Not to be confused with
"It is not the mediocrity of women's education which makes their weakness; it is their weakness which necessarily causes their mediocrity."
Patriarchy or literally Rule of Fathers is any form of governance in which political power is concentrated among men, especially father figures. However, since the beginning of the women's liberation movement, it has "taken on an emotional and derogatory meaning" by describing an undesirable society characterized by the overbearing representation of men and male privilege. This includes corelating Patriarchy to Feudalism specifically in the Sinosphere, despite Imperial China being unitary.
The first patriarchal societies could be said to have developed out of familial structures in which the fathers led their families.
Personality and Behavior
Due to the historical connotations of the term, patriarchy can be taken to have the personality of a stereotypical father. He believes that the world is built on the struggle of men and that men are genetically stronger than women. Men and women are fundamentally different, according to him, and serve different purposes in the family and society at large. The love for his family is so strong that he would be willing to die to protect them. He has a complicated relationship with his son, Manosphere, who he believes to be a degenerate.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball with eyes.
- In Black draw a V-shape spanning the ball.
- Fill the inner part of the ball blue and the outer part of the ball black.
- Within the blue section draw in white the Mars symbol (♂).
And you're done!
Having a Father
Orthodox Theocracy - So your Church is led by Patriarchs? Based!
Theravada Buddhist Theocracy - The Sangha Council is led by the Supreme Patriarch, kinda based too.
Homofascism - You admire me but your proposal of a men-only utopia sounds a bit extreme.
Athenian Democracy - In your political system the women couldn't vote? BASED!!!
Authoritarian Conservatism - Upholder of how we rule. Also just because our flags are similar, we're not the same.
Islamic Theocracy - Good, lots of wives sounds nice, but what is this hijab thing?
Hindutva - Nice usage of forced child marriage, just be kinder to my Muslim friends.
Probably Fatherless
Mutualism - Proudhon had a very based view about the women, really it's sad that the majority of your actual followers not appreciate that.
Stratocracy -
SENGOKU...I really like that your training makes men get stronger, and more masculine. However, many of your militaries (especially western ones) nowadays are too weak and feminine. Like what they always say, you put a 120 pounds...Manosphere - My son, remember to always man up! But also remember, you can never become a real man if all you do is blame Others.
Reactionaryism - Based in historically Patriarchal societies, cringe in historically Matriarchal societies.
Men's Liberation - Silly boy, do you really think a real man should escape from his supposed status and duties? Also, if I'm not a real thing, then what are you even fighting with anyway? Also watch This Weird Boy!
Feminism - You and your daughters act like I'm some kind of bad thing, how ridiculous!
Progressivism - Why do you demonize me so much? Your degenerate ideas ruined the family! And why do you accuse me of persecuting sexual minorities???
Marxism - Anti-traditional, family-hating man whose ideas led to the rise of feminism.
Maoism - Women aren't worthy to hold up even an iota of the sky, you rat!
Hoxhaism - Encouraging women to get into the work force? Absolutely barbaric.
National Feminism - See? Feminists are Nazis who brainwash women!
Radical Feminism - Being straight is not natural for women? Penises are disgusting? Testosterone is poisonous? All males are violent rapist brutes? Lesbian separatism from every men (including the male relatives)? What a delusional lesbian bitch you are! Definitely a fatherless daughter that raised by psycho blue haired single mother.
Time to correction rape to fixing your orientation!Matriarchy - My polar opposite. This only happened in primitive societies and will never happen in the future. And feminists wonder, why matriarchal societies always stuck in primitive ages and never developed further.
Anarchism - Rather a strange sort of mother, most of your kids are not explicitly supportive of me. You're asking for disaster.
LesbiaNRx - Stay away from me with those pink syringes, you weirdo young lady!
Further Information
- The Inevitability of Patriarchy and Why Men Rule by Steven Goldberg
- Gentlemen and Amazons: The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory by Cynthia Eller
- Patriarchy
- Androcracy
- Patriarchalism
- Biblical patriarchy
- Chinese patriarchy
- Obedient Wives Club
- Zadruga