"I have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomitings. I cannot prevent the French from being French."
Gaullism is an economically center to center-right and center-left in some forms, culturally center-right, democratic but somewhat paternalistic, statist and moderately nationalist ideology. The ideology Gaullism refers to an ensemble of beliefs attributed to the 5th republic founder, resistant and iconic French historical figure General Charles De Gaulle. Gaullism has been the founding ideology of the contemporary French republic and its legacy remains highly influential.
Gaullism was born during WWII and originally referred to the beliefs of the leader of the French resistance Charles De Gaulle and his followers. Gaullism was born from the refusal to accept Petain’s collaborationist government and from the desire to avenge the German invasion and restore the dignity of France. After the war, Gaullism was one of the main ideologies of the provisional government which ruled France from 1944-1946 after the fall of the Vichy Regime, and was the de facto national ideology of the beginning of the fifth republic after De Gaulle assumed power in 1958. While De Gaulle’s Gaullism technically disappeared after De Gaulle’s step down from power in 1969, Gaullism and its various interpretations are still a driving force in contemporary France with several political parties claiming its legacy.
While Gaullism may have varied with the circumstances, some tenets remain essential: the belief in a strong state combining respect for democracy and the desire to avoid sterile political quarrels, the importance of a strong leader, a foreign policy based on pragmatism, the belief in French exceptionalism and in the necessity to preserve and promote French culture and traditions, a refusal of foreign dominance on France as illustrated by the desire of De Gaulle to make of France a nuclear power, defiance of foreign powers including the Anglo-Saxons (America, United-Kingdom) and the USSR.For example, de Gaulle openly criticized the American intervention in Vietnam.
Neo-Gaullism emerged during the 70's after the death of de Gaulle in France, as it seeked to synthetize Gaullism with elements of Neoliberalism. Neo-Gaullism also distances itself from the semi-isolationist stance of its predecessor, embracing pro-NATO/Atlanticist stances on foreign policy. The term is used quite broadly and may be used to describe people with slighly different policies. Some examples are the presidencies of
Georges Pompidou,
Jacques Chirac and
Nicolas Sarkozy.
Social Gaullism
Social Gaullism refers to the "left-leaning" faction of Gaullists, most of whom follow social democratic or dirigist economic views while retaining (mostly) social conservative views. Some examples are former French prime minister
Jacques Chaban-Delmas,
Philippe Séguin and
René Capitant.
The ideology of the former president of France Nikolas Sarkozy could be described as a form of Neo-Gaullism.
Personalities and Behavior
Gaullism is extremely solemn, serious and cold. He voluntarily uses a heavy French accent the few times he speaks English to show with pride his French origins. He remains quite lonely, usually approaching others with apprehensions (“He has no friends only interests”). While being a man of few words in private, he is a great public speaker and does not hesitate to be provoking in his statements if he considers it necessary (like “Vive le Québec libre!”, ‘‘Glory to a free Québec!’’).
How to draw
The flag of Gaullism is based on that of the Free France flag.
- Draw a ball
- Fill it blue, white and red like the French tricolor flag
- Draw in a usually-red “Croix de Lorraine” (emblem of the Gaullist French resistance)
- Draw semi closed eyes, he needs to looks unfriendly
- Draw a military hat- usually, the one with 2 stars De Gaulle wore during WWII or the standard French general hat.
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Blue | #002395 | rgb(0, 35, 149) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Red | #ED2939 | rgb(237, 41, 57) |
(Pas trop proches) Amis
Paternalistic Conservatism - You realized the importance of a strong state to maintain order and preserve the union of society, I respect you.
Patriotism - Vive la France!
Civic Nationalism - Immigrants and foreigners must accept "certaines idée de la France".
Yellow Socialism - Mon compatriote we have many things in common.
National Liberalism - Fellow lover of freedom and nation.
Quebec Sovereigntism - Vive le Québec libre!
One-Nation Conservatism - Welfare, conservatism and patriotism ? We're so similar ! And Harold McMillan was a great friend against the Boches.
Venizelism - My Greek self.
Longism - Quite like Patcon, you definitely were really "intéressant"!
Social Democracy - Your economics are not that bad, but do you have any national pride, "palsambleu"!?
Progressive Conservatism - We need progress but not chaos! Don't be too progressive, "mon ami"
Democracy - I respect you but you need to be guided to avoid becoming sterile like the fourth republic.
Integral Nationalism - Maurras you became mad from being so right. But one of your supporters did write my anthem.
Multiculturalism - 'It's a very good thing that there are yellow French people, black French people and brown French people. It's a sign that France is open to all races and that it has a universal vocation. But on condition they stay a minority. If not, France wouldn't be France anymore. After all, we are an European people from white race, Greek and Latin culture, and Christian religion. Try to mix oil and vinegar together. Shake the bottle. After a while, they get separated again. The Arabs are the Arabs, the French are the French. Do you believe that the French nation is able to integrate ten million Muslims who shall be twenty million tomorrow and forty million the day after? If we integrated them, if all the Arabs and Berbers were considered French, how could we prevent them from moving to our home country where the standard of living is so much higher? My village wouldn't be named Colombey-les-Deux-Églises (Colombey of the Two Churches) anymore, but Colombey-les-Deux-Mosquées (Colombey of the Two Mosques)!"
Libertarian Conservatism - How would you preserve your traditions and culture without a strong state? "Quelle folie".
European Federalism - You were useful to protect us from the Yankees and the Soviets' influence but you should stop trying to erase nations and culture! Also, don't forget when I tried to warn you that the UK joining wouldn't be a good idea.
Neoconservatism - France will not subjugate to any military alliances, but I know that Sarkozy really likes you though.
Reactionary Liberalism - I appreciate your admiration but calm down, I am not Thermidorian anyway, and also Zemmour really likes you though.
French Left-Conservatism - Too much economic interventionism but you hold many of my values.
Ba'athism - Chirac kinda likes you, but Sarkozy doesn't.
Social Liberalism - Okay for a liberal I suppose, but Giscard betrayed me though...
Conservative Liberalism - "Merci" for your support against the lefists, but why did you try to replace me as the lead ideology of the french right?
Neoliberalism - You want more globalization and less welfare? Are you insane? (My modern followers like you for some reason..)
Nationalism - "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first."
Zionism - I sided with the Arabs against you and your war in 1967. Also, the fact you are a group of people who are full of yourselves and domineering does not help. But my modern followers like you now.
Nazism - Be damned, dirty nazis! Only "boches" could believe in such nonsense!
French Fascism - We will never surrender, NEVER!
Lys Noir - Unpatriotic closeted fascists. GET WITH THE TIMES!
May 68 - Stop inciting ignorant students to rebel against my regime![10]
Eurocommunism - You too! It doesn't matter how many seats you have, I have absolute executive powers.
OASism -You literally tried to kill me[11]
Nixonism - Haha Nixon Shock go Boom.[12]
African Socialism,
Ho Chi Minh Thought - Alright, I admit. The reason I colonized your countries, is because I wanted commercial interests and a civilizing mission, and then You all just kicked my ass out of your lands. Doesn't surprise you that France is still a colonial power, right?
Further information
- Gaullism
- Charles de Gaulle
- Free France
- Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action
- Union for the New Republic
- Union of Democrats for the Republic
- Foreign policy of Charles de Gaulle
- Sarkozysm
- Gaulism (In French)
- Fondation Charles De Gaulle (in French)
Portraits and Artwork
Old portrait 1
Old portrait 2
Old icon design
Social Gaullism portrait
- ↑ Maurras was someone who greatly influenced Charles De Gaulle about French patriotism
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- ↑ De Gaulle had negotiated with the Orleanist pretender for the restoration of the Monarchy who failed at one point
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- ↑ "Nicolas Sarkozy was strongly against Illegal Immigration and planned to put that kind of policy if he did win the 2012 election against François Hollande
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- ↑ Sarkozy received support from Giorgia Meloni as she supported Sarkozy in 2011 against Gaddafi's Lybia.
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- ↑ [1]
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