"The State is a machine in the hands of the governing class for suppressing the resistance of its class antagonists. In this way the dictatorship of the proletariat differs in no way essentially from the dictatorship of any other class."
Marxism–Leninism (alternatively known as State Marxism, State Socialism, or just Communism) is an authoritarian, economically far left, usually culturally left, and internationalist ideology. Based on Joseph Stalin's ideological synthesis of Marxism and Leninism, it was the core ideology of the world communist movement, with practically every communist state in history proclaiming Marxism-Leninism as their guiding ideology.
He believes in the historical theory that social revolution by the working class is brought upon by a vanguard party of revolutionaries. This would then lead to a dictatorship of the proletariat through a communist political party that serves as the state’s government, which would reorganize society to bring the social revolution into action. He believes that Anarchism is a childish ideology and that the
Bourgeois Class will not give up its wealth. He is one of the main, largest, most aggressive, hated, and best-known enemies of the Libertarian Right quadrant. Many ideologies hate him, including
Anarcho-Communism and
Following the early death of Vladimir Lenin, he was succeeded by
Joseph Stalin, who defined the Soviet Union’s development of Marxism as Marxism-Leninism (which was previously just called Bolshevism).
Soviet Union 

Joseph Stalin
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (born Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili) was an ethnic Georgian Bolshevik member of the USSR who rose to power due to the promotion of Lenin of him as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). After Stalin came to power, he soon consolidated power and won the power struggle against the left opposition (
Trotskyists). Later, he enacted a massive political purge called the
Great Terror
, the estimated death toll for which is around 700000 to 1.2 million victims. Despite being considered the leader of the "center" (no relation to Centrist Marxism) faction of the CPSU by some scholars, Stalin enacted a similar economic platform to the Trotskyist left opposition.
Shortly after coming to power, Stalin declared the end of Lenin’s New Economic Policy and enacted the
the Collectivization of the USSR. During an era of one of the
most rapid industrialization in human history, the artificial[18]
Holodmor happened under the context with around 3.5 million to 5 million died of starvation. Whether it’s genocide is still subjected to debates in academia. But some scholars believe the famine was primarily caused by external factors outside of Stalin’s control, such as the burning of crops by the Kulaks and bad weather. The
Kazakh Famine happened with 1.5 to 2.3 million perished. Stalin’s government enforced
Lysenko’s pseudo-science theory.
The Stalinist USSR also implemented anti-parasite laws with[19] Forced labor that punished people for ‘poor labor disciplines’ and ‘laziness’ and gulags. 1.8 million workers were sentenced to 6 months in forced labor with a quarter of their original pay, 3.3 million faced sanctions, and 60k were imprisoned for absentees in 1940 alone. The conditions of Soviet workers worsened in WW2 as 1.3 million were punished in 1942, and 1 million each were punished in subsequent 1943 and 1944 with the reduction of 25% of food rations. Furthermore, 460 thousand imprisoned were imprisoned throughout these years. However, it was noted that there was a substantial rise in wages that happened by the late 1930s after real wages declined to 60% of the pre-1928 level in the early 1930s, and wage funds were increased by 50%. A minimum wage of 110-115 rubles was established in 1937; private gardens were allowed for one million workers to farm in their private plots. Even so, most Soviet workers lived in crowded communal housings and dormitories and suffered from extreme poverty.
Stalin’s regime continued the economic boom of the Lenin era and enacted the policy of Socialism in One Country, which effectively cut off the USSR’s economy from trade with the outside world, avoiding most of the effects of the Great Depression. In the mid-1930s, Stalin began to notice a rise in fascism and proposed an Alliance with the West, which they rejected. Western countries signed the The Munich Agreement with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy instead, which includes the partition of Czechoslovakia. Stalin was very disappointed with this decision, and this agreement reportedly influenced his decision to patriate Poland. During the late 1930s,
Adolf Hitler offered the USSR a non-aggression pact. Stalin decided to take him, believing (In his own words) that it would give the USSR time to prepare its troops. Stalin decided to invade eastern Poland and the Baltics, believing that if they did not fall into nazi hands, it would give the USSR an advantage.
Mass repressions by the NKVD were launched to suppress Polish civilians and military personnel following the invasion, the USSR conducted the Katyn Massacre against Polish military officers, which killed 22000 officers and POWs. There were also mass repressions conducted by the USSR against Baltic populations with 10% of Baltics either killed, deported to Siberia, or detained by the extrajudicial rule of the Soviet regime.[20]
Stalin didn’t believe that the Nazis would honor the treaty, and Stalin believed they would invade. But he left the Red Army unprepared when the invasion happened the USSR suffered heavy casualties in the early stage of the war. In 1941, Nazi Germany broke the nonaggression pact, invading the USSR. However, Nazi Germany’s forces underestimated the harsh weather conditions in the winter of the Soviet Union, therefore giving the red army the upper hand. After long and harsh conditions in battles such as the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Moscow, the Soviet Union managed to push back. During the war, the USSR transported different ethnic groups around the USSR. Per official reason, this decision was to suppress the revolts and alleged Nazi collaborationism of these ethnicities. However, this decision is condemned by scholars as genocide and ethnic cleansing and 800k to 1.5 million died in the process. This population transfer can be traced back to the 1930s, and it continued in 1949, after the war ended. The USSR joined the allies and began to push the Germans out of the USSR and Eastern Europe, with help from
anti-fascist partisans of the continent. Finally, in 1945, the USSR, with support from other allied members, such as
FDR’s lend lease to the USSR, managed to push the nazis to Berlin, leading to Hitler's suicide and the end of the war. The USSR's participation and the victories of the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Moscow are generally considered a major turning point in WW2.
After the Allied triumph in World War 2 against Fascism, another famine happened in Ukraine, known as the 1946-1947 Famine. This would be the last major famine in Eastern Europe, partially due to the rapid industrialization effort of the USSR. Due to support and aid from the USSR, many communist governments (such as
Dimitrov Or
Gottwald) managed to gain power in their respective countries by couping the governments (known as post-war Eastern European coalitions) and began to implement Marxism-Leninism under their government, with the support and aid from the USSR. These governments were widely described as satellite states by scholars. The USSR was, therefore, able to rise to the status of a superpower. The Stalinist USSR almost eradicated illiteracy rate with near 100% literacy rate by 1950.
Stalin died in 1953 and his successor started to gradually move away from his influence. Nikita Khrushchev gave a secret speech in 1956, marking the first wave of De-Stalinization and denounced Stalin’s cult of personality. Though the influence of Stalinist policies and practices on Soviet politics would not diminish before the second wave of De-Stalinization, carried by the reformist-minded
General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.
As one of the most respected figures in some post-Soviet countries such as Russia, Georgia and Belarus, Stalin remained a highly controversial figure internationally, with most western scholars and his critics denouncing him, describing him of being a bloodthirsty tyrant who killed a range of millions to tens of millions under his rule. Still, some scholars defend his record, and the governments of Russia and Belarus see him as a patriotic leader who deserves credit for making the USSR a superpower with rapid industrialization and victory in the Soviet Patriotic War. Many Marxist-Leninists generally see him as one of the most important figures who theorized Marxism-Leninism, along with Marx,
Engels, and
Georgy Malenkov
Nikita Khrushchev
Main Article:
After the brief rule of Georgy Malenkov,
Nikita Khrushchev assumed leadership of the USSR. Khrushchev’s primary focus was De-
Stalinisation, as well as slight liberalization of cultural policies and small parts of the economy, while preserving the socialist state. He also prioritized the needs of the people over the state, emphasizing investments in agriculture and consumer goods over the military and heavy industry. Khrushchev dismantled gulags and freed millions of innocent prisoners, and he enacted a cultural thaw with more cultural exchange with western nations, as well as liberalizations of arts, abortions, and marriage.
Mikhail Suslov
Mikhail Andreyevich Suslov was the chief ideologue of the USSR as he served as the ideology hardliner within the Soviet Union to oppose all reform attempts of Marxism-Leninism. Suslov was a hardline Stalinist who conducted a great purge in the Baltic state against Baltic nationalists and supervised the deportation and genocide of Chechens. He also provoked a full-scale conflict against Titoist Yugoslavia, obstructing
Khrushchev and later Brezhnev's reconciliation attempt with Yugoslavia. He also tried to obstruct the
de-Stalinization process of Khrushchev in social and economic spheres, and later persuaded Brezhnev to stop this process.
Suslov's main achievements were increasing the industrial output of Lativa under his rule by 14 times and overthrowing Khruschev, which saw the installation of Brezhnev as the head of the USSR, his staunch commitment to supporting third-world national liberation movements, such as the Algerian FLN movement, the
Nasserist Egypt, and many others. He was also credited for living a plain life and refusing to engage in corruption. Suslov was forced to support the invasion of Hungary despite his initial reservations due to the overwhelming support of the presidium. Still, he later opposed the invasion of Czechoslovakia and was skeptical of using
social imperialist methods. However, he supported the invasion of Afghanistan and staunchly opposed all nationalist movements within the USSR and the Socialist Camp, favoring a more centralized Soviet state and world socialist movement.
As the leader of the Stalinist wing of the CPSU, Suslov was allied with Neo-Stalinists like Grigory Romanov. Suslov opposed any further detente attempt by
Kosygin and Brezhnev with the
USA despite their diplomatic flexibility due to his skepticism of trade with the
capitalist bloc; despite this, he was a staunch supporter of the peaceful co-existence theory due to the threat of a nuclear war, and he sharply criticized Mao for opposing this theory. Since the mid-1960s, Suslov became increasingly hardline on foreign and domestic policies as he blocked the 1965 economic reform, voiced strong criticisms against
Maoist China 's "revisionism," and criticized it as deviating from
Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy, just like Titoist Yugoslavia. Despite his overall support of
Stalin, Suslov was critical of his
autocracy and
personality cult. He restored the
collective leadership of the
Lenin era, as opposed to the one-man rule of the Stalin and Khrushchev eras. Suslov also opposed the
"Social Fascism" theory of Stalin. He was generally supportive of communist parties allying
social democratic/socialist
parties, which he saw as a "progressive force", especially in the third world. However, he was vehemently opposed to any attempt to revise orthodox Marxist-Leninist ideals of violent revolution and a one-party socialist republic, as he saw these attempts as revisionist.
Alexei Kosygin
Main Article:
Market Socialism
Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin was the premier of the Soviet Union who through the Kosygin reform reformed the USSR's planned economy by making it's industry more efficient by including some market measures to increase the production rate, which initially succeeded as wages increased but later failed as housing construction declined massively between 1960-1964, due to the poor results, the reform was cancelled by Brezhnev. Under Kosygin's premiership the Soviet Union signed a friendship treaty with
Iraq in 1972 and ended war between
India and
Pakistan through the Tashkent Declaration. During the 1946-1947 Soviet famine, Kosygin sent food to the affected regions.
Leonid Brezhnev
Leonid Brezhnev came to power in the USSR via a bloodless coup against the incumbent Nikita Khrushchev and was widely viewed as a compromise candidate of hardline Stalinists and Khrushchevite reformists in the USSR. Many western scholars have described
Leonid Brezhnev’s rule as
'Neo-Stalinist'. However, Brezhnev didn’t fully restore the cult of Stalin or undo all of Khrushchev’s economic reforms.
Brezhnev’s first term saw the Kosygin reform being implemented. However, the reform was half-hearted and later abandoned as Brezhnev favored Stalin’s emphasis on heavy industry in his economic policy.
Brezhnev also reversed the cultural liberalization reforms in literature and arts and arrested people who criticized him, sharply contrasting Khrushchev’s relatively relaxed communist rule, and Brezhnev restored some Stalinist practices like the lifetime cadre system, which accumulated corruption in the USSR. But he did restore the
collective leadership of the
Lenin era, as opposed to his predecessor Khrushchev, who ruled the USSR with a similar autocratic style to Stalin despite his intense hatred of his predecessor.
Brezhnev shifted from Khrushchev believing in the idea of different paths to
Socialism and Khrushchev emphasized the importance of the
Non-Aligned Movement countries. As such Brezhnev believed in economic integration and
political consolidation of the Socialist countries in order to sustain socialist integrity in the socialist countries. As such Brezhnev Doctrine believes in the idea of the preservation of international socialism over a country's sovereignty believing it is the Soviet Union's job to intervene if the country strayed away from the socialist orthodoxy.
Yuri Andropov
Konstantin Chernenko
As General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Konstantin Chernenko actually continued Andropov's policy, even as a crony of
Brezhnev. Chernenko actively fought the shadow economy, initiated the concept of "perestroika," and pursued a policy of acceleration, even before
Gorbachev. Most of Chernenko's time in the highest office of the state was sick and had to run the country from the hospital. Chernenko's very appointment as general secretary demonstrated the deep crisis that reigned in the highest corridors of power of the Soviet elite. As it turned out later, the real crisis was just ahead.

Marxism-Leninism started in Germany in the 1920s, when the KPD progressed from a libertarian and council-communist party to a Marxist-Leninist party under Ernst Thälmann, who would run for various different positions. The KPD would also start the Anti-Racist Action movement, which directly countered racism in Germany in the 1930s. The KPD, along with many other leftist parties, was banned, and Thälmann was later shot on Hitler's orders. After Nazi Germany was overthrown, the Eastern part of it was taken over by the Socialist Unity Party, a merger of the KPD and Social Democratic parties, and transformed along with the majority of the Eastern Bloc, countries that the Soviet Union liberated from fascism and forcefully imposed the ideology of Marxist-Leninism upon them. This would later lead to the GDR, or East Germany, which existed for many years, and had an array of different leaders, the most notable of which being Erich Honecker. Eventually, like most Eastern Bloc countries, it was dissolved.
Erich Honecker

Honeckerism is an ideology that is based on the political views and presidency of Erich Honecker, the former general secretary of East Germany. It is (generally) progressive and he supports a
Socialist Market Economy but is planned enough to resemble Orthodox
Marxism–Leninism. This is to develop high amounts of consumer goods for the general public, and thus was often called “Consumer Socialism”. Ideologically it is authoritarian left and Marxist-Leninist.

In Poland, following the war, the socialist Provisional Government of National Unity was formed. It was a communist-dominated force and eventually established the Polish People's Republic. The PPR was initially very Stalinist, cracking down on the partisans who are loyal to the exiled government of Poland, who were operating from the ashes of the
Home Army. Infamously, it granted amnesty to all these "Cursed Soldiers"", and then put them into prisons, or just executed them. Later, after the death of Stalin, the leader,
Boleslaw Bierut died and replaced by
Gomulka, who tried to initiate a series of reforms, which failed and Poland continued to be a highly authoritarian and communist country. During this time, the communist government cracked down heavily on the
Catholic Church, which, due to Poland's religiousness, alienated most people in Poland. After the resignation of Gomulka, a series of leaders sped by, most notably
Edward Gierek, ruling from 1970 to 1980, and somewhat democratised the country, making it slightly less authoritarian, as well as not attacking the church as much. Then, after the resignation of Gierek,
general Wojciech Jaruzelski took power. During this time, the anti-communist group Solidarity, with strikes, heavily weakened the government. To save Poland from an invasion like the one on Czechoslovakia, Jaruzelski declared martial law and ruled as a military despot for 9 years. In 1989, the Solidarity strikes destroyed Poland's economy, and Jaruzelski negotiated with them to save the government. He was forced to resign, and Solidarity took power, initiating a series of sweeping reforms that dissolved the PPR.

Main Article:
Market Socialism
Goulash Communism, also called Kadarism and Hungarian Thaw, was the communist ideology associated with
Hungary after the 1956 revolution. It is generally economically and culturally left-wing and while less so than its predecessors, was fairly authoritarian. It was characterized by improvements in personal freedom and quality of life, market reforms, and a deviation from

Main Article:
National Communism

Main Article:
National Communism

Main Article:
National Communism
Marxism-Leninism in Bulgaria started in 1946 with Todor Zhivkov being the leader from 1954 to 1989.

Main Article:
National Communism
Main Article:
Ho Chi Minh Thought
Main Article:
Ho Chi Minh Thought
Dialectical and Historical materialism
By virtue of being a Marxist ideology, Marxism–Leninism concurs with the core Marxist tenets of dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism serves as an essential form of analysis for any Marxist ideology and thus is a core component of Marxism–Leninism.
Critique of Imperialism
Imperialism as seen and described by Lenin is the highest stage of capitalism, involving the domination of the economy by monopolies and the export of capital as the principal form of exploitation and accumulation engaged in by the leading capitalist countries. Imperialism in the Leninist sense is essentially limited to the capitalist era.
Imperialism entails savage competition between the leading capitalist countries for colonies and spheres of influence, culminating in imperialist wars (such as the First World War, which Lenin witnessed).
Party organization principles
Marxist–Leninist parties usually adhere to the principle of democratic centralism which involves free debate within the party and democratic development of party policies by the party members and their elected committees and leaders, but strict adherence by party members to those policies once the policies have been chosen.
Strategy and tactics of revolution
Marxist–Leninists hold that successful revolutions involve more than spontaneous, elemental action by the masses but require a vanguard party to provide them theoretical guidance and, in the revolutionary moment, tactical leadership. The vanguard (communist) party is based on full-time revolutionaries and is a repository of revolutionary experience.
Theory and practice of the dictatorship of the proletariat
Marxist–Leninists adhere to Marx's two-stages model of communism, involving an initial, "lower" stage, often termed "socialism", which is transitional between capitalism and "higher" stage communism in which the state, money, and other vestiges of capitalism and class society no longer exist. In the lower stage a state, controlled by the proletariat, remains necessary to defend against counter-revolution and to guide society away from capitalistic behaviors and toward cooperation and the "free association of the producers" which characterize true or higher-stage communism. The lower stage is also known as the dictatorship of the proletariat since it involves control of society by the proletariat.
Belief in the necessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat distinguishes Marxism–Leninism from more anarchistic tendencies within social liberation theory.
Socialist Internationalism
Socialist Internationalism is an evolution of Proletarian Internationalism. While Proletarian Internationalism focuses on the spread of revolution troughout the world, Socialist Internationalism promotes diplomatic, political and (to a lesser extent) cultural solidarity between pre-existing socialist regimes. Under these principles Warsaw Pact members where encouraged to cooperate whit eachother and Moscow. Socialist Internationalism was initially promoted by Krushchev, and later adopted by Brezhnev.
People's Democracy
People's Democracy is a type of multi-class dictatorship involving the alliance of the proletariat, peasantry, petite bourgeoise, and the national bourgeoisie. In a people's democracy, a multi-party democracy as one united popular front will achieve the path to socialism. The parties in the united front are all social democratic, socialist, and anti-fascist parties; whom are all united against imperialism and fascism and for the development of socialism.
A multi-class dictatorship was needed in order to unite the anti-fascist and patriotic sections of society in order to fight against the resurgence of fascism and to help these countries recover from WW2’s destruction.
Socialism in One Country
Most commonly associated with Joseph Stalin, who adopted it as official policy, Socialism in One Country is a theory which proposes that it is possible to build socialism in a single country, even in a poor and underdeveloped one.
Socialist commodity production
Cultural stance
Marxism Leninism, is (at least in theory), a culturally neutral/variable ideology, due to it describing economic and state positions, but not cultural ones. However, despite this, many Marxist Leninists, both historic and present, have tended to shift towards culturally left positions, such as state atheism, feminism, and the elimination of traditional values, prime examples of this can be seen in Lenin,
Mao. There are some culturally centre-right Marxist-Leninists, such as
Kim (Jong-Il), and
Husak, while others such as
Khrushchev, and
Ho Chi Minh had culturally Centre left positions, while others such as
Kim (Il-Sung)
Stalin, and
Tito still are culturally centre/syncretic/ambiguous. But Marxist-Leninists usually lean towards culturally left positions.
Neo-Stalinism is an ideology used to represent the followers of Stalin in the modern age. It is an anti-revisionist ideology, influenced by Hoxhaism.
Contrary to the belief of many people, figures such as Brezhnev and Kim Jong-il were not supported by most Neo-Stalinists, despite using aesthetics and methods originating in the Stalinist area, their economics and general political system is viewed as revisionist by most neo-stalinists who derive a lot of their work from Hoxha.
He is stereotyped as being someone who would be willing to deny and defend the actions of Stalin such as gulags, purges of his political enemies, forced deportations of “the enemies of the state”, famines as a result of mismanagement of resources, and Lysenkoism, which people who are opposed to Stalin would consider abhorrent, to defend.
- (Stereotypically) speaks in a strong
Russian accent and loves vodka and tanks.
- (Stereotypically) wears either a Ushanka or a babushka.
- Calls all
anarchists "anarkiddies", even if they are older than him.
- His favorite novel is
Animal Farm, but only the first half.
- Obsessed with increasing productivity and finishing the 5-year plan
- Harshly punishes any deviations
How to Draw
[!] Several countries (Especially Ukraine, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania) banned the usage of communist symbols, including the hammer and sickle. Be aware when using this design!
The hammer and sickle is an iconic symbol for any communist movement, especially for Marxist-Leninist states. It can be rooted back to the 1920s when state flag proposals for the USSR were up to contest.
- Draw a ball,
- Colour the ball red,
- Draw a yellow hammer and sickle (☭) in the centre or over one of the eyes as an eyepatch
- Draw the eyes, and you're done!
- (Optional) Add an ushanka, preferably with a star.
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #CC0000 | rgb(204, 0, 0) | |
Yellow | #FFD700 | rgb(255, 215, 0) |
Leninism - I am merely a disciple of Lenin.
State Socialism - He is pretty much like me but doesn't have communism as his end goal. Still cool though.
Marxist Feminism - We support women's rights! Not those hypocritical libs! Sorry that Stalin criminalized abortion.
Ho Chi Minh Thought - Vietnamese comrade!
Doi Moi is a massive disappointment…Sankarism - One of the best revolutionaries on the African continent!
Industrialism - A communist society starts with rapid industrialization.
Socialist Patriotism - It can be a progressive or reactionary force, but as for my motherland, URAAAA!
Autarky - Soviet industry is best industry! Regardless of what
they thought, Lenin spoke out that socialist revolution has to start in several countries first. Those countries must effectively destroy the capitalist structures and build the economic material conditions needed to develop poorer countries towards socialism. That's what Socialism in 1 country is.
State Atheism - Religion is reactionary poison and an eternal enemy of the proletariat. I was very harsh on religion but loosened up after 1941 to gather a support coalition in the war. Many of my variants are chill with religion though.
Particracy - The communist party must be the dominant political party, for we represent the working class!
National Communism - You’re a good comrade and son, and we work together a lot, especially in the Cold War, but what happened to ‘workers of the world unite!’?
Lumpenproletariat (Frenemies)
Antifa - RIP Thalmann, you were a martyr to the patriotic war, it is a shame the movement has been co-opted by anarkiddies and liberals.
Anarcho-Communism - Silly anarkiddy, you are no proletarian, your gathering of peasants is petite-bourgeois anarchism! Combining the beliefs of Bakunin with my
dad who kicked him out is contradictory. Read Engels! Though he helps me beat up capitalists, fascists and bourgeois reactionaries. I appreciate that, "comrade".
Marxism - Papa! I'm sorry that you consider me to be too statist, and many of my variants you probably would not agreed with, but please... I am trying to spread your work.
Maoism - You were initially good, but your Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, Sino-Soviet split (despite me not liking Khrushchev) and alliance with Americans are all debates between our circles.
You are just reddish and margarine Marxist.Hoxhaism - Dogmatist obsessed with bunkers.
Spartacism - Semi-revisionist, who planned a revolution in Germany and failed.
Trot and
Lenin somehow likes you but I'm not supporting you. However 50% of my variants love you!
Trotskyism - *sharpens ice pick* You should have minded your own business when Germany fell, but instead you resorted to factionalism just to be salty! But thanks a lot for your help in the Russian Civil War. Nowadays we like each other more!
Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - Despite our differing views on peasants, you're still cool... Also, our modern internet variants don't seem to like one another.
Khrushchevism - Revisionist scum who introduced capitalism to the Soviet Union. Crushing the 1956 Hungarian uprising was based, though, and so was your "We will bury you" speech to the west
even though it was mistranslated.Capitalist Communism - You're like modern China, revisionist.
Titoism - Adoptive son. We agreed on many things, but he also argued with me about markets and helped form the cringe non-aligned movement. Also, why did you allow your people to be corrupted by all that Western entertainment?
Juche - Juche gang! Wait, what do you mean Marxism-Leninism is unfit for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea?! Dirty revisionist! Still preferable to the corporate slavery of South Korea.
Pol Potism - Maoism's more unhinged and reactionary son who hates me for supporting
Ho Chi Minh Thought.
Honestly, he scares me.Left-Wing Nationalism - If one is to believe the workers of the world should unite in unison, then it is contradictory to believe those works should be arbitrarily divided by nationhood.
Burmese Socialism - Had the potential to be great but Ne Win was an incompetent idiot.
Democratic Socialism - You can't just vote in socialism and expect the bourgeoisie to go away on their own, just ask
Allende (who was pretty based). However, we work more these days.
Revolutionary Progressivism - We share a mutual love for revolutionary figures such as Lenin, Rosa, Mao, Hoxha, Kollontai, and many others, and I usually seek new cultural expectations under Communism. Some other comrades, however, such as the Kims and Brezhnev don't seem to be your thing. And please, don't give
anarkiddies a pass.
Chiangism - I supported you over this
revisionist and wanted
Mao to make peace with you, but you are still counterrevolutionary!
Agrarian Socialism - A peasant-owned economy will not create communism, let alone socialism.
Christian Socialism - At least you are not reactionary even though you guys like the opium of the people... At least Stalin and Brezhnev were relatively soft on you.
Islamic Socialism - Same as the above, however, Malcolm X and Siad Barre were based.
Why did the latter work with dengoids instead of Brezhnev?Police Statism - Only based when he works for me, otherwise a tool of the bourgeois state.
LGBTQ - At least in the west I usually support you, but our history seems to have some problems because of the actions of some leaders against your community. I am deeply sorry about that, and I try my best to help all the minorities oppressed under Capitalism. Nowadays we seem to get more along, at least.
Just try not to do the same on my territory, okay? I want the bourgeoisie to be in Vorkuta, not those accused under article 120 "sodomy".Anarcha-Feminism - Based proletarian feminism and anti-capitalism but
Marxist Feminism's ideas are still better.
Mutualism - You don't go far enough in promoting worker-centric collectivism. Plus you are anarkiddy too.
Eco-Authoritarianism - Good overall direction, climate change is a serious issue, but you need to go further left economically and not be so anti-productivity. And population control is cringe, it reeks of
Also please ignore my previous nuclear waste dumping and what I did to the Aral Sea.Conservative Socialism - We both supported Brezhnev, but you’re a fake and bourgeois socialist who simps for dictators because they’re culturally right for most of the times.
Socialism of the 21st Century - Why do you not like me though?
Chavismo - Latin American anti-imperialist ally!
But actually a TrotPosadism -
FOR THE RED LINE! FOR COMRADE MOSKVIN!Deranged Trot.Democratic Confederalism - Many ML parties in the region support you and send soldiers to help you but you abandoned Marxism and I fear you might be collaborating with the US.
Khomeinism - Iran stands up against Israeli and American imperialism, but you’re too religious. I also heard that if you wouldn’t have taken American citizens hostage, then you would’ve taken Soviet citizens hostage! Theocracy is pretty cringe as well, so you're... awful, but still not my worst enemy.
Gaddafism - Once you were based when you funded and supported anti-imperialist movements across the world but then you lost me when you adopted capitalism in the 90s and participated in the War on Terror on the side of the west. Also, you were a class collaborationist who rejected the Marxist class struggle and supressed Communists. Still, you didn't deserve to be killed by the NATO terrorists and Libya was better of under your rule considering what happened after your downfall.
Ba'athism - You're very divisive among my followers. Allying with the Soviet Union during the Cold War was based on but persecuting and subverting domestic communist movements (Especially in the case of Saddam Hussein) isn't. Also, I don't like how you are closer to State Capitalism than REAL socialism. I still critically support you over Western Imperialists.
Putinism - I don't really like the modern state of Russia.
Some of my following however see you as an more preferable alternative to Western hegemony. Lenin didn't invent Ukraine, you great Russian chauvinist.
Dengism - Opening up may have been necessary
and crushing the Tiananmen libtards was the right thing to dobut why did you ally with the neocons against the Soviets and Vietnamese?Xi Jinping Thought - I hope Western and Chinese state media are right about you bringing back socialism to China. Anyway, I'll always defend your actions from Western imperialists. Still, you should be assertive in purging rightist elements from the CPC. You also remind me of Nazbol.
Đổi Mới - Luna Oi says you've established market socialism on the path to communism but of course I have doubts. Not sure what Bac Ho would think of modern-day Vietnam.
National Bolshevism - You are odd, my friend. I like that you also admire Stalin , but why are you so Racist and supportive of
Neo-Bolshevism &
Death Worship - The Party would like to inform you that these three are nothing but pathetic mockery made by a
douchebag and we are certainly nothing like them.
Dammit! I wish I had that level of control over society.
Enemies Of The People
Capitalism - You are the greatest evil of our time. You keep saying I'm a failure of an ideology, but look at yourself and don't even try resorting to free markets or else you too will fall like Chile. And I haven't failed yet, my
grandson is currently kicking your ass!!! SO I WILL THEN F**K YOU UP!!!
I'll ignore the fact that he's revisionist for now.Gorbachevism - F*CK YOU GORBY!!! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!! OH BOY I AM GLAD YOU'RE DEAD!
Yeltsinism - You managed to be worse than the above! Rest in piss, Drunken Boris!
Solzhenitsynism - Xaxaxa, a billions shot personally by Stalin.
But it's okay when I do it.[22][23]Anarcho-Capitalism - Remember Pinochet before you talk about the failures of communism, The free market ideology fell so hard!
Anarcho-Syndicalism - Are you not that stupid anarkiddy I was talking about? And stop saying I didn't help you in Catalonia, we didn't have the resources!
Anarcho-Collectivism - Anarkiddy's prototype who was booted by original Marxists.
Post-Leftism - What happened to that stupid
But thanks for helping me to purge Trot.Italian Left Communism - I've built up the world's strongest socialist republic and made it a superpower. What have you done?
Socialism with a Human Face and
Nagyism - *Tank engines*
Libertarian Socialism - I see somebody hasn't read Engels.
Reactionary Socialism - Now that capitalism replaced feudalism, you're trying to rebrand as socialists? LMAO!
IgnoreYemelyanov please
Nazism - This loser is still mad that I beat him in war. XAXAXAXAXAXA!
If only you respected our Molotov-Ribbentrop pact...Strasserism - You are very similar to
Nazism, but you have a better economic model.
Clerical Fascism - Reactionary pig and a filthy f*shie, Tito might be a revisionist but he showed you the PITS.
Eco-Fascism - Eco-friendly fascism is still fascism. Drop the "blood and soil" crap, Fascist.
Futurism - Nothing more than a bourgeois intellectual circle of fake art.
Anarcho-Fascism - This is just what all imperialist CIA anarKKKiddies are.
Liberalism - Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.
National Liberalism - A Tool of the native bourgeoisie to conquer new markets with fire and sword for national industry.[24]
Neoliberalism - More female CEOs!!
Liberal Feminism - No, I was making fun of you. More diverse oppressors will not end oppression.
Liberal Socialism - Liberalism is the ideology of the bourgeoisie, it is incompatible with socialism. (Critical support to ANC though.)
Reactionary Liberalism - "Reactionary Liberalism"? Well isn't that completely redundant?
Social Democracy - Another opportunist liberal and the VELVET GLOVE OF FASCISM!
Third Way - Hey you! You just got to be one of the worst in the 21st century. You killed my ally
Gaddafism, and you also tried to bomb Syria to death. Why? Go to hell, and I hate Tony Blair especially! Don't you dare get your dirty hands into Cuba next!
Social Authoritarianism - I'll never forgive you for corrupting the Marxist movement for your own opportunist gains. Why do you use my aesthetics? Also just because
Lukashenko and
Grotewohl are allies doesn't excuse your borderline
social fascism.
State Liberalism - Pink oppression is still oppression.
Libertarianism - Laissez-faire? Capitalism? Sounds like you just hate the working class.
Social Libertarianism - Aren't you just
Libertarianism again?!
Libertarian Conservatism - muh fReeDuMbs aND Freeze peACH!
Korwinism - You're like American "libertarian" conservatism on steroids (Liberty Hangout anyone?). At least you agree that China is better than the EU, which is based.
Libertarian Feminism - Capitalism makes women get less pay!
Neo-Libertarianism - Are you not just
Neoconservatism again?!
Hayekism - Yes, I'm a communist. What gave it away?
Pink Capitalism - Are you not just
Neoliberalism again? And no, I won't buy your rainbow water bottles unless you give us most of your money.
Avaritionism - This is capitalism in its raw, unmasked form, a bunch of psychopaths fighting over money!
Authoritarian Capitalism - Literally Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie and it doesn't even hide it. Im not brave enough for capitalists.
National Capitalism - Wow, and I thought Nazis were bad. This is actually disgusting. Some of you even worked with US Imperialism during the Cold War.
Don't search Operation Osoaviakhim.Corporatocracy - You perfectly describe everything that's wrong with capitalism. Thank you.
National Conservatism &
Right-Wing Populism - Bourgeois nationalist reactionary scums who destroyed my glorious Soviet Motherland and my ideals!
Conservative Feminism - Capitalism and religion are clearly VERY anti-women.
Eco-Conservatism - Ecology without class struggle is just gardening. Also, production over ecology.
Neoconservatism - He always beats me in wars. Just a damn imperialist who claims to spread "freedom" and "democracy" but actually overthrows democratically elected socialists to replace them with brutal bourgeoise dictators!
I also do the same but in reverse but still...Zionism - Imperialist puppet! Free Palestine! PFLP will BTFO you soon!
I was once a Zionist but then you sided withhim, so I turned on you. If you sided with me, then I would support you against the Palestinians.
Paleoconservatism - A neocon in disguise who still wants intervention but in fewer countries. Also, it's the West that's controlling Israel, not the other way around as what chuds like you believe.
Thanks for protesting the Vietnam War.Christian Democracy - Opiate-addicted libtard that banned me from West Germany. I banned him too in GDR. East Germany best Germany!
My wall is also better than yours.Thatcherism - THE B*TCH IS DEAD!
Reactionaryism - The reason why I am called a tankie. To the gulags!
Feudalism – I can't believe I'm saying this, but one of the few good things that he
did, was getting rid of you.
Fourth Theory - You.. While some of my followers are more inclined to support you and vice-versa, our goals are still very different and our philosophies diverge because you do not see class conflict as the main struggle.
Black Hundredism - Fuck the Romanovs! They got what they deserved for holding the commoners in serfdom.
Horseshoe Centrism - This enlightened liberal who thinks that I'm no different than
Alt-Lite - Another moderate fashie.
Alt-Right - Dirty fashoid reactionary incel that calls me a "Judeo-Bolshevik", whatever that means.
Hoppeanism - Physically Removed so to speak? How about you get in the gulag?
White Nationalism - Death to white supremacist AmeriKKKa! Also, you hate Israel for the wrong reasons, I oppose them because they support Apartheid (both at home and in South Africa), like you. Get exiled!
and wtf iswhite communism?!
Social Darwinism - Are you not just capitalism again?! You also misinterpreted
Darwin's theory of evolution!
That I ignored for a short time in favor of Lysenkoism.Yellow Socialism - A disgusting reactionary parading around calling himself a socialist! Fake socialist!
Anarcho-Pacifism - And I thought anarkiddy couldn't become even more spineless.
Theocracies - My lack of god, imagine still believing in these regressive institutions.
I'll forever be thankful to the Orthodox Church for supporting me during the Great Patriotic War.Islamic Nationalism &
Jihadism - We Are Leaving.
Haha, the govt I propped up lasted for three more years after I leftThree Represents &
Scientific Outlook on Development - I despise both of you as you kinda sold out to the west persecuting the Chinese New Left.
However, the way crushed liberal dissidents such as Liu Xiaobo and Ai Wei Wei were based and Jiang make for funny memes.Pinochetism - You're just another American puppet bourgeoise regime.
Please get that helicopter away from me.Plus your free market plans fell harder! Also, how dare you murder Allende?!Batistaism - F*ck off, Batista. Running away in 1959 was the best thing you ever did.
Welfare Chauvinism - See? I told you
Social Democracy is the velvet glove of Fascism!
Gaullism &
Venizelism - A bunch of
social fascists.
Neosocialism - Are you not just
succdem again?
Showa Statism - LEAVE MONGOLIA ALONE, YOU SAMURAI FASH! (Thanks for staying away from me while I was dealing with
that jerk though.) *later* Manchurian Operation and Khabarovsk war crime trials go brr.
Anarcho-Nihilism - One of the most lumpen anarchists who cares only about himself and hates Working people and society. Go to the gulag.
Illegalism - You may refuse to be capitalist, but if you are motivated by self-interest and you like money and any markets, including black markets you are just lumpen. There is no crime in the Motherland
Don't watch Citizen X, please.
Further Information
Eastern Bloc
Ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Warsaw Pact
Soviet Union
Soviet people
Culture of the Soviet Union
New Soviet man
"Real Socialism"
Democratic Centralism
Soviet Type Economic Planning
Communist state
Marx and
- Das Kapital Volume I
- Das Kapital Volume II
- Das Kapital Volume III
- Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
- The Communist Manifesto
- The Principles of Communism
- Anti-Duhring
- The German Ideology
- The Civil War in France
- Critique of the Gotha Programme
- Grundrisse
- The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
- Wage Labour and Capital
- Value, Price and Profit
- Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
- Left wing communism: an infantile disorder
- The State And Revolution
- What Is To Be Done?
- The Proletarian Revolution And The Renegade Kautsky
- The Foundations of Leninism
- Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR
- Dialectical and Historical Materialism
- On Practice
- On Contradiction
- On The Correct Handling of Contradictions Among The People
- Oppose Book Worship
- Combat Liberalism
- The Mother by
Maxine Gorky
- The Left Side of History: World War II and the Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe by Kristen Ghodsee
- Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism & the Overthrow of Communism by
Michael Parenti
- Selected Writings and Speeches by
Mikhail Suslov
- Brezhnev on the Theory of Developed Socialism by
Leonid Brezhnev
Second Thought
Comrade Rhys
Marxist Paul
The Finnish Bolshevik
História Cabeluda
História Pública
Jones Manoel
Vestnik Buri
Konstantin Syomin
- I'm a Marxist-Leninist by
- Basics of Marxism-Leninism by Polinkazh
- The Basics of Marxism-Leninism by Svetlanist1917
- How did the USSR work? by
Viki 1999
- Comunismo: princípios básicos e guia de leitura by História Pública
- Mumkey's Declassified Communism Survival Guide by
Mumkey Jones
Online Communities
Memes and Humor
Political Parties
International Organizations
- International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
- International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations
- International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations
Domestic Communist Parties and Organizations
- Communist Party of Argentina
- Communist Party of Australia
- Communist Party of Australia (Marxist–Leninist)
- Party of Labour of Austria
- Communist Party of Bangladesh
- Socialist Party of Bangladesh
- Communist Party of Belgium
- Brazilian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Brazil
- New Communist Party of Britain
- Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
- Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
- Communist Party of Canada
- Communist Party of Canada (Marxist–Leninist)
- Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
- Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
- Communist Party in Denmark
- Communist Party of Denmark
- Communist Party (Denmark)
- Pole of Communist Revival in France
- German Communist Party
- Communist Party of Germany
- Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany
- Communist Workers' Party – For Peace and Socialism (Finland)
- League of Communists (Finland)
- Communist Party of Greece
- Communist Party of Greece (Marxist–Leninist)
- Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Greece
- Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece
- Revolutionary Communist Movement of Greece
- Party of Communists USA
- Freedom Road Socialist Organization
- ↑ So-called "Anti-Revisionists" claim to oppose "Soviet Social Imperialisam", but most always defend Stalin's imperialist practices in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Additionally, Hoxha and Mao supported the Invasion of Hungary by Khrushchev despite claiming to oppose his imperialism.
- ↑ "When we are told that the victory of socialism is possible only on a world scale, we regard this merely as an attempt, a particularly hopeless attempt, on the part of the bourgeoisie and its voluntary and involuntary supporters to distort the irrefutable truth. The ‘final’ victory of socialism in a single country is of course impossible." - Vladimir Lenin.
- ↑ Officially opposes Dengism, though retains relations with the Communist Party of China.
- ↑ It is absolutely necessary for us to ensure the rapid and continuous renewal of all sectors of the national economy on the basis of modern achievements of science and technology. This is one of our fundamental tasks. Without this, the progress of society is simply unthinkable." - Konstantin Chernenko
- ↑ The economy of Hungary under Rakosi suffered a major crisis and living standards sharply declined. This was due to the selling of Hungarian industry to the USSR as part of the reparation program and his severe mismanagement in the 1950s, which led to the removal of Rakosi himself from the post of General Secretary twice. The economic issues and comsumer goods shortage triggered widespread social and popular discontent, which resulted in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
- ↑ DPRK's 1992 Constitution removed all references Marxism-Leninism.
- ↑
- ↑ Joseph Stalin and antisemitism
Doctors' Plot
Night of the Murdered Poets - ↑ LGBT history in the Soviet Union
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Great Purge
- ↑ Harry Pollitt was influenced by the People's Democracies of Eastern Europe and wanted to model a potential socialist Britain on them.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ "Stalin and the Soviet Famine of 1932-33 Revisited", Michael Ellman
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ "Soviet involvement in regime change",
- ↑ "Soviet Empire",
- ↑
Portraits of variants
Bill of Rights Socialism
Honeckerism (by
Comrade Shrek)
Stalinism (By
DarknightYuusha )
Stalinism (By
DarknightYuusha )
Animalism (Animal Farm)
Goulash Communism
Flag of Stalinism