Insurrectionary Anarchism
"People are tired of meetings, the classics, pointless marches, theoretical discussions that split hairs in four, endless distinctions, the monotony and poverty of certain political analyses. They prefer to make love, smoke, listen to music, go for walks, sleep, laugh, play, kill policemen, lame journalists, kill judges, blow up barracks."
Alfredo Bonanno, Armed Joy
Insurrectionary Anarchism, is a Libertarian Left, anarchist ideology that is part of the Post-Left movement. It advocates an anti-capitalist, anti-statist, and anti-society insurrection using small informal affinity group-based groups. These groups should be unorganized and without leaders.
Influenced by
Insurrectionary Anarchism is influenced by both individualist and to a lesser extent, social anarchism as well. However, much of modern insurrectionary anarchism is associated with an individualist or Post-Left array of beliefs ranging from Illegalism to insurrection over revolution, to accelerationism.
Modern examples of insurrectionary anarchism include Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei, Informal Anarchist Federation, and similar groups. WIP
Exarcheia is a district in Athens known for radical political activism. On 6 December 2008, a police officer shot 15 years old Alexis Grigopoulos, which led to the biggest protests in Greece. Anarchist collectives and other similar movements expanded their action, with new types of organization. They were working in cooperatives and eco-friendly markets.
Conflict with the mafia
The lack of police in the district caused the expansion of organized crime in Exarcheia. Organized drug trade was opposed by anarchist groups, that started to fight with dealers. In February 2016 a few anarchists from a local cafe started a conflict with dealers, Dealers attacked anarchists, and that led to an anti-mafia reaction in the district. There was an organized protest against the mafia and police, which was accused of helping organized criminals destroy anarchist activities. The end of the conflict was the killing of the mafia leader by masked anarchists.
Alfredo M. Bonanno
Alfredo Maria Bonanno was an Italian urban guerilla, political thinker, and theorist of Insurrectionary Anarchism. In Italy there was an anarchist tendency, that didn't identify with classical anarchist federations or platformist Gruppi Anarchici d'Azione Proletaria, but started to organize local groups that focused on direct action, informal temporary affinity groups, and expropriation. Bonanno worked in one of these groups. In 1977 Bonanno wrote a book called Armed Joy, which is considered to be his most important work. In 1979 he was imprisoned for propaganda of resistance against the government.
Wolfi Landstreicher
Wolfi Landstreicher is the pseudonym of a contemporary post-left anarchist who has been a theorist of insurrectionary anarchism. He has been influenced by the egoism of Max Stirner, the Situationist International, surrealism and is a strong critic of civilization, but it is equally contrary to anarcho-primitivism. Landstreicher means "wanderer" in German.
Foundations and Beliefs
According to insurrectionary anarchists, the structure of anarchist groups should be:
- informal - without legal status, without big-scale organization
- voluntary - without obligation
They reject both reform and revolution.
Theory/Belief 1
Insurrectionary anarchists do not believe in a set of tactics. Rather, they put emphasis on insurrection as a primary tactic and a never-ending insurrection, broadly. In a more complex analysis of the philosophy, it is a negation and attack on the social order of other anarchists, such as countries, capitalism, and the concept of revolution.
Internal conflicts in ideology
(this section is for conflicts members of the ideology have often had with each other)
Personality and Behaviour
In many ways, he is Anarcho-Communism without morality, sanity, and other restraints, with any desire for a brighter future replaced by pure rage against the state, capitalism, and society. He goes on rampages, trying to kill as many statists as possible. Insurrectionary Anarchism is way less idealistic than ancom, being completely amoral and nihilistic, not caring about the collateral damage of his rampages. He is not above killing even fellow anarchists, such as Anarcho-Pacifism and Anarcho-Capitalism for being too "passive" or being "not really anarchist", respectively. His best friends are Illegalism, Anarcho-Nihilism, and Post-Leftism.
How to draw
- Draw a ball,
- Fill it with black,
- Draw a red anarchy symbol in the center, but rather than crossing the "A" draw an AK-47 there instead,
- Add the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Red | #FD0000 | rgb(253, 0, 0) |
- Guns, especially AK-47
- Molotovs
- Other explosives
- Melee weapons, especially blunt ones
Fellow insurrectionaries
Post-Leftism - You taught me that praxis mattered over ideology.
Anarcho-Communism - You taught me who to fight against, even if you are a filthy compromiser and moralist at times.
Social Anarchism and other left-wing anarchists - Same as above. Just abandon the pathetic organization OK?
Illegalism - You taught me to have fun.
Queer Anarchism and
Anarcha-Feminism - The TQILA is based. Still too weak, and don't get mad at me for blowing up gay bars!
Anarcho-Egoism - You taught me that insurrection is preferable to revolution.
Anarcho-Nihilism - Besides fighting against the government, we also fight against all of organized society, social norms, and institutions, And we both like Joker and Fight Club.
Soulism - Trade deal: You gave me blueprints of ultra-tech weapons with explosives, while I gave you protection and free drugs every time you want it.
Accelerationism - I am a one-man collapser of the state and society.
Platformism - Too much organization, the platform is a lot like a party. If your federation becomes like a state, you will be next to overthrow. Still, I respect Makhnovia somewhat.
Ego-Communism - Put away long boring books and pick up the gun.
Anti-Fascism - While we may not completely agree on ideology, he is always my best buddy in riots! Just purge your movement from all idealist tankies and idpolers.
Democratic Confederalism - Blowing up cops is based, but quit calling me a lifestylist! And embrace true anarchy, not cringe bookchinesque bullshit.
Agorism - Different methods but we trade weapons. Accept the fact that we need violence if we want to smash the state, and your security syndicates will not work.
Anarcho-Syndicalism - Peaceful general strikes are pathetic, and syndicalism is not conducive to insurrection. Grow a spine and stop cooperating with bourgeois oppressors. Instead, rip and tear until it's done.
Avaritionism - My... Main investor. I don't talk about this freak, ok?
What is this nonsense about limiting damage to keep organs whole to sell? I smell greed-induced obstruction of liberation.Revolutionary Progressivism - Hmmm, some of you have some pretty decent ideas and tactics. But you're usually too idealistic, organized, and have many authoritarian variants. Goldman, Malatesta, TQILA, and Czolgosz are all based, but don't defend tyrants like Mao, Hoxha, Robespierre, and Lenin because you will be next after AuthCap politicians.
Autonomism - He hates organization and capitalism like me, but he is not explicitly an anarchist and is too idealist for me.
Libertarian Socialism - In the right direction but to mild for me.
Minarcho-Socialism - Same as above.
Tyrants and future corpses
Totalitarianism and
Autocracy - Even if you kill me specifically, I will inspire others to take up arms against you and keep haunting your darkest nightmares.
Authoritarian Capitalism - F*ck capital! I will C4 your mansions and stock exchanges!
National Capitalism - Same as above but even worse. I will ram a Volkswagen into your private concentration camp!
Clerical Fascism,
Austrofascism &
Positive Christianity - Same about your religious institutions! Shoot the priest/rabbi/imam, burn the church/mosque!
Nazism - F*ck the state and racism! I will gas all your SS officers!
Trotskyism - Fuck your permanent revolution, I will icepick you twice.
Marxism–Leninism and
Leninism - Don't care about your "violent revolution", you are just an authoritarian state capitalist. Molotov at your collective farms!
Maoism and
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - People's war? More like my war!
Dengism - Another authoritarian state capitalist. Molotov at your sweatshops!
Posadism - Maybe stay at using conventional explosives? Also, nuking everyone devolves humanity into tribalistic ooga-booga state, which is very moronic.
Ochlocracy - No, this isn't insurrection. Fuck off before I will shoot the oppressive mob.
Jihadism - This also isn't insurrection. Molotov at your mosques!
Anarcho-Pacifism - Pacifism simply promotes the preservation of the status quo in the absence of actual opposition to the authorities. Less hippie flower nonsense, and more dakka.
Philosophical Anarchism - You are just as pathetic as
him, even if you are my grandpa. Get off the armchair, geezer, and start blowing up police stations.
Christian Anarchism - And another pathetic anarchist.
Trumpism - Yes, I AM a violent anarchist, what about it? Maybe just blow the Capitol up next time instead of prancing around it in Viking hats. I will C4 your border wall.
Absolute Monarchism - Molotov at your palaces!
Ingsoc - *unpersoned*
Kraterocracy - *killed using blunt force*
Hive-Mind Collectivism - *personality removed, body absorbed into the collective*
Anarcho-Capitalism - NAP has no meaning to me and destroying property IS real anarchy. I tread where I please.
Kleptocracy - You're committing crimes for all the wrong reasons.
Plutocracy - Molotov at your treasury. I don't care about the money anyway.
Corporatocracy - Sarin at your boardrooms!
Technocracy - You claim that plebs are incompetent at running the state. As if I care, this pleb is here to intentionally destroy it instead. Molotov at your laboratories!
Fascism - The Antifa wanted to bash you or hang you upside down. I won't be so merciful! Your death is going to be more... painful.
Neoconservatism - Why yes... I am a terrorist... And? Also thanks for having your embassies around for letting me practice my molotov throwing.
Police Statism - ACAB! 1312
Hobbessianism - Yes, my life is solitary, poor (not that I care about the money), nasty, and brutish, but it's YOUR life that's gonna be short. I'll burn your social contract to ashes and stab the Leviathan in the head!
Stratocracy - I have hacked tens of your annoying pups to pieces. You, Colonel, are no exception.
Alt-Right - Unlike Antifa, I will actually mow your tiki torch mob down with my AK-47.
White Nationalism - Set up a cross - get crucified, wear a sheet - get strangled.
Pinochetism - I'll blow your helicopter out of the sky with my RPG-7!
State Liberalism - I don't care about pink paint. I will C4 your gay bar.
Illiberal Democracy - Molotov at your parliament, AK-47 at your deputies, C4 at your polling stations, and sarin at your voters!
Illuminatism - I'll blind your Eye of Providence.
Social Authoritarianism - Molotov at your hospitals! Kick the tyrant while he is down!
British Fascism - Haha, Norsefire goes bum-bum.
Fordism - Cyanide in your reproduction machines!
Authoritarian Conservatism - I will blow up the horny jail from the inside out.
Eco-Fascism and
Eco-Authoritarianism - I'll burn down all your forests and nuke your solar-powered gas chambers!
Further Information
Online Communities
(here go online communities of the movement)
- Armed Joy Alfredo M. Bonanno
- Against the Language of Militancy by Wolfi Landstreicher
Credit: u/PoliticsIsForNerds, Source
By AquaHeart
- ↑ In their statement in reaction to the Wagner uprising, the BOAK urged fellow anarchists to let both factions fight between each other as much as possible in hopes that a revolution could take place from a potential collapse of their authority.
- ↑ The BOAK has stated that to survive as a partisan group in their current environment, they should strive to work alongside various right-wing partisan groups in order to create a united front against Putin.
- ↑ Regarding their official telegrams numerous communiques on the situation in Syria, BOAK has been a vocal supporter of the Rojava Revolution, with notable members having volunteered themselves to fight for the
AANES Administration, they have also opposed the mainstream opposition groups in Syria currently, specifically the HTS as well and the Turkish-backed FSA as authoritarians and invaders. Despite this, they have been explicitly against Bashar-Al-Assad and his regime in Syria, and hold deep veneration for the initial Syrian Revolution and one of their earliest figures, Anarchist Omar Aziz, considering him and his movement 'martyrs'. Perhaps implying sentiments of a common sense of camaraderie to other anarchists who represent national opposition movements of the world, since they themselves are an anarchist faction who represent the heads of an early national opposition movement which is currently small, and marginalized.
- ↑ On Feminism
- ↑ On April 8, 1877, in the midst of the anarchist insurrection led by Cafiero in the town of Letino, he and his rebels were supported by the local priest, who called Cafiero's band apostles of God. Shortly after arriving in neighboring Gallo, they received support from the local priest.
- ↑ "We should all be looking at the photos of the YJP heros should we falter and think our dreams are impossible, but I double digress, fight me.
- ↑ “My trans comrades have transformed me, solidifying my conviction that we will be guided to a dreamed-of future by those most marginalized among us today. I have dreamed it so clearly that I have no regret for not seeing how it turns out. Thank you for bringing me so far along.”
- ↑ It's about V from V for Vendetta, not V from Cyberpunk 2077
- ↑ Scoia Tael is a revolutionary group of elves, dwarfs, and other racial minorities who fight against human supremacy