Civil Libertarianism

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"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant."

Civil Libertarianism is a civically libertarian and economically variable ideology. It is a form of Libertarianism who believes in the expansion and preservation of civil liberties. Distinct from right libertarianism because he is focused on fighting for a legal system centered around the harm principle, privacy and civil rights without any interest in economic liberalism. He is also not to be confused with Social Libertarianism, despite having similar policies.

Despite his name he often clashes with right libertarians by opposing private coercion as much as state authoritarianism. Typically he gets along well with center-left and lib-left ideologies at least until his free speech absolutism and opposition to hate speech laws angers them.


Civil Liberalism

Civil Liberalism is the more moderate version of civil libertarianism, sharing the same core beliefs while leaning more heavily into moderate liberal philosophy rather than full on libertarianism.



Harm Principle

Civil Libertarianism's main ideological foundation is the harm principle, which is a philosophical belief that actions should only be limited to prevent harm to other people.


Civil Libertarianism supports a strong demarcation between separation of church and state while eliminating discrimination based on religious beliefs.


Civil Libertarianism is a feminist ideology that supports policies which achieve equality for both genders. These policies include things like abortion rights, anti-discrimination laws, and the right to vote & own property.

Drug Liberalization

Along with supporting the legalization of cannabis, Civil Libertarianism also supports the complete decriminalization or even legalization of all drugs in general, believing that zero tolerance policies have done more harm than good in addressing the issue of drug addiction.

Cultural Liberalism

Civil Libertarianism is a culturally liberal ideology that defends the rights of individuals to conform to social norms or not. This belief also overlaps with the harm principle, since civil libertarianism believes no specific moral code should be imposed onto society when one's lifestyle is not harming others.


Civil Libertarianism can be portrayed as a scholar with nerdy expertise of the law and philosophy. He's also a very polite and peaceful person. he can get chaotic with AntiAuth. He likes privacy and is also a shut in and will use his gun's rights advocacy to get anyone off his room.

How to Draw

Flag of Civil Libertarianism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color the ball yellow
  3. Add a magenta fist holding up scales of justice.
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Yellow#FFDB27rgb(255, 219, 39)
 Magenta#C20080rgb(194, 0, 128)


Fellow Freedom Fans

  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Comrade in arms and great friend! Anyone willing to oppose tyranny and uphold freedom is an ally in my book! Could you be a little less trigger-happy towards the opposition though? We are attempting to be civil here after all! And stop using violence.
  • Humanism - Hooray for human rights!
  • Classical Liberalism - Grandpa! He gave us the harm principle.
  • Liberalism - Dad taught me a lot!
  • Liberaltarianism - He's not as progressive, but still epic nevertheless.
  • Liberal Feminism & Libertarian Feminism - Just want to do something special for all the ladies in the world!
  • Social Libertarianism - I don't know if UBI will work but his heart is in the right place.
  • Technoliberalism - Free markets and human rights, liberty for the win!
  • Piratism - You're really cool, buddy. Chill on intellectual property rights please.
  • Green Liberalism - Environmental rights are human rights!
  • Eco-Capitalism - Very good, using property rights to protect the environment.
  • Georgism - Free land, free trade, and free people! Chill on things about land.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - You seem to actually care about small government and Snowden was a true hero!
  • Libertarian Social Democracy - You seem to actually care about civil liberties and Gravel was a true hero!
  • Welfarism - The government absolutely has a responsibility in protecting the people, just don't go too far though...
  • LGBT - I'll never stop fighting for you!
  • Men's Liberation - Reject Toxic Masculinity, embrace Positive Masculinity!
  • Secularism - Perfect take on religion!
  • Goldwaterianism - Extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
  • Libertarianism - Likes freedom too, but please don't commit private coercion.
  • Libertarian Socialism - Likes freedom too, but please don't violate property rights.
  • Pink Capitalism - Socially liberal, economically liberal, we are very close. Can get a bit too far on identity politics, but let’s look past that.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Violence is never the solution.
  • Market Socialism - Contributed to the harm principle.
  • Regulated Capitalism - Regulate the economy to prevent harm of the people!
  • Radical Centrism - Peaceful compromise! Not violence! Your Authoritarian version sucks ass but your libertarian counterpart is cool

Critical Support

  • Progressivism - A close match, not gonna lie. Needs to be more accepting of freedom of expression though.
  • Social Democracy - Too many of you hate free speech! Who gets to decide what constitutes "hate speech"?
  • Conservative Liberalism - You claim to care about civil liberties but the Irish deserve to have their rights respected too and the IRA doesn't change that! Also, fuck Penis Dennis Prager.
  • Social Liberalism - Same as above, but FDR threw Japanese people in internment camps and Truman founded the CIA.
  • Neoliberalism - Open borders and free trade are good but your support of certain dictatorships, coups, and invasions not to mention your support for the unpatriotic act is horrible.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - You believe in freedom for the individual while believing things like bigotry and sexism are "spooks"? Great! We will get along just... wait for a second, you don't care about human rights?! And you think property rights are spooks too?
  • Anarcho-Individualism - An ever so slightly more moderate version of the guy above.
  • Utilitarian Ethnonationalism - My... racist son?
  • Anti-Fascism - Look, you're not awful in theory, but you need to calm down. Also, free speech for everyone is important, even for the people that we oppose. I still prefer your buddy here , to be honest. Stop associating with tankies and we're good
  • National Liberalism & National Libertarianism - We generally agree on civil liberties, but you're both sometimes a bit wingnuty for a liberal/libertarian, not to mention you seem to hang around with alt-righters quite a bit. Though I do agree that Navalny is better than Putin and Calvin Coolidge was an okay president.
  • Progressive Conservatism, Liberal Conservatism & Homoconservatism - Pretty mixed bags, but still probably some of the better conservatives. Though I'm definitely not a fan of the latter guy's transphobic factions.
  • Civic Nationalism & Patriotism - Same as above but nationalists.
  • Mileism - You seemed promising at first, but then you downplayed Videla...
  • Crusade of Romanianism - Mihai Stelescu and Panait Istrati seem to be heros who genuinely care about Freedom! But that said I'm not too sure about your Ultranational tendencies and emphasis on conservatism. Overall very weird.
  • Korwinism - Death Penalty?... Praising Pinochet?... Absolute Monarchism?...
  • Hoppeanism - Anarchism? Based! Wait... Bigotry? Racism? WHAT THE FU-
  • European Federalism - I like free trade, open borders, and the GDPR but your violations of sovereignty, corruption and seemingly building a surveillance state scare me.
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - Good for taking on him but I don't like your racism, tariffs or imperialism.
  • Panarchism & National Anarchism - Okay, this is just weird.
  • Powellism - Way too racist for me but you did have good views on nearly everything else (cut out that pro soviet talk though).
  • Burkean Conservatism - Easily the best tradcon, though that doesn't say much.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Easily the worst liberal, but Hanania is surprisingly wholesome.
  • Neo-Libertarianism - Even if you're better than all other interventionists you still hate whistleblowers and most of you are conservatives idiots like Shapiro, Kirk, Kogos, Prince, etc...


  • Authoritarianism - Little thing called privacy? Ever heard of it buddy?!
  • Autocracy - Pure evil.
  • Oligarchy - Multiple despots are still bad.
  • Cultism - The tool of tyrants.
  • State Liberalism - Even if you advocate minority, women and LGBTQ+ rights, you shouldn't enforce them by force! How are you even called liberal.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Tankie version of the above.
  • Conservatism - You're everything but "Small Government", and just because you hate authoritarian SJWs doesn't mean you are one of us. Many of your variants can be pretty based.
  • Ingsoc - The end result of eroding civil liberties.
  • Neoconservatism - Why do you hate Edward Snowden?! He is a literal hero! You're just a precarious ideology riddled with corruption and imperialism. And the Patriot Act was horrible; basically a step towards totalitarianism!
  • Putinism - See just because I hate neocons doesn't mean I'm gonna ever support you in any way. Though Amnesty International is soft towards you. Thanks for giving Edward Snowden Amnesty and airing some stuff against the Patriot Act and TSA on RT America.
  • Christian Theocracy - Damn you for overturning Roe v. Wade! And even worse, it looks like Obergefell v. Hodges is at risk of being overturned as well because of you! FUCK YOU!
  • Integralism - Oh jeez, you really do hate my guts
  • State Atheism - State-enforced atheism isn't any better than state-enforced religion. And it doesn't help that you seem so obsessed with atheism that you basically worship it as if it were just another religion.
  • Corporatocracy - Hands off my private information, megacorp!
  • Dengism - Free Tibet! Free Hong Kong! Enough with your Uyghur genocide and human rights abuses!
  • Alt-Right - Fuck off from me you Neo-Nazi edgelord.
  • Alt-Lite - And you too. You're no better than your pal above, just a moderate version of him. And quit pretending you care about free speech already, because your hijacking of that phrase is doing nothing but tainting my image.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Literally my polar opposite.
  • Marxism–Leninism - If such a huge chunk of your citizens were so desperate to get out of your "workers' paradise" then you probably weren't liberating anyone.
  • White Nationalism - Authoritarian... Patriarchal... Whites-only... Ethnostate? Sounds like Nazi Germany or the Confederates State of America.
  • Homofascism and Jewish-Nazism - Self-hating bigots!
  • Kahanism - You may oppose antisemitism, but you are an exploitative ethnonationalist. You are no better than a regular nazcap.
  • Zemmourism - Just a French moderate version of above.
  • Bibism - You're jerkish, You're stupid, You're corrupt, You're genocidal, and You're nothing good.
  • Jihadism & Khomeinism - The above is not an excuse for both of you. Totalitarian reactionary pricks like you are probably why one of my children is so hostile against Muslims and starts burning the Quran!
  • Ba'athism - Even though I oppose the American interventions, I AM NOT! YOUR! STOOGE!
  • Welfare Chauvinism - I don't care if a decent chunk of you have some mildly culturally liberal views, just stop denying your racism and straight-up fascist sympathies already.
  • Ultranationalism - Chauvinist @$$hole!
  • Anarcho-Fascism - Screw you, Nilsson! You were the creator of the Agression Principle! At least you're an anarchist
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - Capitalism is great because of individual freedom and you ruin that! Burn in hell!
  • Radical Feminism - Why you oppose freedom for men? Also, not all women are "angels" and not all men are "violent rapist beasts".
  • Manosphere - Like the person above but with a dick. Also, quit blaming women for your problems and supporting abuses of their rights!
  • Paleoconservatism - Basically the paleo prefix means you're even worse!
  • Reactionaryism - Your notions of freedom are the worst that I have ever heard.
  • Neoreactionaryism - Geek modern version above pretentiously proclaiming that he cares about freedom. Also why is he so corporatocratic? Interesting Post-Libertarianism, protect freedom with state?

Further Information







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  1. Some have criticized Brandeis for evading issues related to African-Americans, as he did not author a single opinion on any cases about race during his twenty-three year tenure, and he consistently voted with the Supreme Court majority including in support of racial segregation.