"If we must die, we die defending our rights." -
Indigenism is a vaguely left unity ideology that believes in a certain form of ethnic and/or cultural nationalism, that emphasizes the group's indigeneity to their homeland. It focuses on indigenous Americans as a people, and a desire to have their land and customs returned to them. Indigenous groups also often demand significant reparations for the injustices served toward their people. While this can be representative of numerous indigenous rights movements across the world. It typically personifies the broader
Pan-Indian indigenous activist and autonomist groups within North America, though sometimes can also embody specific tribes or nations depending on context (usually represented by the specific flag of their people's nation/movement), as well as equivalent political tendencies in different regions such as the Indigenismo movement of Latin America, or select groups led by and for the interests of local indigenous inhabitants around the world in opposition to outside colonial influence. whether standing for the
Aboriginals of Australia, the
Māori of New Zealand, the
Sámi of Scandinavia, the
Montagnards of Vietnam, or the
Ainu and
Ryukyuans of what is now known as Japan to name a few examples.
Indigenous Anarchism
Hunt buffalo, smoke peace pipe, kill colonists. Restore the traditional ways and our sacred land. - Indigenism Ball
Due to the lack of sovereignty for their people, the continued stealing of their land, being tokenized and having been entirely disregarded by the interests of most other radicals. They are often seen as extremely cynical or depressed, often depicted as being extremely drunk with a bottle of whiskey. They also sometimes are seen smoking traditional Tobacco from a pipe.
Usually are not very friendly nor invested in the plight of other balls due to the belief that they only seek to forcefully implement their ideology on their stolen territory and thus lives an Isolated, modest lifestyle within a small reserve of like-minded individuals. This is partially due to why they are often not known well much by other balls. The only balls they seem to deeply resonate with is
Neozapatismo and
Evismo seeing them as some of the last true revolutionaries in the Americas and a beacon of light in the darkness.
While they are not inherently racist or discriminatory (oftentimes being profoundly anti-racist) they often have mixed feelings about outsiders especially due to them usually being ignorant and not caring about their history and culture, thus often preferring to live away from them within their own territories.
Often seeing the outsiders as invaders he desires sovereignty for his people, if not full out Self-Determination from colonial governments.
They are known to be fairly spiritual, and often are seeking to spread their Teachings and Traditions to fellow indigenous balls and prophecizes that one day if they are not able to protect their traditions, fight for their land and secure their independence, the colonizers will eventually destroy their land and their way of life altogether. Because of this, they tend to also be extremely environmentally protectionist, often wanting to protect their environment and homes from interference from large corporations.
How to Draw
Indigenism's (typical) design is based on the American-Indian Movement.
- Draw a ball
- Color 4 stripes: black, yellow, white, red
- Draw the eyes
- Add a brown headband with a white feather sticking out from the back
- (Optional) Add the American Indian Movement Logo
If you wish to use icon balls representing a specific tribe, or local native political movements, click here: WIP
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #02040D | rgb(2, 4, 13) | |
Yellow | #F8D400 | rgb(248, 212, 0) | |
White | #FFFFF2 | rgb(255, 255, 242) | |
Red | #920000 | rgb(146, 0, 0) |
Black Nationalism - You face a similar struggle. Sorry for the whole slavery thing, some of us were also enslaved, that said, others among us did fight with the confederate colonizers, and even a few of us kept slaves of our own, and for that, I apologize. I am happy we could put aside our differences and unite against our oppressors in The Rainbow Coalition.
Neozapatismo - A living example that what we want is possible.
Anti-Colonial Nationalism - Kick out all colonialists/neo-colonialists, freedom for all oppressed indigenist groups!
Socialism of the 21st Century - So far one of the few "revolutionaries" that actually seem to care for us.
Eco-Nationalism - Turtle Island is scared. And we must protect it from being destroyed by those who wish to profit from its demise.
Deep Ecology - I like what I’m seeing.
Native American Spirituality - The Spirits cry for justice! Our ancestor's teachings must be preserved for our future generations!
Traditional Progressivism - Fighting for our traditional ways that our ancestors have followed!
Isolationism - The outsiders refuse to respect our traditional way of life and the ways of our land, so we must make a community of our own to protect what little we have left! Our lives were better when outsiders didn't force themselves into lands that didn't belong to them!
Separatism - We never willingly ceded our land, it was stolen!
Dawronoye and
Democratic Confederalism - Me but in the Middle East. TIHE BETHNAHRIN!
Horseshoe Centrism - It does not matter what colored banner the outsiders wave, and whatever book they bring so as to "save" us. Without a deep connection to the soil and our strife, they are just like any other colonial invader.
Honeckerism and
Titoism - Thanks to DEFA for those great movies
though they got much of our culture wrong. I even made Mitić an honorary brethren member, you know!Esoteric Anarchism - You may be western white dude, but you respect our wisdom without appropriating it for money, but solely for spiritual growth.
Left-Wing Nationalism - I watch them fight, and die, in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice. But for who?
Marxism–Leninism - You claim to support indigenous peoples, but I will NEVER forgive you for the deportations of the indigenous peoples of Crimea, Caucasus, East Prussia and Siberia. And in general you seem pretty apathetic to my struggle or even outright hostile unless it directly benefits you. Your modern-day supporters are far better though.
Western Anarchism - Although many of our ancestors could have been said to follow this tradition of "statelessness" independent from Western understandings of "anarchy", it is easy for you Westerners to want to tear down the culture and traditions of a people when you have no connection to the land.
Guevarism - We want national liberation, but not your kind. Yes, while
some of us admire you as a symbol of resistance of Western imperialism, we understand that your fight, however noble, has always been tainted, having long since forgotten your unique upbringing, and who had uprooted your ancestor's unique ways and traditions to instead follow in the footsteps of another imperialist empire with a different banner, embracing the same expansionist mindsets which betray your ancestor's history as your own, entirely deluded by the rhetoric of that empire and it's assertions of progress, sovereignty, and anti-colonial liberation such proclaims to bring to the world so as to justify such expansion.
Hindu Theocracy - Why do people confuse us for each other?
Odalism - You've got SOME good ideas, but your WAY too extreme, and you talk WAY too much about your people, paleface. (and you were the first European that tried to steal our land!)
Multiculturalism - We used to work together quite nicely with outsiders
when we weren't killing them of coursebut now we see, that historically, it has never ended well for us. Also, you threaten to destroy my way of life altogether thanks tohim.
Nazism - I don't like how you took manifest destiny from the pale faces but you did say you would give us back land if you won.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
Liberation Theology - A misguided soul, you claim to want to protect my people, yet at the same time embrace the false gods the colonizers forced us to worship and you call us trying to revive our ways "savage".
Ethnocacerism - You may be one of us, and speak truth when you talk about protecting our traditions and people from genocide. But your ways are no better than any other of the colonialist invaders.
Falangism - You want to rebuild your
empire, but at least you have claimed to have learned from the mistakes of your ancestors, and seemingly respect us as well as treat us as equals. Though your supremacist nature deeply concerns me and many of my people and makes us question your true intentions.
Hippies and
the New Age Movement - While we appreciate the sentiment that you admire our culture and are against
him, stop appropriating my culture.
Soulism - While we appreciate the sentiment that you admire our culture, you remind us far too much of prior
"new-age" plastic shamans and seem far too fascinated by certain aspects of our history and way of living for all the wrong reasons.
Pinochetism - Some of my fellow Mapuche's loyal to your regime called you "Futa Lonco" and even made Araucanía and Los Lagos the only Chilean regions where you won the 1988 continuity referendum! However many others hated you for your seizing of lands, illegalizing Andean music just because of the leftist opposition, "anti-terrorist" laws, etc. And also you were primarily backed by
Coolidgism - At least you give me and my peoples citizenship as well as some political representation within the US imperial state, not that we really wanted that since we don't even recognize your colonial authority over our lands, but still.
Filthy Colonizers
Showa Statism - While I respect that you had preserved some of you traditions inherited from the Jomon you've assimilated, you're fundamentally just any other expansionist trespasser whose empires legacy will forever be stained by the blood of the Jomon, Ainus, Ryukyuans, and Austronesians you slaughtered!
Anarcho-Frontierism - Dirty colonist! We'll scalp you!
White Nationalism - "Immigrants must go home" Really? So when are you going?
- I will not. Your people is gone or mixed and became rootless. Just accept it, by the way, reservations provide you more rights and liberties than to anyone else in the US. Imagine being the only guy who can buy mescaline only due to his blood and close access to your land to anyone just because he is not a Native. Why have not you been called a racist and a "fascist" for this yet?
Neoliberalism - Modern colonialism. No thanks.
Globalism - How does trying to protect my sovereignty from imperialism make me racist?
Imperialism - The colonialist powers will never be forgiven for what they did to us.
Third Way,
Bull Moose Progressivism and
State Liberalism - Imperialism with a "woke" face.
Neoconservatism - Well, at least you admit you're an imperialist conservative, I will give you that.
At least we both hate the Sandinistas.Christian Theocracy - You were responsible for destroying our traditions and way of life!
Trumpism - "Go back to where you came from?" Well, would you look at that? I’m already there!
The Bering Strait doesn't count!And cry harder about those burned churches. When will you leave? Also shut up about Greenland, it's not for sale.
Jacksonian Democracy - The guy above simps for you. You are a horrible devil and a monster who had launched a huge genocide against the native inhabitants of the Five Civilized Tribes through your Trail of tears!
Jeffersonian Democracy - You claim that you wants to make every Man equal? but I don't count, sincerely. North-American Natives.
Bio-Posadism - I should have never accepted those blankets from those colonists!
Paleoconservatism - Fake anti-imperialist. You still want to enforce WASP values onto us. And opposing future expansion is not enough, since you don't want to undo past expansion and return our lands.
Esoteric Fascism - Reactionary imperialist wignat who is a fake spiritualist.
Theodemocracy - My people have lived in these lands since time immemorial, your racist pseudohistory will not convince me otherwise.
Propertarianism - Stop trying to take my land you colonizer, it's sacred for a reason!
At least we agree that cultural appropriation is a bad idea.Tsarism - Conquest of Siberia never forget! It’s good that the Bolsheviks overthrew your regime, built on Great Russian chauvinism.
Ignore the fact that they did not give independence to the indigenous peoples.Trudeauism - You claim to support us, then continue to inflict sugarcoated Anglo imperialism on us? How on earth does that undo the horrors of Kamloops and who knows where else? You disgust me, plain and simple.
Nordic Model - Denmark, get out of
GreenlandKalaallit Nunaat!Tridemism - White Terror never forget! Also Taiwan is not China.
Dengism - Taiwan is NOT Chinese!
Ho Chi Minh Thought and
Pol Potism - The Montagnards have been oppressed by your countries for centuries, and you kill them for their rightful self-determination? So much for being "anti-imperialists".
Columbus - The one who started white imperialism in the Americas.
I mean Leif Erikkson was first, but we kicked him out before he could do much damage.Zionism - It does not matter whether Jews lived in Jerusalem before Arabs, racially or religiously motivated killings and deportations by a settler-colonial state are never justified. You're just another invader!
Puritanism - Stop trying to convert me into your religion and killing my people!
Further Information
- Indigenous rights
- Indigenism
- Pan-Indianism
- Indigenous peoples
- Land Back
- Red Power Movement
- Native American civil rights
- Indigenous Land Rights
- Republic of Lakotah proposal
- The Oka Crisis
- The Occupation of Alcatraz
- Dakota Access Pipeline protests
- Wounded Knee Occupation
- Yakut revolt
- Magonista rebellion of 1911
- Mapuche conflict
Parties and Organizations
Mohawk Warrior Society
Council of All Lands
Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco
Weichán Auka Mapu
Resistencia Ancestral Mapuche
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
Zapatista Army of National Liberation
Mexican Liberal Party
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magón"
Morelos Commune
Liberation Army of the South
Māori Party
Sons of Mother Earth
Peasant Confederation of Peru
Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
American Indian Movement
Indigenous Authorities of Colombia
United Front for the Liberation of Oppressed Races
Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum
- The Origins of Indigenism by Ronald Niezen
- Native American History: The FBI's War on the American Indian Movement by
Red Star Videos
- What Does It Mean To Be Indigenous? by
- LandBack: The Indigenous Liberation Movement by
Original image
Indigenous Anarchism