Radical Feminism
"Just as the end goal of socialist revolution was not only the elimination of the economic class privilege but of the economic class distinction itself, so the end goal of feminist revolution must be, ... not just the elimination of the male privilege, but of the sex distinction itself; genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally."
Radical Feminism is a form of feminism that believes in a extreme transformation of modern society in order to eliminate
patriarchic structures. Radical feminists believe that the current status quo is patriarchic in nature and is built opon the oppression of women. Thus, radical feminists believe that current society should be abolished and rebuilt based on the ideals of gender equality and women's rights. Historically, radical feminist movements have been
culturally and
economically left-wing, a they believed that
Capitalism is inherently connected to the patriarchy. However, most modern radical feminist movements are neutral on economic issues.
History (WIP)
Radical feminism originated from the women's liberation movement that itself started in the
United States in the early 1960's. Radical feminists were influenced by the ideals of the civil rights movement and wished that a similar movement could be started in order to insure women's rights. Radical feminists participated in the
New Left movement and many other socialist movements in the United States and the
United Kingdom around the same time.
Personality and Behavior
RadFem is often portrayed as an outspoken misandrist who believes that "all men are pigs," and blames men for all of her problems, and the world's as though she were the female equivalent of Manosphere- although some radfems can actually have some sympathy towards male issues, especially those ‘caused by the patriarchy.’
She can either be shown as a female equivalent of the Manosphere or a genuinely egalitarian feminist who thinks that mainstream liberal feminism does not do enough to help women.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with purple
- Add a white Venus with a fist inside the circle
- Add the eyes
- Add a matching bow (or not because fuck gender stereotypes)
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Purple | #9200C1 | rgb(146, 0, 193) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Feminism - Women must unite to abolish the patriarchy and liberate themselves!
Anarcha-Feminism - I like that you are radical although I am not necessarily anarchist.
Marxist Feminism - We need a feminist revolution alongside a socialist one!
Socialist Feminism - Intersectional feminism is based!
Lesbians - Radical Lesbianism is based!
Black Feminism - Racism is a fundamental part of the patriarchy, to smash the patriarchy we have to smash racism.
Revolutionary Progressivism - You like it when I talk about gender revolution.
Postgenderism - You are essential for true freedom, we need no gender distinctions as much as we need no class distinctions. Wait, why you hate me?
BLM - Yes, Black Lives Do Matter. Down with the racist, violent, misogynistic police!
LesbiaNRx - Feminising men to make them equal to women is a bit too far, but also based ngl. But please - go outside sometimes.
Democratic Socialism - Socialism can free the individual while achieving democratically confirms negotiation and dialogue over patriarchal militarism.
Conservative Feminism - Fellow hater of P*rnographers, but don't you realize Traditional gender roles are inherently Patriarchal in nature?
Juche - Pornographers must die, but why the Kippumjo!?
Radicalism - Your name is cool but I don't like liberalism.
Progressivism - Political correctness and diversity is great but you falter at full liberation.
Social Democracy - Thanks to your welfare and family reforms I can now live my own life without relying on a man, but you don't go far enough to true liberation.
Sanderism - I like a lot of what you say but some of your fans seem to be pretty misogynist, and Bernie *bro* really?
Longism - EVERY man a king? How about everyONE free to be them? Also you are pretty racist, which is rooted in misogyny ngl.
Men's Liberation - Honestly not too bad but a lot of you define yourself as opposed to feminism and manosphere which is quite a problematic and false dichotomy.
Manosphere - You are just a failed reboot because of the damage
Feminism has done to the
Conservatism - Sexist cuck.
Paleoconservatism - Misogynistic boomer.
Trumpism - My body... MY CHOICE!!!
Seibtism &
Fordism - You are exactly what is wrong with
her, consumerist and progressive appearances don't change a damn thing for women.
Maternalism - I don't want to be a mother, even if it means I am the head of household. I want to be me.
National Feminism - MY body, My choice. Not the government's.
Religious Feminism - ...or the church's.
Libertarian Feminism - ...or my boss's.
Liberal Feminism - Female drone pilots and female CEOs don't change the real situation for working class women, only make upper class women more respected and wealthy. You are useless and a fake feminist.
Further Information
- "The Scum Manifesto" by
Valerie Solanas (1967)
Angry Radfem
Original image