Black Anarchism
"Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth."
Black Anarchism,
Anarkata or Afro-anarchism is an
anarchist and
culturally left ideology, which claims that the state has never treated Black Americans as full citizens, so, by default, African Americans are in a state of anarchy and in opposition with the state.
Black Anarchism, as a political ideology, came to prominence during the early 20th century, during the rise of the anarchist movement in the
United States. Black activists started to become members of the anarchist movement, which was mostly dominated by white men. Black anarchists attempted to connect the struggle against
authoritarianism and
capitalism to the struggle against
Black anarchism was developed by Lucy Parsons, an American anarchist activist. She advocated for
black self-determination and
armed self-defense against racism. Parsons commonly criticized the anarchist movement for its failure to address civil rights issues.
After World War 2, anarcho-pacifism gained popularity in black anarchist circles. This was boosted by the nonviolent methods of the aforementioned civil rights movement.
Anti-authortarianism gained popularity within the movement, and thus many civil rights organizations adopted black anarchism as a ideology.
Black anarchism gained popularity in many black nationalist movements in the 1960s, such as the
Black Panther Party. Members of the BPP became angered with the supposed
oligarchization of the party leadership. This led to some party members becoming radicalized, and shifting towards black anarchism. Black liberation movements such as the
MOVE organization began to embrace black anarchism as part of their ideologies.
After the 20th century, Black anarchism decreased in popularity among both anarchists and black nationalists. However, scattered black anarchist movements still exist to this day.
Black anarchism is a variant of Anarchism that puts an emphasis on
opposition to racism, and
black-self determination.
The black anarchist movement is founded opon the principles of revolutionary nationalism. Black anarchists believe that the only way to dismantle
authoritarian power structures is through a revolution. Revolutionary methods, according to black anarchist theorist Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin, include
labor strikes, boycotts, and tax resistance. Black anarchist groups such as
MOVE adopted and embraced
Insurrectionary Anarchism as an ideology. Despite this, factions of the black anarchist movement embraced pacifism.
Black anarchism was influenced by anarcho-communism. Black anarchists see
capitalism as not only an oppressive force towards the
working class, but also towards
black people.
Black anarchism advocates for social equality. Black anarchists commonly criticize the
mainstream anarchist movement for its supposed failure to address racial and social issues. Black anarchists believe in
anti-imperialism, and anti-homophobia.
Anarkata is a form of
indigenous anarchism that is based around African tradition and culture. Anarkata advocates for a society where Black people are able to express their autonomy and freedoms.
Parsonsism represents the political beliefs and theories of American anarchist activist Lucy Parsons.
Parsons believed in
anarcho-syndicalism, as she commonly participated in the labor rights movement. Parsons is commonly seen as the founder of black anarchism, as she connected the
anti-authortarian and
anti-capitalist causes to the anti-racist cause. Parsons believed in
armed self defense against oppression and
black self-determination.
MOVE is an anarcho-primitivist communal movement that was established in 1972, in Pennsylvania. The organization is founded opon a mix of
black nationalism,
deep ecology,
green anarchism, and
animal rights advocacy. The MOVE became infamous for its conflicts with the
Pennsylvania police department. These conflicts culminated in a firefight between MOVE members and the PPD in 1985, which resulted in the latter using a police helicopter to drop a bomb onto a MOVE compound. The bombing killed 11 MOVE members, including 5 children.
How to Draw
Tri Color Design
- Draw a ball
- Draw three horizontal section
- Color to green, middle red, and bottom black
- Draw an anarchy logo in the center
- Draw eyes
Anarkata Design
- Draw a ball
- Color the ball black
- Draw the Anarkata symbol
- Draw eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #E31B22 | rgb(227, 27, 34) | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Green | #00853E | rgb(0, 133, 62) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Personality And Behaviour
- Black Anarchism is usually a pretty nice person, as they advocate for equality in the
anarchist movement.
- Despite the above fact, they are pretty aggressive towards
- Black Anarchism is friends with
Queer Anarchism and
Anarcha-Feminism, due to the fact the 3 are all variants of Anarchism that put a focus on a minority.
- Can be seen participating in
BLM protests.
Black Nationalism - Laid the ground work.
Guevarism - Real revolutionary ally.
Anarcho-Communism - Hates capital and the state.
Anarcho-Syndicalism - Long live the IWW!
Platformism - Another anarchist comrade.
Progressive Conservatism - Protecting African traditions of anarchy is ideal!
Indigenism - Fellow fighter against colonialism.
Neozapatismo - Knows how to do a small revolution.
Anti-Racism - Racism and oppression are incompatible with anarchism.
Abolitionism -"John Brown’s body lies moldering in the grave. But will his spirit lie there moldering, too? Brutes, inhuman monsters—you heartless brutes—you whom nature forms by molding you in it, deceive not yourselves by thinking that another John Brown will not arise."
Gun Rights Advocacy - "Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or a knife, and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination."
Revolutionary Nationalism - A revolution is needed in order to secure self-determination for black peoples.
Queer Anarchism - Another progressive anarchist who understands that the state and capitalism are oppressive forces.
Synthesis Anarchism - "Let us sink such differences as nationality, religion, politics, and set our eyes eternally and forever toward the rising star of the industrial republic of labor."
Anarcha-Feminism - Sexism and racism are both discriminatory things that are promoted by the state.
Post-Colonial Anarchism - Down with colonialism!
Democratic Confederalism - Another comrade in the fight against sexism, authoritarianism, and other oppressive systems.
Palestinian Nationalism - Another ally in the fight against oppression and imperialism.
Black Panthers - I used to be one of you, had it stayed that way not for the growing oligarchic centralization built around the party leadership.
Anarchism - Can't understand racism without a critical analysis of the state.
Arab Socialism - United in struggle.
Ba'athism - You used to be another ally in the fight against capitalism and imperialism, but now you have developed into to an oppressive capitalist force that oppresses minorites.
Black Islamism - He is a brother. But cut the racism, conservatism, statism, and religion out.
African Socialism - Another African brother that fights against racism and capitalism. However, stop the statism.
Insurrectionary Anarchism - I agree that there has to be a revolution, and Parsons followed your politics. However, there are examples in which rights have been achieved using nonviolence.
Anarcho-Pacifism - Non-violence has achieved much for oppressed people's across the world. However, there are some fights where non-violence doesn't work.
Garveyism - Another brother- wait.. WHAT THE FUCK!
Imperialism - The oppressor and murderer of millions of peoples, including my own.
Neoconservatism - No different from the above. You oppress and invade people around the world in order to preserve the state and capital.
Hoppeanism -
Him with an anarchist mask.
Liberalism - Racism with a happy face.
Capitalism - Where oppression and racism began.
Corporatocracy - "Who, pray, are benefiting by all this waste and confusion? The dew, a mere small percentage of the population of the world. All the remainder submit, because they think "it always has been so and it must always be so." The work of those who have a conception of a true society of the future, must devote all their efforts towards disabusing the people's minds of the ancient false hoods. It can be done. Many other hoary lies have passed away, so will this one, too."
Anarcho-Fascism and
National Anarchism - Racism and sexism are incompatible with anarchism.
Police Statism - Oppressors of not only black people, but all peoples. ACAB! 1312!
Patriarchy - No different from other oppressive forces.
Authoritarianism and
Totalitarianism - More oppressors of minorites.
White Nationalism - Good night, white pride.
Racial Nationalism - Racism is no different from other forces of oppression.
Anti-Communism - "They call us Reds. I don't know that that is very bad. I do not believe that is a very bad name. We are pretty red. I tell you I am a real Red."
Further Information
- Black Anarchism: A Reader by Black Rose Anarchist Federation
- Anarchism and the Black Revolution by Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin
- Anarcho-Blackness by Marquis Bey