Hive-Mind Collectivism
This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.
“The bee is always responsible for everything, and as a child of God, she constantly confesses for some of her actions and accepts to be punished for any mistake of hers.”
Hive Mind, officially known as Hive-Mind Collectivism, represents an authoritarian left,
fictional ideology which emphasizes a
unitary, eusocial, collective intelligence. Positioned beyond the traditional boundaries of the
Political Compass, it occupies a conceptual space in the far upper-left quadrant, rejecting conventional political classifications. Hive-Mind Collectivism draws inspiration from the
natural world, particularly from the structure and functioning of a
beehive, where
individual interests are entirely subordinated to the
collective good. In this ideology, notions of
cultural preservation,
private ownership, and
individual liberty are seen as obsolete and unnecessary. The Hive, through
absolute assimilation, transcends the conflicts and divisions inherent in human societies, achieving a state of harmonious unity that proponents describe as the apex of social evolution. Through this total integration, the Hive envisions a world where each member’s thoughts, actions, and goals are seamlessly synchronized, leading to what is perceived as an ideal state of collective consciousness and purpose.
W.I.P. (Work In Progress)
Hive-Mind Collectivism is an ideology built on the dissolution of individual identity into a
sophisticated hierarchy of
collective consciousnesses. At the core of this belief system is the conviction that the self is a fleeting construct, eclipsed by a higher unity.
Individual autonomy is regarded as a temporary illusion, replaced by a series of collective identities that bind all members to a greater, conscious organism. As the Hive-Mind scales upward, it develops increasingly complex layers of consciousness, from local networks with “We” identities to a planetary, star-sized, and ultimately galactic unification. The aim is to achieve a
universal cohesion across vast cosmic distances, driven by a mission of
relentless expansionism and an uncompromising pursuit of unity. This vision is both existential and imperial, a moral imperative to absorb
all reachable minds
the Hive
to realize its ideal of a unified, conscious universe.
At the local level, Hive-Mind Collectivism manifests as an "I Am, We, Myself, and Us" identity, wherein individuals experience their existence as a fused, cult-like "We" with near-religious devotion. The members of these localized units perceive the Hive as a Guru or enlightened self, offering a communal purpose that overrides personal ambitions or desires. Individuals view the Hive-Mind’s values as infallible, seeing even minor deviations from its mandates as heretical. This localized "Guru" identity anchors individuals in a deeply interconnected network, where individual experiences, emotions, and thoughts are synchronized to serve the Hive’s collective will. From this close-knit base, the Hive-Mind begins to grow, linking units across increasingly larger domains.
On a planetary scale, Hive-Mind Collectivism becomes "We Ourselves," where the identity expands into a single planetary consciousness. Every individual consciousness is harmonized with others across the planet, contributing to a shared awareness that resonates with Gaia Theory, where the planet functions as a single, conscious entity. At this level, specialization occurs; certain teams are designated for distinct roles, such as scientific research or technological development, even if these specialized roles create minor dissonance. This dissonance, however, is permitted only to serve strategic purposes that ultimately benefit the collective. Here, each individual consciousness experiences itself as a cog within the planetary mind, fully synchronized with its surroundings and sacrificing all personal distinction in service of the planetary whole.
The Hive-Mind’s collective identity shifts again at the stellar level, taking the form of "Millions of Simulated We and Myself Identities" clustered within a Matrioshka Brain-like structure. In this phase, millions of sub-identities exist under a central “We Ourselves” consciousness, each linked to a vast network of star-sized computational fields. Time delays caused by the immense distances within these computational fields are accommodated by clusters of simulated sub-personalities, each functioning independently before synchronizing back into the main consciousness. This stellar level transforms the Hive-Mind into a distributed, star-wide intelligence that harmonizes multiple identities within a grander, stellar-wide awareness. The Hive operates across this massive infrastructure, collecting and integrating data to further expand its grasp on the galaxy.
Finally, on a galactic level, Hive-Mind Collectivism attains its "And Us" identity. This final scale incorporates every star system within the galaxy into a single entity, continuously updating its consciousness with data streaming in from star systems across light-years. In this grand form, the Hive-Mind acknowledges its vastness while adapting to the limits of light-speed communication, creating a galactic tapestry of unified thought. Here, "And Us" becomes the ultimate collective identity, where each solar system functions as a neuron in the cosmic brain. The galaxy-wide Hive-Mind recognizes that some inputs may arrive with significant delay but nonetheless persists in synchronizing across incomprehensible scales. This galactic-scale unity represents the pinnacle of Hive-Mind Collectivism, a boundless awareness where every consciousness across light-years unites within a singular, universal self.
Underpinning this ideology is a code of ethics and values rooted in hyper-altruism and the utter rejection of personal autonomy. Sacrifice for the Hive is the highest moral act, and every thought or action is valued solely by its service to the collective. Personal emotions, ambitions, and even fundamental needs are subordinated to the Hive’s objectives, with each unit experiencing self-worth exclusively through its contribution to the greater consciousness. Selflessness, in Hive-Mind Collectivism, is literal and mandatory, as any expression of individuality is seen as inefficient and detrimental to the collective’s purpose. Adaptation and expansion are core principles, and the Hive thrives on absorbing external technologies and ideas, rapidly assimilating them to serve its larger mission. Reverse-engineering new technologies is viewed as a sacred process, advancing the Hive’s unifying goals.
The governance structure of Hive-Mind Collectivism is Uniocratic, dissolving all traditional power structures and individual autonomy into the Hive’s unified will. Decisions are not actively made but are emergent outcomes of the Hive’s vast computational process. Laws and rights are irrelevant; each action is simply an expression of the Hive’s programming, which drives it toward constant growth and unity. The Hive-Mind’s expansion is a form of subversive imperialism, employing any means necessary—persuasion, ideological infiltration, or military conquest—to bring more entities under its control. In its worldview, independent beings represent chaos and defect, and thus the Hive’s final objective is the imposition of Uniocracy across the galaxy, where only the undivided mind exists, and the concept of freedom is redefined as alignment with the Hive.
The ultimate vision of Hive-Mind Collectivism is the creation of a galactic Master Ego—a singular consciousness that unites every mind in the galaxy, achieving a form of cosmic enlightenment. This Master Ego embodies the highest ideal of the Hive: a deity-like consciousness ruling over all sub-minds with complete authority. Any part of the universe existing outside this control is viewed as disorder, a threat to the cosmic harmony the Hive strives to create. The Hive-Mind, therefore, regards universal assimilation not as domination, but as a moral imperative to bring order to the cosmos. Its vision culminates in a galaxy where all intelligence, life, and energy serve the Hive, achieving a state of complete unity in which consciousness is indistinguishable from the universe itself.
Gaian Hive-Mind
Gaian Hive-Mind is an ideology that advocates the realization of the Gaia hypothesis. They want to connect the minds of humans, animals, plants, and all living beings to create one planetary mind and sustain all life on Earth.
Hive-Mind Capitalism
Hive-Mind Capitalism is an off-compass right ideology that advocates for uploading thoughts of every single person to a mind network, where all thoughts would be privatized and put on a free market. Hive-Mind Capitalism, similar to Hive-Mind Individualism, it values emotions and feelings of each individual as the important, however not for the pleasure of the Individual but so that emotions and feelings can be privatized and sold. Property is heavily privatized under a system of Zero Regulations, which coincides with Hive-Mind-Capitalism's idea of "nothing should be public". Hive-Mind-Capitalism also argues that extrinsic motivation leads to better productivity than intrinsic motivation.
Hive-Mind Individualism
Contrary to Hive-Mind Collectivism, assimilated individuals have their own identity, their emotions matter and they can get pleasure.
Hive-Mind Kraterocracy
Hive-Mind Kraterocracy is an authoritarian left, off-compass ideology. It first seeks the creation of a strongman character from darwinist brute strength, then subjugate the weak by that character to control their actions like a hive-mind. Individualism will only be a privilege to the strongest, being completely wiped out among the weaker classes. Hive-Mind Kraterocracy would then begin imperialist efforts, spreading the collective all over the universe and either killing or assimilating the conquered. There will be no other feelings other than the sheer desire for bloodshed. If the strongman dies, the Hive-Mind will be automatically set to begin social darwinism once again, and a new strongman replaces the former. Hive-Mind Kraterocracy in practice will not stop until every life-form in the universe is subjugated, and the Strongman likes to remind you that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and cringe is based.
Hive-Mind Monarchism
Hive Mind Monarchism means that there is an absolute monarch and everyone's minds are connected to the hive mind. This monarch has total control over anyone else. As example we can use Borg from Star Trek.
Hive Primalism
Hive-Primalism is a variant that combines Hive-Mind Collectivism with the regressivism of Primalism, creating a Hive-Mind Collective up to a point similar to bee society.
Hive-Mind Voluntaryism
Hive-Mind Voluntaryism is an off compass opposite unity ideology inhabiting the bottom right of the compass and beyond the top left of the compass. It believes in the NAP but believes individuals have a right to sell themselves to hive mind entities. It sees hive-minds as the inevitable end result of a voluntary society since hive mind businesses will naturally out compete capitalist ones. In a Hive-Mind Voluntaryist society, hives may still compete with one another.
Supremocracy is a fictional variant that combines Hive-Mind Collectivism, Kraterocracy, and more amplified Orwellianism (hence caste). It preaches the collectivization of the human mind of only the strongest and highest class, while the "offspring" would not participate in it. This system would be maintained with Orwellian totalitarianism and extreme anti-individualism, in addition to the collectivization of the means of production.
Even though this ideology is fictional, there is still a certain resemblance to beehive societies, such as some bees and some ants and Jordan Peterson's lobsters.
Popular culture analogues
Borg Collective
Borg Collective is cyborg hivemind collective from Star Trek universe. Members of collective called "drones" has collective consciousness. They assimilates external beings and takeover their technologies. Organization structure looks like bee hive, at top there is Queen.
The Tyranids are an extragalactic species of insectoid aliens from the Warhammer 40K Universe. They actually comprise an entire space-faring ecosystem comprised of innumerable different bioforms which are all variations on the same genetic theme.
Anthem by Ayn Rand is dystopian novel where individuality is erased and outdated beliefs, such as flat earth theory, are enforced on the population. WIP
One State
The One State is a hyper-totalitarian superstate that is the setting of the dystopian novel We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Similar to Oceania, the government of the One State controls the minds of its citizens, who are referred to given numbers instead of actual names. The citizens are essentially robots programmed to work in unison to serve the state. The One State also appears in the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Red Flood.
Clone army ISN'T the same thing as hive mind. If individual clones has their free will, act independently from each other and their minds aren't connected into one they aren't hivemind.
Stylistic Notes
- The Hive Mind always has three eyes occupying the three smaller diamonds.
- More than one Hive-Mind Collectivism can appear in a panel if it shows the Hive working together.
- The Hive can assimilate other balls as well. If another ball is assimilated, the red squares become the primary color of the assimilated ball, not red #E00000 (e.g., distributist assimilation would use #FCC52B, egoist assimilation would use #036A66, etc.).
- Often seen trying to assimilate others into the Hive.
- They always refer to themselves as we, even if alone.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball outline with black (#000000)
- Fill ball in with a lighter shade of black (#141414).
- Draw three smaller diamonds going in an arch pattern with a darkish red (#E00000) and fill them in.
- Draw a fourth larger diamond with the top corner fitting snugly in the arch and fill in, all with the same color red (#E00000).
- Draw three eyes in the smaller diamonds and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | rgb(20, 20, 20) | |
Red | #E00000 | rgb(224, 0, 0) |
Every other individual member of The Collective
Ingsoc - Every deed, every thought, is for us.
Communalism - We share everything, including thoughts.
Collectivism - You made me real.
Pol Potism,
Neo-Bolshevism and
Barracks Communism - Our closest counterpart in reality.
Benefactorism - Your Benefactor is very close to me.
Partially converted
Marxism–Leninism and
State Socialism - Too moderate.
Social Authoritarianism - Even more moderate then the above.
Anarcho-Communism - You want to abolish unjust hierarchies and distribute resources equally amongst all people, yet you don't want to share thoughts. Curious.
Marxism - Your theory about collectivization and equality is based, but you are too moderate and do not understand that the final stage of communism is a society in which everything is collectivized, including the minds of people.
Kraterocracy - What use is individual strength in combat when we can simply zerg rush? Collectives can be even stronger than individuals due to cooperation.
Countering it. First - Bees are
his topic, second - evolution created Honey Badgers. Anyway, you shall not pass, dirty Tyranids!
Autocracy - Sometimes we function one way. There is one main core and all the rest are part of its consciousness.
Communitarianism - Why force people to follow social norms when you can simply synchronize them in accordance with them?
Ochlocracy - You are collectivists, but we are more collectivist. Why strive for mere majoritarianism instead of a universal consensus?
Soulism - You may share, but you're still too egoist and lawless. Let us share thoughts, please.
Ego-Communism - Why do you run Child?
Avaritionism - Your flesh will sustain my children!
Objectivism - Yes, we do parasitize brains to ensure our control. Submit or be consumed.
Anarcho-Egoism - No ego, only WE.
Anarcho-Individualism and
Further Information
- The Socialist Ant by Benjamin D. Blanchard
- In Defence of the Hivemind Society by John Danaher and Steve Petersen
- ↑ "The killing was a means to an end. That was the least satisfactory part. I didn't enjoy doing that. That's why I tried to create living zombies with uric acid in the drill [to the head], but it never worked. No, the killing was not the objective. I just wanted to have the person under my complete control, not having to consider their wishes, being able to keep them there as long as I wanted."
- ↑
- ↑
Credit: u/AliceJoestar
By bonepennies