Not to be confused with
"The industrial revolution and its consequences…"
Neoluddism (also known as Kaczynskism or Uncle Ted Thought when referring specifically to the ideology outlined by Ted Kaczynski) is a
non-quadrant political philosophy that vehemently rejects
society and the widespread reliance on advanced technology. It argues that the Industrial Revolution and its aftermath have been catastrophic for
humanity, leading to
environmental destruction,
psychological distress
social alienation
, and the
individual autonomy. Modern technological systems, according to Neoluddites, have replaced
meaningful human connections with
impersonal and oppressive structures that prioritize efficiency and control over human well-being. Advocates of Neoluddism call for the dismantling of these systems and a return to simpler,
agrarian lifestyles based on
preindustrial tools and methods. Unlike
Anarcho-Primitivism, which envisions a reversion to
hunter-gatherer societies, Neo-Luddites favor a more structured and cooperative form of living, akin to communities like the
Amish, who integrate
sustainable practices with a
deliberate rejection of industrial and digital technologies. This vision emphasizes harmony with
nature and a conscious effort to restore balance between humanity and the environment, while firmly rejecting the complex, high-tech systems that define
modern industrialized life.
Early years and Education
Theodore John Kaczynski was born in Chicago in 1942 to a working-class family. As a primary school student, he had an IQ of 167 and skipped the sixth grade, which he later identified as a pivotal moment in his life. Before skipping the grade, he was socially active and even took on leadership roles among his peers. However, after the grade skip, he struggled to connect with older children and experienced bullying. Upon entering high school, Kaczynski developed a strong passion for mathematics, often dedicating hours to studying complex problems. At age 16, he received a scholarship to Harvard University. During his time at Harvard, Kaczynski participated in an experiment led by psychologist Henry Murray. This experiment involved weekly sessions of abuse and humiliation, and it is speculated that it was part of the CIA's brain control program. Some believe that this experiment may have subconsciously influenced Kaczynski's later criminal activities.
Kaczynski graduated from Harvard in 1962 with top honors in mathematics and then pursued a master's and Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, where his professors were impressed by his intelligence and dedication. In 1967, his paper "Boundary Function" won the Michigan Best Mathematical Paper of the Year Award. By the end of that year, at 25, Kaczynski became the youngest assistant professor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, teaching geometry and calculus. However, his teaching style was unpopular, as he strictly adhered to the textbooks and refused to answer students' questions. He abruptly resigned on June 30, 1969.
Retreat and Radicalization
After leaving Berkeley, Kaczynski returned to his parents' home in Lombardy Village, Illinois. Two years later, he built a small cabin near Lincoln, Montana, without water or electricity, intending to live self-sufficiently and learn survival skills such as tracking prey, identifying edible plants, organic farming, and bow drilling. He occasionally rode his bike to the town library to read classic literature. However, his peace was disrupted when real estate development destroyed the surrounding wilderness. Feeling unable to live peacefully in nature, Kaczynski gradually developed a desire for revenge against modern/industrial American society. Reflecting on this period after his arrest, Kaczynski said, "You can't imagine how depressed I was at that time. I was determined to get revenge."
Terrorist campaign
Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski orchestrated a string of bombings, culminating in 16 explosive packages that shook American society. His first attempt, targeting Professor Buckley Crist of Northwestern University, was thwarted when Crist, sensing something amiss, alerted campus police, who, in attempting to open the package, incurred injuries. Kaczynski then shifted his focus to airlines, with an unsuccessful attempt in November 1979 aboard American Airlines Flight 444, where a malfunctioning timing device prevented the bomb's detonation, prompting an emergency landing. The FBI, tasked with the investigation, encountered challenges due to Kaczynski's deliberate misdirection, leaving misleading clues at each crime scene and lacking fingerprints on his devices. The severity escalated in 1985 when a United States Air Force captain suffered grave injuries, followed by fatal attacks on a computer shop owner in Sacramento and a similar incident in Salt Lake City in 1987.
After a six-year hiatus, Kaczynski resumed his campaign in 1993, targeting a Yale University computer science professor and a University of California researcher, both sustaining serious injuries. His motivations surfaced in a letter to the New York Times, citing retribution against Boya Public Relations for their involvement in an oil spill aftermath and issuing threats to individuals like geneticist Philip Sharp.
Manifesto and Subsequent Capture
The climax came on April 24, 1995, with the assassination of Gilbert Brent Murray, president of the California Forestry Association. Kaczynski, in his final act, demanded the publication of his manifesto, "Industrial Society and its Future", totaling 35,000 words, promising cessation of his terrorist activities in return. The Attorney General and FBI Director endorsed the manifesto's publication, which appeared in the New York Times and the Washington Post on September 19. The essay, condemning the industrial revolution's calamitous impact on humanity, received mixed reviews, with some scholars commending its meticulous argumentation, contrasting Kaczynski's apparent madness with the rationality of esteemed political philosophers.
For years, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tried to pursue and capture the individual known as the "Unabomber", given to Kaczynski due that his early targets were universities and airlines — 'Un' for 'University,' 'A' for 'Airline, 'unabom'. In collaboration with other agencies, the FBI established a dedicated team of 125 agents to investigate the case, offering a reward of $1 million for information leading to the perpetrator's capture.
In September 1995, David Kaczynski, brother of the suspect, Ted Kaczynski, grew suspicious after reading newspaper articles. He discovered that the content of his brother's letters to the press dated back to the 1970s, echoing sentiments expressed in the manifesto "Industrial Society and Its Future". David discreetly hired a private investigator to delve into his brother's activities. Upon gathering evidence, the investigator engaged a lawyer to liaise with the FBI.
On April 3, 1996, the FBI apprehended Ted Kaczynski at his cabin, where a search uncovered bomb components and a completed explosive device intended for mailing. Subsequently, a federal grand jury indicted Kaczynski on multiple charges, including illegal transportation, mailing, and use of explosives, as well as deliberate homicide. He received a life sentence without the possibility of parole on January 22, 1998. Tragically, on June 10, 2023, Ted Kaczynski killed himself and was subsequently discovered dead in his prison cell.
"Industrial Society and Its Future"
"Industrial Society and Its Future," also known as the Unabomber Manifesto, is a philosophical manifesto, which outlines a highly critical view of modern industrial society, advocating for a return to a simpler, more primitive way of life. Inside said manifesto, a few key points are adressed within it, which for Kaczynski were essential in both understanding and fighting the current industrial system:
The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences
Kaczynski traces the historical development of industrial society, highlighting its roots in the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. He acknowledges the technological advancements and material wealth that industrialization has brought about but argues that these benefits have come at a great cost, discussing how industrialization has led to environmental degradation, the displacement of traditional ways of life, and the erosion of human freedom. He critiques the relentless pursuit of technological progress and economic growth, arguing that it has led to a society that is increasingly alienated from nature and disconnected from meaningful human relationships.
The Psychology of Modern Leftism
Kaczynski provides a psychological analysis of "leftism," a term he uses to describe a wide range of progressive and socialist movements. He argues that leftists are not primarily driven by altruism but by feelings of inferiority and a craving for power and control, which they pursue through political activism and social change. According to Kaczynski, leftists are driven by a misguided sense of compassion, leading them to endorse policies that end up causing more harm than good. Additionally, he suggests that leftists feel morally superior and righteous, often adopting radical ideologies and supporting policies aimed at challenging the existing social order, which ironically results in the opposite of their intended outcome.
Kaczynski further explores the psychological motivations behind modern leftist ideologies, focusing on the role of socialization and upbringing in shaping individuals' political beliefs. He argues that leftists are driven by a deep-seated sense of resentment and envy towards those they perceive as oppressors, which leads them to support radical agendas aimed at redistributing wealth and power. Kaczynski suggests that leftism is ultimately rooted in a desire for revenge against perceived injustices, which manifests itself in the form of political activism and social agitation.
The Future of Industrial Society
Kaczynski paints a bleak picture of the future of industrial society if current trends continue unchecked. predicting that continued industrialization will lead to environmental catastrophe, social collapse, and the erosion of human freedom. Kaczynski argues that the pursuit of technological progress and economic growth has become a self-destructive obsession that threatens to destroy the very foundations of human civilization, and calls for a radical reevaluation of our values and priorities, advocating for a return to a simpler way of life based on principles of sustainability, self-sufficiency, and community.
Revolution Against the System
Kaczynski outlines his strategy for bringing about the collapse of industrial society through a campaign of violence and sabotage. He argues that targeted attacks against individuals and institutions associated with modern technology will disrupt the functioning of the system and undermine public confidence in its stability. In his manifesto, Kaczynski suggests that like-minded individuals should form underground networks to coordinate their actions as well as avoid detection by authorities. He justifies the use of violence as a necessary means to an end, arguing that the survival of humanity depends on the overthrow of the existing social order.
The Power Process
Inside the manifesto we're introduced to the concept of the "power process", which Kaczynski argues is a fundamental human need that is not being met in modern industrial society. He defines this power process as the process by which individuals set and achieve goals that are meaningful and fulfilling to them. Kaczynski suggests that the lack of opportunities for meaningful engagement in the power process is a major source of discontent and alienation in modern society, leading to widespread feelings of frustration and disillusionment. He argues that true freedom can only be achieved in a society that allows individuals to pursue their own goals and aspirations free from the constraints of institutionalized power structures.
Freedom From the System
Kaczynski explores the concept of freedom, and argues that true freedom can only be achieved in a society that is based on small, self-sufficient communities where individuals have a high degree of autonomy and control over their own lives. He criticizes modern industrial society for its emphasis on conformity and obedience, arguing that it stifles individual creativity and initiative. Kaczynski suggests that true freedom can only be achieved through a radical restructuring of society based on principles of decentralization, voluntary cooperation, and mutual aid.
- Lives in the woods and sends "packages" to industrialists and university professors.
- Loves nature and the beauty it creates, and wishes to protect it at all costs.
- Craves to be a part of a meaningful community, as long as said community lives outside of the current technogical-industrial system.
- Will get angry if you begin to show him a cellphone or any other postindustrial technology.
- Will get even angrier if you do not call Ted Kaczynski "Uncle Ted".
How to Draw
- First, set up your easel, brushes, and natural paints (you aren't drawing this on a computer, are you?)
- Paint the basic ball
- Paint the black gear in the middle
- Then add the horizontal green stripe in the middle of the ball.
- Allow the painting to dry before moving for display
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Light Green | #1EC030 | rgb(30, 192, 48) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Freedom Club
Luddism - You Luddites were the founders of the philosophy of destroying advancing technology, and future generations are forever thankful for your impact.
Radical Environmentalism - Extreme measure must be put forth to combat technology.
Agrarianism - The perfect system, we should listen to him.
What do you mean I can't bomb combine harvesters and hydroponic farms?Anarcho-Naturism - Your nudity tells me that you reject technology and industrialism.
Eco-Anarchism - Whilst many of your followers are leftists, we share many core ideas and a love for our environment.
Anarcho-Primitivism - Ideal, but unrealistic. Ted’s critique was of utopians, not primitivism as a whole.
Agrarian Anarchism - One of the better political ideas.
Kakistocracy - Let's bomb technophile nerds!
Let me take away your phone first.
Partially Anti-Industrial
Primalism - A bit too far there.
Lys Noir - Your view about Industrial Revolution and Nature are based, but you scare me.
Eco-Fascism - We are often confused about each other, but I don't care for the state. I don't care how "clean" you say it is, Also you're too racist.
National Primitivism,
National Agrarianism and
Odalism - Same as above.
Protestant Theocracy - The Amish got me, but most of you're variants are accepting the Industrial Revolution and modern technology, shame. Also, Uncle Ted was an atheist.
National Anarchism - You guys generally distrust the industrial revolution, but please stop being racist and start rejecting modern technology.
Eco-Authoritarianism - Their heart is in the right place but they think the destruction of the environment caused by technology can be fixed by more technology and big government. They have a lot to learn.
Ideologically Aligned Socialists - So close! Leftism is the problem, though, not the solution. But based on overall direction!
Post-Leftism - Good at attacking the destructive left, but I abandoned many of my post-left supporters for flirting with the ideas of the left. Also, many of you are open technophiles.
Potential Package-Receivers
Industrialism (and its consequences) Have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.
Post-Humanism and
Cyberocracy - My worst nightmare...
Technocracy - These technophile nerds are masterminds of modern technology and trying to hunt me with an army of robots, my wooden bombs will destroy you and your stupid technology somedays!
Technogaianism - Are you struggling with a crisis caused by technology, and as a solution you offer even more technology? What an oxymoron!
Transhumanism - Encourages us to partake in self-imposed slavery through technology.
Reactionaryism - You aren't me, nor do you support anything I believe in, especially your
pro-tech children.
Reactionary Modernism - OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!
Climate Skepticism - Check your mailbox now.
Posadism - NO, DON'T NUKE EARTH!!! Instead, bomb factories and kill those industrialists from both left and right.
Machiavellianism -
HE DEFECATED THROUGH A SUNROOF!Why are you so keen on compromising with those filthy industrialists? Have fun dying of air pollution after your lungs couldn't be DEALT with.
COVID-19 Restriction Model - I. AM. NOT. TAKING. YOUR. VACCINE. CHIPS!
Schwabism - I know the above is just your plot to push through this "Great Reset" of yours. I also know it will only end in a Great Failure. You won't make me eat bugs and be happy!
Fordism - The logical conclusion of the "Great Reset". THIS IS THE FUTURE THAT
Further Information
- Industrial Society and its Future by
Theodore Kaczynski
- Technological Slavery by
Theodore Kaczynski
- Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How by
Theodore Kaczynski
- Ship of Fools by
Theodore Kaczynski
Original image
- ↑ Ted Kaczynski was a critic of post-left, and he explicitly said that he did not consider himself a post-leftist. Despite this, Ted Kaczynski's ideology is often grouped with the post-left ideologies.
- ↑ Anti-vax conspiracy groups lean into pro-Kremlin propaganda in Ukraine