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Fictional Ideology
"The party would like to remind you this ideology has never existed" - Ingsoc
This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.

Anti-Realism is the embodiment of an ideology that believes that any ideology that fits onto a political compass is bad, or Anti-Centrism on steroids. Of course, steroids are spooks that assist the weak, and not distributing them amongst the commune is thoughtcrime.



Avaritionism-Soulism is a libertarian center, off-compass ideology that everyone should be able to do anything they desire, resulting in everyone may or may not sharing their property with everyone, which would also later result in perfectly normal and sane system of darwinist communalism. Avaritionism-Soulism believes that both laws of physics and emotions to be not only spook but also oppresive, thus Avaritionism-Soulism advocates for elimination of biological emotion system and elimination of laws of physics via mental affecting drugs and/or technologies. Avaritionism-Soulism also believes that traditions and sanity to be oppresive, and advocates for perfect insanity and amorality. Avaritionism-Soulism in practice will result in the epistemological destruction of the perceivable universe due to the lack of a sane alive person to recognize the universe, which is based.

Darwinist Communalism

Darwinist Communalism defines a society in which people share personal items, but any semblance of individuality, egoism, or human rights is reduced to a bare minimum. In addition people will be indoctrinated into cult-like thinking, being forced to fend for themselves for some greater purpose. To stop people from questioning this society, sharing will resume at regular intervals. The closest real life example of this ideology is probably Cambodia under Pol Pot.

Hive-Mind Kraterocracy

Hive-Mind Kraterocracy is an authoritarian left, off-compass ideology. It first seeks the creation of a strongman character from darwinist brute strength, then subjugate the weak by that character to control their actions like a hive-mind. Individualism will only be a privilege to the strongest, being completely wiped out among the weaker classes. Hive-Mind Kraterocracy would then begin imperialist efforts, spreading the collective all over the universe and either killing or assimilating the conquered. There will be no other feelings other than the sheer desire for bloodshed. If the strongman dies, the Hive-Mind will be automatically set to begin social darwinism once again, and a new strongman replaces the former. Hive-Mind Kraterocracy in practice will not stop until every life-form in the universe is subjugated, and the Strongman likes to remind you that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and cringe is based.

Soulist Kraterocracy

Soulist Kraterocracy is a right, off-compass ideology. Unlike Hive-Mind Kraterocracy, Soulist Kraterocracy believes that strong individuals will try to use the laws of physics to subdue the weak, in turn destroying the laws of physics for themselves in order to strengthen the strong. Potentially, this will lead to a society close to corporatocracy or Fordism with an increased gap among the classes of society, since strong individuals will be able to confirm their strength not only with the help of social, but also physical laws. In turn, this can lead to permanent economic Darwinism and a Hobbesian war of all against all. In view of the fact that hierarchies still remain and are even maintained, one can also call this ideology Reverse Soulism.

How to Draw

Flag of Anti-Realism

Drawing is a spook. Figure it out yourself.

Color NameHEXRGB
 Black#202020rgb(32, 32, 32)
 Dark Aqua#036A65rgb(3, 106, 101)
 Red#880015rgb(136, 0, 21)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)


Unreal Club


  • Anti-Centrism - You're a bit too tame, but once you become the status quo yourself, you'll come around.
  • Contrarianism - My initial premise, though you are even tamer than him.
  • Senatorialism - I don't even know what it is, and that scares even me.
  • Anarchism, Totalitarianism, Capitalism & Socialism - MUST RADICALIZE!
  • Posadism & Bio-Posadism - Nuke the world or causing a global pandemic is close enough to destroying the current status quo, but you two haven't yet pulled it off. At least the Russia-Ukraine war could potentially start another nuclear warfare but the COVID-19 pandemic is sadly died down.
  • Anarcho-Totalitarianism & Archeofuturism - Isn't Off-Compass yet but more contradictory means more based.
  • Esoteric Fascism - On-Compass but has schizophrenia diagnosis like me.
  • Marxism - You could actually work.


Further Information

