Clerical Fascism

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"I merely follow God and HIS ideas on faith, blood and nation. Few seem to like them but [I] care not. DEUS VULT!"

Clerical Fascism is a totalitarian, culturally far-right, ultranationalist, and economically variable, but often third positionist ideology that is a theocratic version of fascism . Clerical fascism rejects Secularism, and believes that a fascistic political system should be explicitly religious in nature and serve the interests of the church as well as those of the nation.


Romania's Ion Antonesu founded Clerical Fascism in 1935. It has few examples of successful regimes, however there have been multiple attempts at creating a Clerical Fascist state.

The Iron Guard

Perhaps the most famous example, the Iron Guard was a Romanian Fascist political party created in 1927 by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Originally called the Legion of the Archangel Michael, the political party was officially dissolved multiple times before coming into power on the 14 of September, 1940 after the assassination of Cordreanu. It only stayed in power for 5 months before being betrayed by the Prime minister, Ion Antonescu, and was banned on the 23rd of January, 1941. More info

National Synarchist Union

The UNS was a Mexican Clerical Fascist party founded in May of 1937 by Jose Antonio Urquiza. During the second world war, the government attempted to "tame" them, and when this failed they decided they must be controlled. All UNS meetings were banned, at the same time the party was fracturing. The party eventually split in two when the leader was replaced. The deposed leader started his own party, and both claimed they were the true UNS. Ultimately, they were outmaneuvered by the government, who openly supported both Catholicism and worker's rights, which basically occupied the political space that would normally be associated with critics from both the right and the left, thus taking all of the political power away from them. They were never disbanded however, and exist even to this day, with two political factions. More info

The Lapua Movement and IKL

The Finnish Lapua movement was founded in 1929 as a self described anti-communist people's movement. It was fanatically Lutheran, Finnish nationalist and also anti-Russian. It's leader was a farmer named Vihtori Kosola and it's support came largely from the Ostrobothnian region, especially the small town of Lapua where it was founded.

It started to gain public attention when they attacked a group of young communists having a meeting at the Lapua labor house where they according to the Lapua movement were committing blasphemy and mocking the fatherland. The Lapua Movement considered this absolutely outrageous and several Lapua movement supporters charged right in led by Vihtori Kosola himslef and started tearing the red shirts off the communist youths. This resulted in a massive brawl and the outnumbered Lapua movement men beat up several communists, and the rest fled while the Lapua movement closed the workers house believing it was a communist traitor stronghold.

After this incident The Lapua Movement continued beating up leftists, burning labor houses and sabotaging leftist newspaper presses. They were known for their infamous practice of "muilutus" where they transported suspected communists by force with with cars illegally behind the Soviet border and beat them up. These practices were widespread and the right-wing parties in charge considered this a necessary evil and didn't do anything to stop it, for a long time, the Mäntsälä rebellion however, was too much even for them. The Lapua movement was disarmed by the president in a radio speech and was followed by a political party called the IKL. More info

Independent State of Croatia

The Independent State of Croatia, a Nazi puppet state during World War II, led by the nazi Ustaše regime with their Poglavnik (chief) Ante Pavelic, committed genocide against Serbs, Jews and Romanis. Greatly influenced by Nazi racial theory, the Ustaše saw themselves not as Slavs, but Goths, and viewed the groups that they committed genocide as "podljudski" despite the Nazis view Croats as untermenschen in spite of the alliance. Towards the end of the war, many tried to surrender to the Allies, but were instead handed over to the Yugoslav Partisans. Tito and his Yugoslav Partisans, wanting revenge, massacred thousands of Ustaše and other Nazi collaborators, in various "pits" such as the Barbara pit, which became known as the Bleiburg repatriations.

New Force

The political movement claims to aim for "national reconstruction" by achieving eleven objectives:

  • The repeal of abortion law.
  • A social policy that encourages population growth and the traditional family.
  • Opposition to immigration and the humane repatriation of recent immigrants to Italy.
  • The fight against the Mafia, the banning of Freemasonry and all secret societies, together with exit from NATO and removal from the U.S. sphere of influence.
  • The fight against usury and writing off of public debt, as well as the abolition of capitalism.
  • The restoration of the 1929 agreement between the State and the Church and the defence of national identity.
  • The repeal of the Mancino and Scelba laws, which the Forza Nuova believes destroy freedom.
  • The formation of guilds for the protection of workers.
  • Laws to eliminate seigniorage banking income and for the state to issue currency; complementary currencies for local trade, and the nationalization of the following sectors: health, the central bank, commercial banks and strategic industries
  • The "recovery of Christian religiosity" and of "faith in the Catholic Church".

New Force is also characterized by Euroscepticism; Roberto Fiore, FN leader, stated that he wanted to oppose "with all possible legal means" the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. As the Russo-Ukrainian War began, the party started supporting Russia, although it had previously enjoyed relations with Ukrainian far-right groups. This has created a disunity with CasaPound, which is pro-Ukraine. According to the Italian edition of the HuffPost, members of New Force went to fight in Ukraine for Russia, among them Alberto Palladino (alias: "Zippo") enlisted in the separatist forces in Donbas.

Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, New Force is pro-Palestine and are accused of supporting extremist groups like Hamas (views that are shared among the Italian neo-fascist groups). After 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, New Force led by Roberto Fiore organized demonstrations in support of "Palestinian resistance".

Russian Fascism

Russian Fascism refers to the various applications of Fascism that were devised by Russian individuals, most notably the Russian Fascist Party lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky.


Nikiforovism is mostly based on the thoughts of Russian political figure Nikolai Ivanovich Nukuoro.

He was born at the Kiev Governorate, Russia on April 29th 1886, as scientist along with being a lawyer but then in 1910, he graduated from St. Vladimir University in Kiev and was left there to be prepared of becoming a professor.

In 1914, N.I. Nikiforov passed the master's tests in which he received the title of privatdozent but then during World War One (1914-1918), he was privatdozent at St. Joseph University from 1914 to 1917 along with being a extraordinary professor at the Omsk Polytechnic Institute by the Department of General History/Ministry of National Education from 1917 to 1918 and during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923), he was a professor at Irkutsk State University from 1920 to 1921, extraordinary professor at the State Far Eastern University in the same department from 1921 to 1922 & acting extraordinary professor of the law faculty at the Harbin Normal University in Manchuria, China from 1922 to 1937.

In 1925, Prof. N.I Nikiforov along with certain members of the Law Faculty at Harbin Normal University founded the "Russian Fascist Organization" (RFO) but then in 1927, "The Theses Of Russian Fascism" was published while the organization smuggled some propaganda into the Soviet Union that brought the attention of China who banned the group from publishing such works and in 1928, Nikiforov defended his thesis called "The Seigneurial Regime In France In The Outcome Of The Old Order" for a master degree of general history in the testing commission at the Russian Academic Group in Prague, Czechoslovakia while F. T. Goryachkin published a book called "The First Russian Fascist Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin" in which stated that Stolypin is even more brilliant than Benito Mussolini, the Russian Fascists established the Stolypin Academy in Harbin. The Russian Fascist Organization was a minor fascist organization that looked to Italian fascism for inspiration and produced the 'Theses of Russian Fascism' In 1931 the RFO absorbed into the Russian Fascist Party.

In March 1929, Prof. N.I Nikiforov becomes the last deputy dean of the law faculty at the Harbin Normal University while he was the editor of a journal called "The Bulletin of the Manchurian Pedagogical Society" until February 1st 1930, in which he was engaging in private practice and published a Russian version of the book called "The Secret Forces of the Revolution" by Léon de Poncins in a Russian Fascist Party newspaper called "Our Way" in 1933.

In May 26th 1931, the Russian Fascist Organization was absorbed into the newly founded "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) under the leadership of Konstantin Rodzaevsky while in 1936, N.I Nikiforov moved to Tianjin in which he opened a private bank with a former employee of the CER but later moved to Shanghai, where he was engaged in teaching again and in 1945, he was arrested by the "Smersh" to be deported into the Soviet Union after World War Two (1939-1945), in which he was sentenced to 10 years in forced labour camps but died in 1951.


Rodzaevskyism is an ideology that emerged from Konstantin Rodzaevsky, one of the founders (and one of the first leaders) of the Russian Fascist Party and the Nash Put newspaper, exiled in Manchuria and later executed in the USSR. When in Manchuria (specifically in Harbin), he helped to found the RFP, taking the anti-Semitic, racist and pro-Axis countries stance in WWII. Among Rodzaevsky's proposed policies included the "liquidation of Jewish rule in Russia", the re-establishment of the Eastern Orthodox Church as the state religion of Russia, rejection of the "tendency towards cosmopolitanism", "Russia for the Russians". and a call for "class co-operation" instead of "class conflict", which would be achieved via an Italian-style corporate state within some kind of federated government under a "temporary dictatorship". He also became an ultranationalist and extremely loyal to Showa and Mussolini's ideals, also being a sympathizer of National Bolshevism and opponent of Leninism, but after the war, he praised Stalin and his policies.

Uniquely, Rodzaevsky's definition of Russian nationalism did not define Russianness in ethnic terms so much as in terms of a "common historical destiny", which meant that provided that they were loyal the Russian state, all non-Russian ethnic groups were to be considered "Russian". (with the exception of the Jews).

He returned to the USSR after some negotiations with the NKVD, but entered, was captured, arrested for anti-Soviet activity among the White Guards in Manchuria, and subsequently executed. Subsequently, one of his books (The Last Will of a Russian Fascist) entered Russia's Federal List of Extremist Materials.


Vonsiatskyism is the ideology based off of the political views Anastasy Vonsiatsky and manifested in Vonsiatsky's various political projects like All-Russian Fascist Organization (created in 1933) and its successors, primarily based in Putnam, Connecticut USA, notably Vonsiatsky opposed anti-Semitism and claimed that his party's only intention was "to form in Russia a truly democratic government".

Vonsiatsky claimed that his party has the following goals:

  • "With the existence of Germany and Adolf Hitler, as a fortified base, and directing center for all anti-Communist movements, the beginning of a war by the USSR with Germany can change with lightning-like rapidity into the end of International Communism and the victory of the Russian National Revolution."
  • The Party "does not support either Germany's or Japan's ambition for hegemony in Europe or the Far East."
  • "The Germans and the Japanese have never made clear their attitude toward a replacement of the present Stalinist rule by a Russian National Government.
  • "The sole aim of our organization is to return Russia to a free people with a government elected by the people, of the people and for the people."
  • "Our intention is to form in Russia a truly DEMOCRATIC government."
  • The Party "is not anti-Semitic."



Peoples Party Our Slovakia

The Peoples Party Our Slovakia party is a neo-fascist political party in Slovakia founded in 2009.[37]The parties leader, Marian Kotleba formed the party by hijacking the Party of the Friends of Wine party.

The PPOS was formed as a successor to the Slovak Togetherness party, another neo-fascist party that was banned in 2006 after it tried to participate in that years elections. In its early months of existence, the PPOS was first called the People's Party of Social Solidarity, but was renamed to the People's Party Our Slovakia in February 2010.

In early 2016, the party came into controversy after it fielded multiple neo-Nazi candidates for the then-upcoming parliamentary election. In May 2016, members of the PPOS requested a moment of silence for slain fascist leader Jozef Tiso in Parliament.

Noua Drepta

Main article: Legionarism

A modern example of clerical fascism in Romania is the Noua Dreaptă party. The organization was first founded as a NGO in 2000.

In 2006, members of the organization protested the GayFest parade in Bucharest. Many ND members were detained by police officers. In 2008, the ND organized a anti-Hungarian protest on the National Day Of Hungary. In 2018, Noua Dreaptă would join the far-right Alliance For Peace And Freedom coalition in Europe. The ND would eventually try to participate in the 2020 elections, but failed to gain any seat.

Serbian Action

The Serbian Action party is a Serbian clerical fascist party founded in 2010. The party became famous in 2014 after police arrested some of its members and charged them with hate speech after they distributed leaflets calling for the lynching of Romani people.

In the same year, many members of the Serbian Action party went to fight alongside Russian forces in Ukraine following the outbreak of the Donbas war. The organization, in collaboration with Polish ultranationalist groups, launched protests calling for the annexation of Kosovo. The party then launched a counter-march to a pride parade in September 2015.

Obraz/Fatherland Front

The Fatherland Front party, more infamously known as Obraz is a clerical fascist and ultranationalist political organization in Serbia that was founded in 1993 by Nebojša Krstić, a Serbian Orthodox theologist.

The party started it's political activity by organizing a nationalist rally in 2001, alongside members of the Dveri party. However, around the same time, Kristic died in a car accident, and the party split into two factions. The majority faction continued activity, while the other saw no point in continuing after Kristic's death and became inactive.

In 2008, the organization participated in multiple Kosovo is Serbia protests, that were held in protest of Kosovo's independence. In July 2009, members of Obraz yelled Islamophobic insults at a Srebenica memorial. The organization would later become infamous for its opposition to the Gay Pride Parade in Belgrade later that year.

The party faced legal issues, and it's leader, Mladen Obradović, was jailed in 2010 after calling for gay people to be lynched. The organization was banned in June 2012 by Constitutional Court of Serbia for right-wing extremism, although it would launch a revival under a similar name.

How to Draw

Flag of Clerical Fascism

Clerfash is shown as being Fascism ball with a Red-Gold Colour Scheme and a cross on top of the Fasces.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw a couple Red Lines.
  3. Out of the middle-top and middle-bottom of the bundle of sticks you've drawn draw a small red line each.
  4. On the Top line draw a red line going through to form a cross.
  5. Right of the Red lines, draw an Axes coming out of them.
  6. Through the Bundle of sticks draw Gold lines form in a "Z" pattern.


Clerical Fascism is usually portrayed as an extreme Chrisitan that usually really dislikes other religions. He absolutely hates all forms of degeneracy (as according to the Bible), and usually takes a hard-line view of race and nationality, not unlike Nazism. He is usually very haughty, but he is extremely orderly and his loyalty will never wear out. His favorite book is The Handmaid's Tale, as it portrays him as the leading force in the former United States, but he likes to rip out the ending where it implies gilead is not immortal and ever standing. He also likes Crusadism and its aesthetics and considers itself to be a Christian knight.




  • Integralism - Too squeamish. We cannot show any mercy to godless heathens!
  • Puritan Theocracy - You should've gone full Crusader on New World savages but not on Irish Catholics (which is why they rebelled in the first place). Also, you abolished the prohibition on Jewish settlement in England.
  • Alt-Right - Some of your followers prove there's still hope to be found with the youth, but many are just degenerate hedonists who are addicted to the sin of Onan.
  • Right-Wing Populism - A moderate friend. Some of your followers are degenerates, however.
  • Esoteric Fascism - Are you some kind of neopagan or something like that??? You're also even more xenophobic than me.
  • Fourth Theory - You used to be so based back when you claimed that Russian Orthodoxy is fascism par excellence. What happened to you?
  • Klansmanism - Why did you hate Catholics? Even they are Christians. But also you are making us look bad, But we're willing to collaborate against African pagan religons.
  • Nazism - You're a lot more heathen than I'd like, plus you killed a lot of Christians.
  • National Bolshevism - When will you see that communism is an ideology for heathens?
  • National Capitalism - I usually prefer Corporatism and Distributism, but good job with getting rid of atheist commies, also Alfredo Stroessner and George Rockwell were based indeed.
  • Jewish-Nazism - ...maybe.
  • Kahanism and Revisionist Maximalism - We could cooperate if you weren't so keen on taking the Holy Land for yourselves.
  • Nilssonian Anarcho-Fascism - A based Christian Conservative sibling, but anarchy? Really?
  • Pērkonkrusts - Comrade, why don't you love Jesus?
  • Russophilia & Ukrainophilia - It's complicated...
  • Showa Statism - Fellow fascist, but emperor-worship and Shintoism are pagan idolatry. At least some of you, like Ishii and Umezu, converted to Christianity (even if only after WW2).
  • Ceaușescuism - I imprisoned him and declared him as a state criminal just so he can rehabilitate me? Ce dracu?
  • Maternalism - Being a mother and wife is the most godly role for a woman to fulfill. But why are some of your followers feminists? Ignore that Serena used the term domestic feminism, which describes you,to get women back on the divine way.
  • Manosphere - Women are dangerous and must be into men power, also feminism is against God. But when Men go their own way, they are abandoning their duties and not having children, which is also against God. Not to mention how some of you engage in gender treachery, which warrants execution.
  • Neoconservatism - You're no Crusader, no matter how much you fancy yourself one. Today, you're just a J*wish bootlicker who wastes money and Christian lives for the sake of the imaginary "Judeo-Christian civilization". But you used to be more tolerable in the past, before throwing unconditional support behind Israel.
  • Paleoconservatism - I admire your staunch commitment towards tradition and all, but why do you advocate for an isolationist stance when you can simply crusade on some heathens and conquer their lands in the name of God? Isolating yourself from the world wouldn’t solve your problems.
  • Pinochetism - Catholic nationalist but too fetishistic towards (((Friedman))) and his liberal ideology.
  • Putinism - When will you go full Gilead Domostroy, already?
  • Reactionaryism - You provided a lot of inspiration for me, but what's wrong with some modernity?
  • Reactionary Socialism - Your love of crusades is commendable, but your economic beliefs leave a lot to be desired (and some of you hate fascism).
  • Walshian Conservatism - Stop trying to pose as me, you're not as half great as me. Wait... you're only mocking leftists?
  • Kanye Westism - Look, I love your music and your beliefs, but I think you’re more of an insane person than an actual clerical fascist. Please seek help.
  • Black Islamism - I can't help but admire your level of organization. Your ideology, on the other hand, is more like a mental illness.
  • İttihadism - Enver was pretty much the prototype of my Islamic version, but Talaat was s*cular, and you support f*minist trash.
  • Khomeinism & Saudi Royalism - Good job dealing with s*d*mites and upholding religious values, and Iran in particular blends it with authoritarianism pretty well, but you are way too democratic. And why does Iran recognizes tr*ns abominations and even subsidizes their surgeries?
    • It's "making gays go straight", dude.
  • Neo-Ottomanism - I like how you bring religion back to the fore of Turkish politics, but you do not go far enough!
  • Hindutva - Modi is doing a great job, though I wish he would accelerate transition to the ultimate stage. But please don't attack Christian preachers.

Looks Down Upon

  • Anti-Fascism - Good Night, Left Side.
    • <grips baseball bat> Nope, "good night" to you, fash.
  • Enlightenment Thought - You kickstarted the drift of humanity away from everything that is good and holy!
  • Futurism - Atheist scum that somehow thinks the nation and church cannot unite for one cause.
  • Progressivism - DIE, YOU DEGENERATE!
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Yes, Christianity is fascism. And?
  • Queer Anarchism - My literal opposite. May you burn in the depths of hell, you satanic twink.
  • Satanic Theocracy - LITERALLY SATAN!!!
  • State Liberalism - Why is the Fiend here twice?!
  • State Atheism - Fuck you, godless piece of trash! You're the reason those communist degenerates destroyed so many churches!
  • Sickularism - Aren't you just his moderate version?
  • Sickular Soytanism - Satan and Atheism? CRINGE!!!
  • Jacobinism - The heathen who became the first to have turning the world away from God as a state policy.
  • Kemalism - Turkish follower of the above. I'll never forgive you for abolishing the Caliphate, and I thank Allah for sending him to do away with your sickular BS.
  • Leninism, Marxism–Leninism & Khrushchevism - Church-destroying degenerates.
  • Indigenism & Pagan Theocracy - The human sacrifices will stop, sorry not sorry.
  • Vile Sodomites - You stupid degenerates are the work of the Devil and will not be tolerated.
  • Men's Liberation - Men's Liberation my ass! You are nothing more than a stupid cuck, and a traitor of a man who encourages other men to submit to women!
  • Homofascism & Stransserism - I don't care if you claim to be true fascists, your pronouns will be 'was/were'.
  • Feminism - You horrible degenerate! I DESTROYED YOUR DECADENCE IN GILEAD!!! Thanks for giving me my favorite book though, although you don't seem to realize it's actually an instruction manual
  • Conservative Feminism - Degenerate who seriously believes in Equality between the Sexes and yet claims to be conservative. Serena Joy used the term "domestic feminism" to help get Women back on the divine way, but let's ignore that
  • Liberal Feminism - To the pots!
  • National Feminism - How dare you claim women are superior to men! Based stances on Y*ds, f*gs and r*ds
  • Pacifist Feminism - SUFFER NOT A WITCH TO LIVE!
  • Radical Feminism - Lilith's hellish servants. I'd rather argue with typical liberal feminists, than those man-hating scums.
  • Christian Feminism - Even worse than her, you're using our Lord's name to promote degeneracy! How Heretical!
  • Christian Anarchism & Christian Libertarianism - God is named the "King of All Earth" for a reason, you fake Christians!
  • Christian Democracy - You can't get rid of heresy without a strong state and not to mention that you got bribed by globo-sodomy.
  • Christian Socialism - CATTOCOMMUNISTA!
  • Liberation Theology - Aren't you two the same?
  • Trumpism - You claim to be a Christian, but you welcome degeneracy! Blasphemous! You are unworthy! If only you were the Christofascist dictator that leftists say you are..
  • Groyperism - Why do people always associate me with you? You’re just glorified frat boy and a degenerate with a femboy fetish and an unhealthy, romanticized obsession with the Middle Ages. And how can you even consider yourself a civilized Christian if you reject science? Do you not realize that the Catholic faith has a history of being a patron of the sciences? Go back to school, kid!
  • Zionism & Jewish Theocracy - Filthy J*w.
  • Revisionist Zionism - Your cuckservatism won't save you.
  • Islamic Anarchism & Jewish Anarchism - *mentally screaming* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

Further Information


Salvador Dali’s Obsession with Nazism and Fascism




Other Websites

Parties and organizations



  1. Leading scholars of fascism, such as Roger Griffin, contend that clerical fascism can be considered a form of para-fascism, primarily because palingenetic ultranationalism—a core tenet of fascist ideology—is inherently secular and anti-reactionary in nature. Clerical fascism, therefore, should be understood in one of three ways: either as a theocratic system that adopts the aesthetics and organizational methods of fascism, as a compromise between fascists and the church, or as a faction within broader fascist movements that does not fully embrace the concept of national palingenesis.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 "Obraz's central goal is the establishment of a strong and wealthy nation-state which would be able to defend itself against its many perceived enemies. In order to achieve this, liberal democracy, which Obraz calls a "judeo-masonic" tool of oppression, must be replaced by a corporate state led by patriotic and pious statesmen. In Obraz's ideal society, "offenses" such as non-heterosexual orientation or non-Orthodox creed would be punishable. What distinguishes Obraz from the more moderate Dveri is its openly proclaimed hatred for non-Serbs, especially for Albanians, Muslims and Croats, their fervent anti-semitism and their repeated threats to resort to violence in order to realize their aims. Furthermore, Obraz threatens that Serbia will use force to regain hold of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, which it defines as "territories of the Serbian Fatherland"."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2
  4. "That is why we must not give up the fight for Kosovo and Metohija — our Holy Land, our Calvary, our Resurrection!"
  5. "The Serbian Image is fighting for the liberation, unification and salvation of the Serbian people and the Fatherland as a unique geopolitical, state-building and spiritual space, to which all Serbian Homelands belong — from Kupa to Vardar and from the Danube to the Adriatic Sea."
  6. "This and such imposition of service to the non-memorial began with Sodomite processions through the streets of our cities, continued with the appointment of Sodomites to the highest positions in the state, and already now we see that the recognition of same-sex unions as so-called "marriages"."
  7. In the episode "Useful", Commander Joseph Lawrence has a copy of the Descent of Man by Charles Darwin. This could possibly indicate that a distorted form of Darwinian evolution is used to justify the oppression of women.
  8. The TV Show's version of the Handmaid's Tale isn't as racist as its book version.
  9. She advocates letting women read the Bible
  11. "According to Yakubovich, who was interested in the internal structure of the Russian Orthodox Army, he “began asking them about Orthodoxy” and came to the conclusion that “the people who call themselves the “Russian Orthodox Army” have nothing to do with Orthodoxy”, since “at their core ideology lies neopaganism,” and also emphasized that they themselves “say that Orthodoxy is the correct ancient faith, and their legs grow from RNE, “Russian National Unity.”" - Russian Wikipedia
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 "Capitalism is a well-known economic system that has dominated almost the entire world through its political form - liberal democracy. Many people today, primarily politicians, teach us that there are only two paths: liberal capitalism and communist socialism, and force us to choose one of those two paths. Capitalism is often presented as something much better than communism, because we all have "equal" rights and "freedom".The truth is much different. Capitalism, just like communism, serves exclusively the merciless exploitation of workers and people for the benefit of a few "elite" who get rich, serves to kill the middle social class and creates a society of extremely rich and extremely poor, destroys entire countries and subjugates them to large companies and corporations, destroys village and small independent producers, kills the people's spirit. There are countless evils that this system brings with it. That is why we are against this political and economic system, we do not accept communism or capitalism, but we stand for the Third Way, for a national and socially just Serbia A Serbia in which man will have more value than money, in which man is above all, and in which there will be no parties, parties and other destructive organizations and a better homeland - Serbia of the Serbian people."
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 "As we wrote in the previous days, this year marks the 80th anniversary of the martyrdom of one of the greatest and most significant figures of the Orthodox resistance to the Zionist value system and its freak satraps, communism and capitalism. The captain of the Romanian people and the Legion of Saint Archangel Michael, Cornelius Zelea Codreanu became a symbol of the new man, reborn and freed from all the soul-destroying delusions of his time. The new man he aspired to is essentially a man who restored the forgotten legacy of his ancestors within himself, and that renewed ancestral spirit made him a fearless fighter for the restoration and revival of the Romanian people."
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 "On the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the martyrdom of the leader of the Legion of the Holy Archangel Michael (Iron Guard), the legendary Captain Cornelius Codreanu and his comrades, Serbian Action held a memorial service for this Orthodox knight, a role model of European national revolutionaries and a teacher of Christian nationalism.The whole life of this Romanian confessor and martyr of the nationalist struggle was woven from exploits and struggle for faith, fatherland and the ideal of the Christian, organic and authoritative principle, which is opposed to all liberalism, democracy, communism and other poisons originating from anti-Christian occupation forces. The fight against them and witnessing the truth is the essence of the fight to which the Iron Guard called its people, and which also represents our role model. An example that always floats like a guiding star and that does not fade, just as the holy and bright work of the Captain and his legionnaires does not fade either!"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 "The above quote from the preface of Codreanu's famous autobiographical work "My Legionnaires" has always aroused readers' curiosity about the Chilean national revolution of General Augusto Pinochet. This exemplary officer, nationalist, believing Christian and father of five children, ruled his homeland for seventeen years and left a significant mark on it. And Chileans, as a dominantly European white nation on a non-European continent, are an interesting category in themselves. The ideological role model and great friend of Pinochet was General Francisco Franco, and nationalist Chile did not have diplomatic relations with Broz's Yugoslavia. It is also worth mentioning the fact that Pinochet was kind to all nationalists and anti-communists, including Romanian legionnaire emigrants, as well as to the Russian white emigration, whose numerous representatives held important positions in Pinochet's Chile. But more on that later."
  16. "In the midst of new rampages by migrants in Belgrade, and as a sign of protest about the current situation, where the Vučić regime is encouraging the invasion of migrants on Serbian soil, our activists made appropriate stickers that they pasted in the center of Belgrade as well as around a fast food store that tends to employ migrants, in the name of which he receives money from anti-Serbian financiers."
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 "The vast majority of our city's residents believe that public display of homosexuality is a perverted and immoral thing. Both the treacherous government and the treacherous opposition, at the behest of their EU bosses, are convincing the people that they should accept the monstrous mondialist ideas according to which Serbia should be a reserve for migrants or a training ground for freaky exhibitions of queer perverts."
  18. "Thanks to the action of Slovak patriots, the third attempt to organize a so-called "gay parade" in the Slovak capital was foiled. According to media reports, four people were arrested."
  19. "A large protest was held in Belgrade today IN DEFENSE OF THE FAMILY AND CANCELLATION OF THE GAY PARADE."
  20. "During these days and months of the year, during the heroic Serbian defense against NATO aggressors (from April 9 to June 10) in 1999, the famous Battle of Košare was fought in Kosovo and Metohija."
  21. "An anniversary marked recently in Spain is significant for all nationalists and anti-communists. It has been 40 years since the death of General Francisco Franco, the irreconcilable anti-communist and leader of the Spanish nation. He was destined to lead the united national forces of Spain in the bloody civil war of 1936–1939. year, in which he managed to overcome the communist neman and become a victorious symbol of the Christian-nationalist struggle in Europe and the world."
  22. "There is no free Europe without Serbian Kosovo!"
  23. "Over a hundred activists of Serbian Action, Generation of Identity and other Serbian patriots, jointly celebrated the birthday of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade - that shining fruit of the Serbian liberation struggle from the wars of the 1990s."
  24. 24.0 24.1 "On this day in 1995, members of the Army of the Republika Srpska liberated the Serbian town of Srebrenica, in connection with which the Serb-hating globalist-Islamist campaign has been hysterically inventing genocide against "Bosniaks" for almost three decades. On this occasion, our activists traditionally plastered the center of Belgrade with appropriate stickers."
  25. 25.0 25.1
  26. "the symphony of the Church and the state, organic thought, household order, stratocracy, social justice and a true national state in harmony with the needs and primordial life laws of the native Serbian people. In contrast to the mondialist quasi-monarchy of the Protestant type, which would be an outpost of the world behind the scenes and whose idea is the only "permitted" form of monarchism today, we recognize the Orthodox class monarchy as a system of government, which is based on the Saint Sava and General Orthodox state legal and political traditions."
  27. "Therefore, the Orthodox-national revolution is the only answer to the existing chaos. A revolution of the spirit, which will spawn an army of political soldiers - fighters against the System. It is not a "return to the past" but a plunge into the self from which strength is drawn and basic coordinates for action in contemporary conditions are found. It is a long and difficult road, but the only right one."
  28. "The revolution we have in mind is a revolution of the spirit. That is, in order for it to flare up, a new spirit is needed, opposed to the currently ruling spirit of individualism, selfishness and materialism."
  29. "As a sign of support for the Russian comrades from the Imperial Legion (military formation of the Russian Imperial Movement) who have been at the front for weeks, we created a corresponding mural in Belgrade."
  30. "Among the many Russian patriots from the Russian Federation who came to the aid of the people of Novorussia are our comrades from the Russian Imperial Movement ( RID ), with whom Serbian Action has been cooperating for a long time. Almost from the very beginning of the aggression against Novorussia, the volunteer detachment of the Russian Imperial Movement - the Imperial Legion - has been fighting as part of the People's Self-Defense Force of Donbass. Recently, the authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) passed an act authorizing the Russian Imperial Movement to represent the interests of the DNR on the territory of the Russian Federation."
  31. " We belong to Third Position groups, which point to inseparability of nationalism and the struggle for social justice, and thus are equally remote from the ruling democratic globalists (whether belonging to the left or right of center), as well as left-wing, neo-communist and anarchist groups."
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 "When we speak among ourselves of the “Third Way” our thoughts go to what we have represented for more than a century, that is, that “Third Way” beyond Marxism, which later became Marxism-Leninism and liberal-capitalism."
  33. 33.0 33.1 "Nationalism means fighting against wild immigration and the process of Islamization that has been going through Italy and Europe for decades. It also means defending our excellence in every field, from food to industry. Italy must be the leader for a European rebirth, as has happened many times in the past."
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2še#Political_programme_and_main_agendas
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Ante Pavelić - The Croatian Winter

    Meet The Ustaše, The Brutal Nazi Allies Even Hitler Couldn't Control

    Srbosjek, Jastrebarsko children's concentration camp and Sisak children's concentration camp

    Curzio Malaparte's interview with Ante Pavelić
  37. Under it's current name in 2010