Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism

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"Like racism and sexism, statism is the kind of moral vice that tends to enter the soul through self-deception, semi-conscious osmosis, and a kind of Arendtian banality, rather than through a forthright embrace; it is a form of spiritual blindness that can, and does, infect even those who are largely sincere and well-meaning."

Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism (Heartbert) also known as Neoclassical Liberalism (Neoclasslib) is a Culturally Left, Economically Center-Right to Right (usually under Chicago school of economics, mostly because it's more politically correct), Right-Libertarian Ideology that is the synthesis of Right-Libertarianism and Progressivism. Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism believes that negative rights and free markets are compatible, and are also complementary to the concept of social justice. Bleeding-heart libertarianism support open borders policy.

BHL has an alias known as "Neo-Classical Liberalism," but it is not closely related to Neo-Classical Economics.


Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism believes that the best way to empower the socially disadvantaged is through the upholding of civil liberties. Economically, it ranges from a social market economy to a free market economy. It sees economic liberalism and cultural liberalism as going hand-in-hand with each other to achieve these ideological adjectives.


The term "Bleeding Heart Libertarian" was first coined by Roderick T. long at 1996. They characterize themselves as "libertarians who reject an alliance with paleoconservatism." In March 2011, a group of academic philosophers, political theorists and economists created the Bleeding Heart Libertarians blog. Regular contributors to the blog included Fernando Tesón, Gary Chartier, Jason Brennan, Matt Zwolinski, Roderick T. Long, and Steven Horwitz. This blog finally announced in 2020 that it would no longer be updated.

Laisvės Partija

Laisvės partija (Freedom Party) is a Lithuanian party that emerged in 2019, in which the president is the current Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė and the party's deputy is the current Mayor of Vilnius and has 11 members of the Seimas.

Its ideals are based on LGBT rights, environmental preservation, carbon neutrality and control of global warming by 2040, fiscalism as opposed to tax increases, women's rights, pro-democracy, military service with civil service, pro-marijuana legalization, separate recognition of Taiwan and calls itself social liberal.

Personality and Behaviour

  • Heartbert likes to smoke weed and use drugs.
  • Like other libertarians Heartbert likes guns and can sometimes be portrayed as a gun nut. They can sometimes get into arguments with progressives about this.
  • Is Libertarian Feminism's Rolantic Partner.
  • Has Tom Crosslin and Rolland Rohm portraits in their room.

How to Draw

Flag of Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism

Heartbert's design is that of Libertarianism with the snake replaced with a "Bleeding Heart".

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it gold
  3. Draw a black Heart
  4. From the heart draw black "blood" coming out
  5. (Optional) Draw some variation of "Don't Tread on Me" or "No Step on Heart"

And you're done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 Yellow#F5DD02rgb(245, 221, 2)
 Black#141414rgb(20, 20, 20)




  • GOPism and Democratism - Libertarian Party is more culturally liberal than Democrats, and more fiscally conservative than Republicans. But in 2022, the Mises Caucus turned the Libertarian Party into another MAGA...
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Among the factions of the cultural right, he is the most based. It's better to stay away from Paleolibert...
  • Populism - I like that you care about the people, but I don’t think your strategies are the best.
  • Neoliberalism - I'd like to think you're just a more moderate version of me, but that hawkish diplomacy of yours makes me think otherwise...
  • Neo-Libertarianism - Volunteers protecting civilians in other countries are socially just, but conscription and military Keynesianism are cringe-worthy. The friendship between Karl Hess and Barry Goldwater is a great story.
  • Libertarian Socialism - STINKY SOCIALIST!!! But at least you're a libertarian and socially progressive.
  • State Liberalism - I applaud your advocacy for the LGBTQ community. You are also a capitalist which is cool too. But you take things WAY too far. You also need cut the authoritarian shit.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - You don't give a fuck about liberty, equality and justice, but we both like guns and drugs.
  • Neo-Enlightenment - Yeah... Sure... You are too incomprehensible. How you can be marxist, austrian, proto-keynesian, forceful and libertarian at the same time?


  • National Libertarianism - How is this even libertarian?!
  • Paleolibertarianism - We have a lot of problems with our government, and you always choose to criticize on government protecting individual life, liberty, and property. Fxxk you.
  • Hoppeanism - Absolutely disgusting!
  • Conservative Socialism - More like evil-ism!
  • National Bolshevism - I hate your guts! I would bash your skull in if I wasn’t such a lover of peace!
  • Reactionary Socialism - Same as above, but even worse!
  • Juche - You’re a totalitarian AND a socialist! You are also Anti-LGBTQ and that is NOT COOL!
  • Putinism - Russian soldiers drugs and have homosexual sex making you look like a clown. The war is your fault, no matter where our tax dollars go.
  • Trumpism - You call Chase Oliver a anti-freedom democrat because he is gay. Apparently you don't care about the Republican tradition of cutting spending.
  • Corporatocracy - Stop pandering to me you fake crony capitalist!
  • Welfare Chauvinism - You took the argument "you can't have open borders and a welfare state" the completely wrong way!
  • Fourth Theory - My bleeding-heart will never bleed for you. You are pure evil!
  • Avaritionism - NO. NO. GET AWAY FROM ME!

Further Information





Online Communities



  1. [1]
  2. "Armed gays are harder to oppress, and they're harder to bash."
