Red Army, and the USSR. No questions asked"
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Dugin isn't regarded to be a strong inspiration to Putin directly despite his 1997 book Foundation of Geopolitics having noticeable presence within the Russian military and diplomatic institutions. Dugin and Putin both share very similar ideological influences, and while on the international arena, the Kremlin has produced many views and talking points which are in line with Dugin's Fourth Political Theory. In essence, the FPT can be understood to inspire Putin's regime in philosophical and ideological boundaries to an extent.
- ↑
- ↑,from%20the%20Hyundai%20Research%20Institute.
- ↑ Duginists and Dugin himself defended the night-watchman state in some articles.
- ↑