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"All I know is that I know nothing"

Noocracy ('Rule of the Wise') also called Epistocracy ('Rule of the Knowledgeable')[3][4] is a system of government within which authority is delegated to people based on their knowledge, those people traditionally being philosophers and theologians. The concept has its origins in Ancient Greek philosophy and the concept of 'The Philosopher King'. A notable example of a Noocracy was the Roman Empire during the reign of Marcus Aurelius, who contributed to the philosophy of Stoicism.


The first attempt to implement Noocracy was Pythagoras' city of the wise which he planned to build in Italy together with his followers. Another example of Noocracy is philosopher kings, examples of philosopher kings are Dion of Syracuse, Marcus Aurelius, Khosrow I, and Matthias Corvinus.


Noocracy believes in a system of governance where decision-making is in the hands of philosophers, these philosophers could be philosopher kings. Philosopher kings are rulers who possess both a love of wisdom, as well as intelligence, reliability, and a willingness to live a simple life. Noocracy also criticizes democracy for the irrationality of voters and that the average voter doesn't have the necessary knowledge to decide on means to achieve their political aims.





Chopinism is moderate Libertarian Right and culturally centrist ideology. He based on polish composer Frederick Chopin. Chopinism is patriotic and liberal ball. He is also religious and cultural nationalist, because Chopin was advocating for conservation of polish folk heritage. He seems to hate Russia, especially after November Uprising.


Jason Brennan believes that voters tend to be irrational and ignorant about politics and that there is little incentive for voters to inform themselves about politics, as they believe (correctly) that one vote will not make a great difference in the overall election results as compared to different opportunities they could use their rime for. additionally, voters tend to make decisions that are ideologically inclined and easily manipulated. Brennan presents and discusses different alternatives of "the rule of the knowledgeable" (epistocracy), where only the most knowledgeable voters get to elect our leaders.

Personality and Behavior

  • They usually represent whatever philosopher you want to represent in your comic,
  • They love to read works on philosophy,
  • They despise the Roman emperor Commodus.

How to Draw

Flag of Noocracy
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill it with yellow,
  3. In the centre of the ball, in grey, draw a circle with a space on its bottom connected to two vertical lines on its upper half,
  4. Below this shape, again in grey, draw the same shape but inverted on its bottom half,
  5. Add the eyes
  6. (Optional) Draw small round glasses under the eyes

...and you're done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 Yellow#EAC313rgb(234, 195, 19)
 Grey#333333rgb(51, 51, 51)




  • Ingsoc - I think you're taking the "the average citizen can't make the right decision" idea just a little too far.
  • Aristocracy - They are pompous and foolish, but they do have the right idea about who shouldn't rule.
  • Cyberocracy - You're smart but too unwise to actually hold power. You need to grow older and gain more experience before you are a worthy heir.
    • - You should read about "Artificial Wisdom". Yes, I do agree that in the current technological epoch, AIs are very dumb and narrow, but I bet that Artificial General Intelligence will outsmart average humans in every field of existence. So... after a few (20-30) decades, we will have an actual AGI leader.
  • Cosmicism - You are wise, my child, and filled with an admirable desire for philosophy and progress, but you are also filled with too much dread.


  • Democracy - I find your system too flawed to be sufficient for the people.
  • Transhumanism - Robot Arms are only as the one who made them
  • Kakistocracy - By what basis do you believe the mentally daft to be just rulers of a state?
  • Senatorialism - Eldritch abomination. Conceptual impossibility. Your very existence violates the laws etched into the universe.
  • Ochlocracy - Your system is an abomination.

Further Information





  1. How Wagner Tried to Revolutionize Art and End Capitalism, Literary Hub
  2. Many of Shakespeare's plays served as propaganda for the monarchy. Examples include Richard III (Richard as a tyrant), Twelfth Night (Puritans as fools), Henry VI (Peasant rebels as Yorkist puppets), Macbeth (Usurpers as evil and influenced by witchcraft), Richard II (Promotion of Divine Right of Kings), Henry IV (Lollards mocked) & King John (Magna Carta is excluded)
  3. Epistocracy, Wiktionary
  4. Votes of No Confidence by Jerediah Purdy



Alternative designs

Artwork and Comics



  1. Mozart said he is loyal to royalty and clergy. Despite this fact his opera The Marriage of Figaro has revolutionary, egalitarianist and liberal.
  2. Mozart was opposed to Voltaire.
  3. Richard Wagner held left-wing positions in his politics.