"Portugal was born in the shadow of the Catholic Church and religion, from the beginning it was the formative element of the soul of the nation and the dominant trait of character of the Portuguese people."
Salazarism is an authoritarian, culturally
right-wing to far-right and economically
centre-right ideology with a strong emphasis in
Imperialism and
Catholicism that was the sole ruling ideology of the Estado Novo, aka 2nd Portuguese Republic, a
corporatist dictatorship that ruled the country of Portugal and its imperial colonies from 1933 until the carnation revolution of 1974.
Despite several similarities, Salazarism refuses to associate with fascism as he deems him to be a godless heathen, and absolutely loathes
Nazism, especially the
esoteric variety as he deems it to be nothing more than "Pagan Caesarism". He is however very good friends with his fellow Iberian Catholic
The First Portuguese Republic and instability
For some background let's roll the clock. António de Oliveira Salazar was born on April 28, 1889, Salazar entered the world at a time when Portugal, once a global maritime power, was in steep decline. The country was falling behind other Western European nations in terms of public education, political stability, technological progress, and economic prosperity. A year after his birth, Portugal suffered an international humiliation when King Carlos I yielded to a British ultimatum, forcing Portugal to abandon its territorial ambitions of linking Mozambique and Angola in modern-day Zimbabwe and Zambia. This event symbolized the waning influence of the Portuguese Empire. Compounding these struggles was Portugal’s continued economic reliance on Brazil, its former colony. The fall of Emperor Pedro II in 1889 and Brazil’s transition to a republic destabilized Portugal’s economy, further exposing the monarchy’s inability to respond effectively to crises. These national failures fueled the rise of Portuguese Republicanism. Inspired by French Jacobinism, the movement combined a hatred of the monarchy with an even greater hostility toward Catholicism, which it identified as the primary enemy. The movement sought to recreate the radical secularism of the French Revolution in Portugal. For Salazar, a deeply devout Catholic even from a young age, this growing anti-clericalism was abhorrent. At the age of 11, he entered a seminary school, seriously considering the priesthood before ultimately pursuing studies in finance at the University of Coimbra. There, Salazar developed his expertise in economics, eventually earning a doctorate in economic policy a foundation that would later define his political career. By 1908, the Portuguese monarchy faced its greatest crisis when King Carlos I and his heir Luís Filipe were assassinated. The throne passed to Carlos' younger son Manuel II, but his attempts to stabilize the monarchy came too late. Political violence escalated, culminating in the Revolution of 1910, which abolished the monarchy and established the First Portuguese Republic. The First Republic was characterized by rampant rebellions, coups, counter-coups, and assassinations. Anti-Catholic sentiment, already a hallmark of the republican movement, became enshrined in policy. Churches were confiscated, religious orders disbanded, and public worship suppressed, all within a Catholic-majority nation. Salazar, 21 years old at the time, looked on in horror. Motivated by his faith and a desire to restore order, he became active in Catholic organizations and briefly served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies in 1921, though he soon withdrew from politics in disillusionment. Portugal’s ongoing instability eventually culminated in the military coup of May 28, 1926, which overthrew the First Republic. The military government, though determined to restore order, struggled to address Portugal’s economic crises. Recognizing Salazar’s economic expertise, the new regime appointed him as Minister of Finance in 1928. Salazar initially refused, fearing political interference, but eventually accepted on the condition that he would have complete control over financial policy. His success in stabilizing the economy earned him widespread admiration, and his reputation as a pragmatic and incorruptible figure grew. By July 5, 1932, Salazar was appointed Prime Minister. He quickly consolidated power, drafting a new constitution in 1933 that established the Estado Novo, or “New State.”
Estado Novo
Portuguese Colonial War and Death of Salazar
Fall of the Estado Novo
National Conservatism
Estado Novo regime was nationalist one, but Portuguese nationalism of that era differed from other European countries - Salazar's regime saw both mainland Portugal and its overseas territories as one nation-state. Thus, regime's goal was to turn Portugal into pluricontinental state. The idea was also one of the reasons why Portugal fought independence movements in its African territories. The colonies were also represented in the Corporative Chamber, an advisory body being one of chambers in Portuguese parliament at that time.
Another example can be found in architecture - schools built during Estado Novo era included Portuguese shields above entrances.
The Estado Novo regime was built on Catholic Social Teaching and aimed to create system where people are represented through corporations. Due to this, the regime is often compared to Austrian Ständestaat. As the regime was based around the defense of traditional Catholic principles and values, Estado Novo was opposed to:
anarchism and
Salazar once said: "We are opposed to all forms of Internationalism, Communism, Socialism, Syndicalism and everything that may divide or minimize, or break up the family. We are against class warfare, irreligion, and disloyalty to one's country; against serfdom, a materialistic conception of life, and might over right."
The National Union's economic system was corporatism, and it took inspirations from Papal encyclicals such as Rerum novarum and Quadragesimo anno as well as from Mussolini's corporate state. Compared to Fascist parties, the National Union played a much smaller role in its regime. The National Union was set up to control and restrain public opinion rather than to mobilize it, and ministers, diplomats and civil servants were never compelled to join the party.
Lusitanian Integralism
Integralismo Lusitano was a Portuguese integralist political movement founded in Coimbra in 1914 that advocated traditionalism but not
conservatism. It was against
parliamentarism but favoured
national syndicalism as well as support for the
Catholic Church and the
monarchy. The movement, inspired by
Action française, opposed
populism and revolution. Lusitanian Integralists also supported
Miguelism, a Portuguese traditionalist and legitimist movement.
The movement supported the May 1926 coup and the Ditadura Nacional that was installed as a result of it. Then, the movement's ideas were (partially) adopted by Salazar's party.
Pluricontinentalism was a geopolitical concept, positing that Portugal was a transcontinental country and a unitary nation-state consisting of continental Portugal and its overseas provinces. With origins as early as the 14th century, pluricontinentalism gained official state sponsorship in the Estado Novo regime. However, before creation of Estado Novo, Portuguese Colonial Act was adopted. The act discriminated Portuguese Indians. Even though then Salazar was Minister of Finance, not the Head of State, the act was passed on his demand. On the other hand, most famous sportsman of Estado Novo era, Eusébio da Silva Ferreira and most decorated military officer in Portuguese Army, Marcelino da Mata were both black.
Pluricontinentalism saw Portuguese overseas territories as integral part of nation-state, rather than colonial empire. The ideology also emphasized cultural ties within Lusosphere. One of theorists of the concept was Luís da Cunha, who supported moving the Portuguese monarchy's capital to Brazil and encouraged the King to crown himself "Emperor of the Occident'. Another figures connected to Pluricontinentalist ideals are Kings John VI and Pedro IV as well as Queen Maria I. It could be seem as kind of Cultural Nationalism or
Lusotropicalism was first used by Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freyre to describe the distinctive character of Portuguese imperialism overseas, proposing that the Portuguese were better colonizers than other European nations.
The theory also highlighted Portuguese attitude towards race, especially its support for miscegenation. Freyre also stated that "Portuguese-based cultures as cultures of ecumenical expansion" and suggested that "Lusotropical culture was a form of resistance against both the 'barbaric' Soviet communist influence, and the also 'barbarian' process of Americanization and capitalist expansion."
How to Draw
The flag of Salazarism is based on the flag of National Union, the sole legal party during the Estado Novo.
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with blue
- Add a white square to the middle
- Draw 5 blue shields in a plus formation inside the square
- Draw 5 dots inside each shield in an X formation
- Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Blue | #003399 | rgb(0, 51, 153) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Integralism - The greatest influence of my ideology.
Monarchism - O meu maior erro foi não repor a monarquia.[1]
Corporatism - The only system worthwhile on this planet.
Catholic Theocracy - The pope's word shall be law!
Imperialism and
Centralism - Portugal is totally not an empire, it's a pluricontinental nation. Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Goa, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principle, and Macau are not colonies, but overseas provinces of Portugal, and no one can dismember our country.
Francoism - Nosso irmão.
Austrofascism - Austrian counterpart and great inspiration
(you're kinda scary by the way with that "fascist" thing).Brazilian Integralism - My zuca brother.
National Agrarianism - There's no better feeling than to do some honest, hard-work cropping in good old rural Portugal.
Volkstaat Model - These cringe third-worldism fans want to force you to abolish apartheid, but as long as I'm in power South Africa will have the full support of the Portuguese! Also thank you for helping me against the communist rebels in Angola! I am sorry that my socdem successors have broken our alliance.
Rhodesian Nationalism - Same as above I support Rhodesia also.
Tridemism - You are real China
although you can not have Macau and I voted in favor of UN resolution 2758.French Fascism - I recognized the legitimate Vichy government and have many affinities with Pétain.
Integral Nationalism - Another close French friend, Maurras is a great inspiration to me.
Multiculturalism - No matter if you're white, black, mestizo, indian or chinese we're all a single unified nation.
Neoconservatism - I joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and was present during the creation of the Alliance, and I let you use the Lajes Air Base and you let me join NATO, fellow commie hater.
That said, did you really have to back the FNLA rebels in Angola?Gaullism - After the Allied landing in France I actually had to recognize you de facto, but honestly I preferred Pétain.
Zionism - I helped you escape
Nazism but that doesn't mean I will recognize your invasion of the holy land.
Fascism - You have tons of great ideas but it's God who deserves adoration and not an earthly leader.
Showa Statism - Please don't push my neutrality too much my friend! I don't want a war with you but you have to leave Timor!
Batistaism - I helped shelter Batista, but still maintained relations with
Castro. Vou sentir sua falta.
Castroism - We maintained relations but you diplomatically supported secession in my land in Africa.
Right-Wing Populism - You have some weird ideas, but at least you and your friend André Ventura defend some parts of my ideals.
National Syndicalism - I allowed the existence of trade unions but you threatened my stability so you have to go.
Degenerados e Malditos Comunas!
Nazism - Begone godless Caesarist.
Esoteric Fascism - You're even worse somehow.
Maoism - You are fake China and will not have Macau, I don't care if the other European powers decolonize after WW2, I never will!
Although I voted in favor of UN resolution 2758.Marxism–Leninism - To Tarrafal with you.
Stratocracy - I will never forgive you for overthrowing me and surrendering in the Overseas War.
Nehru Socialism - GOA É NOSSA!
Separatism - No one can dismember our nation.
Christian Democracy - Why did you sell your soul to
Economic Liberalism - Curse to your advice, liberalism is a sin.
Further information
- Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
- National Union (Portugal)
- Estado Novo (Portugal)
- Corporative Chamber
- Portuguese Constitution of 1933
Based And Jedpilled
Old art for Salazarism