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"We need new affordances

of perception and action unblinkered by naturalised identities. In the name

of feminism, ‘Nature’ shall no longer be a refuge of injustice, or a basis for any political justification whatsoever!"

Xenofeminism (Xenofem or XF) is an economically and culturally far-left, civically neutral ideology, or arguably–political platform. She's extremely progressive, using technology as a way to destroy unjust hierarchies. She defends that a feminist must be both gender and race abolitionist where the concept of man and woman must disappear to make room for any sexual and personal plurality that every human being on the face of this world choose to have according to your personality and particular needs.


Xenofeminism was created by the Laboria Cuboniks, a group of anonymous writers that use the same name. She criticized the moderation of liberal feminism, and the localism of modern anarchist movements.

Foundations and Beliefs

She argues that the only way that women can truly be equal, is by destroying all hierarchies. Because of that she is both gender and race abolitionist, seeing both of them as tools used by society for oppression of minorities. She is also anarchist, seeing capitalism as the biggest creator of unjust hierarchies, by putting class against each other.

To achieve its goals, Xenofem wants to alienate technology, so it can be used to fight against oppressive institutions.

Personality and Behaviour

How to Draw

Flag of Xenofeminism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill it with pink,
  3. Draw, in yellow, an 'X' just above the centre,
  4. Coming down from the intersection of the 'X', draw a yellow upside-down cross,
  5. Add two eyes, and you're done!
  6. (Optional) Add a bow, coloured dark pink, green, and blue in rows.
Color NameHEXRGB
 Pink#FF42FFrgb(255, 66, 255)
 Yellow#FFD900rgb(255, 217, 0)
 Dark Pink#FF07A4rgb(255, 7, 164)
 Green#00E100rgb(0, 225, 0)
 Blue#0046FFrgb(0, 70, 255)



  • Soulism - Let's destroy the laws of physics together!
  • CyberFeminism - Fellow tech-enthusiast that will use devices to help destroy gender.
  • Marxist Feminism - "Ultimately, every emancipatory abolitionism must incline towards the horizon of class abolitionism, since it is in capitalism where we encounter oppression in its transparent, denaturalized form: you're not exploited or oppressed because you are a wage labourer or poor; you are a labourer or poor because you are exploited."
  • Postgenderism - Abolition of gender is our common goal


  • Post-Anarchism - You are very intelligent, but you are too much melancholic to really help. You seem to like Post-Feminism too much.
  • Feminism - You support equal rights for women, but lack the correct method and technology to be effective. Be more like her and we can be friends.
  • LesbiaNRx - You do a lot of things right, sis, just cut the misandry part.


  • Liberal Feminism - A feminist collaborating with this empire based on greed and lies is no feminist at all.
  • Capitalism - I don't need to overwrite reality to get rid of you. Fuck you!!!
  • Manosphere - Do I need to explain my hatred for you?
  • Patriarchy - Your rule over us will crumble one day, and I will make sure to witness it.

Further Information





Alternative designs
