Welfare Chauvinism

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Not to be confused with Left-Wing Nationalism or National Socialism.

"Everyone was at one time a Social Democrat."

Welfare Chauvinism or Welfare State Nationalism is an authoritarian, economically center to center-left, culturally right-wing to far-right and ultranationalist ideology. Welfare Chauvinism believes that a welfare state should be combined with extreme nationalism. They usually advocate for welfare to be provided only to those who fit cultural, ethnic, and/or religious, etc. qualifications for what they think is a part of national identity, applying elements of Ethnocracy. Welfare Chauvinism generally supports Right-Wing Populist, National Conservative and Paternalistic Conservative governments all around. Critics say that this ideology could lead to a "Global Apartheid", if it were to be established in every country, because of ultranationalism.


National Social Capitalism

National Social Capitalism is an economically centre-left to right-wing, culturally variable (though usually right-wing to far-right), welfarist and nationalist ideology. Generally considered to be the more capitalist-oriented variation of Welfare Chauvinism, it is also related to National Capitalism; although it is usually more moderate in terms of economics, social values and authoritarianism, and is not always directly linked to Nazism. It can also be described as a fusion between National Capitalism and Social Capitalism.

Social Nationalism

Social Nationalism is in its most basic definition a Nationalist state with a social economy range from left social democracy to Rhine capitalism and potentially more right-wing systems. The nationalist state by nature would be authoritarian but social nationalism acknowledges the problems with unchecked power and supports a constitution which would control the power the executive holds, its modern form is also a traditionalist ideology that is against gay marriage and believes that the three purposes of life are Nation, God and Love. However, the traditional version of social nationalism was much more progressive in its historical context. This ideology is not to be confused with Nazism. It has seen a rise in support amongst national populist European groups and may present itself as a status quo in conservative countries like Poland and Hungary. Historical examples that are close to socnat include: Kemalist Turkey, Nationalist China under the KMT, and Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party, and Poland under Józef Piłsudski. It believes:

  • We shouldn’t strive for laissez-faire capitalism, because that will lead to a degenerate culture of materialism and consumerism and we should not strive for communism either as it is inefficient and would weaken the nation
  • Economics should be somewhat flexible so that the system that best suits the people is what gets implemented.
  • Most immigration to a country should be from culturally similar nations & people and limited to only the most skilled. Actual refugees should go to the nearest stable country that offers asylum and if no one is willing to house them then they must remain in their homeland.
  • Economic migrants should be highly restricted to the needs of the nation and from nations similar ethnically and culturally to us for easy assimilation. If they have broken the law they should either be deported or imprisoned (Depending on how serious the crime is)
  • Nationalism, Social collectivism and Traditionalism should be taught in every school, aligning with the virtues that would be important to teach to youth, while other values like discipline, high work ethic, honesty and unity would be encouraged
  • Intervention in foreign countries to spread nationalism further and for national gain is necessary, but a diplomatic option should always be tried first.


Welfare Chauvinism does not have a single founder or unifying political theory. Welfarist ultranationalist movements, most of which have developed their beliefs independently of each other, have existed since the 19th century. The term Welfare Chauvinism was first used in the 1990 paper "Structural changes and new cleavages: The progress parties in Denmark and Norway". Welfare Chauvinism is sometimes viewed as the "New Right" because it's a right-wing populist ideology that has been gaining more influence recently.


Ataka is a political party in Bulgaria that was founded in April 2005. It's founder, Volen Siderov, wrote many nationalist manifestos in the years before he founded the party. The party participated in the June 2005 elections, gaining seats in the parliament. In March 2006, the party staged a rally where Siderov criticized the governments attempt to make deals with the Turkish minority in Bulgaria, claiming that the agreements would lead to Turkey taking over Bulgaria.[23] Later in the year, presidential elections were held, and Siderov claimed election fraud after exit polls showed that he was in second place. In 2009, the party organized a rally celebrating the "liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottomans after 500 years." In the parliamentary elections later that year, Ataka gained 21 seats, but 11 later became independents. Further allegations of election fraud would be brought forward by Siderov and his party. Siderov claimed that Boyko Borisov, the PM of Bulgaria at the time, had been planning to rig the 2013 elections. Around this time, the party began to ship towards supporting regulationist polices such as the nationalization of energy businesses and increasing of taxes. Also around the same time, the party organized a anti-LGBT counter protest against the Sofia pride parade.



Eneasism is an economically centrist, culturally far-right, statist ideology, created by late Brazilian nationalist politician, Enéas Carneiro. It supports a strong state, nationalism, Economic interventionism and Technocracy.



Zaitokukai (or Association of Citizens against the Special Privileges of the Zainichi) is a radical right-wing and ultranationalist group opposing perceived privileges for Zainichi Koreans. It was founded in 2007 by Makoto Sakurai and has between 9 000 and 15 000 members. Various media have described the organisation as racist and compared it to neo-Nazis.

Japan First Party

Japan First Party has similar promises with Sakurai's campaign in the Tokyo gubernatorial election such as excluding foreigners from receiving welfare. The policies include the rewriting of the Japanese constitution from scratch to put the Emperor as the head of state, install a military, and make defence of the country a civic duty.


Slobodan Milošević

Slobodan Milošević was the first president of the Republic of Serbia (1991-1997) and the third president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1997-2000). Even though he had held previous posts, he appeared to gain political traction in Serbia in 1987, in which he declared his support for Serbs who he claimed were being oppressed by the ethnically Albanian provincial government of Kosovo. He called for the reduction of Kosovo's provincial autonomy, protection of Serb minorities and a strong crackdown on separatism in the region. Even being accused of nationalism to a large extent, even though he had denied it. When in power Milošević was known for his authoritarianism and brutality, which, inspired by Aleksandar Ranković, used brutality and oppression against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. He participated in the Yugoslav wars, especially in Kosovo, an example of which could be in 1988, when partisan meetings of the Anti-bureaucratic Revolution led to cries like "Give us weapons!" and the more segregationist "Long live Serbia — death to the Albanians!". With the repression against Albanians, he also repressed Hoxha's supporters in Kosovo and supposedly tried to create "Greater Serbia", in order to become a " second Tito ". Other things could also be the transition from one-party to multi-party, even though he had been accused of electoral fraud, establishing a Kleptocracy, Autocracy and Authoritarian Nationalism. There was police brutality against political opponents, and there was also a state-capitalist mixed economy, he put up trade barriers to encourage local industry in addition to an increase in labor laws, but in 1998 he proposed a liberal economic reform that would have trade barriers and privatization of state-owned companies, but it was overthrown in 2000 because of losing the Kosovo war and accusations of falsifications.


Espana 2000

Espana 2000 is a national conservative political party in Spain. The party was founded in 2002. The party commonly campaigns against immigration and separatism. The party has proclaimed itself as being part of the fight to defend the traditional and cultural values and heritage of Spain.


National Democrats

National Democrats were political party formed by radical faction excluded from Sweden Democrats. ND was founded in October 2001 and disbanded 13 years later. National Democrats party was nationalist, and democratic party, supportive of Ethnopluralism. It was also critical of United States' and NATO's policy regarding Serbia, Iraq, Afganistan and Palestine.

Alternative for Sweden

Alternative for Sweden is a party that was formed by former members of the Sweden Democrats and could be described as a more radical version of SD that advocated for different economics. The party advocates for the repatriation of immigrants and Hard Euroscepticism. It is also more conservative than its father with its opposition to same-sex marriage and heavy focus on the importance of christianity in swedish society. A few major differences between the two parties are their views on NATO and Environmentalism. Whereas the Sweden Democrats supports Sweden's entry into the NATO alliance, AfS does not and while the former is fairly sceptical towards the west's focus on combating climate change, the latter see environmental protections as a positive policy which could benefit Sweden.


Fascist Kemalism

Main Article Kemalism#Fascist Kemalism/Pekerism. With the influence of the rising Fascism in the world in the 1930s, Recep Peker argued that the Republican People's Party should align with Fascism. Paramilitary units affiliated with the party demanded applications such as strong party anthems and a council of fascism. His ideas were rejected by Atatürk and he dismissed Peker from the party position, putting him under high surveillance. Peker would later return as PM in 1946-1947 under Ionu, opposing any attempts at transitioning to a multi-party party system, as he believed CHP should stay in power forever. Throughout the 1930s and the 1940s, Peker oversaw the implementation of Turkification policies on Kurds and other minorities such as the wealth tax and anti-religious laws that shut down thousands of mosques. His attempts to make CHP fascist failed and he retired in 1948.

Ethnic Kemalism

Mehmet Saffet (Arın) Engin, in an article in Ülkü magazine, after stating that a nationalist society attaches importance to solidarity, listed elements such as history, language, ideals, and unity of interest as elements of solidarity. He shows an ethnocentric tendency by referring to the superiority of the Turkish ethnicity, by considering the blood factor among the unifying factors, and by including the concept of ethnicity rather than the nation in some of his views. Saffet Engin, who described Atatürk as the Great Genius and hailed him as the creator of the Turkish ethnicity at the beginning of his book in which he analyzed the Kemalist revolution, states in another chapter of a book he wrote that there was very little ethnic mixing in Anatolia. He claims that only 5.5% of dolichocephalic elements are encountered in anthropological researches in Anatolia and that a clean ethnicity type is dominant. Although he states that the concept of nation is not limited to ethnicity, Saffet Engin, who believes that ethnicity superiority is a fact, argues that the dominant ethnicity also gives the nation its character. Approaching the subject from this perspective, Saffet Engin also claims that it has been scientifically proven that the Turkish character cannot be compared with any other nation. As can be seen, Saffet Engin, who does not exclude the concept of ethnicity in the definition of a nation, speaks easily of ethnic superiority. Although this is not an approach that dominates both his own works and the general idea of ​​the period, the presence of these ethnnocentric elements in his various writings differentiates Saffet Engin's stance. However, ethnonationalism was rejected in the 1935 CHP Party Programme. In other words, if he had conveyed these ideas to Atatürk, he would have been rejected. Modern-day proponents of Ethnokemalism are Ümit Özdağ and his Zafer.png Victory Party, the Ancestral Alliance of which ZP is a part of, and 2023 presidential candidate Sinan Oğan.



Mugabeism is the ideology based on Zimbabwean revolutionary and President Robert Mugabe, who identified as a socialist. Mugabeism is left-wing, pan-Africanist and anti-imperialist. It was characterized by Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni as a populist movement and that it was influenced by forms of Marxism, like Stalinism and Maoism. He also stated that it was influenced by African nationalist ideologies, such as Nkrumaism and Ujamaa.


Main Article: Social Authoritarianism#Zimbabwe After Mugabe was overthrown, he was replaced by an acting president - Phelekezela Mphoko. 2018 general elections, first held without Mugabe, were won by ZANU-FF (his former party). Emmerson Mnangagwa became the third president. President Mnangagwa compensated white Zimbabweans for whose lands were confiscated under Mugabe and created entrepreneurship program for indigenous black population.


Welfare Chauvinism often hangs out with Right-Wing Populism and Ultranationalism, but his best friend is Paternalistic Conservatism, even though the latter is sometimes scared of him. He sometimes hangs out with Fascism and Ethnocracy. Sometimes acts as a mentor to his children . Because Welfare Chauvinism is ultranationalist, he's often racist, ethnocentric, and especially xenophobic. Despite this, he is compassionate to his countrymen, helping them out when they deal with issues such as unemployment, disease/injury or poverty.

How to Draw

Flag of Welfare Chauvinism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color it very dark grey.
  3. Draw a red flag.
  4. Draw a very dark grey rose in the middle of the flag.
  5. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Very Dark Grey#191919rgb(25, 25, 25)
 Red#C80000rgb(200, 0, 0)


Welfare-recieving master race

Mischlings with welfare cuts

  • One-Nation Conservatism - You have the right ideas but you dont take it too far.
  • Left-Wing Populism - On the right track, but way too progressive for me.
  • Aam Aadmi Party - Nationalism and Welfare is based but you are too progressive and Modi is not that bad.
  • Social Democracy & Social Liberalism - I like most of your economic ideas, but unfortunately you're both too globalist and progressive.
  • Christian Democracy - You're more moderate than me on diplomacy but you're bearable, just cut it with supporting the sodomy.
  • Social Libertarianism - Too culturally left and economically too moderate, but at least still likes welfare. Shoe0nHead is also a great woman.
  • Ordo-Liberalism - Not bad economics but too moderate, Hans-Werner Sinn is kinda based.
  • National Bolshevism - We don't need communism, but at least we both like worker benefits and ultranationalism.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - No, I won't become a socialist.
  • Kemalism - I'd like you more if you went a bit further with the Turkification thing and were less progressive. That Peker guy was really cool though, shame you kicked him out.
  • Tridemism - Similar to the above but Chinese. At least your secret police chief was hella based.
  • Conservative Socialism - Too moderate socially, too far economically.
  • Arab Socialism - I would like you more if you were a welfare capitalist, but socialism isn't that bad, I guess.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Economic liberalism only breeds more degeneracy. At least we both back Alex Gauland also Jean-Yves Le Gallou is based.
  • Alt-Lite - Too moderate and economically right-wing sadly, but at least you've got some decent ideas.
  • Nazism - Aryan-only welfare programs were based, but you're still too Darwinistic and kill disabled people rather than helping them.
  • National Capitalism - Even more Darwinist and even less welfarist, but at least ultranationalist. Since I don't give welfare to immigrants, the economic system they live in is yours
  • Nordic Model - Some good economic policies, but most of the Nordic countries are way too progressive and pro-immigrant. Though I do kinda like what Frederiksen's been doing for Denmark. Finns Party and Alternative for Sweden are both great.
  • National Libertarianism - The least bad lolbertarian.
  • Labour Zionism - Ben-Gurion seemed pretty based. But many of your modern variants are two state solution and support him.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Has a lot of cool ideas but takes this whole "tradition" thing waaaaaaaaaay too far. Also, feudalism divides the nation.
  • Fiscal Conservatism - Austerity is cringe, but at least we both hate welfare-seeking immigrants and external debt.
  • National Liberalism - We have our differences regarding your economics, but we have common enemies and friends like the EU and Geert Wilders respectively, also we hate welfare-seeking immigrants.
  • Trumpism - If only you kept your pro-M4A views and weren't cucked to the GOP establishment...
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - Too progressive and not nationalist enough, but at least is welfarist. Though Woodrow Wilson was probably the USA's greatest president!
  • Neo-Gaullism - Mixed bag. At least Marine Le Pen likes you.
  • Hoppeanism -"That is, they subsidize immigration- they force taxpayers to subsidize immigration. In particular, they also subsidize domestic employees who contract foreign cheaper workers".
  • Longism - Patriotism is not enough, embrace ultranationalism! But Coughlin was good.

Subhumans not worthy of welfare

  • Civic Nationalism - You're a fake nationalist.
  • Corporatocracy - Corporations not only damage our national values with their globalism but also devalue the wages of our workers by inviting millions of immigrants to steal their jobs.
  • Globalism - I won't join any global alliance, and I won't let anyone in.
  • Multiculturalism - NO ONE CAN COME IN!
  • Cosmopolitanism - Moderate Globalism is still a really bad idea.
  • Neoliberalism - A progressive globalist who wants to destroy my country.
  • State Liberalism - Globalism? Progressivism? Plutocracy? You are so much worse than the above!
  • Marxism - You want to destroy the nation. Haha, workers won't rise because they have a safety net.
  • Marxism–Leninism - Tankies take it too far. Also, way too progressive.
  • Trotskyism - Communism is already really bad, but globalism is even worse.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Evil progressive who really hates me.
  • Anationalism - Anarchism and Globalism, are two awful things combined.
  • Pink Capitalism - No welfare, just woke? Disgusting.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Same as above. Supports progressivism and open borders, yet opposes welfare and protectionism. At least we both agree that you can't have open borders and a welfare state.
  • Third Way - Clinton and Blair's neoliberal and progressive policies were a complete disaster. (At least you like welfare)
  • Islamic Theocracy - You're taking up all the welfare, get out now before you taint our gene pool and destroy our native faith! Even in the Middle East, my regional variants fight against you.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Just another cringe laisses-faire who pretends he's a conservative.
  • Radicalism - Your love for aliens is a disease! (At least you also like welfare)
  • Cultural Marxism - The greatest evil of modern days!

Further Information







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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TkFn6oXlhk
  2. [1]
  3. https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id-moe/09347.pdf
  4. [2]
  5. 5.0 5.1 https://iwpr.net/global-voices/milosevic-exploits-serb-homophobia
  6. Milosevic sponsored and had close ties with the Serbian mafia, black market sellers and smugglers, and other criminal groups.
  7. 7.0 7.1 How Serbia Destroyed Itself by Living Ironically in Europe
  8. Some have argued that Milosevic was not a true nationalist and only used nationalist rhetoric in order to maintain/further his career in the wake of communism growing less popular. In the 1993-1998 period he positioned himself as a "peacemaker", claiming to put pressure on the Bosnian Serbs to end the war so that the international community would cease sanctioning Serbia.
  9. [3]
  10. Despite considering himself to be a socialist, Milosevic often pragmatically collaborated with the anti-socialist Serbian Radical Party and even considered them his favorite opposition party. This is very similar to the Querfront strategy in which far-right groups and far-left groups cooperate to achieve a shared goal.
  11. "I am still the Hitler of the time. This Hitler has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights over their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be Hitler tenfold." - Robert Mugabe, in response to being referred to as "The Hitler of Africa"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Why Not Authoritarianism? Basic RWP Argument Against Authoritarianism
  13. You aren’t defending the West. You’re defending the liberal institutionalism which arose out of the West. You hate the West and support mass-migration into the West to mold it into a global liberal community.
  14. American Renaissance: What We Have Lost - Jared Taylor. If liberal democracy continues on its way, our people, our heritage, our hopes will be tossed into the common pit and everything we love will be denatured, perverted, lost.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Mr. Beat is a Liberal Lunatic Pretending To Be Unbiased
  16. Visiting Russia at the Midst of War 2024
  17. Although UBERSOY has made statements that are widely said by many White Nationalists, he is quite subtle and not too extreme about it. He also doesn't use racial slurs.
  18. I will always respect Oswald Mosley
  19. Woodrow Wilson is probably one of American greatest presidents
  20. What’s wrong with Woodrow Wilson?
  21. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe /2022/05/05/milos-zeman-is-czech-president-s-remorse-genuine-over-his-pro-russian-stance
  22. [4]
  23. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4772360.stm