"Only in a socialist system are the interests of the individual, the state and the collective at one."
Socialism is an ideology used to represent the broad range of ideologies that fall under the umbrella term of "Socialism".
In the classical sense, socialism describes worker-owned means of production combined with communitarianism, heavily supporting
worker co-ops, self-management, economic planning, and/or
workplace democracy depending on the variant.
The modern definition of the word socialism, popularized by European Social Democrats, and the
Democratic Socialists of America, is "any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods." Socialism in the modern age advocates workers' self-management, high taxation on the wealthy and/or nationalization over key parts of industry. Socialism is always economically left, and culturally neutral however has found itself becoming synonymous with progressivism mostly in the west at the most recent times. But you do get ideologies like
Conservative Socialism and more extreme ones like
Strasserism and
National Bolshevism, that combine Socialist economics, with conservative cultural preservation, due to their shared
Populist standpoint.
Socialism as a political movement is rooted in the French Revolution and Jacobinism, although notable
proto-socialist figures and movements existed before this. The first socialist thinkers were social critics and philosophers of the 19th century from Western Europe. These socialist thinkers followed what would later be dubbed, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,
Utopian Socialism, due to their lack of materialist analysis and bourgeois nature. Among these thinkers were Charles Fourier, Henri de Saint-Simon, and Robert Owen. Despite all these thinkers being considered Utopian Socialists, their philosophies differed greatly in many ways, with Owen's ideology resembling Socialism in the modern sense more so than the other two.
Robert Owen would go on to develop several socialist communes and villages, being the first to attempt to actualize a socialist society, though these projects were often on a small scale and subject to much criticism.
In France, during the first half of the 19th century, socialist philosophers and politicians continued to popularize socialism. It is in France during this time that many socialists started to reject the gradualism and utilization of utopian communes of the older Utopian Socialists. The term "socialism" was first used in a French Utopian Socialist newspaper. There also emerged a
Christian Socialist movement in France led by Philippe Buchez. Moreover, during this time, French socialist literature, which would prove to be highly consequential, was being published, most notably What Is Property? by
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.
In the 19th century, Anarchism as a movement arose and was incorporated into the socialist movement. This is seen with thinkers such as the aforementioned Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, whose socialistic anarchism was market-oriented, as well as with more communistic anarchists, like the Russian Mikhail Bakunin, who sought a
collectivist anarchist society which would utilize labor vouchers, as well as the prominent
anarchist communist Peter Kropotkin, who sought a completely communistic society, devoid of any form of currency whatsoever. Anarchism when combined with socialist principles would later come to be known as
Social Anarchism.
Marxism, which arose from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, became the most influential socialist philosophy in history. Marx and Engels ideas on philosophy, political economy, sociology and history were influenced primarily by
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
classical economists such as
Adam Smith and
David Ricardo, the earlier utopian socialists, and socialist ideals which arose in revolutionary France. Marx and Engels devised a materialist philosophy of history known as
historical materialism and called their form of socialism "scientific socialism" in contrast with utopian socialism. Marxism differed from Utopian Socialism in that it viewed history as a series of class struggles, and saw moving towards socialism within capitalism as futile, instead advocating for revolution.
Revolutionary Socialism
Revolutionary Socialism is a political philosophy, doctrine, and tradition within socialism that stresses the idea that a socialist revolution is necessary to bring about structural changes in society. More specifically, it is the view that revolution is a necessary precondition for transitioning from a capitalist to a socialist mode of production. Revolution is not necessarily defined as a violent insurrection; it is defined as a seizure of political power by mass movements of the working class so that the state is directly controlled or abolished by the working class, as opposed to it being controlled by the capitalist class and its interests. Revolutionary socialism encompasses many movements, such as movements based on Orthodox Marxist theory like
De Leonism,
Impossibilism and
Spartacism, aswell as movements based on
Leninism and the theory of
vanguardist revolution such as
Marxism–Leninism and
Trotskyism. Revolutionary socialism also includes other Marxist, Marxist-inspired and non-Marxist movements such as those found in
Democratic Socialism,
Revolutionary Syndicalism,
anarchism and
classical social democracy.
Revolutionary socialism is contrasted with reformist socialism, especially the reformist wing of social democracy and other evolutionary approaches to socialism and is opposed to social movements that seek to
gradually ameliorate capitalism's economic and social problems through
political reform.
Belief Variations
Marxist Socialism
Main article: Marxism
Ethical Socialism
Ethical Socialism is a political philosophy that appeals to socialism on ethical and moral grounds as opposed to consumeristic, economic, and egoistic grounds. It emphasizes the need for a morally conscious economy based upon the principles of altruism, cooperation, and social justice while opposing possessive individualism. Ethical socialism has some significant overlap with Christian Socialism,
Fabian Socialism,
Guild Socialism,
Liberal Socialism,
Social Democratic Reformism
, and
Utopian Socialism. Under the influence of politicians and thinkers like
Carlo Rosselli in
Italy, social democrats began disassociating themselves from orthodox Marxism altogether as represented by
Marxism–Leninism, embracing an ethical
Liberal Socialism,
Keynesian School, and appealing to morality rather than any consistent systematic, scientific or materialist worldview. In addition this form of socialism means that all classes benefit from socialism so they seek to represent and empower all classes fairly, often being made up of priests, business owners, trade unions, and professional workers.
Techno-Socialism is an culturally progressive ideology found near the bottom left of the authoritarian left quadrant. He believes socialism can only be achieved through automation, with robotics and emerging technology allowing everyone to live off the wealth produced by publicly owned machines.
Class Variations
Lumpenproletariat Socialism
Lumpenproletariat Socialism is socialism spearheaded by an oppressed, decayed, vice-ridden and dangerous underclass as described by Marx & Engels in the Communist Manifesto. The lumpenproletariat is often defined by an inability of class concisciousness or mass organisation required for a socialist revolution, which means that lumpenproletariat socialism will not make large scale transformations in society. Marx believed that this made them especially dangerous as they could cause extreme and excessive revolutionary violence and oppression, but
without any of the emancipation that a revolution should accomplish. Lumpenproletariat socialism comes in many different forms due to the vagueness of Marx's definition of lumpenproletariat - it could include uneducated people, serfs/peasants, minority groups and immigrants, criminals and corrupt officals, reactionaries, mentally ill, dogmatically revolutionary zealots, chronically unemployed, etc. For the most part, it is the people that are the most victimised by society, by capitalism, by feudalism, by imperialism and colonialism, etc., aswell as people that are very egotistical and self-serving, dogmatic and militant, backward and regressive in their views, or just plainly cruel, evil and malicious.
Vanguardist revolutions and
systems established as a result of them are often criticized,
both by the left and the right
, as being forms of lumpenproletariat socialism, due to their
highly authoritarian and
excessively violent tendencies,
forced collectivism,
overly centralized, top-down,
rigidly hierarchical,
bureaucratic, and overall
vividly undemocratic and
ineffective structure (which is also a breeding ground for
corruption and arbitrariness), aswell as
the many atrocities perpetrated by them
Criminal Socialism
is the most literal interpretation of lumpenproletariat socialism as it is completely devoid of a class concsciousness, and is also the usual
socialist boogeyman as it literally steals from the people who are productive members of society and gives to the people who are lazy, talentless, malicious, murderers, extorters, etc. which is what capitalist and/or rightist ideologies believe all socialism is. It most notably can be seen in the form of
corruption and
cronyism in
authoritarian socialist regimes. It can also be seen in some criminal gangs as they might often make critiques of capitalist society that keeps people down and oppressed as an dispensable underclass. To a degree this could encompass prostitutes and cooperative/unionised brothels too although that is not inherently criminal despite the extremely little agency many prostitutes have over their job and future.
Peasant Socialism is usually what is achieved in the rare case of a successful peasant revolt. It is often a primitive form of socialism with the sharing of all goods in a theocratic realm such as the
Münster Rebellion
. It does not necessarily abolish kings, as the rebel Wat Tyler in the 1381 English revolt flew the banner of House Normandie as he marched on London town. However Marx and Engels did not believe that peasants were such a dangerous class, because they could become capable of class consciousness to organise into a proper socialist revolution, as
Mao and
Lenin claimed to have accomplished in their respective countries. Peasant socialism can also be seen in
Thomas More's Utopia which has a
rigid and still hierarchical society where
everything is shared in common and society is engineered to benefit the most rather than the few.
Minority Socialism
Minority Socialism is when oppressed minority groups, such as black people, organise and revolt against the state to escape oppression. However as this is not a class-based revolution it fails to create a truly socialist state, either by not drawing enough support to topple the state from their own communities or due to the alienation of the racial majority working class. An example of this is the
African National Congress (ANC), which declared itself socialist and in many respects was revolutionary under the
Apartheid system in place from 1948 to the 1990s. However, despite coming to power in 1994, the ANC did not implement socialism by any stretch of imagination and after now 30 years of ANC rule South Africa is still underdevelped and ridden with economic, social and political issues as racial politics do not lead to emancipation from capital. In addition, minority socialism can and often does lead to
racial and ethnic violence,
chauvinism and
. Particularly infamous cases of this are
Zimbabwe and
Equatorial Guinea.
Sweatshop Socialism
Sweatshop Socialism as a term refers to the millions of oppressed workers worldwide who attempt to revolt against capital. However, due to the unskilled nature of their job, lack of unions, no worker protections and entirely insufficient welfare systems, their employers (whether it be a private or state entity) can fire them and immedietely replace them with more dependent workers, thus these workers are trapped in a system of dependency, unable to fight back without losing their job. The lack of security and organisational powers prevents them from forming together as a united class as no one has the resources to use to organise or fight back, while the employer knows that there is always those that need jobs due to the lack of welfare, unions and workplace regulations, so he has no reason to ever negotiate with sweatshop workers in good faith. This means that sweatshop workers revolting for socialism is inherently a form of
Utopian Socialism because it will never be as a class revolt, but rather a revolt of a small group of the bravest and/or most oppressed workers.
Clerical Socialism
Clerical Socialism is similar to feudal socialism in several ways. As the church gradually lost its influence and power with the rise of capitalism, it weaponised religious texts, which often condemn greed, private property, selfishness and inequality. However, because of the shrunken influence of the church aswell as because of its historical oppression of the working class to save its own power, this ideology has never had much success. Marx lumps it into the
Reactionary Socialism category in the Communist Manifesto.
Bourgeois Socialism 
Bourgeois Socialism or Conservative Socialism was a term used by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in various pieces, including in the Communist Manifesto. Conservative socialism was used as a rebuke by Marx for certain strains of socialism, but it has also been used by proponents of such a system. Bourgeois socialists are described as those that advocate for preserving the existing society using various means to only eliminate perceived evils of the system. Conservative socialism and right-wing socialism are also used as a descriptor, and in some cases as a pejorative, by
free-market conservative and
right-libertarian movements and politicians to describe more
economically interventionist strands of conservatism.
The Marxist view is such that the bourgeois socialist is the sustainer of the current state of bourgeois class relations. In the Principles of Communism Engels describes them as "so-called socialists" who only seek to remove the evils inherent in capitalist society while maintaining the existing society often relying on methods such as welfare systems and grandiose claims of
social reform. Opinions vary as to whether the bourgeois socialist is actively protecting or intentionally excusing the current order, but the common thread is that they are preserving it. Rather than
abolishing class divisions, they wish to simply raise everyone up to be a member of the bourgeoisie to allow everyone the ability to endlessly accumulate capital without a working class. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels use philanthropists, monks ("temperance fanatics") and reformers as examples of this type of socialism that they saw as opposed to their own aims. In expressing its views on the subject, Marx explicitly referenced
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's The Philosophy of Poverty, stating the following about bourgeois socialism:
"The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom."
Petty-Bourgeois Socialism
Petty-Bourgeois Socialism, in Marxist view, is an attempt by the petty bourgeoisie to prevent their complete destruction by either the revolutionary proletariat in their socialism or by the bourgeoisie in their capitalism as it is a class that is actively destroyed by both systems. This would theoretically imply that what the petty bourgeoisie wants is essentially a flash freeze on capitalism in order to stop further instability and concentration of wealth while also stopping further agitation of the working class to prevent revolution. The exploitative nature of guild masters towards tradesmen in the middle ages is forgotten, in addition to the exploitative merchants and burgesses, while the stability that their system brought is romanticized. In Marxist view, what makes someone petty bourgeois is when they are in such a position that both socialism and capitalism, as imagined by their followers, would destroy them, or when a working person betrays their class in order to side with the bourgeoisie because of their aspirations to become one of the bourgeoisie in the future. This is among the reasons why the petty bourgeoisie is often associated with
, as only via extreme state control could the bourgeoisie be prevented from further agitating the proletariat, meaning that petty-bourgeois socialism could be seen as a modern variant of
feudal socialism.
Soc is usually portrayed as a stereotypical industrial-era unionized worker who really loves striking against his boss and will usually follow the personality traits of the various types of socialism portrayed.
How to Draw
Socialism's design is a unicolor of red, associated with Socialism, and a white hammer in the middle symbolizing labor. This is essentially a distinctive form of "The Red Flag".
- Draw a ball.
- Color the ball red
- Add a white hammer in the center.
- Draw eyes on the ball.
And you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #DD0000 | rgb(221, 0, 0) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Marxism - Workers of the world, unite!
But the classless and moneyless society is detested among my variants.State Socialism - My state loving son.
I just wish people would stop saying that we have zero differences.Utopian Socialism - My mom is idealistic for her time. She also influenced me greatly!
Jacobinism - Beloved comrade and ally! Though you are not really a socialist, you're still cool and you still fight against tyranny and oppression, and you also kick-started the influence for the socialist movement.
Democratic Socialism - My reformist son who loves democracy and freedom.
Conservative Socialism - My culturally conservative son.
Arab Socialism - My most successful Arabic grandson! From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
Democratic Confederalism - Based Kurdish freedom fighters! To insist on socialism, means to insist on being human.
Neozapatismo - Same as the above but in Mexico!
Classical Social Democracy - Classical Socialist Democracy.
African Socialism - MAGA: Make Africa Great Again!
Socialism of the 21st Century - For Latin America!
Guild Socialism - Likes guilds as opposed to labor unions or vanguard parties but otherwise fine.
Religious Socialism - God is a Socialist.
Christian Socialism - Christian comrade. If anything, Jesus Christ was surely one of the first socialists!
Islamic Socialism - Islamic comrade! The principles of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, as well as the Quran and Hadith surely overlaps with my values!
Labour Zionism - My Jewish comrade, shame how it all
turned out, not to mention Israel turning out as the genocidal settler-colonial apartheid state today. You could be fairer towards the Palestinians tho, and I generally prefer
the guy below.
Bundism - Yiddish comrade! The liberation of the Jewish people must not involve with genocide, settler-colonialism and apartheid!
Buddhist Socialism - Buddhist comrade!
Liberation Theology - Religions fighting against oppression? Based!
Eco-Socialism - Environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening.
Marxist Feminism - Socialism will liberate women.
Social Anarchism - My grandson who disrespects all authority.
Minarcho-Socialism - Same as above but moderate.
Libertarian Socialism - My child disrespects all authority but doesn't want to abolish it completely.
Left-Wing Populism - All power to the workers!
Socialist Transhumanism - Capitalism is holding us back technologically.
Market Socialism - My friend who likes markets but doesn’t like
Titoism - Same as above, but with more state. Also, the next time a fascist tells you to get in a helicopter, remind them of the cuck pit.
Proutism - Hindu version of
him, based!
Monarcho-Socialism - All hail the people's king!
Mutualism - Property is Theft! Creator of industrial democracy.
Alter-Globalism - Yes! Another world is possible!
Syndicalism - Striking is based but try to help nonunionized workers too.
Anarcho-Syndicalism - Above but anarchist.
Yellow Socialism - Do you really believe the business will just let you unionize?
Anarcho-Egoism - You raise some valid points against capitalism, but then you complain about some of us being "dogmatic".
Liberal Socialism - Your heart is in the right place, but in practice you’re basically social democrats, and liberalism is the ideology of the bourgeoisie.
Agrarian Socialism - Redistributing land to the peasants is nice and all, but industrial workers are the key to my economic system, as they make up the majority of workers in most countries.
Communalism - This isn’t socialism… but I appreciate you taking the idea of cooperation further.
Welfarism - A good way to account for poverty and worker inequality, but people mistake me as you, and ultimately you are weaponized by capitalism to prevent the rise of socialism.
Distributism - So close to perfection. Just drop the whole private property thing and we're good.
Left-Wing Nationalism - You often have good stances on things like imperialism and the means of production but some of you are too moderate, xenophobic and not socialist at all.
Social Democracy - My moderate descendant, we have a really complicated relationship. You once was me in the early days, but now you think it's better to keep
him around with reforms. Plus, why did you kill
her? Your
right-wing variant is megacringe, but your
leftist variant is kinda nice. After all, we both want a fairer and more just society...
Nordic Model - Same as socdem.
Olof Palme was based though.Marxism-Leninism - You did good, great-grandson. A lot of me call you state-capitalist and dictatorial though. Also, your bureaucracy concerns me.
Maoism - Same as above, also the Cultural Revolution was awful.
Ho Chi Minh Thought - Vietnam was based, but the Doi Moi reforms afterward kinda reminds me of
Globalism - I don't like the unregulated international trade thing, but I like when you help the third world and I also like
Socialist Internationalism and
National Bolshevism - My crazy Nazi descendant.
Strasserism - Don't know about the anti-semitism. But at least you're better than
Capitalist Communism - My weird child.
I knew I shouldn't have invitedhim
to my party.Kemalism - We never forget Kadroist comrades. Your modern variants are basically
him, also, FREE KURDISTAN!
Tridemism - We never forget Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Left KMT comrades. It's a shame that the modern-day KMT is full of capitalists.
Ba'athism and
Gaddafism -
His more radical children. However, the Assad family and Gaddafi himself went down the path towards capitalism by the end of the Cold War... Also, Saddam and the Assads were WAY too oppressive, hence why they were overthrown.
Juche - You were actually doing better than the South for a while. Shame that famine had to ruin it. And while Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Un are somewhat tolerable, Kim Jong Il was an absolute idiot who never should have gotten the chance to rule North Korea. And you're very oppressive.
Pancasila - We never forget Bung Karno. Shame that that bastard Suharto ruined it all.
Chavismo - I like what you're doing in Venezuela, but you still had failures here and there, and that gave me a really bad reputation, especially in America.
Reactionary Socialism - Most of your followers seem like genuine socialists, albeit misguided. I guess I’m still not happy about how 1848 turned out.
Neosocialism - "For though they offer us concessions, change will not come from above!" --- Part of 'The Internationale'.
Fascism - I should hate you a lot more, but apparently Gentile was a Socialist? [3]
Republicanism - Most of my variants and offspring support you but you can also be quite liberal at times.
Progressivism - Most of my variants support at least most of what you stand for. But we have also had fairly large bouts too.... and also, stop hanging out with the liberals, please...
Georgism - I guess you are okay but your like for free trade and capitalism is concerning but at-least you reject unfair private ownership of land.
Social Authoritarianism - You're barely a socialist even compared to
, but I guess you do implement some socialistic policies.
Dengism - What is this? Deng, you are a dirty red capitalist. Also why is there such a high-income gap!? Poor working conditions AND sweatshops? REALLY?
To be honest, it's fun to use you to trigger capitalists in the west, but STILL.
Owning Class
Liberalism - Yes, liberty and fraternity, but still, YOU STILL SERVE AS THE MINDSET OF THE CAPITALISTS!
Social Liberalism - At least you'll give me a raise BUT STILL.
Classical Liberalism - I remember our good 'ol rivalries, good times.
American Model - Promotion of extreme privatization and rabid anti-socialism. Also, you busted my damn union! Your country is my worst nightmare. Death to America!
Libertarianism - Socialism is neither "when welfare" nor "when the government", you schizo! You also stole
his name!
State Capitalism - GIVE ME A GODDAMN... wait, you again? I can't believe some people mistake you for me or
him, do we look that much alike?!
National Socialism - Socialist or not, I STILL HATE YOU!
Neoliberalism - You're everything wrong with the world.
Neoconservatism - You dare to call me an oppressor while you overthrow democratically elected socialists and install capitalist tyrants around the world.
Zionism - Even if many of your early proponents were socialists, and yes, I do condemn anti-Semitism
at least, but still, that doesn't justify your genocidal settler-colonial occupation! FREEmostly
Jihadism and
Khomeinism - Theocratic oppressors!
At least you guys fight against thegenocidal occupiers, and the
Hamas and
Hezbollah kinda implemented
his policies.
National Syndicalism - Proletariat reactionary!
Imperialism - Oppressor of all workers abroad and the highest state of Capitalism.
Reactionaryism and
Feudalism - You make the working class literal slaves. This is actually worse than Capitalism, and that's saying something.
Authoritarian Capitalism - Proof that
liberal “democracies” are nothing more than dictatorships controlled by capitalists.
Corporatocracy - Literally every capitalist nation!
Thatcherism - Ding dong the witch is dead!
Plutocracy - EAT THE RICH!
What do you mean, you're a Socialist?Pol Potism - The black sheep of the family. You literally made people scare and despise me! You disgust me and bring shame upon our family!
Putinism - A proud reactionary, state capitalist, imperialist, tyrannical oppressor! I don't care if you support me in many places!
Fourth Theory - You may call yourself a socialist, but like NatSynd, you’re a reactionary who collaborates with
the tyrant above more than you try and bring about a socialist world order.
Further Information
- Das Kapital Volumes One, Two and Three by
Karl Marx
- Evolutionary Socialism by
Eduard Bernstein
- Why Socialism? by
Albert Einstein
- Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by
Vladimir Lenin
- The Accumulation of Capital by
Rosa Luxemburg
- It's Time For Real Change: For the Many Not the Few by The U.K. Labour Party under the Leadership of
Jeremy Corbyn
- The Soul of Man Under Socialism by
Oscar Wilde
- Understanding Socialism by
Richard D. Wolff
- After Liberalism by Immanuel Wallerstein
- Bullshit Jobs by
David Graeber
- The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy by
David Graeber
- Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market by Pierre Bourdieu
- J IS FOR JUNK ECONOMICS: A Guide To Reality In An Age Of Deception by
Michael Hudson
- The Establishment: And how they get away with it by
Owen Jones
- A People's History of the United States by
Howard Zinn
- History of Socialism
- Types of Socialism
Economic Planning
Workplace Democracy
- Socialist State
The Red Flag
- Socialist Parties
- Category: Socialism
Phillipp Mainländer
Franz Kafka
Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels
Eduard Bernstein
Louis Charles Delescluze
Jarosław Dąbrowski
Vladimir Lenin
Leon Trotsky
Joseph Stalin
Julius Martov
Ernst Thälmann
Rosa Luxemburg
Gregor Strasser
Otto Strasser
Lu Xun
Sun Yat-sen
Clement Attlee
Mao Zedong
Zhou Enlai
Kim Dynasty
Todor Zhivkov
Enver Hoxha
Nikita Khrushchev
Georgy Malenkov
Mikhail Suslov
Lyudmila Pavlichenko
Fidel Castro
Raul Castro
Che Guevara
Ho Chi Minh
Kaysone Phomvihane
Pol Pot
Erich Honecker
Leonid Brezhnev
Alexander Dubček
Gustav Husak
Mátyás Rákosi
János Kádár
Nicolae Ceaușescu
Khorloogiin Choibalsan
Muammar Gaddafi
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Bhagat Singh
Mahatma Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Luis Taruc
Lean Alejandro
Sanzo Nosaka
Inejiro Asanuma
Tetsu Katayama
Michel Aflaq
Patrice Lumumba
Salvador Allende
Lee Harvey Oswald
Martin Luther King Jr.
Malcolm X
Fred Hampton
Angela Davis
Leila Khaled
Ne Win
Dr. Najib
Kwame Nkrumah
Marien Ngouabi
Thomas Sankara
Julius Nyerere
Xi Jinping
Jose Maria Sison
Abimael Guzmán
Abdullah Öcalan
Nelson Mandela
Winnie Mandela
Hugo Chavez
Nicolas Maduro
Evo Morales
Luis Arce
Daniel Ortega
Pedro Castillo
Eugene V. Debs
Emma Goldman
Peter Kropotkin
George Orwell
Albert Einstein
Olof Palme
Noam Chomsky
Gennady Zyuganov
Michael Parenti
Jeremy Corbyn
George Galloway
Zarah Sultana
Slavoj Žižek
Richard D. Wolff
Max Blumenthal
Abby Martin
Mike Prysner
Mansoor Hekmat
Carlos Latuff
Palmiro Togliatti
Enrico Berlinguer
Antonio Gramsci
Amadeo Bordiga
Giuseppe Garibaldi
- SOCIALISM: An In-Depth Explanation by
Ryan Chapman
- Economic Update: 3 Basic Kinds of Socialism by Democracy at Work
- What Is Socialism? by NowThisWorld
- Why Socialism Is Red by azureScapegoat
- Socialism For Dummies. a lecture by
Richard D. Wolff
- POST-CAPITALISM: A Detailed Look at How It Could Work by LuckyBlackCat
- Communism & Socialism: What Do They REALLY Mean? by LuckyBlackCat
- Political Compass Rap but it's ALL SOCIALISTS ♫ by LuckyBlackCat
- Why Capitalism Is A Success (And Why Socialism Isn't) by
- Muh Surplus Labor Value by
- Economic Creationists by
Stephen Michael Davis
CCK Philosophy
Chapo Trap House
Spooky Scary Socialist
Philosophy Tube
Online Communities
- Leftypedia
Portraits and Artwork
Old portrait
Previous portrait
Credit: u/duy_physics, Source
u/K-Tech2 Source
"Socialist Compass" by Spade
Alternative designs
Red banner
Red banner 2
- ↑ Even though most people would today associate socialism with equality, that is only true of a few variants. The main concept to focus on is actually cooperation.
- ↑ Left-Wing Politics
- ↑