Agrarian Socialism

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"The land will be returned to those who work it with their hands."

Agrarian Socialism is an ideology that combines an Agrarian lifestyle with a Socialist economic system. It is usually culturally Conservative, but not always and inhabits a moderate position in the Left-half of the political compass. Agrarian socialism promotes social ownership of agrarian and agricultural production as opposed to private ownership. Agrarian socialism involves equally distributing agricultural land among collectivized peasant villages. Unlike most other forms of Socialism, it believes that the peasant class should form the basis of Socialist society instead of the workers. As such, while not explicitly opposing technological progress, it prefers a simpler agriculture-based society over the industrial one.




The School of Agricultre, Agricultrism or NongJia, proposed by Xu Xing (about 372-289 BCE) in the State of Chu during the Warring States period believed that Chinese society should be modeled around that of the early sage king Shennong, a folk hero who was portrayed in Chinese literature as "working in the fields, along with everyone else, and consulting with everyone else when any decision had to be reached." They encouraged farming and agriculture and taught farming and cultivation techniques, as they believed that agricultural development was the key to a stable and prosperous society.

Peng Paism

Peng Paism believes in a Tridemist China based on the peasant class with land held in common between them.



  • Polish People's Party "Liberation" (1915-1931)
  • Peasant's Front (1926-1931)
  • Polish People's Front of Czechoslovakia (1922-1937): An Agrarian party formed by Protestant Poles living in the Czech part of Silesia.
  • Polish People's Front "New Liberation" (1946-1947)
  • United People's Front (1949-1989): A satellite party of the PZPR.


  • Narodniks (c.1870-c.1890)
  • Socialist Revolutionary Party (1902-1921)

Socialist Revolutionarism

The Socialist Revolutionary Party were agrarian socialists and supporters of a democratic socialist Russian republic. The ideological heirs of the Narodniks, the SRs won a mass following among the Russian peasantry by endorsing the overthrow of the Tsar and the redistribution of land to the peasants.


Luis Taruc (1913-2005) was a Filipino revolutionary known for organizing the Hukbalahap (Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon, English: People's Anti-Japanese Army) armed guerrilla movement of the Philippine Communist Party formed by the peasant farmers of Central Luzon, in the Philippines. After the Japanese invasion, peasant leaders met on March 29, 1942, to form a united organization.

Though the Huks fought the Japanese, they also tried to thwart the US, and therefore were not accorded U.S. recognition or benefits at the end of the war.

the Huks numbered less than 2,000 by 1954 and without the protection and support of local supporters, active Huk resistance no longer presented a serious threat to Philippine security. In 1954, Operation Thunder-Lightning was conducted and resulted in the surrender of the leader of the Huks in May.


Agrarian Social Democracy

Agrarian Social Democracy (also known as Social Agrarianism) is a center-left political ideology which combines Agrarianism with Social Democracy. He stresses widespread ownership of wealth-generating property, political decentralization, and a preference for small communities in the context of a well-regulated market economy with generous welfare programs. Despite having similar goals to Christian Democracy and Distributism, he tends to support Secularism and other progressive causes. (The ideology itself is culturally variable, however.) He can also be seen as a moderate form of Agrarian Socialism.


Though not to the extent of Socialism, Agrarian Social Democracy is more radical in his opposition to economic inequality than SocDem. Especially after the latter adopted a pro-growth neoliberal stances in the late 20th century. He believes excess inequality, monopoly, and monopsony is a threat to democratic institutions and human rights; through lobbying and bribery the wealthiest have the loudest voices, breeding avraice and corruption. AgSocDem prefers local-level production and consumption.

This contempt for inequality and preference for localism manifests in the form of suppressing wealth concentration in favor of widespread property ownership. He has various means of achieving this, although not universally accepted by his followers, including:

  • Policies designed to increase competition.
  • The breaking up of large industries and trusts (e.g., Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Banking, and Big Oil).
  • Limiting business size directly through other anti-trust legislation (e.g., outlawing vertical integration).
  • Decentralizing currency through community banks and credit unions, while also limiting or prohibiting interest or usury.
  • A tax on the unimproved value of land to deprive the landed elites of a tool to suppress unlanded commoners.
  • Wealth caps (like the maximum wage).
  • Subsidies and tax incentives for family-owned small businesses and farms (e.g., self-employment assistance, tax breaks, and loans for aspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups).
  • Removing or reforming unfair business privileges—like limited liability, patents, and ineffective regulations—to level the playing field.
  • Protection of local industries and farmers.

AgSocDem supports locally-owned businesses, worker-owned enterprises (which are usually small-scale), collective farms, and smallholdings. He sees small-scale producers as more innovative, accountable, greener, and a stepping stone towards autonomous local communities. Loans for entry-level farmers, tax incentives for agricultural co-ops, and discouraging land speculation also empowers rural areas.

However, in cases of natural monopoly and necessary economies of scale like electricity and aircraft manufacturing, AgSocDem usually supports state-owned enterprises (SOEs) or sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). Profits generated will go towards safety nets, infrastructure, education, and subsidies for local entrepreneurs. A great example of this is the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)—a for-profit state-owned enterprise which sells alcohol in shops. LCBO's profits, ranging in the billions, go towards Ontario's provincial programs and functions. As of 2019 they sell hard liquor, wine, and beer.

AgSocDem also supports decentralized welfare programs and regulatory agencies. Canada's Medicaid is a great example of the former—it is mandated and funded primarily by the federal government, but provincially and locally supplied. Most welfare programs in Denmark are coordinated and financed on the municipal level. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States is a regulatory agency; though having a federal office which sets minimum standards, the rest is handled by regional, state, and local offices with autonomy.

AgSocDem is culturally variable. In the West he's usually a civil libertarian; others are progressive, seeing urban inequality as holding back positive scientific, medical, and technological advances. Followers tends to like direct democracy and a constitution protecting human rights. Many AgSocDem followers may see a strong central government as necessary for creating their ideal system. Others may champion achieving their reforms on the local or provincial level instead.

Personality and Behaviour


How to Draw

Flag of Agrarian Socialism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Colour the bottom-half of the ball in red (#FF0100),
  3. Colour the top-half of the ball in green (#009900),
  4. Draw a yellow (#ECE710) bundle of wheat in the center
  5. Add the eyes
  6. (optional) Add a straw hat (either the round Western one or the conical Eastern)
  7. You're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#FF0100rgb(255, 1, 0)
 Green#009900rgb(0, 153, 0)
 Yellow#ECE710rgb(236, 231, 16)




  • Populareism - My Roman Republic ancestor, but you don't pursue the real solution for the land question.
  • Marxism - Socialism can be achieved in agricultural societies, in fact, it's ideal in them!
  • Marxism-Leninism - Your kolkhoz system is interesting, but many innocent people died during collectivisation.
  • Maoism - You’re really great, but JUST QUIT HANGING OUT WITH STALIN!
  • Agrarian Anarchism - Hello fellow agrarians, please be more organized.
  • National Agrarianism - Misguided brother.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Your support for traditionalism is based but tone it down. WAY, WAY down.
  • National Bolshevism - Look above.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Modern followers are too urban for my liking but Kropotkin and Makhno were based and agro-pilled!
  • Labour Zionism - The Kibbutzim were based, shame many of them went for privatization.
  • Georgism - Hmmm, your heart is in the right place but still too cappie.


Further Information






  2. Cesar Chavez used Falange chants and aesthetics in his messages and based his flag on the Falange.
  3. During the Russian Civil War, he personally supported neither side, as he opposed both the Bolshevik regime and the White Movement.