Feudalism is an authoritarian, decentralized, and culturally reactionary ideology practiced throughout Europe from as early as the sixth century BCE to as late as technically 2008 (Channel Island of Sark) although its prime was from the 9th century- when the middle ages properly kicked off- to the 19th century- when The Enlightenment Thought had properly started to create an entirely new status quo.
Feudalism used to be based on holding all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal. It was characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.
Lords provided some of their lands to vassals, or tenants, in exchange for their support to the Lord. Vassals generally were required to serve guard duty, and, later, they paid a fee to acquire mercenaries (soldiers-for-hire). In exchange for protection, land to work, and a place to live, peasants provided the Lord with labor or a share of the produce or livestock yielded from his lands.
Being the dominant socioeconomic system in Europe for over a millennium, feudalism had undergone many changes, developing independently in European countries into systems with differing levels of central authority and relations between the estates.
The Early History
Feudalism, having existed in various forms throughout the previous centuries, began its rise to prominence during the 8th century CE during the fragmentation of the Carolingian Empire. The lack of bureaucratic infrastructure for the central power to enforce its authority and the increasing allocation of land to the mounted soldiers in exchange for their service led to the decentralization of power and the development of a system, wherein the hereditary landowners would take up the responsibilities, that would otherwise belong to the central authority, leading to them having absolute power over their fief.
The Downfall
By the 12th century, Feudalism had become the most prominent system in Europe, having evolved into a plethora of systems all across the continent with varying degrees of central authority. However, due to reliance on the relations between the liege and his vassals, the system weakened over time as it was getting more complex. Another serious blow came during the Black Death in the 14th century and the subsequent peasant revolts, which caused a chronic shortage of labor and the abandonment of large portions of farmable land. This, in turn, has led to the growth of towns and cities, as people were leaving the countryside for a chance to start a better life. The increase in the influence of cities that this shift brought has led to a significant change in the rigid feudal social structure - the emergence of a rich and powerful merchant class with no connections to the old aristocracy, which was pushing for a more meritocratic society. This, coupled with a weakening role of vassals in the defense of the realm due to the growing reliance on hired soldiers or conscripts led to the centralization of power in the hands of the monarch and the emergence of Absolute Monarchism, with the Napoleonic Wars resulting in the dismantlement of various feudal institutions in Germany and Italy. However, some vestiges of feudalism would last in Europe, such as in Austria into the 19th century, and the Channel island of Sark finally abolished it as late as 2008.
The Three Estates
Feudal social structure is built on an idea of static inheritable positions in the hierarchy, divided broadly into three estates, each of which would possess certain rights and serve a certain purpose in society.
Represents the spiritual authority of the realm, loyal to the Pope rather than a worldly monarch. It serves a wide range of social functions, such as registering marriages, documenting births and deaths, etc. Not being subordinate to any temporal power, the church however owns a significant amount of land and maintains an independent ecclesiastical hierarchy.
Consists of the hereditary landowning elite of the realm, characterized by the system of vassalage, whereby a vassal would swear service to his liege, usually in return for a land tenure or a fief. Usually comprising less than 1% of the total population, nobility serves administrative and military functions, with the latter however being usually reserved for the members of the lower nobility, such as the knights.
It is an umbrella term, referring to anyone who doesn't belong to the first two estates, but mainly consisted of peasantry and townsfolk. It is the biggest though the least privileged estate usually comprising more than 95% of total population and serving a wide range of functions including, but not limited to: land cultivation, artisanry and trade.
Minor Variants
Eastern Feudalism
In China a system of feudalism named Fēngjiàn(封建)developed during the Zhou Dynasty. Sharing many similarities with the European model, the Zhou kings ruled through the allocation of land to the nobles, legitimized by their nominal allegiance to the central authority. Each of the noble houses ruled their land without the interference of the Zhou, only providing troops for the campaigns and paying regular homage to the imperial court. The system however led to a great amount of internal instability, culminating in the Spring and Autumn period and the collapse of the Zhou. The subsequent Qin dynasty did not continue the policy of Fēngjiàn, deciding instead to centralize all power within the imperial court , which became the basic ruling models of every Chinese dynasty. However, in modern times, the term Fēngjiàn turned into a pejorative term among left-leaning Chinese to refer individuals with
reactionary beliefs, usually those who do not support gender equality, despite Imperial China being a unitary absolutist state apart from the Empire of Korea (1897-1910) which also heavily influenced by Confucianism.
Though sharing many similarities with European feudalism, the system of Iqta, practiced in the Muslim world was unmistakably distinct. The basis for the Iqta system was the allocation of land to the muqti for the purpose of collecting taxes. Unlike a European feudal lord, muqti didn't own the land and was only given a right to collect the revenue from it. Iqta was not inheritable and could be revoked.
Similarly to the European estates, Indian caste system divides the population into four distinct social classes with a set of rights and responsibilities - the varnas:
- Brahmins - priests, scholars and teachers.
- Kshatriyas - warriors, rulers, administrators.
- Vaishyas - farmers, traders, merchants.
- Shudras - labourers.
By properly fulfilling one's purpose in life, one may have a chance to be reincarnated into a higher varna. However, failing to do so or interacting with untouchables may lead one to become an untouchable (the very bottom, supposed to consist of janitors and other "impure" occupations).
Sakdina (Thai: ศักดินา) was a system of social hierarchy in use from the Ayutthaya to early Rattanakosin periods of Thai history. It assigned a numerical rank to each person depending on their status, and served to determine their precedence in society, and especially among the nobility. The numbers represented the number of rai of land a person was entitled to own—sakdina literally translates as "field prestige"—although there is no evidence that it was employed literally. The Three Seals Law, for example, specifies a sakdina of 100,000 for the Maha Uparat, 10,000 for the Chao Phraya Chakri, 600 for learned Buddhist monks, 20 for commoners and 5 for slaves.
The term is also used to refer to the feudal-like social system of the period, where common freemen or phrai (ไพร่) were subject to conscription or corvée labour in service of the kingdom for half of the months of the year, under the control of an overseer or munnai (มูลนาย).
Since 1945, the term "sakdina" has been used frequently as a critique of Thai political authority, including demonstrators in large demonstrations in 2020-2021 Thai protests also criticized the persistence of authoritarian "sakdina" values in the administration of the Thai government, despite Thailand being centralized since 1870s.
Feud's personality is like that of a stereotypical medieval noble/royal or a knight (I highly encourage you to use Monty Python and the Holy Grail as references for that) and generally like his father. May also be coded to any of the Stronghold series characters, like Richard the Lionheart or Sir Longarm.
How to Draw
Feudalism's design is based in a flag by u/PinkDolphinBoy
- Draw a ball with eyes
- Fill it with Blue
- Draw a golden Globus cruciger aka the Holy Hand Grenade (circle with a cross on top).
- (Optional) Draw an iron knight helmet with a red feather or a golden crown with red jewels
And you're done
Optional props
- A jousting lance or a sword with a wooden or metal shield
- Other medieval weapons
- A globus cruciger
- A golden staff
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Blue | #003DC8 | rgb(0, 61, 200) | |
Gold | #FFCD50 | rgb(255, 205, 80) | |
Dark Gray | #262626 | rgb(38, 38, 38) | |
Gray | #4C4C4C | rgb(76, 76, 76) | |
Gray | #5F5F5F | rgb(95, 95, 95) | |
Red | #C12222 | rgb(193, 34, 34) |
Nobles and Clergy
Agrarianism - Pay thine tithe in grain peasants and raiders shall never again assault your humble village.
Aristocracy - The skilled and noble definitely deserve to rule over the great unwashed.
Authoritarian Conservatism - How I justify myself.
Combatocracy - The strong deserve to rule! To the jousting lists, huzzah!
Caste System - My way of organizing society, kings at the top to command, the nobles and clergy in the middle, and peasants below to be commanded.
Confederalism - Praise the HRE!
Federalism - Modern decentralization fan. Especially blessed in Malaysia and UAE because of delegation to nobility.
Imperialism - I like conquering new land but war is often expensive, I prefer my coffers more.
Kraterocracy - Essentially how I rule and justify myself although I always saw myself with more dignity, honor, and righteousness.
Monarchism - My father who I inherited the kingdom of.
Patchwork - We basically controlled Europe together after the Western Roman Empire fell, though it would've been nice if I had re-established it.
Reactionary Socialism - Peasants had it so good under feudalism but they refused to understand that and kept themselves in wage slavery to kill me.
Useful peasants
Absolute Monarchism - I justify your existence, all the land is royal land not tribal land but you should give more power to your lords.
Catholic Theocracy and
Orthodox Theocracy - The First estate is noble, but the second estate matters the most because we own all the land and provide all the protection.
Confucianism - You are among the last, most faithful promoters of my social values and structure. You teach the people to respect the nobility and you are the closest thing to a standardized ideological movement in my name.
Constitutional Monarchism - Isn't this good, Your Majesty? I get to keep my right, you get to keep your crown... everyone is happy. However, most of thy modern variants give too much power to the commoners at the expense of the nobility and the clergy though (still better than absolutism). Also, CURSE MEIJI! He empowered himself and the pl*bs at the expense of the daimyo.
Corporatism - We both like Aquinas and thou are a fellow traditional economic system but you are far too centralised and don't care for us nobles.
Parliamentarianism - What I eventually became in
Britain. While opposing tyranny is based, nowadays he gives in too much for those peasants.
Paternalistic Conservatism - I sometimes used you to keep the peasants happy, and in my last years I tried to use you to save myself but it never worked out.
Reactionaryism - Often want to empower absolutists only than the traditional power structure, my power is entirely organic I don't need faith or philosophy to justify myself.
Reactionary Libertarianism - You stand for me but then you still want to divide up my land based upon deeds and property "rights"? Thou are confusing.
Enlightenment Thought and
His Family
- Filthy peasants kicked me out of my rightful estate!
Enlightened Absolutism - Stop encroaching on my privileges and liberties!
Capitalism - The insolent bourgeoisie has lost their minds! They have replaced land with factories as the main source of production, and have ruined EVERYTHING! I HATE THEE!
Classical Liberalism - Ownership comes from military force projection, if you cannot protect your property you do not own it, a deed does not matter.
- These horse fuckers keep raiding my lands and even destroyed Kyivan Rus! We shall drive you back to the steppe where you came from!
Tribalism - Land ownership is based on force projection and claims not "personal relationships".
Bandits - Outlaws who raid, murder and don't pay tithes? I shall hang thou at the gallows!!
Cameralism - Imagine thinking gold has value, grain is where it's at!
Monetarism - Imagine thinking PAPER has value, thou art so dumb!
Agrarian Anarchism &
Agrarian Socialism - BLOODY PEASANTS!
National Agrarianism - Stop uniting the peasants!
Agrarian Capitalism - Give me my land back peasant!
Centralism - NO-O! S-stay back! Stay the hell away from me!
Nationalism - What do thou mean a "nation-state" is more important than my estate?
Left-Wing Nationalism - [comment removed by moderator]
Pahlavism - Screw thine "White Revolution"! The Qajars were far better than thou!
Chinese Theocracy - Have you ever wondered why the last time thou had an explosion of philosophies was when we worked together? No, of course, you haven't, thou centralized tyrant.
Marxism-Leninism - Oppression by the weak! The most foul system!
Bonapartism - Why do I hear boss music?
Further Information
- Feudalism
- Neo-feudalism
- Fief
- Noblesse oblige
- Bastard feudalism
- Examples of feudalism
- Feudal aid
- Landed nobility
- Fengjian
- The Caste System
- Confucian Thought
- Pro-Feudal Vendee Peasant Rebellion
Online Communities
Normal eyes
Without helmet
Credit: K-Tech
Credit: u/OzymanidasFR, Source
Credit: BetaBerdBjorsen, Source
Credit: K-Tech, Source
Credit to u/Borisyukishvili
By bonepennies
By u/weedmaster6669
- ↑ Pre-capitalist and pre-industrial but hierarchical and anti-egalitarian ideologies are considered as de facto AuthRight by some.
- ↑ Hartmann, Thom (6 November 2002), "Time to Remove the Bananas... and Return Our Republic to Democracy"
- ↑ Hartmann, Thom (6 November 2002), "Time to Remove the Bananas... and Return Our Republic to Democracy"
- ↑ Igor I the Old was very fond of collecting tribute from his subjects, eventually becoming a greedy embezzler.
- ↑ Klaus Schwab has been accused of promoting feudalism due to his support for a rentier economy.
- ↑ 1598 can be considered the start of Absolutism and thus the end of Feudalism