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Anti-Radicalism, also known as Anti-Extremism, is an ideology that's based around the belief that ideologies outside the Overton Window or movements that are ideologically distant from the status quo are harmful to society as a whole, and that political action or restrictive policies must be applied to stop them. It has variable beliefs, but typically adheres to liberal or neoliberal positions (since these function as the global status quo, and therefore the political center).


Anti-Radicalism argues that extreme and radical political change in a society that adopts an ideology with centrist characteristics as its dominant system (or one that remains within the Overton Window) is undesirable. He does not, however, defend the status quo unconditionally, since an ideology can be centrist and not be practiced (e.g. technoliberalism). His beliefs revolve around the absolute opposition to political extremes, equally condemning ideologies such as fascism, communism, anarchism (both anarcho-communism and anarcho-capitalism), etc.


Le Bon

Convinced that human actions are guided by eternal laws, Le Bon attempted to synthesise Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer with Jules Michelet and Alexis de Tocqueville.

Le Bon held beliefs that spanned a wide spectrum of anti-radical ideologies. His views can be categorized into several "anti-" stances, which collectively positioned him firmly against extremism in any form. Le Bon was a critic of anarchism and apoliticism, believing that the lack of order and engagement in societal structures led to chaos. He opposed colonialism, recognizing its inherent injustices and imbalances of power. Despite his anti-colonial stance, he was also anti-democracy, arguing that the masses were incapable of rational decision-making, a sentiment that extended to his rejection of populism and protectionism, which he saw as short-sighted and detrimental to long-term stability. Le Bon's anti-socialism and anti-statism reflected his belief in minimal government interference, yet he supported industrialism and the economic expansion it entailed. His adherence to classical and national conservatism highlighted his preference for traditional values and strong national identities, upheld within a parliamentarian framework. He endorsed patriarchy, seeing it as a natural social order, and positivism, valuing empirical science over metaphysical speculation. Reactionaryism in his thought manifested through a nostalgic yearning for past societal structures. His controversial views included scientific racism and social Darwinism, through which he believed in the superiority of certain races and the inevitability of social hierarchies. These elements of Le Bon's philosophy collectively supported his anti-radicalism or anti-extremism stance, as he feared that radical changes, regardless of their origin, threatened the stability and progress of society as he envisioned it.

Le Bon theorised that the new entity, the "psychological crowd", which emerges from incorporating the assembled population not only forms a new body but also creates a collective "unconsciousness". As a group of people gather together and coalesces to form a crowd, there is a "magnetic influence given out by the crowd" that transmutes every individual's behaviour until it becomes governed by the "group mind". This model treats the crowd as a unit in its composition which robs every individual member of their opinions, values and beliefs; as Le Bon states: "An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will".

Personality and Behaviour

Anti-Radicalism acts violently and often threatens radical and extremist ideologies with his knife. He despises Centrists that are indifferent to radical ideologies, and also enjoys spying on and infiltrating extremists. He hunts extremists with his knife, which has the ability to release a poison that makes one's ideology less extreme. Anti-Radicalism may also be portrayed with the usual centrist stereotypes.

How to Draw

Flag of Anti-Radicalism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Draw a circle in the middle with the color scheme of the political compass (Red (#FF6262) for AuthLeft, blue (#00B1FF) for AuthRight, yellow (#FFFF80) for LibRight and green (#00FF88) for LibLeft),
  3. Draw a red (#FF0000) cross out mark around this circle,
  4. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 AuthLeft Red#FF6262rgb(255, 98, 98)
 AuthRight Blue#00B1FFrgb(0, 177, 255)
 LibRight Yellow#FFFF80rgb(255, 255, 128)
 LibLeft Green#00FF88rgb(0, 255, 136)
 Red#FF0000rgb(255, 0, 0)



  • Centrists - Please vote for these guys, they sound like good candidates.
  • Moderatism - Nice and moderate, as it should be.
  • Horseshoe Centrism - I agree that there's not much difference with the furthest opposing ideologies of the compass.
  • Neoliberalism - Although I don't explicitly agree with you, I can't argue against the status quo.
  • Police Statism - All terrorists will be put on a watchlist for violating national security and investigated by the FBI. Problem?
  • Liberalism - A good friend of mine, he is sometimes r*dical, but insists on being a "good" one.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Based.
  • Reformism - Revolutions have always led to worsening of social conditions, lets all settle down and advocate for real change.
  • Dead Centrism - I will protect the pure middle from those r*ds.
  • Defensive Democracy - We must insure that r*ds won't get a single seat in our councils!


  • Conservatism - Overall good in the modern day sense—just stay away from his obstructionism.
  • R*dical Apoliticism - Shares disdain for r*dicals... while being r*dical?
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - He really hates tankies and fashies, but insists on using questionable means of civil disobedience.
  • Anti-Fascism - Fascism is bad, but why so friendly with the far-left?
  • Anti-Communism - Communism is also bad, but why do you give a pass to the far-right?
  • Authoritarianism - Often a tool of tyranny used by them , however I can amend using law enforcement agencies like the FBI watchlist programs.
  • Illiberal Democracy - You're like Defdem that degenerated over time.
  • Peronism - A friend of the guy above, but thank you for (almost) always humiliating those r*dicals in the elections.


Further Information


