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Mladorossism is an Authoritarian left ideology that advocates for a Russian Monarchy under a Soviet-style system.


The ideology of the Mladorossi (Young Russians) was a blend of Monarchism, nationalism, corporatism, Orthodox Theocracy, and Soviet-inspired elements. At its core, the movement sought to synthesize conservative and revolutionary principles, envisioning the revival of Russian statehood through a unique formula: "The Tsar and the Soviets." This slogan symbolized their aim to fuse an autocratic monarchy with de-Bolshevized, non-partisan Soviets as self-governing entities. The envisioned state, described as an "ideocratic autocratic monarchy," was to be above class interests while maintaining a "social" character, drawing inspiration from historical figures like Peter the Great and Alexander II.

The Mladorossi endorsed a centralized federation of national entities, with "Little Russia" (areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Russians) as the core. They rejected parliamentary democracy in favor of a hierarchical, spiritual education-oriented ruling party that would guide the nation under the oversight of a monarch, who remained above partisan politics. The prime minister, as the second-ranking official, would lead this "Order party," which would emphasize strict national discipline alongside individual creative freedom.

Economically, the Mladorossi supported a "planned market economy" that combined elements of Soviet and Nazi practices but sought to preserve private property under strict state control. They advocated for economic management through an All-Imperial Council of the National Economy and local economic councils, involving the state, workers, scientific personnel, and private capital. This approach aimed to balance the efficiency of planned regulation with a restrained form of capitalism.

Their ideology was also marked by their monarchist orientation, recognizing Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich as the rightful heir to the Russian throne. Yet, their leftist views, such as the appreciation of certain Soviet policies and the idea of a national revolution, led conservative Russians to view them as almost "Red." The Mladorossi believed that the Russian Revolution had produced a "new man" characterized by patriotism, heroism, and self-sacrifice, capable of transcending materialism, internationalism, and egalitarianism to create a spiritually renewed nation.

While initially sympathetic to Italian Fascism for its combination of traditionalism, ultra-nationalism, and mass mobilization, the Mladorossi distanced themselves from Nazism condemning its racist ideology and labeling it "Satanic fascism." They considered racism incompatible with fascism and declared themselves the "last fascists" after Mussolini aligned with Hitler's racial policies. Despite brief attempts to collaborate with figures like Anastasy Vonsiatsky and Pavel Bermondt-Avalov, their relations with other fascist movements remained short-lived.

Ultimately, the Mladorossi envisioned a spiritual and national "revolution of the Spirit" to overcome the dominance of materialistic values. Their messianic nationalism and contradictory embrace of Soviet and monarchist elements reflected their belief in Russia's unique destiny to unite its imperial past with the revolutionary energy of its present, forging a new era of Russian greatness.


The Mladorossi at first were anti-communist. They argued against the idea of creating a "free Russia" on non-Russian soil, believing strongly that what they called "Soviet-occupied Russia" was the only Russia that could be in existence. The Mladorossi believed that the Soviet government was preserving the Russian state and defending its national interests. They also believed the October revolution would create a new, young Russia. In the 1930s, the Mladorossi adopted an increasingly open pro-Soviet position, claiming that they were to become the second Soviet party. The Mladorossi were labelled as "Soviet patriots" by the White émigrés, and speculation began that the organization was being influenced if not controlled by the Soviet secret police. The founder of the Mladorossi, Alexander Kazembek, was implicated in having ties with the Soviet consulate and the OGPU. In 1937, after being spotted in a café in France speaking to several Soviet diplomats, Kazembek resigned his post. In order to stay safe in WW2,he moved to the USA where he would live until 1956. At the start of World War II, many Mladorossi volunteered to join the French Resistance. After the war ended, the organisation dissolved and was no longer heard of.Its leader,Alexander Kazembek moved from USA to USSR in 1956 secretly.

Personality and Behavior

Mladorossism (just like his father Monarcho-Fascism) is erratic, insane and occasionally prone to violence, especially when he sees Marxism–Leninism. He is often seen with Monarcho-Socialism and Euskadi Carlism as he sees them as all on the same page so they get along.

How to Draw

Flag of Mladorossism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color the ball blue,
  3. Draw a white globus cruciger ("orb and cross"), aka a Holy Hand Grenade in the centre. The cross should resemble the Iron Cross.
  4. Draw a horizontal blue line through the middle of the globus cruciger,
  5. From the cross, draw a vertical blue line that touches the horizontal line
  6. Draw a gold crown with red jewels on top of the ball, or a white crown resembling the King chess piece (♔) without jewels
  7. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Blue#0E0A54rgb(14, 10, 84)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Gold#FFE101rgb(255, 225, 1)
 Red#C5060Ergb(197, 6, 14)




  • Fascism - You also have some good ideas, but you keep working with.. him.
  • Strasserism - You would have been based, but you give me Barbarossa flashbacks. And why are you a Republican?
  • Black Hundredism - Fellow Russian Nationalist, but do you HAVE to hate Socialism, Comrade?


  • Nazism - You used to be cool, but you murdered SO MANY RUSSIANS, LIKE WTF DUDE!
  • Marxism–Leninism - You betrayed Lenin's teachings and sent our supporters to the gulags! YOU MANIAC! What do you mean I betrayed his teachings by adding reactionary elements to it? Also, please stop calling me a LARP ideology.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - A SMALL STATE? NOT HURTING MINORTITES? NO MONARCH? AND A FILTHY CAPITALIST? I hate every, single, part of you.
  • Iron Front - Yeah, I'm a Monarchist, Fascist, AND Communist, what are you gonna do about it?
  • TNOMod - Who must go? Wait, I did go.

Further Information


