State Liberalism

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Fictional Ideology
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"The pandemic represents a rare but new window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world."

State Liberalism (also called Progressive Totalitarian Capitalism) is a totalitarian, culturally far-left to off-compass left, internationalist and economically right-wing ideology. It believes the best way to SJW-style progress is via a totalitarian world empire that follows various schools of capitalist economics, usually the Chicago School. In other words, they are an even more extreme version of neoliberalism, with even further emphasis on promoting SJW ideas.

Such behavior could be parodies of the sometimes hypocritical nature argued to be followed by certain communities within the social justice movement within the western world, such as white-liberal college students, or western social media platforms such as Tumblr, or Twitter, whose users can be argued to have huge victim mentalities, and often act like their view represents the majority of the oppressed and third-world, while actively harming said progress they claim to support and whose interests sometimes even harming those they claim to represent such as enforcing their allegedly "progressive" western liberal standards onto other people regardless of culture or background. Often being referred to as "western social media/progressivism" by outsiders who see them as trying to enforce their singular western-centric worldview onto them and to address how "bigoted" they apparently are unlike those who try to enforce said norms onto other cultures.

State liberalism is a hypothetical ideology told to be the successor to Neoliberalism within the coming years. The common theory assumes that the only way by which the current culturally left-wing and Capitalist order found in most western countries can only sustain itself by a rapid increase of state power, this view of future often manifests itself in memes in which dictatorial or dictatorial-like powers are used to uphold progressive interests, particularly interests related to LGBTQQIAP2SAAONPND+ people and people who do not refer to themselves as the long since outdated and exclusionary term as "people".


Proto-State Liberalism

State Liberal policies can be said to be inspired by the policies of the United Kingdom government from roughly the leadership of Tony Blair and onward. The policies of Tony Blair and a large chunk of his successors effectively created a society in which progressive causes have the full support of the state and the state acts in their interests.

The dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista is frequently associated with state liberalism, as his coup of the Cuban government was done while affiliated to the progressive action party, a reformed national liberal party with members from the former democratic socialist coalition who, while promoting left-wing cultural ideas such as open borders for tourism, alcohol sales, prostitution & gambling, were still extremely anti-communist and economically liberal.

Much of the modern western social-justice movement to varying extents can be argued to be this, by groups such as conservatives, the alt-lite, the alt-right, conservative socialists, neoluddites, or post-left types. Which see modern western progressivism and identity-politics as essentially trying to enforce a woke form of the same system as before if not even more extreme, with all claims of "promoting progress" being a sham justification for its continued existence rather than to actually promote said equality.


A Californian bill that was approved in September 2020, Assembly Bill 979, could be seen as somewhat of a real world analogue to State Liberalism. This bill requires corporations to appoint at least one director from an unrepresented community - defined as a Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian, or Alaska Native, or someone who self-identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or individuals from various sexual orientations and gender identities. Some internet users criticized this as "state enforced homosexuality".

State Liberalism on Polcompball

It's generally seen as a meme ideology, though its historical counterparts have links with neoliberalism & progressivism. The ideology itself is a parody of SJW and Pinochetist stereotypes combined taken to the highest extreme. Commonly shown killing commies and/or those xey see as not woke. Despite this xey needlessly pander and virtue signal in extremely tokenist efforts to woke politics all the while directly contributing to the problems xey claim they are against. For example, bombing the global south and stealing land from colonized groups but justifying it by using token minorities to justify their crimes as apparently "woke" as well as promoting a sense of "helping the gays, women, enbies, trans, black, indigenous, and other minority folks, etc." to help cover up their own self-serving interests which directly harm said communities they claim to represent. One could see this ideology as a comically exaggerated version of the pandering of pseudo-woke identity politics of states like California taken to their logical extreme all to mask the true nature of those governments who would gladly use whatever power they have to silence those who threaten their control of power.


Bleeding-Heart Authoritarianism

Bleeding-Heart Authoritarianism is a culturally left and economically center-right to right-wing ideology which is the authoritarian counterpart to Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism. Similar to (and in some ways radically different than) Post-Libertarianism, it holds that a strong government capable of upholding law and order is necessary to not only achieve progressive aims, but to prevent extremist conservative and reactionary forces from seizing power. Like BHL, BHA's economic system ranges from a Social Market Economy to Economic Liberalism. To the degree forces contrary to its ideological goals are suppressed, BHA remains pretty libertarian, favoring the legalization of everything from prostitution to drugs.

Targets persecuted/will be persecuted by State Liberalism:

Targets designated for extermination are marked as bold.

  • White People
  • Cisgender Heterosexuals
  • Men (except gay males, especially gay femboys)
  • Religious (Especially Abrahamics )
  • Conservatives
    • Reactionaries
  • Libertarians
    • Libertarian Conservatives
    • Paleolibertarians
    • National Libertarians
  • Socialists
    • Social Democrats (Third World Variants)
    • Communists
  • Anarchists
  • Bigots
  • Misogynists
  • Nationalists
  • Traitors
  • Pseudoscientists
  • Conspiracy theorists
  • Populists
  • and anyone else


Statlib is someone who can be best described as "woke to the absolute", and this is certainly true with xem wishing for genocide and extinction of everyone and everything xey see as bigoted. Xey are also a really great manipulator.

Alternatively, xey can represent the personalities of Klaus Schwab and other WEF Members. On the surface appearing as progressive buisnessmen and economists who want to tackle climate change, destroying food waste and inequality and promoting diversity. However many ideologies suggest that this is all a facade and xey are doing it so xey can slowly but surely take over the world and enslave all of humanity, destroying all governments and nations. Xey have supposedly shown xeir true colors accidentally at some points, such as when xey said "you will own nothing and you will be happy" and "we must prepare for an angrier world" during xeir speeches. Xey may also be obsessed with force-feeding insects to everyone.

Another possible depiction is that of an archetypical progressive liberal with major authoritarian tendencies .

How to Draw

Flag of State Liberalism

State Liberalism's flag is essentially the flag of Liberalism, but with the colors of the flag of Fascism.

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Colour it black, but not pure black
  3. Draw a light yellow circle in the center
  4. Draw 4 black slits in the circle coming from the bottom left, representing the invisible hand of the market
  5. Draw the eyes

You're done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)
 Light Yellow#EFE9ABrgb(239, 233, 171)


Wholesome Revolutionaries

  • State Atheism - Religion is poison. All religions, especially Christianity and Islam, need to be abolished for the sake of peace and progress!
  • Mediacracy - We need state-controlled media to ensure everyone can hear news the correct way.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Destroying the bigoted past is hecking wholesome!
  • Financialism - I love the Rothschilds, Blackrock, and the World Bank!
  • Industrialism & Post-Industrialism - The 4th Industrial Revolution will provide us so many new technologies and opportunities that it will solve our problems of today and tomorow and give us a new future that will benefit us.
  • Globalism - Borders are just imaginary lines. Dismantle all national states and establish a world government led by them .
  • Batistaism - Fellow authcap who likes porn, prostitution, and gambling, shame C*stro kicked you out.
  • Fordism - A more extreme version of me, based. He is even more forward-thinking than I am. And with even BETTER optics. This here might be my true idol, and instruction manual to give me a genuine blueprint to make my ideas of a just world without bigotry or problematic feelings, and who accepts my ideals under a truly all-inclusive hedonist world state where everyone is high.
  • Matriarchy - Under my system, womyn get paid 5 social responsibility for every m*n's credit. Also, we'll implement mandatory feminist courses for all since "gender equality" is just an incel dog whistle!
  • Liberal Feminism - 👏 More 👏 Female 👏 War 👏 Criminals 👏
  • Police Statism - Wear your police cap, start your trans flag colored car's engine and make the siren sound!
  • Totalitarianism - The only way to ensure true progress is to protect those with diverse backgrounds without the risk of b*gots saying bad-speak, or trying to resist my justified control of power, I say the whole world must learn of our progressive ways... BY FORCE!
  • Imperialism - Spread progressive values to all corners of the world, THROUGH CARPET BOMBING AND DRONE STRIKES!!
  • Multiculturalism - This is a great system, diversity is our strength after all.
  • Postgenderism - Nature is oppressing brave trans womyn and non-abled people of color, as well as forcing biological binary. We must change that!
  • Scientocracy - #TrustTheScience! Or at least the parts that suit my agenda.
  • Technoliberalism - Almost Perfect! Needs to embrace ultra-globalism, ultraprogressivism and neoliberalism. Why are you democratic though and like decentralization? Also please stop telling me to not censor opponents to our utopia
  • Enlightened Absolutism and Autocracy - Having a brave queer non-binary BIPOC who listens to the experts and promotes modernity on everyone as our great leader would be so hecking wholesome.
  • Totalitarian Capitalism - Congratulations, Worker-3742B, you have won a prize thanks to your 12% increase in productivity! You can choose between these options: 1) One more hour in the relaxation pod; 2) 50 grams of genetically modified pork in your next meal; or 3) A trip to the nature dome where you can take a look at our perfect recreation of a "forest"
  • Cultism - You must admire Schwab, Trudeau and Gates five times a day. Brand worship is state-mandated too!
  • Stratocracy - I don't care if my mixed-race trans drone pilots blow up a few reactionary commie children's hospitals; everything is acceptable as long as our liberal values get spread around the world.
  • Technocracy - The common pl*b doesn't know how to rule. Let that to the hands of the Experts™.
  • Fake Democracy - It does not matter who wins the elections as long we decide who can run in them and who can vote.
  • Plutocracy - So, you're just Elitism but better? So cool!
  • Transnational Repression - Taking out b*gots outside of my control is so BASED!!!!
  • Transhumanism - The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a fusion of AI, robotics, smart homes, machine learning algorithms, nano and biotechnologies, quantum computers and advanced technologies that will make our lives easier, better and will also help us defeat climate change, end diseases and bring life underwater and beyond earth!
  • Eco-Capitalism (Agenda) - Contrary to what these C*nservatives, C*mmunists and An*rchists belive, I’m the one who is trying to solve the climate crisis by making the people eat insects. Please ignore my giant factory and the fact that these regulations won't apply to me
  • Cosmopolitanism - To be a ruthless cosmopolitan is a good thing, actually. We must give up our national identities (voluntarily or involuntarily) to form a great world state with no borders or nations. A society of progress, and diversity. Where the only remaining country, state, culture, language, worldview, and government is mine and mine alone.
  • World Federalism - Good ultra-globalism, but we need to be unitary instead of federal. That being said I love how you brand yourself and how you hide your true neo-colonial nature. Perhaps I might try to rebrand myself as this for furthering the great reset worldwide!
  • Timocracy - I stand for landlords' rights! It is heartbreaking seeing all this anti-landlord prejudice in our modern society.
  • Liberal Hawkism and NeoProgressive Hawkism - Looks like neoconservatism became inclusive! Nice!
  • Technogaianism (Agenda) - The 4th industrial revolution will also save the planet and will be sustainable to the environment!
  • Centralism - With centralization I can make sure that no r*actionary n*tionalist c*mmie tr*ditionalists rule part of our one world state!
  • Voltairianism - The original state liberal. A supporter of the British system and constitution, a follower of Locke, an opponent of religious reactionaries and stupid mobs, and even a lover of Eastern culture, oh, you are the most based philosopher in the world.
  • (((The Elite))) - The masses should own nothing and they should be happy with that, eat the bugs and live in a pod while we rule the world from the shadows and decide what we want! So wanna eat some meat and clean some forests to build our new solar farms?
  • Dictablanda - As a wholesome despot myself, I can ensure you that the use of authoritarian powers are compatible with LGBT, women's and minority rights.
  • Capitalist Transhumanism - Him but 5x better. Bill Gates is also my homie. Musk however is a bigot who destroyed Twitter.
  • Neo-Enlightenment - LET THE LIGHT OF PROGRESS BLIND EVERYONE! And not let them see through our propaganda.
  • Karlinism - You even surpass Davos Gang in my support. Authoritarianism, hate for nationalists(and fake liberals), wokepilling, biosingularity, corporate rule(without universalism sadly) and biodiversity... GREAT!
  • Welfarism - Some of us may not like you, but free abortions (Especially for cr*ckers), free euthanasia (Especially for b*gots), minimum wage, UBI are all wholesome and my IRL third way counterparts like universal healthcare!

Semi-Bigots Awaiting Re-education

  • Social Hawkism - Almost perfect but you had too care about the p**rs just become more progressive or else I will send you to my Seattle Reeducation Camp.
  • Third Way - Too regulatory and not statist enough, but is neoliberal and hawkish, and both Blair and Clinton increased police power. If Thaksin had deregulated the economy a bit more and stopped the drug war, he would have been perfect and Trudeau and Newsom are taking a step in the right direction.
  • Ingsoc - The Forum would like to remind you that Masculinity is Toxic, Privacy is slavery, Diversity is strength, Racism never existed, and Big Non-Binary sibling is watching you. Why did you unperson the LGBT community???
  • Progressivism - Progress is good, but you don't go far enough! How do you expect us to solve all of society's problems if old and bigoted norms still exist? EVERYTHING FROM THE PAST MUST GO!
  • Liberalism - Why are you so skeptical of me grandpa? I'm doing the great reset to help society progress, to promote diversity and save the environment :( Besides that, I do like you, and some of you are part of Davos GANG but dad is better tho.
  • Pink Capitalism - Basically me if I were anarchist or libertarian, they care almost as much as I about diversity and representation for those poor minorities and the environment as I do, but not enough to allow a mega-totalitar- i meant liberal democratic state to enforce it. However, I have good reasons to believe that as they mature they will understand the reason behind my ways, and that writing call-out posts can only go so far, and besides, their ideologies focus on optics and looking good for outsiders could certainly be useful in allowing me to slowly infiltrate into illiberal democracies and eventually take control once they realize it is much easier to simply unperson those for bad-speak rather than repeatedly trying to deplatform and ban those off social-media with bigoted opinions.
  • Neoliberalism - Capitalism and progress are good, but trying to brand yourself as "democratic" and "pro-free-speech" makes filthy Commie Nazis think they can have a hateful voice, which can make them take power. Also, you may deny it, but I am basically you when led to your logical conclusion and your eventual end goal.
  • Social Democracy - R*gulations and D*mocracy are cringe, but you support Progressivism, Environmentalism , Internationalism and Atlanticism which is based for your western counterparts. But if its your third world counterparts well...
  • Social Liberalism & Green Liberalism - A lot of you two are suspicious of corporations But are easy to influence once i start support socially and technologically progressive and environmental policies plus Auken and Kerry are part of Davos GANG.
  • Authoritarianism - You must get a bigger state, my friend. Every time a b*got has a chance to say bad-speak is a moment of failure. We must have the ability to protect all minorities and oppressed people (and those who don't identify as "people") from such hate.
  • Democratism - Keep up the good work and you'll become me in no time! May the Obama-Clinton-Kamala-Nancy dynasty rule forever! I especially like how you're raiding and suppressing Trump supporters.
  • Futurism - Erm sweetie we do not allow for sexism no matter how gay you are.
  • Neo-Marxism - Some good theories when it comes to social inequality. However, you're still a M*rxist and therefore an enemy of the state. And Žižek is an anti-woke transphobic bigot while Lasch is a c*nservative. Also, why did Gramsci inspire this?!
  • Pinochetism - Good job at killing commies and legalizing gender change, but give reactionaries the ride too and allow female pilots.
  • Liberal Socialism - Probably the only tolerable s*cialist out there because at least you do hate c*mmunists, n*tionalists, and c*nsrvatives, and you do tend to compromise with capitalism.
  • Fujimorism - You're like that previous guy, but even better due to being an ethnic minority. And Keiko is even better due to being female.
  • Lee Kuan-Yew Thought - You’re a conservative patchworker, but what you did for the economy of Singapore was absolutely incredible and was a testament to the effectiveness of capitalism and technocracy!
  • Landian Accelerationism - You're an absolute bigot, but your core ideas are not that bad. Accelerating techno-capitalism sounds great!
  • Eugenicism - You're a bigot as you believe in objective biology and influenced racism, but Margaret Sanger is great. And maybe I could use some of your knowledge for a future dysgenics project of mine...
  • Helvetic Model - While you are Capitalist and serve as the Headquarters for the World Economic Forum, you are L*bertarian, Is*lationist, C*servative, and D*mocratic. Why?!?
  • American Model - Same as above. On the one hand, you act as a beacon of my Ideals, while on the other hand, you’re a bigoted R*publican heckhole. Either way, I have no hard feelings about you. Disgraceful Past btw.
  • Modern Cuba - Anti-Western N*tionalist C*mmie but you legalized LGBT rights [7] Arresting Political Opponents and making Cuba more capitalist.
  • Neoconservatism - Taking out reactionaries abroad and commies is great, but why are you ok with following that "tradition" crap at home? And we should sound less like the old-school colonizers. The almighty UN, not the US, is the champion of human rights and progress!
  • NDPism - Ok s*cialism, d*mocracy, and your leader being r*ligious are all cringe. However, you support me against him.
  • Socialist Hawkism - At least you wont get unpersoned.
  • Caste System - Ew, a system practiced in a tr*ditionalist r*ligous society. Although, the fundamental ideas aren't actually that bad. I should create my own caste system based on economic prosperity and identity politics. Giving the rich, woke elite the power to subjugate the r*actionary w*rking class sounds awesome!
  • Leopold II Thought - You're a bigoted E*ropean who committed genocide and oppressed the people of Congo for white European interests rather than the interests of the world. However, your system of governance is excellent, and your use of colonialism, as well as expansionism in the third world, was truly remarkable. I wish a big size trans-mixed-race autocrat was to force those poor low-of-intellect minorities to be re-educated to see the light and embrace the true way away from their savage "traditions" and non-liberal tribalism and also use your "direct" methods more openly on the wh*tes in Europe for their inherent inferiority as a slave race for their corporate masters. That would be AWESOME! Europe shall be the new Congo Free State!
  • Trudeauism - Still one of my favorite current world leaders, and a proud leader of the great reset, but has kinda reduced his more amazing political ideals out of pragmatism. You had such a promise. You had a chance to create your own 3way "democracy', but you had to coward out and rid yourself of your emergency powers, so sad you did not become Thaksin 2.0 yet. At the very least you are great for "de-platforming" those b*gots for bad-speak but wearing blackface is very problematic. Invading the Wet'suwet'en native reserve was also based. Native people must be forced to embrace our progressive modern worldview and reject their unenlightened tribalist pagan past. Such non-liberal societies must be crushed at all costs since our ideology is objectively best for them as proven by The Experts™.
  • Enlightenment Thought - My ideological basis and great-great-grandfather. You have some really cool ideas, but they're WAY TOO MODERATE! Join me in the battle for modernization and progress.Voltaire is very based.
  • Neocameralism - Filthy, reactionary decentralization and liberty fan. However, your ideas regarding corporatocracy, monarch CEOs, and capitalism are great.
  • Girondism - Capitalism and opposing R*actionaries is good but C*nservatism and L*berty is cringe you should embrace the above cultural views and become authoritarian.
  • Jacobinism - Your cultural views is way and way better, your economics is okay, but your radical variants go to the helicopter.
  • Indigenism - What do you mean banning cultural appropriation of native iconography hasn't improved your well-being? As if I care. Still though, Christopher Columbus was a disgusting Italian racist bigot who deserves to have his statues forcibly removed! If I had a time machine I would make sure such a disgusting monster could never commit mass genocide towards your people, I would have made sure a big size, atheist, mixed-race, neurodivergent, nonbinary trans womyn did it instead. At least its good Spanish imperialism became pro-race mixing later on, giving us the latinx people,
  • Black Nationalism - Kicking out the racist whitey is based, but the homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and nationalism are not. Minority rights are good and all but not in any way that threatens my establishment. Also, race-mixing is mandatory, even if it means they are not "pure"
  • Trotskyism - Another c*mmunist, at least this "permanent revolution" thing you are speaking of sounds cool. Maybe I'll do an international and permanent bourgeois revolution to rid the world of communism and reaction.
  • Homofascism - Gay who wants to enforce mandatory homosexuality and removal of all str*ggots and those interested in the opposite sex, but also a disgusting m*le and a misogynistic Nazi scumbag? You'll live, but only barely... Off to the re-education and gender re-assignment camps!
  • Stransserism - Ah, yes Homofascism, nice to see the state-mandated gender transition went we-WAIT WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F*** HAPPENED TO YOU???
  • Zionism - Israel is the only country in the Middle East with LGBT rights and you constantly defeat islamoreactionaries. But you are quasi-religious and nationalist, and being in the diaspora is better because it would result in more diversity. Shame some of your variants suck: labor is commie and revisionist is social fascist.
  • Feminism - Sorry, but I don't think we can be friends anymore since you are too moderate for my taste and want gender equality. You are also deeply problematic due to your self-internalized misogyny and focus on "equal rights" instead of embracing women's power. I prefer Matriarchy.
  • Social Authoritarianism - Economic leftism is cringe, also some of you tend to dislike the LGBTQQIAP+. Thaksin was mostly nice, though, shame Trudeau or Macron did not become like him yet.
  • Nordic Model - Well it's a mixed bag. While glad all of you joined NATO against the rashists, And all of you have the best LGBT rights in europe, have rising minotites who some of them are sadly r*ligious fanatics, and care for the environment and internationalist but some of you have harsh drug laws, support welfare, state owned alchool monopoly and are c*nservative and r*ligious.
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - I support your social collectivism but everything else about you is cringe.
  • Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - FALGS is great but c*mmunism... Seriously? Also, Luxuries and Automation are HECKING WHOLESOME! But only for the elite (the p**r will die out, leaving a society consisting only of robots and rich people).
    • - >Detected input: "Only the 'rich' and robots will remain." >Classless post-scarcity detected. >Corollary "Communism" detected. >Hypocrisy detected. >"Libtard own" achieved.
    • - Abolition of manual labor does NOT equals abolition of capitalism. RICH STILL WILL BE ABLE TO COMPETE AND BECOME POOR OR RICHER! Also we can use UBI to keep poor in bay.
    • - Umm...*whispers to hidden radiophone* Posadas, get the nukes. We have another target for that.
  • Radical Feminism - T*RF scum but misandry is awesome. Off to the re-education camp!
  • National Capitalism - N*zi but atleast he has good economics and your methods of dealing with the opposition are based
  • Secular Satanism and Satanic Theocracy - Flirting with religion is always bad, even if it means epically owning those chr*stchuds. I love the Anti-Christ too.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - Yes r*ligion, g*nder and racism are spooks. But what do you mean property and capitalism are spooks? Also, you may not explicitly be an anarkiddy, but you inspired many of them. But I am self-serving like you, just in secret.
  • Anarcho-Naturism - You are a l*ftoid an*rchist who opposes my corporate society, but at least some of your followers want to live a promiscuous lifestyle ruled by hedonistic desires.
  • Anti-Fascism - I too hate f*scists and think that they need to be smashed. You have to let go of your leftism, though.
  • Machiavellianism - Using manipulation and disingenuous tactics to gain power is awesome; the end always justifies the means. There are, however, some things that the strive for power must NEVER trump: Progressivism, globalism, and capitalism. These are sacred and will be the pillars of the great world empire.
  • Illuminatism - A small group of elites controlling the planet that see everyone else as just tools? So based! But stop being so secretive, I need to know where you stand on the issues! And reli**on should never be tolerated, not even as a 'herd maneuver'! Other than that, you're great.
  • Freemasonry and Esoteric Socialism - Same as above, but S*cialist. At least we both worship the Anti-Christ!
  • Falangism - Anti-communism, anti-democracy, race mixing, and totalitarianism are all great, but traditionalism, anti-liberalism, fascism, and syndicalism are not. Oh and I almost forgot... HECK YOU FOR BEATING THE REPUBLICANS!!!
  • Totalitarian Democracy - Totalitarian? Awful! Democracy? Awesome!
  • Ranavalona I Thought - You're a Christophobic, black, and militaristic ♀️Girl Boss♀️ and that's extremely AWESOME. However, you also cut your country's ties with the more progressive western world and strengthened the conservatives in your government.
  • Kakistocracy - Celebrating mental disabilities abilities and promoting neurodiversity as just a harmless difference not needed to be treated but accepted at all costs is a great way to defeat ableism. Making the population less intelligent will also lower the risk of a counter-revolution and can serve as useful idiots neurodiverse individuals for my goals. However, your hatred of "nerds" and "cooties" is highly bigoted. Nerd culture is awesome, The Experts™ are always right, and womyn are the true masters, not m*n. Perhaps you need to go to some nice de-education and consume some wholesome brainrot to liberate your true neurodiversity so that you can do what the state demands.
  • Men's Liberation - Crypto-misogynist who believes that m*n need to be liberated and not punished for their inherent oppressive nature. Lifting weights is a sign of patriarchy. At least you oppose toxic and traditional masculinity and many vaguely support feminism. You should, however, stop acting like a femboy, it simply means you are a trans-egg in denial with major attractiveness privileges. Off to the mandatory gender re-education camps!
  • Libertarian Feminism and Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Capitalism, progressivism, and hedonism are all epic, but small government? Really?
  • State Capitalism and Corporatism - Needs to be more progressive and embrace private, not state monopolies. At least you support a strong state.
  • Posadism - We're both hyper-progressive and don't mind inflicting death and destruction as long as we reach our goals. Also, I would support the inclusion of the neglected Xeno and dolphin race in my society. However, communism is still an awful idea that needs to be destroyed.
  • Bio-Posadism - Using a pandemic to start a new world order is a really good idea but being a communist is not. Just follow me to my capitalist reeducation camps.
  • Interculturalism - I love how you promote unity between our diverse backgrounds and cultures while still giving me room to suppress political dissidence, But what the heck is this?
  • Jingoism - N*tionalism and X*nophobia are disgusting but I will take some notes from you for my foreign policy. Gotta eliminate and conquer all the bigoted zones in the world, no? At least we both oppose filthy p*cifits.
  • Objectivism - Fellow capitalist and member of anti-poor aktion. Homophobia, anti-statism, and internalized misogyny are awful, though. Your views on manifest destiny were based but why are you proud of whites being the ones who did it instead of heckin' valid neurodiverse, plus-sized mixed-race non-binary otherkiners? don't you know those """people""" brought all the problems of the modern world because of their evil cis-white-het-male civilization?
  • Thielism - Is gay and a billionaire, but you're also a c*nservative, n*tionalist and p*pulist.
  • Popperism - "The paradox of tolerance" is an AWESOME theory that I can use to justify my totalitarian rule! Wait, you don't actually support authoritarianism?
  • Khanism and Cyrus the Great Thought - Fellow diversity-loving, globalizing empire-buildiers. But what is this "freedom of r*ligion" nonsense.
  • Jewish Theocracy - While you are the original abrahamic and created these two you recognize more than 2 genders as well as recognising the right to private property, which is very correct of you thus you only lose 25 social responsibility points.
  • LesbiaNRx - Fellow Feminiser of Young men, but why the rejection of the state? The State can work with your technology so efficiently, ever heard of dual power?
  • Gladdenism - Gladden. Calm down, Gladden. I don't want Fifth Industrial Revolution, total replacements to machines and rhizocorporations now, Gladden.
  • Reactionary Modernism - King Charles III is based, and according to p*pulists we have created Silicon Valley. But however, you are a R*actionary, and is the ABSOLUTE WORST!!!!!! You guys do support Schwab though right? It’s not sarcasm? Right?
  • Leninism - You may be a commie, but for some reason you deserved a place on Schwab’s shelf.
  • Euskadi Carlism - You may be a Carlist and a s*cialist but you at least like my progressive policies.

Bad-Speak Wrongthinkers

  • Traditionalism, Nationalism & Socialism - The trinity of evil. You must be defeated for my utopia to be realized.
  • Marxism - Literally the main inspiration for all the c*mmies. Die!
    • Capitalism is not the way of the future. The progression of history will not cement your existence, but outpace it.
  • Conservatism - Tr*dition doesn't matter lol. The guillotine is where you will go :)
    • Tradition will show us the way. Without it, we are lost- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • Anarcho-Communism - What do you mean dictators aren't any better when they're female? How DARE you call me fake woke, you anti-state leftoid!
  • Anarchism - The Experts™ have fact-checked your claim that "the state is evil" and have concluded that it is false. You are to be sentenced to a mandatory reeducation course for spreading disinformation. In case the course fails, you will be publicly executed.
  • Anarcha-Feminism - You are a dumbass anarchist who likes to pretend to be a feminist. Don’t you realize that you need a STRONG state in order to destroy misogyny!? And you call me a fake feminist!? Bitch, under my plan Starbucks will offer a free abortion with the purchase of 5 grande coffees with clean solar energy, and paid for by a tax levied against anyone who utters misogynistic ideas.
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - Another an**chist? When will you learn that.. DID YOU JUST BLOW UP MY GAY BAR?!! PREPARE TO DIE!!!
  • Soulism - You don't like capitalism or the state? Also you don’t like me and you believe that EVERYONE and not just minorities need to be freed? And that my concern for minorities is simply performative? eat your bugs and watch some wholesome films about trans rights or get unpersoned. Also, what the hell is this?
  • Acid Communism - Just a moderate version of that guy above!
  • Nazism - Literally H*tler !!!
  • National Bolshevism - Literally a proud Commie-Nazi. How disgusting and bigoted! How could this get any worse? I will have you know that my identity as an attack helicopter is not "degenerate" and is both based and totally valid in that I will make you commie chuds eat the bugs or get thrown off.
  • Strasserism - Aren't you Nazbol again?
  • National Agrarianism - A bigoted fascist hick that protests against my "green" policies. I’m destroying your farm and turning it into a racially inclusive safe pod complete with a fully staffed abortion clinic, heroin dispenser, and shopping center with bugs for you to eat all overpriced.
  • Esoteric Fascism - P*gan N*zi scumbag and member of the inferior wh*te slave race. You should stop resisting Big Pharma and just take your pills. *gets killed*
    • HAHAHAHAHAHA I got better weapons lol.
  • Fascism - Is this some kind of joke? I mean, you can't be serious when you say that "supercapitalism" is something bad. It is LITERALLY a utopia.
  • Showa Statism - Like the above, but Japanese, EAT THE BULLET NOW!!!
  • Anarcho-Fascism - Because normal fascism wasn't bad enough... I hate you with every fiber of my body!
  • National Democracy - Revolting homophobic, transphobic garbage! Loves "illiberal democracy", loves n*tionalism, hates gays. I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!!
  • Apoliticism - Crypto-reactionary who tries to hide his beliefs behind a mask of neutrality. You are either with us or against us. We will grill you if it's the latter.
  • Radical Centrism - Yet another crypto-reactionary that has to go. Still has more guts than the above one, I will give him that.
  • Barracks Communism - Ah, Barack Obama, my favori... WHAT'S THIS? ULTRA-COLLECTIVIST MARXISM?!?
  • Dengism - You're a self-proclaimed c*mmunist and hate western imperialism. Also, Xi is a n*zbol bigot who censors Femboys. You did, however, open up the markets and use sweatshops to give the west cheap products. And also Jiang Zemin is based.
  • Situationism - You realize that capitalism is about brand worship and excessive consumption, and you think it's a bad thing!?
  • Syndicalism - Why are you still angry? You have a lesbian mixed-race CEO. If this is how you still want to act I will send my bisexual Pinkertons to bust your unions, lose 300 social responsibility points, and take your lessons on capitalism.
    • Ma'am, we're paid in rations and not allowed to switch jobs, we're effectively slaves- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • National Syndicalism - Now The Unions are protesting against diversity and globalism???.
  • Post-Colonial Anarchism - An an*rchist that tries to resist my glorious inclusive one-world empire. I've come to liberate them and show them the light and this is how they treat me?
  • Progressive Conservatism - How dare you to carry the name of progress, you reactionary bigot? Conservatism in all its forms, no matter how moderate it may be, is still a bigoted and anti-liberal ideology.
  • Georgism - Free Land!? Accept to rent it!!!!! Also the Land Value Tax is cringe! Or is it?
    • Yes, free land. L*ndlords are cringe.
    • How DARE you spread hate speech against landlords?!?!? TO THE NON-BINARY FIRING SQUAD!!
  • Social Georgism - Like the above but S*CIALIST!?!? Off to the non-binary firing squad for you!
    • NEVER! The land belongs to the people!
  • Geosyndicalism - Yep! Death Penalty for you, for opposing the Landlords!
    • We shall never submit to the l*ndlords- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
    • Yes, you will.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Same goes for you, you moron!!! Mitsotakis is based however
  • Ethnopluralism - Your nation is not your own; it is a home for everyone, especially minorities. The mixing of different people and increase in diversity WILL destroy your culture and traditions, and that's a good thing.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - An*rchist and anti-war? Ew.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - Goes against all my values. At least is also against all c*nservative values.
  • Patriotism - Fascist in denial who thinks you can like your nation without inevitably becoming a bigoted chauvinist.
    • Thinking your country's flag looks cool isn't fascist- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
    • C**ntries are a oppressive relic of the p*st!
  • Ultranationalism - The end result of patriotism. Stop resisting my woke imperialism or eat the bugs, you unenlightened bigot!
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Why are you still protesting against me and the monopolies? You lost 500 social credits and yo're either gonna eat the bugs or get unpersoned
    • It doesn't matter how many bugs I eat or social credits I lose, just so long as you. Get. The. MESSAGE- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • Piratism - I'm confiscating your computer because you're destroying the profits of monopolies, and lost 100 social responsibilites because of that. So you're gonna watch my shows and films about climate change, LGBT rights and diversity on Netflix for 69,99$ or your gonna eat some bugs regardless if you like them or not!
    • Your shows and films are boring and I've watched them all 10 times over, I just want to watch some pre-global unification anime- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • Reactionary Libertarianism - Fake capitalist, we need a centralized woke technocracy.
  • National Libertarianism - Same with you. NO MORE HUMAN RIGHTS OR BORDERS!
  • Fourth Theory - Finally a worthy of opponent! OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!
  • Religion - Why do you beleive in outdated and pseudoscientific nonsense from the dark ages?
  • Religious Socialism - A r*ligious s*cialist who can't see that greed is a virtue. Greed breeds innovation and gives the rich thppe money that they rightfully deserve.
  • Maoism–Third Worldism - You act like me giving children work through sweatshops is a bad thing. They get money and I get cheap consumer products. Everyone wins.
  • Putinism - Evil Russian dictator who persecutes the 2SLGBTQIA+, and has a strong state for the completely wrong reasons! Wait, you persecuted those evil anti-immigrationists as well and you populate Russia with Middle Asian immigrants while Russians are being killed in war in Ukraine?
  • Zyuganovism - At least the above made Russia a capitalist state your just a B*goted Socialist.
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Him but an absolute N*zbol who brought back China's bigoted tr*ditions and m*sculinity, is destroying the environment, banned feminists and LGBTQIA+ and is commiting genocide on those poor Uyghurs. Get ready for those tasty bugs I gave to you to eat and if you don't want to get ready for the bullet!
  • Distributism - Decentralization and christianity? Absolutely vile. And yes, I’m destroying your family values, so what?
  • Islamic Democracy and Christian Democracy - R*ligious people should not vote.
  • Anti-Atlanticism - *bombs the house of anti-Atlanticists*
  • National Anarchism - Reactionaryism, socialism, and anarchism? Sums up our enemy.
  • Lys Noir - How is it possible to be worse than the last guy?
  • Anarcho-Monarchism - Another disgusting reactionary anarchist to be sent to the firing squad.
  • Odalism - What is this abomination?
  • Democracy - What if people vote against progress, environmentalism, diversity and capitalism?
    • What if the elites become tyrants- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • Socialism of the 21st Century, Neozapatismo and Chavismo - Same as above. Can't you see that monopoly capitalism breeds progress???
    • and what "progress" have you achieved? ¡Ningún! Capitalism only breeds backwardness! *all three laugh*
  • Mercantilism - The entire thing was done by white Christian men. Such an unenlightened time. Atheist queer POC non-binary colonizers would've been a preferable alternative. Also, free trade is mandatory.
  • Protectionism - You’re nothing more than a modern equivalent of the above! So accept free trade… OR ELSE!!!
    • We won't buy foreign products made with sweatshop labour- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • Korwinism - Reactionary, anti-statist and misogynist scumbag! Good economic takes at least
  • Khomeinism - You're a reactionary and theocratic misogynist! I will kick your ass sooner like than later!
  • Hindutva - You're another reactionary theocrat. All religions are equal in my eyes, THEY ARE ALL REACTIONARY AND THEY ARE ALL SECULARIZED! You are a perfect reason why woke imperialism is needed!
  • Integralism - Filthy reactionary, misogynistic, theocrat!
  • Christian Theocracy - Chr*stianity has always been a bigoted, homophobic religion! If only I could make a trans-affirming and race-reversed version of Christian Identity.
  • Islamic Theocracy - Misogynistic, homophobic slime that won’t let me eat my lab-grown pulled pork sandwich! You're just like the guy above, DIE!
  • Positive Christianity - SEE?!?!?! The Chr*stians are BIGOTS!!!!!!!!!!
  • Zoroastrian Theocracy - Proto-Abrahamic who inspired Christianity and Islam, guess how that makes me feel?
  • Pagan Theocracy - I’m glad you are functionally dead, because you are more reactionary than abrahamic!
  • Longism - "Every man a king?" Makes me want to barf! And you're a so*cialist too!
  • Conservative Socialism - Ready to eat the bugs you bigot?
  • Communalism - This isn't what i meant when i said "You will own nothing and you will be happy.
  • Agrarian Socialism - Yes, I am a bourgeois city-dweller. What about it, bigot? Oh, and also, I don't care if my factories happen to poison the water supply of your collective farm.
  • Conservative Feminism & Maternalism - You're not real feminists, you're redneck trad-wife who want to promote the r**ctionary p*triarchy. I will kick you out of the kitchen and replace you with nonbinaries!
  • Marxist Feminism -The same as above, you are a collective farm-woman.
  • Religious Feminism -And you are a dirty Nun.
  • Marxism–Leninism - C*mmie scum.
    • I'm sure your predecessors said the same about you, you know.
  • Kraterocracy - A prime example of an ideology that I oppose ON EVERY SINGLE ASPECT AND METRIC!!!!!!!!! Or is it?
  • Juche - Another Ideology I ABSOLUTELY HATE! But you are atheist though And is it true you smoke weed too!!!???
  • Maoism & Hoxhaism - Your Cultural Revolutions were the only good thing about you two so, eat the bugs or get unpersoned!
  • Reactionaryism - What's wrong with obliterating family values? You are a threat to progress! Off to the non-binary firing squad!
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Just a c*mmie ch*uvinist. Yes, I will erase your nation in favor of eco-capitalist globalism.
  • Ergatocracy - Dirty w*rkers! There will be no need for you when in our capitalist state all labor is automated; the proletariat will disappear as a class.
  • Radical Environmentalism - NO YOU ARE NOT A REAL ENVIRONMENTALIST! YOU ARE BACKWARDS PRIMITIVE BIGOT THAT WANTS TO DESTROY MY SOLAR FARMS AND PODS!!! and if you don't wanna get umpersoned eat your insects and take your technology courses.
  • Eco-Fascism - How could this get even worse?
  • National Primitivism - The Heck?
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - Why would someone support this??
  • Manosphere - You are under arrest for making misogynistic remarks online. You have 3 options: 1) Confess your wrongdoings and make a public apology; 2) Attend your mandatory Matriarchy course; or 3) wait for the non-binary firing squad
  • White Nationalism - You are under arrest for making racist remarks online. You have 3 options: 1) Confess your wrongdoings and make a public apology; 2) Attend your mandatory diversity course; or 3) wait for the non-binary firing squad
  • Paleoconservatism - 1) I'm not a "Cultural M*rxist". 2) What's wrong with making frogs gay? 3) You are under arrest and have to either a) attend your mandatory matriarchy, diversity courses or b) wait for the non-binary firing squad
  • Paleolibertarianism - You're just like the garbage above you. Bigots like you eat the bugs or die!!!
  • Racial Nationalism and Ethnonationalism - Race mixing is mandatory.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Fake Capitalist!
  • Hoppeanism - Fake capitalist AND traditionalist to boot?! *vomits* TRY TO PHYSICALLY REMOVE ME YOU SCUM, I DARE YOU!!!
  • Avaritionism - How is this even supposed to work?
    • If you support the lower strata then you are a commie, aren't you just him.
  • Gun Rights Advocacy - Yes, I do want to take civilians' guns away so they cannot revolt against my totalitarian world state and get murdered en masse, and? I don't care some of his factions likes you, go HECK yourself, SCUMBAG
  • Satirism - You are under arrest for repeatedly mocking every protected group in my book. You must apologize to everyone you demonized buster, and I mean EVERYONE! Then maybe I will let you go if I can remove your voice box and ban you from public life forever.
    • <gives the middle finger>
  • Populism - Here's a little song I wrote, you might wanna hear it in your pod
  • Right-Wing Populism - You are under arrest for protesting and making conspiracy theories. You have 3 options: 1) Confess your wrongdoings and make a public apology; 2) Attend your mandatory "green", matriarchal and diversity courses; or 3) wait for the non-binary firing squad
  • Left-Wing Populism - You are under arrest for protesting and making conspiracy theories. You have 3 options: 1) Confess your wrongdoings and make a public apology; 2) Attend your mandatory capitalist, liberal and atlanticist courses; or 3) wait for the non-binary firing squad
    • - Non-binary firing squads are the same as ordinary firing squads. (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Almost the literal opposite of me, only beaten by NatAn. Shame! Off to the non-binary firing squad for you.
  • Religious Anarchism - Same as above. I will destroy your religious communes, bigot.
  • Synthesis Anarchism - My other opposite that's literally schizophrenic. And when I say schizophrenic; I said it to describe the ideology and NOT as an ableist slur.
  • Pol Potism - How could this c*mmie be even more bigoted, anti science and mentally insane. Even other c*mmies hate you so get unpersoned by my lesbian satanist latinx trans womym.
  • Gerontocracy - Your beliefs are outdated, you must go to the euthanasia booth. But Klaus Schwab and Soros are based.
  • Alt-Lite - Your SJW cringe compilations are taken down. Reason: They contain Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Transphobic and xenophobic content. You shall be sent to the bi firing squad.
  • Alt-Right - Why don't you just go outside for once and stop consuming all of those bigoted content Sweetie? And also who the Heck are "(((Them)))", What does ZOG mean?, What's so bad about the New World Order you described?, I'm not a Cultural M*rxist, Stop using Happy Merchants, Pepe, Wojak and STOP BEING SO BIGOTED AND RACIST AND STOP USING SLURS! Gosh, you are the most bigoted, regressive and disgusting person i've ever seen in my entire life, so you're losing all pf your social responsibilty points, Chud
  • Eco-Conservatism and Eco-Nationalism - You two actually think that climate action is compatible with xenophobia and regressivism.
  • Eco-Socialism and Libertarian Municipalism - Now these anti environmentalists support c*mmunism?
  • Primalism - Stop screeching homophobically about my hecking wholesome giant gay bar with renewable energy or I'll turn you into Meat Product™ for myself!
  • Radical Apoliticism - Why do you hate politics so much??
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - You have a strong state for the completely wrong reasons. It's bullet time!
  • National Conservatism - Look up above, sweety.
  • Homoconservatism - Excuse me!? How dare you say that I'm not a real fighter for the LGBTQ community!? You are a fake LGBTQ supporter and dirty conservative bigot under the mask. Get your ass to the re-education camp!
  • Cosmicism - While your love for atheism and science is fascinating, you are still an anti-progressive bigot and also did your name your cat after the N-word?
  • Feudalism - Besides the fundamentals of there being a hierarchy where those at the top concetrating most of the wealth and have special privileges while those at the bottom own nothing. You are an outdated, bigoted, anti-capitalist and decentralized system from the dark ages! SO GO KYS!
  • Agorism - You are under arrest for smuggling meat to the masses.
  • Illegalism - You may be gay but going against the State and Corporations means instant death.
    • GO F*CK YOURSELF, STATEOID- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
  • Avaritionism-Soulism - A more extreme version of the above? I give up.
  • "Progressive" Fascism - Why do b*gots always compare you to me? Third positionism, anti-dysgenicism, equality for m*n and ultran*tionalism? What is so "progressive" about this all b*gotry anyways?
  • Counter-Enlightenment - Why do you hate the light so much? Have you got any idea what you're d-ACK! Also do i hear something in your basement?
  • Eric Cartman - *starts beating the sh*t out of him for a simple micro-aggression*
  • X Model - NOOOOOOOO TWITTER IS RUINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW YOUR THE WORST WEBSITE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Turkish Idealism - AAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE EXECUTED FOR BEING A ULTRAN*TIONALIST PREPARE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • You will not destroy Turan, you degenerate- (shot by non-binary firing squad)
    • - THE DESCENDENTS OF DON CARLOS SHOULD BE-(shot by non-binary firing squad)

Further information





Online communities


TV Tropes




  1. Based on the idea that the rich elite can support very progressive political opinions as their income is not affected.
  3. "There are times when I really hate that Jim Crow-era laws ruined the idea of intelligence testing for voting"
  4. This test (It's actually pretty hard).
  5. The Shah can be considered a Statlib due to the support for Progressivism Authoritarianism Anti-Communism despite the fact being Anti-Liberal.
  6. Whilst initially considered a "conservative", President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji initiated the broadest privatization and deregulation of China's economy in history. They also decriminalized homosexuality, persecuted Confucian and religious movements like Falun Gong and many other Qigong practices, along with the Christian movement Eastern Lightning, and did nothing about the tremendous rise of prostitution and drug usage.