Circulus Theory

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Circulus, full name Circulus Theory, is a Left Unity, socialism-based economic system who is a product of Utopian Socialism and is a bastard son of Agrarianism. He wants to resolve the Malthusian Catastrophe by collecting human feces as taxes. According to Circulus, human excrement has remarkable fertilising properties, which society fails to harness. The human waste that is otherwise discarded would fertilise agricultural production sufficient to cover society's progressively increasing food consumption. Circulus posits the existence of a natural law dependent on the circulation of human excrement back through the agricultural process and which maintains a necessary balance between soil fertility and inexorable population growth. In other words, he likes excrements.


To some he is vulgar, and to others he is disgusting. What we can say about him is that he is extravagant, and he likes such things as the Ouroboros. He may see for hours how a snake eats himself or a dog running to its own tail. Circulus is a fan of the Parseltongue from Harry Potter and his favorite film is "The Human Centipede". He is very social and likes to start a conversation with some words about excrement. Even with his peculiar likes, he is very kind and cheerful.

How to Draw

Flag of Circulus Theory
  1. Draw a ball with eyes and fill it with brown
  2. Draw a white circle in the center
  3. Add a snake head at the bottom
  4. (Optional) Draw with him an excrement
Color NameHEXRGB
 Brown#AB9565rgb(171, 149, 101)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)




  • Agrarianism - Why do you hate me?!
  • Bio-Posadism - You like me, but for concerning reasons.
  • Socialism - I gave you your name. Wait stooop please don’t run away.


  • Scientocracy - What do you mean my system will cause widespread disease because of the bacteria in human poop? Maybe I should dry it first...

Further Information




