"A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask: 'Where have they taken Him?'"
Integralism, is an authoritarian,
culturally reactionary, and economically variable ideology.
Integralism broadly believes there should be "a fully integrated social and political order, based on converging patrimonial (inherited) political, cultural, religious, and national traditions of a particular state". Integralism is a deeply traditionalist and
reactionary doctrine which rejects the separation of church and state aswell as the liberal and egalitarian values of the enlightenment, and believes that the state should submit to spiritual authorities (an example of such a scheme would be the Catholic Gelasian Diarchy).
Integralism is an interpretation of Catholic Social Teaching that directly proposes that the Catholic faith should be the foundation for all secular law in society, the integration of the Church and State into one entity with two heads: a spiritual and temporal head, with the temporal head usually being a monarch. As both the temporal and spiritual heads have direct power over civil society, as opposed to a Theocracy, which empowers the clergy with temporal duties of statecraft directly and Caesaropapism which empowers the temporal head within the clerical institutions. An example of the first is the Papacy, where the Bishop of Rome is also Absolute Monarch of Rome, combining temporal and secular power within one individual. An example of Caesaropapism is the Anglican Church wherein the Monarch is also the head of the Anglican Church and has spiritual power in it's conduct. Despite drawing a distinction of Spiritual and Temporal power, Integralism is anything but secular (advocating for the separation of church and state) as both are empowered by grace of God to rule in tandem.
Gelasian Diarchy
Pope Gelasius wrote a letter to the then Eastern Roman Emperor Anastasius regarding the nature of authority in this world, the Spiritual and Temporal, of which the Spiritual is greater than the temporal. From the beginning, Christianity did not deny the legitimacy of the existing political order, it recognized therein an authority founded in God’s creation and granted by His providence. But like any part of creation it saw the political as wounded by sin and in need of healing in the present, and in the eschatological future of elevation, fulfillment, and transcendence by a higher form of communal life. The order of creation was seen as a good, but temporary and preliminary order—a sign of a yet better order to come. The Lord’s famous dictum according to which one must render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, but unto God the things that are God’s (Mt 22:21) did not at all conform to expectations about the Messiah. The Messiah was expected to end Roman rule and re-establish the rule of God. But our Lord does not immediately destroy the existing order; instead He plants the Kingdom of God as a seed that is to grow in the midst of that existing order. Only at His triumphant return at the end of time will He replace earthly powers with the New Jerusalem. [26]
Error has no rights
If Christianity is indeed true, then is is the moral duty of all Christians to mandate Christianity as law within civil society and underpin all morality with it, disavowing heretical ideas such as humanism, secularism, and the synthesis of all heresies: Liberalism. The only religion recognized by a given state should be Christianity (in general, Catholicism or Orthodoxy as most recognize these two as the more justifiable denominations in a theological sense) and condemns religious pluralism as it implies both that all religions are in essence the same, which, if Christianity is true, are a one-way path to damnation, and must thus not be tolerated from a moral perspective. This is encapsulated in the phrase: "Error non habet ius" (error has no rights), other religions must not be granted political influence, at most may be practiced completely in private if even that.
Catholic Integralism
In the year 312 during the reign of Emperor Constantine I of Rome, he halted the persecution of Christians and allowed them to practice their faith. This is commonly held up as the beginning of Integralism by its followers, however, it wasn't until 68 years later under Emperor Theodosius I that he made Nicene Christianity the state religion and fully tied the temporal power of the emperor to that of the will of God.
Catholic Integralists believe the state should be subordinated to the church in all capacities. They reject all forms of separation or autonomy of said bodies. This leads to an organic society which rejects ideas such as secular humanism,
religious freedom,
socialism, and many others, detailed in Pope Pius IX's "Syllabus of Errors", declaring them to be heresies.
Left Integralism
Left integralism is a socio-political framework that blends traditional Catholic values with anti-capitalist and anti-neoliberal economic principles, emphasizing a cohesive moral and spiritual foundation for society. Rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and liberation theology, it advocates for social justice, workers' rights, and the dignity of labor, often aligning with Catholic Workerism and Christian Socialism to promote communal solidarity over individualism. This vision challenges the exploitative dynamics of capitalism by calling for economic systems that prioritize the common good while being pro-life in its holistic sense—defending life at all stages, including through policies that support families, the poor, and the marginalized. Drawing inspiration from Pope Francis’ thought, left integralism critiques both consumerism and unfettered markets, viewing them as corrosive to human dignity and societal harmony. It integrates the values of traditionalist socialism, advocating for a strong role of faith and tradition in public life, while rejecting both liberal secularism and extreme statism. At its core, left integralism seeks a society where faith, ethics, and economics work together in service of human flourishing, rooted in Christian communal principles and conservative critiques of modernity.
Symphonia is a normative theory or concept in Eastern Orthodox Christian theological and political thought which posits that church and state are to complement each other, exhibiting mutual respect with neither institution presuming to dominate the other. In Symphonia, church and state work together in harmony, with the church guiding spiritual matters and the state providing for the temporal needs of the people. This concept was particularly prominent in the Eastern Roman Empire, where the emperor and the patriarch of Constantinople were seen as playing complementary roles in governing both the material and spiritual realms of society.
Integralism is a highly devout and a fiery Christian zealot who dedicated himself to studying theology and philosophy derived from it. He is constantly moralizing and dwelling on his decisions and thoughts, balancing what is the Christian ideal and what must be done in practice, especially in regards to politics. He is quite militant about the standing of Christianity in society and is disillusioned with the state of modernity and secular civilization, seeing everything since the enlightenment as a failure from the start. He is very paternalistic, and refers to others, especially other Christians, as "my child". At the same time he is somber, constantly lamenting both the state of the world and that of his soul.
In humorous comics, Integralism may be depicted as an unhinged catholic priest, monk, bishop or nun, as depicted by Eternal Memri TV shitposts.
How to Draw
Heart Design
The source of this design is from the regional flag of Vendée, a department in France notably remembered for its historical ties to French Integralism.
- Draw a ball
- Draw a vertical red line across the middle of the ball
- Carve out a white heart and cross outline
- Draw the 2 hearts and cross in red
- Add the eyes
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #FF0000 | rgb(255, 0, 0) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Roman Chi Rho
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with red
- Draw a gold Chi Rho
- Add the eyes
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #FF0C00 | rgb(255, 12, 0) | |
Gold | #FFDD02 | rgb(255, 221, 2) |
Byzantine Chi Rho
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with purple
- Draw a gold Chi Rho
- Add the eyes
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Purple | #8F0CFF | rgb(143, 12, 255) | |
Gold | #FFDD02 | rgb(255, 221, 2) |
Constantinism - The first of the few good Roman Caesars. Thanks for bringing me to power!
Byzantine Model - A millennium of cooperation! The Schism was a mistake.
Catholic Theocracy - Oh brother, how I miss you! Let us sing: O Felix Roma, O Felix Roma Nobilis!
Crusadism - My brother in faith, I long for the day when you come back! Just try not to do stupid things like the 4th Crusade, all right?
Monarchism - All in all, you've been a great fidei defensor.
But if it came to it, I would accept a holy republic in these godforsaken times...Integral Nationalism - My French son, he likes
Brazilian Integralism - My Brazilian son, he likes
Salazarism - My dear Portuguese son. Keep protecting the empire from godlessness!
Carlism - My Spanish child. ¡Dios, Patria y Rey!
Francoism and
Falangism - Thank you for saving the Spanish Church.
Counter-Enlightenment - I agree with you that man should never place himself above God.
Reactionaryism - Revolt against the modern world, not because it is modern, but because it is evil. Vandeans and Sanfedisti are blessed, and Charles X was the last great French monarch.
But your members likeEvola are awful especially in regards to paganism and racism.
Corporatism - Most blessed economic system!
Distributism - Praise the
Guild Socialism and
Reactionary Socialism - The only blessed leftist.
Austrofascism - Such a shame people gave you that name after the war, you are nothing like that
heathen. I'd pick Dollfuss over
that un-Christian, Caesarist, Social Darwinist, pureblood-obsessed pagan any day.
Religious Nationalism - The only blessed form of nationalism. Just don't be like
them, besides I don't care much for nationalism on it's own.
Classical Conservatism - I am forever grateful that you supported me in Spain and Sicilies against the
godless Gaul tyranny
Authoritarian Conservatism -
Joseph De Maistre was blessed, and so were
Franco and
Salazar. Just be more explicitly religious, please.
Paternalistic Conservatism - I admire your approach for the most part.
Your Polish disciple is particularly blessed!
Absolute Monarchism - As opposed to the standard papal Sun and Moon analogy, I prefer Gelasius', two swords. Don't fall for Caesaropapism and it will be fine.
Universal Monarchism - Basically a cointoss between Katechon or the reign of the Antichrist.
Machiavellianism - I support a compromise between the temporal and spiritual powers, I believe that temporal power in the hands of the faithful is both a means and an end but some moral principles are not to be compromised on, and there is such a thing as true good and evil, relativism cannot be accepted. You and your principles are the natural consequence of existing in a fallen world, such is the plight of man.
Anarcho-Pacifism - Because you don't want to have all Christians killed and Churches burned, we'll tolerate your presence despite your anarchism.
Bismarckism - The Kulturkampf was utterly deplorable, but you eventually came to a sort of reconciliation with the Holy See against
our mutual enemy.
Burkeanism - Still a cursed liberal, but at least you mostly limit it to the economic sphere. In addition, you spoke out against the 'Enlightenment' and the French revolution, and in support of the rights of our Catholic brethren in Britain and Ireland.
Christian Anarchism - You're right that only God has supreme authority over humans, but do remember Mark 12:17, Render unto Caesar what is Caesars. Oh and Romans 13. Remember, without the eventual conversion of the Roman Emperors, we would have been stamped out.
Catholic Democracy - While you are definitely a step in the right direction, you tend to let your states fall to the tide of secular debauchery and decline. I hate to sound like a certain someone but... what have you conserved?
Catholic Workerism - Overall good social ideas, but why are you a damned anarchist?
Christian Socialism - You're treading on thin ice, Christ hardly meant what you say in the parable of the camel and the needle eye, and Rome condemned socialism[27]. That said, a few of my present day adherents are rather friendly to you.[28][29]
Euskadi Carlism - My Spanish grandchild who likes...
Socialism? Either way you're tolerable as long as you keep in line with
the Church, especially considering you also dislike the cursed liberalism.
Liberation Theology - Are you sure you care about the faith if you're among the first to side with the people that shoot priests, burn churches and dig up nuns? The ideologies you support want us and the faith dead, cease.
Reactionary Liberalism - Out of all the
Libtards, he is the most tolerable one.
Pope Francis Thought - I think His Holiness ought not to spend too much time with
these stray souls
, but so far he is not too bad.
Black Hundredism - Orthodoxy is okay, though we have some disagreement on what counts as orthodox in Christianity. Autocracy is rather questionable, especially regarding the Caesaropapist control over the Synod. But uhh... pogroms are still evil.
Catholic Fascism - Eehhhh... you tend to devolve back to godless fascism in practice, especially with racialism. The
Ustaše may claim to be Catholic but they are too bloodthirsty and care more about their nation anyway. Dollfuss and Franco were better than most though.
Fuentesism - Looks like there's still some hope for the youth these days. But I beg you to stop giving me a bad name in the New World[1] and renounce the
racial heresy (and to stop simping for
those heathens).
Nacionalismo - Argentinian grandchild, he cares for the poor but spends too much time with
the heathens
Rexism - Belgian disciple. You started off somewhat good, but like the one above why did you have to come closer with the Hitlerites?
Fourth Theory - You hate liberalism as much as I do, but please drop the esotericism and other questionable aspects of your beliefs. We also support religious revival but know that I will always place the faith first.
Khomeinism - You and I are somewhat similar but I fear we'll be at our throats eventually due to our religious obligations.
That being said, Shias are marginally preferable to Sunnis.Revisionist Maximalism - Zionist Integralism, not bad but like with
him I fear we'll come into conflict eventually.
Especially over the ownership of the Holy Land and even moreso the Talmud.Hindutva - Hindu Integralism? Oh heavens.
I think your religion is absolutely horrible and your deeds against Christians rival that of the Muslims.Reactionary Modernism and
Neoreactionaryism - I beg of you to not let yourself descend into heathenry.
Enlightenment Thought - The origin of all fallacies. You make me sad.
Social Darwinism - It’s one thing to support evolutionary science, which I am totally comfortable with, but this idea of pushing “survival of the fittest” upon human society is just pure Satanic!
Fascism - Not only are you are a modernist, Enlightenment ideology, but Mussolini was anti-clerical, only compromising with the Church to prevent her from siding against him, which it inevitably did.
Humanism - You place man above God, it is no wonder why satanists like you.
Secularism - While the Communists admit they want us all slaughtered and our religion sent to the dustbin of history, you are far more insidious as you guise your contempt for God as freedom of religion and other such lies. There has never been a Christian that supported secularization from the start, there is no doubt in my mind that you are thus far one of the more successful attempts at ending Christianity. How could anyone say otherwise when your first implementation resulted in the Jacobin terror and tens of thousands dead.
Jacobinism - Of all the tyrants of modern day, no heathen burns deeper in hell than Robespierre.
Bonapartism - You allowed the Church to operate openly in France again, but invading the Papal States was unforgivable.
Liberalism - Liberalism is a Sin, to the depths with you.
Civil Libertarianism - ERROR NON HABET IUS!
Satanic Theocracy - Your reckoning will come at your highest point.
Secular Satanism - You hate Christianity so you LARP as a Satanist, knowing full well a conversation with your own grandmother would make you cry and give up.
Laicism - "How, indeed, could it be otherwise, immediately after the promulgation of that law which, by sundering violently the old ties that linked your nation with the Apostolic See, creates for the Catholic Church in France a situation unworthy of her and ever to be lamented?"[30] The tides are turning child, you have radicalized the Young Catholics in France, soon enough, God willing, the Eldest daughter of Christianity will be back as it's shield and bulwark against the tides of the World.
Communism - Are you proud how many people you have killed? Read Divini Redemtoris.
Progressivism - Well, where to start... You are just an offspring of Liberalism, however much stronger today than your "father", and much more radical. Your offsprings are even more radical than you, so remember: "The Revolution devours its children".
Revolutionary Progressivism - And so as you cannibalize yourselves on who can insult God the most, who can accuse the most innocents, who can bring the most depravity into this world, only you will remain. And then what?
Nazism - There is no other way about this, Hitler hated Christ. Why else subjugate the church not just to political control but genuine heresy? Why else eschew Catholicism?
Don't understand why Pax Tube likes you so much.National Bolshevism - Two fallacies in one? Wha... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, PEOPLE?!
Esoteric Fascism - ...What neo-pagan nonsense are you even talking about? Quick, get him a doctor! Or an exorcist! Or both.
Jihadism - I await the day Crusaders march around your land once, hellbound heathen!
Anarchism - Are you proud how much blood you spill? The Enemy himself founded Anarchism, his trial to overthrow Almighty God failed miserably so he cowardly attacks humanity as he can do nothing against the Almighty God.
Illegalism - Literally the end stage of anarchism. Your very existence violates at least half of the Ten Commandments. Repent now lest Hell awaits you with open arms.
Anarcho-Egoism - The ideology of the guy above. Frankly, you're probably the worst anarchist ideologically.
Insurrectionary Anarchism - As if
your matriarch wasn't bad enough... at least she has a vision, however false it may be. You only seek to kill and destroy for the sake of killing and destruction.
Ochlocracy - The mob can be easily influenced and persuaded to act in a way demagogues like it. The mob acts according to primal instincts, e.g. has no room for sanity, reason and morality.
Further Information
- Letter to Emperor Anastasius I on Spiritual and Temporal Power by Pope St. Gelasius I (494 AD)
- "Biglietto" Speech and Address to English Catholics by Cardinal St. John Henry Newman (1879)
- Liberalism is a Sin by Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany (1886)
- Longquina, encyclical letter on Catholicism in the United States by Pope Leo XIII (1895)
- Integralism in Three Sentences by The Josias (2016)
- Integralism and the Logic of the Cross by Fr. Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist (2019)
- Against David French-ism by Sohrab Ahmari (2019)
- Beyond Originalism by
Adrian Vermeule (2020)
- Two Types of Integralism by John Ehrett
- On ‘Left Integralism’: Catholic Social Teaching as a Political Theology by John Milbank
Original image
Previous image by Bogdanoff
Previous image
Previous image for the Roman ChiRho
Credit: u/Eu_Sou_BR, Source
Credit: u/internetfunnyman1000, Source
Integralism with Vendean attire.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Radical Traditional Catholicism, SPLC
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 What Fake Democracies Look Like
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Why The American Empire Is Rapidly Declining
- ↑ How Pornography Destroys Your Mind
- ↑ How Hentai Destroys Your Mind
- ↑ “There’s no reason for a country not to have it” In other words, "I have never studied any worldviews outside of globohomo liberal progressivism"
- ↑ Why The Protestant Reformation Was Worse Than You Thought
- ↑ Transhumanism means using technology to give humans new and unnatural abilities. Restoring a normal human function like vision with glasses is therefor not transhumanism - it’s simply medicine
- ↑
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 New WORST Channel? Pax Tube DEBUNKED on Immigration
- ↑ The Truth About The "Dark Ages"
- ↑ Why The Inquisition Was Awesome, Actually
- ↑ Why America Should NOT Have Joined World War 1
- ↑
- ↑ Why America Should NOT Have Joined World War 1
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 The Philosophy of Vladimir Putin
- ↑ Why People Like Anime Girls
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Attack On Titan's Racial Themes Explored
- ↑ Referring to Pax Tube being a white nationalist and the rumor that he is secretly Vietnamese.
- ↑ What You Weren’t Taught About Colonization
- ↑ Why The Crusades Were Awesome, Actually
- ↑
- ↑ After the Edict of Thessalonica under
Emperor Theodosius I in AD 380
- ↑ Bordaberry himself was a Carlist, so he had a lot of influence from Integralism and also from Francoism, but it's debatable to what extent the Civil-Military Dictatorship during his rule could be considered an example of Integralism.
- ↑ Integralism and Gelasian Dyarchy by Edmund Waldstein
- ↑ Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XII and Syllabus of Errors by Pope Bl. Pius IX
- ↑ What is Integralism? - Tradistae. Tradistae, Sep. 9, 2020
- ↑ Yes, Tradinistas are left-wing radicals – but that doesn’t make us any less Catholic. by Jose Mena
- ↑ Vehementer Nos by Pope Saint Pius X