Ergatocracy, or explicitly Rule of the Proletariat is an ideology where the working class, workers, or the proletariat are capable of ruling a society. Like most Left Unity ideologies, most of its followers/examples (such as Lenin,
Marx or the Paris Commune), have held generally culturally progressive leanings, such as
The Prussian military man and socialist Joseph Weydemeyer, a close friend of Marx, was the first to coin the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" in the mid-19th century. German philosophers Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels would develop the term economically and politically.
It is considered within Marxist theory that the
Paris Commune, which was a workers' government that controlled the city for two months in 1871, was the first and greatest example of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
The Russian communist Vladimir Lenin would lead the October Revolution in 1917, overthrowing the Provisional Government and establishing the first official socialist state in history. According to Soviet historians, from that moment on, the
Soviet Union became a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Ergatocracy maintains that workers should be the ones who have political power and govern. According to the Marxist-Leninist interpretation, a vanguard party was needed that would lead the working class in a revolution, which would overthrow the bourgeois order where a popular democracy would be established.
On the other hand, libertarian Marxists maintain that the proletarian revolution does not need a vanguard party but rather the working class itself and that vanguardism would end up creating a kind of aristocracy disconnected from the masses.
Ergatocracy is the typical worker fed up with Capitalism and supports the formation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. He is usually very radical and is a friend of practically all
communist ideologies (or well, almost
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with cyan
- Draw a white hammer-and-sickle in the middle
- Add the two eyes
You are done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Cyan | #0C93D1 | rgb(12, 147, 209) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Socialism - Best economic system!
Marxism - Another comrade!
Marxist Feminism - Our working class sisters can only be free without the rich!
Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - Gay, space, robot comrade!
Libertarian Marxism - My Freedom Loving Son, a decentralized DotP sounds cool
still a bit too AnarchisticCybercommunism - Why not.
Stratocracy - Military personnel are workers too so...
Capitalist Communism &
State Capitalism - Capital doesn't belong to the workers!
Communalism - You are going way too far! But otherwise based. But workers are still entitled to their personal property, the things they actually use in their day to day lives.
Dengism - Aren't you the same guy as the above?
Anarcho-Communism - I'm not quite sure about this anarchy thing.
Pol Potism - None of this is what we meant by "Proletarian Dictatorship".
National Communism - As Marx said, nationalism is bad you lumpenproletariat!
National Bolshevism - You can't be serious.
Marxism-Leninism - I guess you are technically a worker’s dictatorship, but you are kinda detached from their needs.
Khrushchevism - You replaced me with "state of the whole people"?! Bullsh*t!
Monarcho-Capitalism - DIE!
Imperialism - IMPERIALIST SCUM!!!
Liberalism - Stop seething whenever I say “Proletarian Dictatorship”, it´s not a literal dictatorship!
Kleptocracy - Worst thing to happen to Russia!
Social Darwinism - No one is crazy enough to take your bullsh*t seriously.
Nazism - Stop calling yourself socialist, Nazi!
National Capitalism - ...
Anarcho-Egoism - Lumpenproletariat egotard.
Avaritionism - YOU ARE HORRIBLE!
Further Information
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