Fiscal Conservatism
"The men and women of this country who toil are the ones who bear the cost of the Government. Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much the more meager. Every dollar that we prudently save means that their life will be so much the more abundant."
Fiscal Conservatism (FisCon) also called Economic Conservatism or Economic Liberalism in Europe and some other regions is an economically right-wing ideology that believes finances of the public body should be responsible and long-term sustainable although not strictly limited.
The term dates back to Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal era in the 1930s, when many classical liberals began calling themselves conservatives because they did not want to identify with President Roosevelt's supporters, who called themselves liberals.
In the United States, since the 1930s, the term liberalism is associated with the welfare state and active government intervention in the economy, otherwise known as
Social Liberalism. Fiscal conservatives form one of three parts of the traditional conservative movement that emerged in the 1950s along with social and national conservatism. Many Americans, while classical liberals, also tend to identify as
libertarians who combine support for tax cuts and government spending cuts with progressive views on social issues and a rejection of
interventionist foreign policies.
Fiscal Conservatism aims to reduce government debt by reducing public spending and avoiding deficit spending. In theory, this can also be accomplished by increasing taxes however Fiscal Conservatives would prefer to decrease spending.
FisCon around the world
In Canada,
the UK and other English-speaking countries, FisCon is typically associated with culturally conservative parties. In
Germany and other European countries, it is typically associated with culturally varied classical or economically liberal parties.
Najibnomics is an economic ideology that originated in Malaysia during the late 2000s and early 2010s under former prime minister Najib Razak, and was a form of Economic Liberalism. It aimed to deregulate the economy, implement subsidy reforms and increased government spending while setting a debt limit (which at the time Malaysia was a protected economic state).Najib Razak made several reforms of the Malaysian economy such as the New Economic Model, Economic Liberalism, Reform of government subsidies, free trade agreements and Stimulus packages which marks a significant shift away from the state-oriented economic programs of past governments, apart from several reforms on civil liberties, such as repealing the controversial Internal Security Act (ISA) besides removal of bans on two opposition newspapers and releasing of several detainees under the Internal Security Act (ISA) on his first actions as Prime Minister. His economic policies, known as Najibnomics, combines Economic Liberalism,
Keynesian School and
Social Capitalism.
Reaganomics or Reaganism is the economic ideology of Ronald Reagan government which consisted in reducing capital gain and federal income taxes, growth of government spending, reduce the government regulation and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation. It is based on a theory that increased wealth on the top will also benefit those on the bottom of the economic hierarchy.
Hardingism is based on the views and actions of the 29th US President, former Ohio Governor and former Senator Warren G. Harding. Harding's presidency was marked by the drastic reduction of American interventions and the reduction of American fleets along with the United Kingdom and Japan, in addition to withdrawing American troops with several Latin American countries, such as Cuba and Dominicana, even refusing to renounce interventionism, promising to limit considerably, but intervened in Mexico. When he took over, the US was in economic crisis (crisis of 20), so he cut and lowered several taxes and abolished the tax on surplus profits, in addition to having encouraged new technologies (such as electricity and automobiles) and national works. He also increased the amount of industries and increased civil rights, especially for black people, but decreased immigration. In his government there were several corruption scandals, in which, along with other politicians, they were called the "Ohio Gang". Due to the high amount of corruption in his administration, Harding is often ranked as one of the worst American Presidents in history.
Rogernomics is an economic ideology that originated in New Zealand during the 1980s under finance minister Roger Douglas, and was a form of Fiscal Conservatism. It aimed to reduce government debt and deregulate the economy (which at the time in New Zealand was a welfare state). Unlike most other forms of FisCon however, Rogernomics is a slightly socially progressive ideology, due to Douglas' then membership of the New Zealand Labour Party. Douglas' economic reforms were controversial within the party, with many seeing it as a betrayal of Labour's center-left values.
Personality and Behavior
Basically, very responsible when it comes to spending.
May act like Jon from "Garfielf".
How to Draw
The symbol for fiscal conservatism is a combination of a green dollar sign (representing wealth) on the a blue background (representing conservatism).
- Draw a ball with eyes
- Fill it Blue
- Draw a Green Dollar Sign ($) on the ball.
And you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Blue | #006AA7 | rgb(0, 106, 167) | |
Green | #3FCE11 | rgb(63, 206, 17) |
Classical Liberalism - I learned my economics from him and he influenced me greatly.
Conservative Liberalism - Both fiscal and cultural conservatism at once.
National Liberalism - Basically the above.
Capitalism - Capitalism is the way to go.
Libertarianism - Guess you're not that bad.
Monetarism - I like his long-term economic policies.
Liberal Conservatism - One of the best
conservativesliberals.Austrian School - Most of my policy is inspired by his ideas.
Hayekism - He's my friend, but he tells me to be careful with what budgets I cut.
Neoliberalism - Fellow lover of Reagan and Thatcher.
Theodemocracy - Live within your means as part of your theology. Nice.
Third Way - Betraying your "center-left" principles for me is so based but enough bailouts and regulations.
Welfarism - Look, I don't have anything against welfare per se, but you tend to overspend all too easily and that hurts our debt situation!
Workfare and employer-funded social safety is still better though. And we don't have to spend as much on welfare if we raise the minium wage.Neoconservatism - Don't like him, he spends too much on the military, but we vote together so I grudgingly accept him.
Pink Capitalism - Your economic takes are pretty agreeable, though I don't really understand this social justice stuff.
Social Capitalism - Sorry, but you can't please everyone no matter how you divide the cake.
Nordic Model - I like your regulatory framework, but you spend so much & you must reduce taxation!
Paternalistic Conservatism - Cousin, I just suggest you to be more careful with spending.
Korwinism - I like some of your ideas, but overall you're just... weird.
Trumpism - Tax cuts and market deregulation were cool but public debt and tariffs were not so good.
Paleoconservatism - Same as above but more extreme in both bad and good sense, Tucker is cringe, but Buchanan and Kirk are pretty ok.
Welfare Chauvinism - You don't care about balance budgets or excessive public spending but no welfare for non-citizens isn't a bad idea also you usually are against public debt which is cool.
Social Darwinism - I just want to defund welfare to pay off the debt, but he wants to end it completely for some "natural selection" nonsense.
Anarcho-Capitalism - That's a bit too far, my friend.
Neoreactionaryism - That's really too far.
Avaritionism - That's ENOUGH.
Jebism - ALL HAIL OUR LORD AND EMPEROR OF ALL MANKIND JOHN ELIS BUSHOrdo-Liberalism - Though I love some of your ideas. But some of your other ideas are to close to succlib.
Social Liberalism - Curse you, FDR!
Social Democracy - I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HOW YOU STOLE THE WORD "LIBERAL" FROM THE RIGHT YOU SOCIALIST! Also, you idolize FDR's economics that actually worsened the Depression!
Socialism - I'm sorry, but the austerity is necessary because of that
Corporatocracy - I wish people realized that YOU are the problem, not Capitalism. If you were not a thing, the young would be more supportive of the economic policies I believe in.
Keynesian School - Way too statist; you led our country into a dictatorial war economy you psycho!
Protectionism - Are you sure about that?
Regulationism - Stop with the high taxes!
Conservative Socialism - You're an annoying socialist who still thinks it's 1965.
Reactionary Socialism - And you're a socialist who still thinks it's 1365!
Further Information
- Basic Economics by
Thomas Sowell | Audiobook
- Najibnomics: Transforming Malaysia to a high-income nation by Irwan Shah Zainal Abidin
- Economic Reform in Malaysia: The Contribution of Najibnomics by Bruce Gale
- Fiscal conservatism
- Austerity
- Balanced budget
Blue Dog Coalition
- Economic liberalism
Economic rationalism
Blue Tory
Blue Tory
- W.I.P.
Original image
Economic Liberalism
By u/Dr_Occo_Nobi
By AquaHeart
- ↑ Najib Razak held the title "Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar", a nobility title in Pahang Sultanate and one of the four highest-ranking nobles below the monarch of Pahang.
- ↑ "1Malaysia",
- ↑ [1],
- ↑ "Trump's hosting of the Malaysian prime minister marks another setback for the rule of law",