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"By properly deploying both incentives and nudges, we can improve our ability to improve people’s lives, and help solve many of society’s major problems. And we can do so while still insisting on everyone’s freedom to choose."

Liberaltarianism is a political ideology that combines principles both from Modern Liberalism and Libertarianism. It's a mostly utilitarian ideology that believes in relatively small government, non-atomistic individualism, a live and let live philosophy, the ease of doing business and free markets, but accompanied with the more paternalistic approach of Modern Liberalism, arguing that full on laissez-faire economics aren't the way to go, and aim for a more moderate view.

This more paternalistic approach in regard to markets is also applied to government welfare programs. Contrary to most libertarians, they wouldn't advocate for the abolition of all welfare programs, nor, as many modern liberals, would they advocate for large-scale socialization of services such as healthcare. Instead, they try to advocate for a more moderate approach in these topics, such as a school voucher system or a compulsory private health insurance system.

In most issues, they'll usually advocate for an in-between of the liberal and the libertarian proposal, without exactly siding with either or fitting into either group. It is also a more right leaning version of Social Libertarianism and is more close to Yangism in some regards.

According to the survey, 22% of American Democrats consider themselves libertarians, which is much higher than the 12% of Republicans. There are some libertarians who will declare support for the Democrats in the election, especially libertarians who don’t like Trump. Yet they disagree over whether Harris-Walz is a "qualified libertarian" (legal marijuana, smaller police force, and a modicum of economic freedom) or a "lesser evil" (violation of property rights, high taxes).



Left-Liberaltarianism is the more moderate form of left-libertarianism. It's pretty much a libertarian-leaning version of the views shared by either the mainstream centre-left or more moderate liberal socialists, wishing to incorporate their basic principles within a fairly small state.


Right-Liberaltarianism is the more moderate form of right-libertarianism. It acts as the middle ground between the highly laissez-faire philosophy of right-libertarianism and more moderate forms of market liberalism , sharing some or most of the rhetoric associated with right-libertarians while not viewing state welfare and regulations as an inherent negative.


Lööfism is based on the policies of former Swedish MP Annie Lööf from the Center Party, in which she was the leader from 2011 to 2023. The ideas are based on economic and Social Liberalism, along with the free competition of small farmers and entrepreneurs with the defense of Neoliberalism. One of the main focuses would be environmental protection and the promotion of biodiversity through cooperation with foresters and private landowners. Other focuses would also be governmental decentralization, Liberal Feminism, the promotion of individual freedoms with the equality of the sexes, immersion in international peace, promotion of the European Union, investment in infrastructure, defense of Right-Libertarianism, rigorous actions against climate change and organized crime, green industries, free trade between European countries, anti-populist blockade, national economy, generous immigration policy with contributions to refugees and opposition to Social Democracy. It is sometimes called Center Liberaltarianism due to its economically centrist policies.

Mark Cubanism

Mark Cubanism is based on the political positions of Dallas Mavericks Owner, alumnus of the TV Show "Shark Tank," and businessman Mark Cuban. His politics were initially influenced by the writings of Ayn Rand and the philosophy known as Objectivism.[7] Still, today, he would be considered a moderate libertarian[8] favoring economic liberalism with a $15 an hour minimum wage[9] and progressive tax system.[10] He has also formally endorsed and voted for many Democratic politicians like United States Presidential Candidates former president Barack Obama (2008)[11] and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (2016).[12]

Cuban has also been highly critical of President Donald Trump, calling him a "jagoff."[12] Cuban also supports free trade and has voiced opposition to President Trump's trade policies, saying that Donald Trump is "like the Grinch" and "The Grinch doesn't understand how tariffs work" while speaking at a rally for former Vice President Kamala Harris, who he was supporting to defeat President Trump during the 2024 Presidential Election. Cuban has also mocked President Trump's border policy, asking the crowd at that same rally in which he was defending free trade, "Did Mexico pay for that wall?" then exclaiming, "Hell no!" after the crowd screamed, "No!"[13]

In an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy on the Truth Podcast, Mark Cuban elaborated on his political positions, stating that if a non-MAGA Republican were running against former President Joe Biden, he would probably vote for them. Cuban, in that interview, criticized Trump on his ethics, stated that former President Obama did a better job than Trump on border crossings, said that Trump inherited the economy that Obama improved, and Trump's economy had inflation worse than Obama's.[14]

Cuban, in an interview with Wired called "Mogul Support," explained his rationale for supporting a $15 an hour minimum wage, or a "living wage." He stated that with a living wage, all companies play by the same rules, and no one is left living on the streets or with food insecurity. He further states that taxpayers subsidize companies when employees do not receive a living wage and instead get government assistance. Cuban later said in that interview that he ensured everyone in his business was paid a fair wage so no one working for him needed government assistance. Cuban finishes his justification of a living wage in the interview by saying, "...raise the minimum wage to a living wage, and compete, because that is what America's all about, Capitalism, entrepreneurship, with a little bit of compassion thrown in... think we'll be a far better country to live in."[9]


Liberaltarianism gets concerned when the government wants to involve more on his life. He is also a middle ground, and has a “no step on snek” flag on his garage. Liberaltarianism shares Liberalism’s government role in healthcare and liberties and Libertarian’s emphasis on minimal government intervention. Therefore he wants a small but effective government of market intervention and liberties, making him a charitable and energetic person.

How to Draw

Snake Design

Flag of Liberaltarianism (Snake design)
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill in with blue,
  3. Draw a coiling rattlesnake and a variation of "Don't tread on me" yellow,
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Blue#007BD6rgb(0, 123, 214)
 Yellow#EED800rgb(238, 216, 0)

Liberalism Design

Flag of Liberaltarianism (Liberalism design)
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill it with yellow,
  3. Draw the Liberalism's symbol in black,
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Yellow#FAFF00rgb(250, 255, 0)
 Black#202020rgb(32, 32, 32)



  • Liberalism - Human rights for all, but slow down with the socialization of certain services.
  • Libertarianism - Free markets are really cool, but complete laissez-faire might not be the way to go either.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - I like your cultural and civic stances but please, cool it with the Laissez-faire economics.
  • Social Libertarianism - A slightly more left-leaning version of me. Can go a little too far for me sometimes though. Andrew Yang is also pretty based
  • Classical Liberalism - Love you, even if you are my grandparent twice. I'm not inbred!
  • Ordo-Liberalism & Social Capitalism - Freiburg school, perfect economic policies.
  • Neoliberalism - Based! Near perfection!
  • Chicago School - You have great ideas like voucher system and negative income tax.
  • Civic Nationalism - My type of Nationalism! Just be less interventionist.
  • Civil Libertarianism - I like his ideas, even if he's more progressive in some areas.
  • Helvetic Model - Good pal, even if a bit conservative at times.
  • Georgism - Henry George was a great man with great ideas!


  • Social Liberalism - You've got some really nice ideas, although your ideal state is a little too big, and most people would confuse me with you.
  • Nordic Model - Similar to the guy above. You're overall pretty ok, but I'm not really the biggest fan of corporatist economics.
  • Social Democracy - Slow down with all that spending thing buddy.
  • Third Way - Please ease off all that military spending man! Besides that you're pretty cool.
  • National Liberalism - Surprisingly not bad, for a nationalist.
  • National Libertarianism - Way too culturally right-wing, but apparently is tied with me in Slovakia. Also, tell that thing to piss off and we're good.
  • ECRism - The above but also statist but my slovakian variant is apart of you.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - I don't like the Republicans that much, but at least you have some good civic views.
  • Neo-Libertarianism - Some of us support foreign military interventions while most don't. Also you are predominantly culturally right-wing.
  • Paleolibertarianism - Many of us oppose intervention but he is too culturally right-wing and also stop hanging out with that weirdo.


  • Marxism–Leninism - Neither human rights nor economic freedom. Just no...
  • National Bolshevism - This ain't it, chief.
  • Ingsoc - Holy shit what can I say…
  • Sweden Democrats & Left Party - We can't let these radical populists control our government! Racists and commies have no place here.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Wants a dictatorship AND enforces traditional values? This is just awful...
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Ah yes... Because reactionary traditions, ultranationalism, anti-feminism and banning same-sex marriage are the most liberal ideas in history. But seriously though, having economically liberal views doesn't automatically make you one of us.
  • Alt-Lite - You're being edgy just for the sake of being edgy.
  • Reactionary Libertarianism - Bro, are you serious?
  • Neoconservatism - Seriously though, stop with these goddamn wars!
  • Fourth Theory - And I thought neocon was a monster...

Further Information

People and Parties



  1. Lööf claims to oppose any "radical" politicians and individuals, i.e. anyone who doesn't fit into what they define as the centre.


