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"Perish the colonies, rather than a principle!"

Feuillantism is a centrist, culturally right, and constitutional monarchist ideology, representing the feuillant political faction which existed in France from 1791-1792. They wanted to preserve the monarchy, supported the proposed plan for a constitutional monarchy, and opposed the Jacobins, who wanted to depose the monarchy.


As the Constitution of 1791 began to take its final shape, many erstwhile radical deputies such as Barnave and Le Chapelier wished for the central role played by such popular societies as the Jacobins early in the French Revolution to come to an end. The activism of the people had been vital to the preservation of the Revolution in the early days of the National Assembly, but their purpose had been fulfilled and it was time for direct democracy to give way to the leadership of elected representatives. This conviction was greatly affirmed with the Champ de Mars Massacre (17 July 1791).

Within days, a mass exodus of moderate deputies abandoned the Jacobin club in favour of a new organisation, the Feuillant club. This new society would wage a struggle throughout the summer with the Jacobins for the allegiance of the provincial affiliates and the Parisian crowds, a contest they would ultimately lose. According to the Feuillant ethos, popular societies could have no other role than as meetings of friends to hold private political discussions—their meetings should never step across the threshold of their assemblies and evolve into concerted public political action.

In his capacity as chairman of the Constitutional Committee, Le Chapelier presented to the National Assembly in its final sessions a law restricting the rights of popular societies to undertake concerted political action, including the right to correspond with one another. It passed 30 September 1791 and by the virtue of obeying this law the moderate Feuillants embraced obsolescence. By ignoring it, the radical Jacobins emerged as the most vital political force of the French Revolution.[citation needed]

In the wave of revulsion against popular movements that followed the Champ de Mars Massacre, through his activity on the Committee of Revisions (charged with separating out the constitutional decrees from the ordinary legislation of the National Assembly) Barnave was able to ingratiate himself and his allies to Louis XVI by securing for the Crown such powers as appointments of ambassadors, army commanders and ministers. The king returned the favour by taking Barnave as his chief advisor. At the opening of the Legislative Assembly, Louis XVI delivered a speech written by Barnave and for the next six months France was governed by what was known as the Feuillant Ministry.

In March 1792, in retaliation for their opposition to war with Austria the Feuillant ministers were forced out by the Girondins. Labelled by their opponents as royalists, they were targeted after the fall of the monarchy. In August 1792, a list of 841 members was published and they were arrested and tried for treason. Barnave was guillotined on 29 November 1793.

The name survived for a few months as an insulting label for moderates, royalists and aristocrats.

Foundations and Beliefs

Feuillantism believes in a constitutional monarchy that would preserve the political position of the king and opposed the Jacobins who wanted to depose the king. Feuillantism also opposes the conscription for passive citizens as it believes the only way to have a strong army was for it to be structured. Feuillantism is also pro-slavery as it sees slave labor to be beneficial to the economy.

Personality and Behaviour

Feuillantism is depicted as loving his mother and hating his siblings.

How to Draw

Flag of Feuillantism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Draw a white cross in the middle of the ball,
  3. Draw 2 red boxes on the top left and bottom right of the ball and 2 blue boxes on the top right and bottom left of the ball,
  4. On the top left red box, draw a boat,
  5. On the top right blue box, draw a crown,
  6. On the bottom left blue box draw 18 yellow fleur de lis's,
  7. On the bottom right blue box draw 2 green leaf branches and a gray star,
  8. In the middle draw a bundle of sticks with a purple ribbon binding them together and draw 2 leaf branches going around the bundle of sticks,
  9. Draw a Phrygian cap crown,
  10. Draw eyes and then you're done!




  • Girondism - You didn't want to have the king killed, but you still wanted to depose him and send him to exile.
  • Absolute Monarchism - Limit your powers, can't you see where the Old Regime has gotten us at?
  • Democracy - All men in France can vote! Well, property-owning men only.
  • Hamiltonianism - The least worst American revolutionary.


  • Jacobinism - You really just had to execute Louis XVI huh brother?
  • La Plaineism - You also, nonpartisan? Screw you.
  • Babouvism - The maddest member of my family, please die 🙏
  • Abolitionism - Slavery is still useful for our eocnomy.

Further Information


