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Not to be confused with Mediacracy.

"Don’t set out to raze all shrines—you’ll frighten men. Enshrine mediocrity—and the shrines are razed."

Mediocracy, or explicitly Rule of the Mediocre, is a form of government where a class of mediocre individuals are more dominant in society. While this ideology is mostly a joke, one could make the argument that the average person in society is its best representative and as such should control the nation. It could be said that it is a less extreme form of Kakistocracy (which wants society to be ruled by the least competent, as opposed to just the mediocre). It's a semi-pejorative term referring to leaders who didn't do anything exceptional (good or bad), and remain forgotten about.


Judging from his name, he's mediocre, and as such, forgettable. His best friends are Moderatism and Anti-Radicalism. He only prefers songs based on how popular or relevant they are.

How to Draw

Flag of Mediocracy
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill in it with blue(#4C87FF).
  3. Draw a white triangle pointing up, but not all the way up to the ball.
  4. Draw a blue crown in the triangle.
  5. Draw in the eyes.
  6. You're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Light Blue#4C87FFrgb(76, 135, 255)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)



  • Democracy - Most people are mediocre.
  • Moderatism - Fellow normie.
  • Neoliberalism - Good job constraining politics in the Overton Window, so people don't form radical opinions!
  • Ceremonial Monarchism - To achieve absolute mediocracy, do nothing. Doing anything makes you at least slightly good or bad.
  • Anti-Radicalism - He helps me remove anomalies.


  • Apoliticism - Fellow normie, but doesn't care about ruling.
  • Big Tent - Too inclusive but a fellow mediocre
  • Mediacracy - We are not the same, and it's only good if it's normal, mainstream media.
  • Marxism-Leninism - Thanks for letting me dictate agricultural policy, Stalin!
  • Technoliberalism - Like technocracy, but oftentimes ineffective in the face of neoliberalism’s problems.


Further Information




  1. Dangerous Dogs Act and ‘Back to Basics’ campaign