Social Darwinism
This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
This page covers the political concept of social Darwinism. For a page on social Darwinism from a philosophical perspective, see the
Philosophyball Page
Not to be confused with
"With a higher moral, nature will come a restriction on the multiplication of the inferior."
Social Darwinism, shortened to Darwinism, is an ideology inhabiting a far-right area outside of the political compass that advocates for a society where all murder, theft, and competition is legal, with the intention that only the strongest individuals will survive. "True" Social Darwinism has never been implemented in the real world and is largely based on fiction like the Purge films. Most ideologies that we might associate with Social Darwinism were actually influenced by Eugenicism.
Social Darwinism believes that human groups and races are subject to the same natural selection laws as plants and animals. It also posited that the weak diminished while the strong gained power and cultural influence, summarizing human society as a "survival of the fittest" struggle. Proponents like Spencer, Walter Bagehot, and William Graham Sumner believed natural selection led to the survival of the best competitors, improving populations over time. This theory justified laissez-faire capitalism and political conservatism, arguing that social stratification was natural and that aiding the poor interfered with biological processes. Social Darwinism also rationalized imperialist, colonialist, and racist policies by asserting the superiority of Anglo-Saxon or Aryan cultures.
Spencerism refers to the philosophy and sociology of Herbert Spencer. Spencer was a 19th-century English author and philosopher born in Derby, England who wrote various texts about "Universal evolution" which was a theory believing that everything from the universe to societies to flowers starts out as homogeneous and then becomes heterogeneous before then transforming back into a homogeneous substance. The ideology however is based on Spencer's view of natural selection and survival of the fittest as well as sharing common ground with anarchism through ideas of full freedom for the individual and not being forced into actions one is unwilling to do. The ideology is also
capitalistic and thinks that those who are rich and successful are so because they developed skills through natural selection that let them get and keep those positions on the social hierarchy.
Capitalist Darwinism
Capitalist Darwinism arose from various criticisms by people on the left of the capitalist economy (whether it makes sense or not). Some critics claim that capitalism would lead to extreme wealth for the richest and misery and exploitation to the death of the poorest in factories. They also claim that there would be total destruction of the environment, with government support as an exchange of values, combat against unions and communists and the greatest increase in the misery of the poorest.
Bullworth Academy (Bully (2006))
Bullworth Academy is an independent boarding school located in the town of Bullworth within the New England region of the United States. It is run by Dr. Crabblesnitch and is the main setting of Bully (2006). According to game’s protagonist Jimmy Hopkins, it has a reputation of being one of the toughest and worst schools in the country. It is dominated by four cliques: the Nerds, Preppies, Greasers, and Jocks. The fifth clique, the Bullies, have no real interest in the pecking order and often do as they like. There are also a number of Non-Clique Students as well as the four prefects and the faculty. It is a school rooted in Social Darwinist principles, as indicated by what Dr. Crabblesnitch refers to bullying as "school spirit", ridiculing the idea that it is a problem. It is also insinuated that he isn't above giving concessions to people who donate to the academy.
He really loves competition and thus spits in the face of scarcity, and often challenges other ideologies to duels. He don't like homosexuals and asexuals because they don't reproduce and views bisexuals as Sol's RNG if they're gonna reproduce or not
How to Draw
The design for Social Darwinism was originally made by monkeysszz based on the ancient triskelion motif and redesigned by TehUglyBudderfly26.
- Draw a circle
- Fill it with dark, but not pure, black
- Draw the symbol for Social Darwinism.
- Draw a triangle.
- Draw a short line from the left to the orthocenter of the triangle, parallel to the bottom side, stop at 1/3rd of the way there.
- Have the line tick up just below the top of the triangle, and flick down rightwards once reaching the angle bisector.
- Return the line to the middle, it should be 2/3 of the way there, then complete the line to the centre point.
- Rotate the symbol 60°
- Do steps 1 to 4 two more times.
- Draw the eyes, and you're done!
The term “social Darwinism” originated in the 19th century and, as historian Peter Bowler suggests, “was used from the start in a pejorative context". To call someone a social Darwinist was to insult them by implying that they had abandoned all moral standards to make success the only criterion for what is good” (Bowler, 2003, 299). The term was popularized in the 1950s by historian Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970) in his work Social Darwinism in American Thought.
Top of the Food Chain
Darwinism - Natural Selection is based! But why don’t you want us to implement it ourselves?
Kraterocracy - Power to the powerful!
Noocracy - Intelligent people are superior!
Plutocracy - Just like the rich.
Machiavellianism - Cunning is good
Avaritionism - Absolute freedom created by power!
Combatocracy - We dominate the weaklings together!
Meritocracy - Of course, the most talented will be at the top of the chain! But why do we need useless ones?
Technocracy - The emphasis on intellectual power is based, but like the above, you don't go far enough.
Nazi Accelerationism - May the strongest race win the race war!
Temporary Predators
Anarcho-Egoism - Moral egoism is very based but you don’t use it enough!
Nazism - These idiots called themselves Darwinists but didn't win the war? Cringe. Aktion T4 was based though. The Dirlewanger Brigade would've been based, too, if they hadn't turned out to be a bunch of pussies beaten by commies.
White Nationalism - Also agrees that European imperialism was merely natural selection but he complains about The Great Replacement being "unfair".
- Us Whites are the strongest in every way, with White people being behind most Technological Advancements as well as Physical and Mental Intelligence. And when we’re gone, the world will be worse off and pathetically weak!
- I guess you have point, but what about the Neanderthals? They died off and the world didn’t become weak because of their extinction
- We’re trying to make history not repeat itself!
Racial Nationalism &
Ethnonationalism -Same as above. You use my ideas to justify your belief in the superiority of your nation/race over others but do not realize that natural selection also occurs within your group.
Fabian Socialism - Kinda based but what's with this caring about the poor shit? You know caring about your own people is a weakness too, right? Still, the only lefty I might be able to have some use for. Maybe.
Eugenicism - Right idea, wrong application. Artificial selection and natural selection are two very different things. Also, it doesn't go nearly far enough. Why not just kill off all the inferior “people”? Do you value their lives or something? That might be showing compassion as far as I'm concerned, which is a weakness I can exploit.
Odalism - Waiting for you after the end of civilization.
Illegalism - Like to commit violence like me, but only out of petty self-interest, sometimes even for no reason at all. Unlike I merely use violence to actually achieve a visionary ideal.
Primalism - The animal kingdom is an example of natural selection in its purest form, not affected by the "morality" invented by people. But still thanks to technological progress, humanity is the most powerful species on the planet.
Authoritarian Capitalism &
National Capitalism &
Plutocracy - You have great ideas, but are far too moderate.
Capitalism &
Fiscal Conservatism - Market hierarchies are based but you are even more moderate for my tastes.
Esoteric Socialism &
Illuminatism - "Didja think every battle in history was all part of some big ol' conspiracy? Bullshit! War is just part'a who we are. Why fight it?"
Liberal Socialism - Basically my antithesis, won’t shut up about virtue and egalitarianism.
Anarcho-Pacifism - "All we're saying is... give war a chance!"
Communalism - I'd say he's poisoning our gene pool... But it's more like he's spitting on our gene toothbrush. Using someone else's toothbrushes can lead to infection, so you and your friends in the commune infecting each other prove the theory of natural selection...
Anarcho-Nihilism - "I admire how much you want to be like me" is what I would say if you weren't some LARPing edgelord. Grow a damn spine!
Kakistocracy - Rule of the weak?! You will die first!
Mediocracy - And you for second!
Hive-Mind Collectivism - How can there be competition if everyone is the same?
Soulism - There is no such thing as an unjust hierarchy.
Ego-Communism - Aren't you just
Soulism but with fewer drugs?
Anarcho-Communism - Social and economic equality? Double cringe!
your violent tendencies are kinda basedPosadism - NOOOO YOU CHEATER! YOU CAN'T JUST NUKE EVERYTHING!
Esoteric Fascism - THE SAME GOES TO
Socialism &
Welfarism - True biological evolutions of humans can be only realized by accepting that NOT ALL HUMANS ARE EQUAL and that they must not be treated that way either.
Deep Ecology - Species are not equal. The dodo deserved to die for being weaker than humanity!
Total Liberationism - He hates me and denies the natural law of predation.
Further Information
- A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick by
Jonathan Swift
- Principles of Biology by
Herbert Spencer
- Social Darwinism by
Gautier Emile
- Might is Right by
Ragnar Redbeard
- EL THOUGHTZO'S - Dylan Klebold's personal journal
- Wisdom2.htm (Eric Harris' rants)
- Mother's Reckoning - by Sue Klebold
- Natural Selector's Manifesto by
Pekka-Eric Auvinen
- Ragnarok by File:Copycat.png Alex Hribal
Online Communities
Ideology Test Results
Original image
Previous image
"Types of evil" by u/Decent_Dot422
By u/SuckLonely122 on Reddit
- ↑ There is an octagonal concrete pit with a drain in the middle called the Hole, located in the sewers underneath Bullworth Academy. It is used as a huge ring where anticipated fights take place.
- ↑ Dylan's Soviet Pin
- ↑ His online alias was "Vodka", referring to the Russian distilled alcoholic beverage.
- ↑ His book Social Statics (1851) has a chapter dedicated to women's rights and equality
- ↑ Herbert Spencer was supportive of trade unions later in life, believing they would pave the way to a system dominated by worker cooperatives. John Stuart Mill came to a similar conclusion.
- ↑ The Committee of Union and Progress was an advocate of Social Darwinism and was an influence on the genocide of minorities under the Young Turks.
- ↑ Dniepropetrovsk maniacs
- ↑ The Amazon Prime adaptation renames it to the Nazi American Reich or American Reich for short.