Left-Wing Market Anarchism
"The natural effect of unfettered market competition is socialism."
Market Anarchism (sometimes mentioned with an additional "left wing" label in front of its name to distinguish it from Anarcho-Capitalism) is a staunchly pro market, generally culturally and economically left leaning ideology.
It believes that the combo of a strict application of natural rights, self-ownership, and totally unregulated Austrian economics in a stateless society will "eat the rich", resulting in much more equal society than a state regulated
Capitalism one could offer. Market Anarchists do not like the term "Capitalism" as he uses it to refer to a corrupt market where corporate welfare and state subsidies favor big corporation at the expense of fair competition, thus generating inequality. He rather prefers the term "radically freed market." This differs from (most)
Austrian-school economists' definition, who define Capitalism as a
free enterprise system and tend to call said corrupt form of markets
Corporatocracy, Cronyism or Crony Capitalism.
Although Market Anarchism is strictly Anti-Capitalist, due to the way they define Capitalism, there is no actual consensus on the status of property within Market Anarchist circles. Arguments have been made by Georgist,[1]
Neo-Lockean,[6][7] and
Utilitarian[8] circles, all with different approaches to determining legitimate property claims. These different approaches are solved through deliberation mechanisms such as polycentric law, but in the end there's no unifying consensus on the topic.
Left-Wing Market Anarchism can broadly be said to be an outgrowth of the Anarcho-Capitalist tradition, this is apparent in the
Agorist origins of Left-Wing Market Anarchism developing out of Kevin A. Carsons reformatting of
Mutualism incorporating
Marxist concepts and concepts of the
Austrian School of Economics.
How to draw
- Draw a ball
- Draw a red horizontal line
- Draw an inverted V in black
- Add the eyes, and you are done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Red | #FF0000 | rgb(255, 0, 0) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) |
He is a very cooperative guy, he likes markets and sharing.
Agorism - Counter-economics? Based!
Mutualism - Another example of non-capitalist markets.
Anarcho-Individualism - The Boston anarchists were very based.
Libertarian Market Socialism - Basically a more moderate version of me.
Classical Liberalism - Started the whole market thing, and I like Locke's idea of self-ownership.
Georgism - LVT is cool.
Steiner-Vallentyne School - Another left-libertarian in favour of self-ownership and public land.
Left-Rothbardianism - More capitalist version of me, but with roughly the same goals.
- Piratism - Carson likes you.
Anarcho-Capitalism - I appreciate your enthusiasm for free markets, but please drop the whole capitalism thing. Ok? (Also I hate being confused with you.)
Anarcho-Communism - Wish you would realize that free markets and anti-capitalism are compatible.
Market Socialism - Socialist markets are cool, just wish you weren't so statist.
Austrian School - Also loves free markets, and I took a lot of inspiration from him, but he's still too capitalistic for me.
- Marxism - Loves socialism, Carson seems to likes you, but please be friendly on markets.
Authoritarian Capitalism - No.
State Capitalism - God no.
Corporatocracy - OH GOD NO.
Alt-Right Libertarianism - REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Further Information
- Studies in Mutualist Political Economy by
Kevin Carson
- Organisation Theory: A Libertarian Perspective by
Kevin Carson
- The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low-Overhead Manifesto by
Kevin Carson
- The Conscience of an Anarchist: Why It's Time to Say Good-Bye to the State and Build a Free Society by
Gary Chartier
- Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power, and Structural Poverty, a collection of essays by various authors.
- Free Markets & Capitalism?: Do Free Markets Always Produce a Corporate Economy? by
Kevin Carson
- The Anatomy of Escape: A Defense of the Commons by by
Roderick T. Long, Grant Mincy, and
Gary Chartier
- Market Anarchism as Stigmeric Socialism by Brad Spangler
- Advocates of Freed Markets Should Oppose Capitalism by
Gary Chartier
- Let the Free Market Eat the Rich! by Jeremy Wieland
- ↑ Schnack, William (13 November 2015). "Panarchy Flourishes Under Geo-Mutualism". Center for a Stateless Society. Archived 10 August 2018 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 10 August 2018.
- ↑ Man and Matter: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Justification of Ownership in Land from the Basis of Self-Ownership by Per Bylund.
- ↑ Land-Locked: A Critique of Carson on Property Rights by Roderick T. Long (2014).
- ↑ The Moral Irrelevance of Rent by Jason Lee Byas (2015).
- ↑ Are We All Mutualists? by Kevin Carson (2015).
- ↑ Man and Matter: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Justification of Ownership in Land from the Basis of Self-Ownership by Per Bylund.
- ↑ Rothbard as a Political Philosopher by Marcus Verhaegh (2014)
- ↑ The Organic Emergence of Property from Reputation by William Gillis (2015).