This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
"Sooner or later, a society of sheep must create a government of wolves."
Ismism believes that any and all combination of philosophical and political thought could be transformed into an ideology, regardless of the seriousness or consistency of the statements in question.
It is a meta ideology that advocates for merging as many ideologies as possible into one, the longer the ideology name, the better.
Personality and Behaviour
Ismism acts as the stereotypical edgy 13-year-old who just discovered what the political compass was, adding an ‘ism’ to any possible word and claiming it to be a real ideology. They are childish and annoying, constantly derailing serious political discussions with oxymoronic beliefs, claiming to believe a self-insert ideology (the more oxymoronic and the longer the name, the better), and spamming unfunny memes in any forum they can find.
Self Insertism
"For every Tumblr user that creates a gender there’s a 4Chan user that creates a political ideology"
Many people on reddit (especially r/newwackyideologies), NationStates and the PCBA create ideologies based on their political views, whether they have a study (sometimes) or not (mostly). Some ideologies are ultra-extremist and off-compass, being complete madness, gaining evidence in the PCBA, in addition to several combining opposing ideologies or uniting extremist ideologies of the same spectrum, having few center ideologies. Another curious case is "Based Off of OC" ideologies, which are junctions of other Self Inserts ideologies and even canon ideologies, in which these ideologies are purposefully crazy.
Its design is based on the Mary Sue (representation of "perfect" OCs), in which it does not have a specific shape, but the ball was possibly based on this version.
Self Insertism believes that it is a MILDLY attractive half-dragon teenage girl that's part of a resistance group to overthrow an evil totalitarian government. No one knows where this evil government or resistance group is or whether dragons are real but they let them do their own thing because they're scared it'll make them a side-antagonist that's an assistant of the Supreme Leader that gets killed halfway through the story, a common execution method.
Its current biggest ideological obstacle however is figuring out how to escape a love triangle between a loving clingy nerd and a masculine guy with huge muscles who likes to show off. This has been an issue of national importance for many years.
How to Draw

The design can be found in this Grej video:
- Draw a ball,
- Fill the ball with black,
- Draw a dark turquoise 'V' coming from the bottom-middle,
- Draw, across the entire top-left section of the ball, a full rainbow (Clockwise: Purple, dark blue, green, light green, yellow, orange and red ),
- Draw a white circle in the centre,
- Inside the circle, draw a black Star of David, with a spergstika in the centre of it,
- In the top-right section, draw a grey crescent moon and star,
- In the bottom-right section, draw a blue (almost complete) circle, with a blue 'h+' inside of it,
- Draw in the eyes and, after too many steps, you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Turquoise | #2FB28F | rgb(47, 178, 143) | |
Purple | #9D00FF | rgb(157, 0, 255) | |
Dark Blue | #002EFF | rgb(0, 46, 255) | |
Green | #007716 | rgb(0, 119, 22) | |
Light Green | #01FF33 | rgb(1, 255, 51) | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | rgb(255, 255, 0) | |
Orange | #FF6E00 | rgb(255, 110, 0) | |
Red | #FF0300 | rgb(255, 3, 0) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Grey | #CECECE | rgb(206, 206, 206) | |
Blue | #166796 | rgb(22, 103, 150) |
Ismism can also have a variety of props, such as:
- A brown cross on the bottom right,
- A sickle on the top left,
- Draw a brown handle.
- Draw a grey reverse C shape on the top.
- A weird crown on the top with a torch,
- Draw a standard, gold crown.
- Draw a gold rabbit on top.
- Draw a lit torch on its back.
- Transgender flag on the top right.
- Draw a brown cross.
- On that stick, draw a white flag
- On the top and bottom, draw a cyan line.
- On the top cyan, draw a pink line under it.
- On the bottom cyan, draw a pink line above it.
Anti-Centrism - Homoconfederate Left-Rothbardianism is based (on your flag).
Anti-Realism - Made me realize I don't need to constrict myself to the compass.
Satirism - Dad!
Kakistocracy - Best ruler.
Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - The most based form of socialism.
Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - Even more based form of socialism. Your full name couldn't even fit the title to your page.
Marxism-Leninism-Rothbardianism - You also make a compelling case.
Anarcho-Totalitarianism - More contradictions means more based.
Yan Xishan Thought - "a comprehensive system of belief that embodied the best features of militarism, nationalism, anarchism, democracy, capitalism, communism, individualism, imperialism, universalism, paternalism and utopianism"? Based.
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era - You have a long name, and your ideology is Chinese Conservative Ethnonazcapcom Statecap Irridentism, both are based.
Francisco Macías Nguema Thought - Kakistocratic Black-Nationalist Cultist Primitivist Marxism-Hitlerism? BASED!!!!
- Almost all Polcompball Anarchy Wiki ideologies, especially self-inserts.
Marxism–Leninism - You're getting there, but why not be more like
Maoism-Third Worldism - Same to you.
Radical Centrism - Grocery shop from the compass? Based! But why don't you take a step even further?
Panarchism - All -archy? How about all -ism?
Huh Kyung-young Thought - Social Corporatist Cultist Constitutional Universal Eco-Monarchist? What can I say but based? Just have a longer name.
Proutism - Hinduist Neo-Humanist Global Libertarian Market Eco-Socialism? Based, but like above, your name is too short.
Juche - Totalitarian Black-Markets Isolationist Hereditary Natcom with Necrocratic Cultist and State Atheist characteristics is kinda based but your name is too short.
Jouvenelism - Reactionary Liberal Socialist Quasi-Fascist Proto-NRx Proto-Neo-Enlightenment Machiavellian Kraterocracy is based and Thanks for the Quote, but your name is too short.
- Every simple ideology.
Moderatism - Boring...
Apoliticism - Even more boring...
Mediocracy - Also boring...
Radical Apoliticism - Noooo!!! Don't kill the funny political ideologies!!!
Further Information
Online Communities
Thought Thought
- Stubs
- Fictional Ideologies
- Ideologies
- Non-Quadrant
- Opposite Unity
- Libertarians
- Libertarian Left
- Libertarian Right
- Libertarian Unity
- Anarchists
- Nationalists
- Authoritarian Left
- Authoritarian Right
- Authoritarian Unity
- Centrists
- Socialists
- Welfarists
- Monarchists
- Fascists
- Ethnonationalists
- Transhumanists
- Liberals
- Capitalists
- Off The Compass
- Georgists
- Egoists
- Conservatives
- Environmentalists
- Feminists
- Left Unity
- Right Unity
- Post-Left
- Religious
- First French Republic Ideologies
- Zionists
- Primitivist
- Reactionary
- Post-Humanists
- Ultranationalists
- Communists
- Corporatists
- Syndicalists
- Globalists
- Internationalists
- Anti-Colonial
- Esoteric