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"Against this noisy, garrulous, and lying Socialism, which is exploited by ambitious people of every description, which amuses a few buffoons, and which is admired by decadents—revolutionary Syndicalism takes its stand, and endeavours, on the contrary, to leave nothing in a state of indecision; its ideas are honestly expressed, without trickery and without mental reservations; no attempt is made to dilute doctrines by a stream of confused commentaries. Syndicalism endeavours to employ methods of expression which throw a full light on things, which put them exactly in the place assigned to them by their nature, and which bring out the whole value of the forces in play."

Syndicalism (often shortened to "Synd") is a left-wing, libertarian ideology rooted in Socialism that advocates for worker empowerment through unionization and decentralized revolutionary organizations called syndicates. These syndicates are seen as the key institutions for advancing workers' demands, primarily through direct action like strikes and protests. Syndicalists believe that this grassroots approach is the most effective way to challenge Capitalism and achieve a socialist society. In a post-capitalist system, Syndicalism envisions a decentralized governance structure where a congress or federation of syndicates represents various unions and economic sectors. This ensures that power remains in the hands of the workers, allowing for democratic decision-making at the local level while avoiding top-down control and state bureaucracy. The core aim is a society where both economic and political decisions are driven by worker-led organizations, ensuring a balance between worker control and decentralized governance.


Syndicalism emerged as a response to the harsh realities of Industrialism and Capitalism in the 19th century, a period marked by rapid industrialization and the exploitation of a growing working class. As factory labor became central to the economy, workers were increasingly subject to poor conditions, low wages, and limited rights. This backdrop gave rise to a variety of socialist and anarchist critiques of Capitalism, which provided the intellectual foundation for syndicalist thought. Early influences came from Utopian Socialism, which envisioned cooperative societies, and Mutualism, which proposed decentralized, cooperative exchange systems. Libertarian Socialism, advocating for a stateless society based on free association and worker control, also shaped syndicalist ideology, promoting a vision of self-management that rejected both state and capitalist structures. Anarchist ideas, particularly from thinkers like Mikhail Bakunin, contributed significantly as well, advocating for decentralized, worker-led organizations free from both state and capitalist control.

By the late 19th century, Syndicalism took shape as a distinct movement in France, particularly with the formation of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) in 1895. This period saw the rise of militant labor movements that rejected political reformism in favor of direct action through trade unions. The syndicalists believed that workers could emancipate themselves not by engaging with the state or political parties, but by asserting control over production through organized economic resistance. Key to this strategy was the use of the general strike, viewed as the ultimate tool for dismantling Capitalism and transferring control of industries to the workers themselves. Syndicalism thus blended elements of anarchism's opposition to centralized authority with a practical focus on industrial organization.

While Syndicalism shared Marxism's critique of Capitalism, it diverged significantly in its approach to achieving social change. Marxists, particularly those aligned with Orthodox Socialism, sought to capture state power through political parties, believing the state could be used to transition to a socialist society. Syndicalists, however, were deeply skeptical of the state, viewing it as inherently oppressive. They argued that even socialist political parties would eventually betray the working class once they gained power. This fundamental difference in strategy created a rift between Syndicalists and Marxists, although both movements often collaborated in labor struggles and shared the broader goal of workers’ control of production.

In the early 20th century, Syndicalism spread beyond France, taking root in countries with burgeoning industrial labor forces. In Italy, the Italian Syndicalist Union (USI) emerged as a significant force, while in Spain, the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) became a powerful syndicalist organization, playing a central role in the Spanish labor movement. In Latin America, syndicalist ideas influenced labor movements in countries like Argentina and Brazil, where rapid industrialization had created conditions ripe for revolutionary labor activity. This period marked the peak of Syndicalism, as general strikes and militant labor actions were seen as serious threats to the capitalist order. However, the outbreak of World War I and the subsequent rise of Nationalism fragmented these movements, diminishing their cohesion and effectiveness.

After World War I, Syndicalism faced new challenges from the rise of Bolshevism and state-led socialism. The 1917 Russian Revolution led to the establishment of a centralized, authoritarian socialist state, which many syndicalists viewed as antithetical to their vision of worker autonomy and decentralized control. Lenin’s Communist International (Comintern) sought to bring revolutionary movements under its control, leading to tensions and splits within syndicalist unions. Despite some moments of syndicalist resurgence—most notably during the Spanish Civil War when the CNT briefly controlled large sections of the economy—the movement declined as Marxist-Leninist and Social Democratic models of labor organization gained prominence, particularly in the context of the emerging welfare state in Western Europe.

In the latter half of the 20th century, syndicalism never regained the influence it once held, though its principles remained relevant in various movements. The New Left of the 1960s and 1970s, with its emphasis on anti-authoritarianism and worker self-management, echoed syndicalist themes, as did experiments in decentralized economic planning and worker cooperatives in places like Yugoslavia. In Latin America, syndicalist ideas reemerged in opposition to Neoliberalism and dictatorship, influencing labor movements in Brazil and Argentina. Today, Syndicalism persists in smaller anarchist and radical labor groups, such as the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), which continue to advocate for worker-run enterprises and oppose capitalist hierarchies. Despite its diminished presence, Syndicalism’s enduring emphasis on direct action and decentralized control remains a potent alternative vision for labor organizing.


Trade Unions


Worker Self-Organization




Ideological Analysis and Comparison

Syndicalism versus Council Communism

These two ideologies may appear very similar off the bat, and they mostly are, but have a few key differences. First of all, council communism is scientific while syndicalism tends, not guaranteed, to be utopic (in a Marxist sense). The second key difference is that syndicalism wants unions to own businesses while council communism wants worker-elected councils/boards. This might seem small but in reality, it can be quite a huge difference, as in Council Communism all workers get to vote for the council while in Syndicalism only unionized employees can vote. A third key difference is that Syndicalism may, and often does, support decentralized rule akin to anarchism while Council Communism supports the very idea of further centralization of the proletarian state.

Syndicalism versus Guild Socialism

Syndicalism and Guild Socialism also bear a lot of similarities but differ in that syndicates and unions are worker-representative bodies for specific companies while guilds are worker-owned organizations that represent entire industries in specific municipalities. Guild Socialism has no specific civic or governmental stance. While syndicates operate within a market economy (usually) but with worker ownership of workplaces, guild socialism on the other hand, allocates resources and needs to their workers directly.

Syndicalism versus De Leonism

At first, these systems might seem quite similar, especially with both sharing the common label of Unionism. However, looking closer, there are some striking differences between the two. Firstly, De Leonism, just like council communism, is scientific, while syndicalism tends to be utopian. Secondly, De Leonists support industrial unions elected by all workers which are tasked with decision making, which in contrast with the syndicalist approach of syndicates owning and controlling businesses. Lastly, De Leonists support the utilization of a party of class-conscious proletarians to organize the proletariat into industrial unions and educate them, unlike syndicalism which rejects the party-form entirely, and in its place to organize the proletariat, syndicates utilizes forms of propaganda to install discipline such as myths.



Sorelianism refers to the ideas of French philosopher Georges Sorel who advocated for a revolutionary form of revolutionary syndicalism based upon Nietzschean, Marxist, and Mutualist thought, while rejecting more mainstream parliamentary socialism. His most famous work is "Reflections on Violence", in which he introduced numerous of his key ideas; most importantly that of his conception of myth, and his analysis of social peace and producerist ethics.

Sorel was highly critical of the French left, due to their decadent political opitimism (a label he gave to reformist socialists). This along with accusations of reactionaryism, revisionism, and proto-fascism, has made him a controversial but at the same time influential figure in the socialist movement.

The Strike

Georges Sorel opposed Nonviolent socialism. He saw the strike as the main tool to fight against the bourgeoisie, creating a divide-and-conquer scenario that would cause factionalism and destroy the bourgeoise.


Sorel’s conception of the myth came about as a way of solving the problem of how to properly install discipline and to energize them. A myth is an event for the proletariat to work towards that showcases what they can achieve. And for Sorel, the most important myth of the proletariat is that of the general strike, which he urges the proletariat to work towards with no hesitation, ‘to precede exactly as a modern physicist does’, he said.

Pacifism and Producerist Ethics

Sorel’s other important contribution is his conception of producerist ethics, which he borrowed from Friedrich Nietzsche’s conception of master morality, and of social peace. In Sorel’s home country, France, he examined how the bourgeoisie had weakened itself and given economic and political concessions to the socialists of the country, but only to stabilize themselves. This had resulted in the rise of decadence within the bourgeoisie, and the French left, as the bourgeoisie and proletariat intermingled in the democratic affair. His solution was that of producerist ethics (which he examined from the old bourgeoisie and their cold and ruthless nature in seeking profit) of unlimited proletarian violence, which would destroy social peace and accelerate the class war to its breaking point.


Sorel’s pessimism is an anti-reformist one, being based on his naming of socialist reformism as being political optimism. His main focus with this is on the dire state of the French socialist movement and how they have surrendered themselves to bourgeois forces. The bourgeoisie to pacify the proletariat has granted the socialist parties limited power to give them hope of achieving their goals peacefully, and with this locking the socialist movement in a cycle of political optimism that will lead only to the stabilization of capitalism. The only solution as stated before for Sorel is unrestrained revolutionary violence by the proletariat to destroy social peace and its institutions of it and to accelerate the class war.


Criticisms From The Left

Many leftists (most notably Council Communism) criticize Syndicalism as, they claim, that union bosses can often become corrupt and use similar "abusive" employment practices as private business owners and thus defeats the whole point. Council Communists also claim that under Syndicalism unemployed workers and non-unionized workers can be hung out to dry as unions close ranks and treat themselves as an upper class.

Daniel De Leon, a prominent Marxist and industrial unionist who is usually associated with “Marxist Syndicalism”, criticized syndicalism in a text just called “Syndicalism”. In it, he criticized the syndicalist movement for its lack of stress on the economic structure of capitalism, and for lacking formal organization and a strategy for achieving socialism.

Criticisms From The Right

Many libertarians and conservatives criticize Syndicalism too because it forcibly collectivises industry and puts it in the hand of corrupt, greedy unions. Right-wing ideologies also attack Syndicalism for destroying competition and innovation as no one, they claim, will be able to profit from their work and so no one would work hard or be innovative under a Syndicalist society.


Syndicalism is often portrayed as a blue collar worker obsessive about unionization, significantly more than his father, and he can often be seen attempting to persuade other leftists to organize and/or join worker's strikes, being highly concerned with the rights and demands of the workers and extremely critical of business owners and their practices. Synd also loves the HOI4 mod Kaiserreich due to his presence as a major ideology both in-universe and in the game.

He is often religious, but often still, socially progressive or "socially laissez-faire". However, this is not hard and fast, and many are culturally conservative too. This is exacerbated when he works in a culturally conservative area but of course, the opposite is true when he works in a cultually progressive area.

Unlike many of his leftist comrades, Synd cares very little for theory, and some question if he can even read. Despite this, he is generally amicable with other leftists, though he does wish they trusted more in the power of the workers.

How to Draw

Flag of Syndicalism


Different syndicalist symbols can be used to represent Syndicalism.

  1. A crossed torch and hammer is used to represent Syndicalists in the fictional universe of Kaiserreich. While this symbol is easily recognizable online, it was not used in real life.
  2. A three-pointed red star was used by Republican factions in the Spanish Civil War.
  3. A black cat emblem is used by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), a modern-day syndicalist organization.
  4. An emblem with Hercules was used by the CNT (Anarcho-Syndicalists) in the Spanish Civil War.
  5. A yoke and arrows emblem was used by National Syndicalists in Spain.


  1. Draw a ball with eyes.
  2. Fill it in with red.
  3. In black, draw one of the aforementioned symbols.
  4. (Optional) Add a construction worker's hat.
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#FF0000rgb(255, 0, 0)
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)
 Yellow (hat)#FFF301rgb(255, 243, 1)
 Orange (hat)#FDCA0Crgb(253, 202, 12)


Union Buddies

Non-Union Workers

  • Democratic Socialism - You are so centralised and obsessed with your version of socialism. I just want better jobs, wages and benefits man, can you shut up about nationalisation for a second?
  • Industrialism - What would us workers be without the factories we work in, and vice versa? But also, you need to be responsible and ensure our children have clean air to breathe.
  • Anarcho-Communism - You're based but I wish people would stop confusing my son for you. It’s getting old.
  • Marxism - You showed how we are the most revolutionary, most powerful class that ought to take control of our economy, though at times you do fall into the trap of mechanistic determinism, and also the dictatorship of the proletariat just reinforces the master and slave relationship. Also, Blanquism and Positivism have decomposed you, but I will save your theory from them.
  • Marxism–Leninism - I like your economics but centralization is awful and there's a reason the USSR decayed back into capitalism.
  • Left-Wing Populism - Good friend who helps us organise for the general strike but we don't need the support of "the people", just the unions.
  • Mutualism - Petit bourgeois, but I wouldn't exist without the influence of you and Marx.
  • Corporatism - I like how you support Unions, but please stop with this class collaboration bullshit.
  • Trotskyism - Trotsky shot Kronstadt workers but Militant supported the NUW strike.
  • Leninism - Sorel became a great supporter of you and your revolution in the last years of his life. But you also shot Kronstadt workers and paved the way to his rule.
  • Nazism - You claim to support the workers, yet you busted all trade unions and let only your puppet union exist. But a 32 MILLION union sounds cool.
  • Fascism - Same as above. You started off as a trade unionist movement, but you're still dubious. Also, despite you claiming to follow his ideas, Sorel didn't like you.

Bosses and Scabs

  • Reformism - “The optimist in politics is an inconstant and even dangerous man, because he takes no account of the great difficulties presented by his projects; these projects seem to him to possess a force of their own which tends to bring about their realization all the more easily as, in his opinion, they are destined to produce more happiness. He frequently thinks that small reforms of the political system and, above all, of government personnel will be sufficient to direct the movement of society in such a way as to mitigate those evils of the modern world which seem so hideous to sensitive souls. As soon as his friends come to power he declares that it is necessary to let things alone for a while, not to be too hasty, and to learn to be content with whatever their good intentions suggest; it is not always self-interest that dictates these expressions of satisfaction, as people have often believed: self-interest is strongly aided by vanity and by the illusions of poor-quality philosophy. The optimist moves with remarkable ease from revolutionary anger to the most ridiculous social pacifism.”
  • Reformist Marxism - “You can’t destroy a society by using the organs which are there to preserve it, any class who wants to liberate itself must create its own organs."
  • Blanquism - The reason why Marxism is at a decline. You hate him yet your followers infiltrate his theories.
  • Yellow Socialism - Class collaboratist reactionary posing as me.
  • Eco-Socialism - Don't you know that mineworkers are among some of the most revolutionary workers?
  • Agrarian Socialism - While rural workers deserve freedom too they cannot be revolutionary because unions just don't work the same in capitalist farms.
  • Guild Socialism - HAHA, do you really think that trade guilds are capable of being revolutionary against capitalism?
  • Italian Left Communism - In what way does a free organization of working men distract from true socialism, you armchair lover?
  • De Leonism - Still coping about being kicked out of the IWW. Your "socialist industrial unionism" with its centralization, use of the party-form, and authoritarian structure, is nothing but Blanquist.
  • Council Communism - I’m a real form of workers’ organization. Stop attacking me.
  • State Socialism - "One of the outstanding tasks of the proletariat is, obviously, to combat with every possible means the extension of the state and to free social life from the intervention of state functionaries. Statism is the ideal of the petty bourgeoisie; it is the exact opposite of socialism."
  • Capitalism - Keep coping about the incoming general strike which will destroy you.
  • Social Democracy - Preserver of capital whose entire aim is to submit the proletariat into social pacifism by slightly weakening capitalist power with concessions only to stabilize it in the long term.
  • Democracy - “Marx believed that the democratic regime has the advantage that as workers are no longer attracted to fighting the monarchy or the aristocracy, the notion of class becomes easier to grasp. Experience teaches us the opposite; democracy is quite good at preventing the advance of socialism, by diverting workers’ minds toward trade-unionism under government protection.”
  • Third Way - So you call yourself the Labour Party yet you don't like labour unions. Curious.
  • Neoliberalism - Union busting welfare lover.
  • Mediacracy - Stop making us look bad, dammit!
  • Plutocracy - Put your money where your mouth is.
  • Corporatocracy - Stop strike-breaking and espionage, Pinkertons!
  • Liberal Conservatism - No, you're not going to bust my trade unions!
  • Hazism - So you call yourself a socialist yet you don't like Netflix and Starbucks union workers. Curious.

Further Information







Alternative designs

Other artwork


  1. The Italian right believed that Mao was merely using Marxism-Leninism as a cover, and that the real ideas lay in the mythological violence of the Cultural Revolution and the Platonic and Spartan ideals of popular unity and asceticism.