Social Democracy
"For us democracy is a question of human dignity. And human dignity is political freedom, the right to freely express opinion and the right to be allowed to criticise and form opinions. Human dignity is the right to health, work, education and social welfare. Human dignity is the right and the practical possibility to shape the future with others. These rights, the rights of democracy, are not reserved for a select group within society, they are the rights of all the people."
Social Democracy, often clipped to SocDem, is an economically center-left ideology. It is usually culturally left, albeit not exclusively. It advocates for
strong welfare programs, unionization, with the addition of vast
regulation to promote
social justice. It is often confused with
Democratic Socialism, or sometimes socialism in general (which is largely seen as a US phenomenon in the modern day). Despite often being called a "socialist" by right-wing ideologies, Social Democracy is often excluded from
leftist circles as well due to their support for merely reforming
capitalism as an end-goal rather than abolishing it. Social Democracy finds that a lot of welfare programs and business regulations, when achieved through
reform rather than revolution, can lead to higher prosperity for the proletariat, rather than systems of
unregulated capitalism or
Beliefs and Views
Social Democracy believes in a liberal democratic framework, Liberal democracy is a form of system operating under the civic principles of
classical liberalism. But however, Social Democratic economics are incredibly different from classical liberalism.
Social Democracy is a center-left ideology that believes in a mixed economy with a
welfare state funded by progressive taxation. They believe in re-distributing wealth via taxes to make
capitalism more humane. However
many social democrats also consider it within their goal to abolish capitalism entirely. And
many others, while not being as ideological as Bernstein's followers, would consider being called a liberal or a capitalist as abhorrent.
While, not being Marxist (well
mostly not anyway), social democrats still subscribe to Karl Marx's scientific socialism, which calls for an analysis of historical events as class conflict and material desires being unfulfilled. Scientific socialism also calls for a mass workers' movement, opposition to an
intellectual and most definitely an
aristocratic movement. This Scientific socialism is the main differentiation between a left-wing liberal and a social democrat.
Social Liberalism came from an intellectual elite while social democracy comes from unions, workers, and farmers.
They subscribe to the Liberal interpretation of human rights. That being the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Social Democrats alter the
Liberal interpretation of 'human rights' to include equality, justice, and solidarity.
To make it simpler, here are the 4 principles of Social Democracy.
Freedom which means, to social democrats, that every individual should be able to decide how they should live, and that the
state and
society should not interfere arbitrarily such as financial security, education and social opportunities.
This is mainly connecting to Social Democracy's beliefs and views in Social Justice, Social Equality, taxation, and welfare.
Social Democracies tend to support a universalist welfare. Instead of only subsidizing private services or giving them to the needy, the provisions are available for everyone. The supported policies are universal childcare, care for the elderly, education, healthcare and workers' compensation. This is due to social democrat's belief that 1) so called "means testing" is in fact more expensive than universal welfare. 2) Benefit scroungers are so rare that they do not even matter to be considered on the political scale.
Justice means, to social democrats, that in the eyes of the law every citizen is equal, regardless of race, gender, gender/sexual identity and wealth. However, justice also means that everyone is given equal opportunity to succeed and make their own fortune and way in life often requiring state intervention to deal with issues of crime, low education, low wages and high prices for basic necessities.
Solidarity means everyone, society, being willing to help one another. Social democrats view solidarity as the glue that holds society together. Solidarity means that sectoral bargaining is implemented in at least the most crucial industries and public services, such as healthcare, transportation and education, in order to prevent strikes in those institutions from disrupting the rest of society. But likewise, society will pay these essential workers high wages to ensure they can make ends meet.
Left-Social Democracy 
Left-Social Democracy is a variant of social democracy which often expresses advocacy for protectionism or
economic nationalism,
left-wing populism, a mixed economy (though some support full on
market socialist economics), and
state guidance of the economy. British left-social democrats (the
Labour Party until the 1950s more specifically) espoused
imperialism, seeing the
Empire as the best way to spread their economic model globally. A lot of the social democrats after World War II would adopt
Keynesian economics to their policy prescriptions, seeing demand-side economics as most compatible with their ideals of high unionization and
welfarism. Something which divides left-social democrats is the willingness to transition the economy out of
capitalism, as many stick true to their
anti-capitalist roots. All
classical social democrats would fall under this category. Most all Left-Social Democrats support some level of
Workplace Democracy whether it is implemented partially under a capitalist organization or completely under a market socialist organization of the economy.
Right-Social Democracy 
Right-Social Democracy is the right-wing variant of Social Democracy. The ideology believes that equality and social justice are valid aspirational goals, but favor market-based means to achieve them. Right-social democrats see the government’s role in the economy as a
regulator rather than an active
actor. They express concerns with
balanced budgets and are usually supportive of
free trade. Both left and right-social democrats support the establishment of a robust
welfare state. Most right-social democrats follow the
Third Way, which is a compromise between
neoliberalism and the
social market economy; although many
Christian Democratic parties can be described as right-socdems. The best examples of Right-Social Democracy are the
United Kingdom under
Tony Blair and
Thailand under
Thaksin Shinawatra.
Libertarian Social Democracy
Main article: Social Libertarianism
Libertarian Social Democracy is a economically center-left and civically libertarian ideology. It is considered a more moderate form of left-libertarianism. It supports basic social democratic principals and policies but with an added focus on
civil liberties and is opposed to rampant
statism outside of the economy. They also tend to support
Direct Democracy and
Non-Interventionist foreign policy. Notable examples of Libertarian Socdems include late former Alaska senator
Mike Gravel, left-wing political commentator and
Kyle Kulinski and former
Democratic presidential candidate, author and activist
Marianne Williamson.
Economic Progressivism
Economic Progressivism, or Fiscal Progressivism, is a form of Social Democracy that is a political and economic philosophy incorporating the socioeconomic principles of social democrats and political progressives. Economic Progressivism is rooted in social justice through improving human conditions through government regulation and social protections. Economic Progressivism differs from social market capitalism to socialism, and critiques capitalism in ways such as: market fundamentalism, wage slavery, "socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor" as well as rugged individualism.
Social Feminism
Social Feminism is a feminist movement that advocates for social rights and special accommodations for women. It was first used to describe members of the women's suffrage movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who were concerned with social problems that affected women and children. They saw obtaining the vote mainly as a means to achieve their reform goals rather than a primary goal in itself. After women gained the right to vote, social feminism continued in the form of labor feminists who advocated for protectionist legislation and special benefits for women. Although the validity of the term "social feminism" is highly disputed between historians and its original usage.
Social Stratocracy
Social Stratocracy is an economically center-left, statist, strongly patriotic, culturally centrist and militaristic ideology which supports the combination of social democratic economic policies, such as a market economy heavily regulated in favour of the working class, an abundance of social programs and public ownership of businesses such as education and healthcare, with a belief in a military-led government. Advocates tend to argue that a strong military capability, "predominance of the armed forces in the administration of the state," and glorification of the military is needed in an ideal society and that the nation should be prepared to use military force in order to defend or promote its national interests.
Conservative Social Democracy
Conservative Social Democracy is a form of social democracy that believes in moderation and compromise in order to guide their country. It is different, though similar on the bottom line, to Paternalistic Conservatism 2: Eletric Boogaloo
Paternalistic Conservatism as paternalistic conservativism justifies welfare by the concept of
Paternalism- in that the state should protect and assist the less fortunate in society; whereas Conservative Social Democracy justifies welfare as a tool for empowering trade unions and the working class.
Cosmopolitan Social Democracy
Main article: Cosmopolitanism
Cosmopolitan Social Democracy is a culturally progressive,
globalist, and economically
center-left ideology that seeks to establish a
global institution of democracy under
social democratic principles, and the
global justice movement that supports globalization, but opposes
economic globalization. He wants to protect
civil rights and promote economic justice globally with these principles in mind.
Agrarian Social Democracy
Main Article on Agrarian Socialism
Summary of tenants
- Agrarian Social Democracy supports widespread ownership of the means of production, seeking to promote small businesses, worker co-ops, collective farms, and smallholdings while suppressing big enterprises and wealth inequality.
- Favors the
municipalization and/or
nationalization of key sectors and industries; especially areas prone to natural monopoly, requiring large-scale production, or related to military production.
- Aspires to achieve economic decentralization through
wealth caps,
anti-trust legislation,
pro-competition policies, and (sometimes)
protectionism; doing so lends itself to
political decentralization.
- Favors decentralized or local-level
welfare programs and
regulatory agencies to (a) ensure a minimum standard of living for all citizens and (b) to protect workers from abusive, exploitative predicaments.
- Followers typically despise
central or fractional reserving banking, preferring community banks, credit unions, and fiscal policy over monetary policy.
Distributist Social Democracy
Distributist Social Democracy, clipped to DistSocDem, is an
economically center-left and culturally variable ideology which seeks widespread ownership of the means of production and a strong welfare state—combining
Distributism with
Social Democracy. Such an economic model is in sharp contrast to Social Democracy's common present-day manifestation, which is more
neoliberal in character. It can also be seen as
Social Distributism without the influence of
Fourth Theory.
Christian social democracy, Christian, is a form of Christian democracy and social democracy that is center-left in its economics, culturally variable (depending on theology), and civically variable. It differs from center-right neoliberalism that often practices this ideology with its support for economic distributionism (it depends, not always), a mixed/social market economy, and a welfare state justified under the teachings of theology and sometimes the teachings of notable socialist writers such as Karl Marx.
Historically, Social Democracy was used interchangeably with Democratic Socialism, which is still rather common in the
United States, especially since Bernie Sanders' rise in popularity. After World War 2, Social Democracy becomes its own identity and promoted a strong welfare state under a
capitalist economy. Social Democracies have been established in Europe and other types of the world as follows:
India since the establishment of the DPSP, the
Republic of France during the 1930's before
German Occupation,
Australia ever since WWII,
Sri Lanka since the early 1940's,
the French Republic after the fall of Nazi France,
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland.
The Social Democratic Party had its roots in Reformist Marxism and was founded 1888 by Victor Adler as Social Democratic Workers Party of Austria. After 1918 Otto Bauer invented Austromarxism and the party followed a more communist direction as Karl Renner supported Rosa Luxemburg and wanted Austria to join the USSR. Between 1918 and 1933 the party only was part of one government but became popular in Vienna were the SPÖ seized power (Red Vienna). In 1923 the SPÖ founded the paramilitary Republican Protection League (Republikanischer Schutzbund) and the party radicalized in the following years. After the civil war 1933 the SPÖ was forbidden and was in resistance against Austrofascism and Nazism (until 1945).
After 1945 Karl Renner reinvented the party as Socialist Party of Austria and created the Sozialpartnerschaft together with the ÖVP to prevent any civil wars in the future. In the 1970s the party gained absolute power in government under
Bruno Kreisky. In the 1990s and early 2000s the SPÖ followed the Third Way direction under Franz Vranitzky (who renamed the party into Social Democratic Party of Austria), Victor Klima and Alfred Gusenbauer. Since the late 2000s the party is following a more left direction as Heinz Fischer called Fidel Castro one of the greatest politicians of the 20th and 21st century and Andreas Schieder said that the PKK is not a terrorist group. The only exception is Hans-Peter Doskozil in Burgenland who follows a more nationalistic and welfare chauvenist direction.
The party is very strong in Vienna; from 1918 to 1933 and since 1945 all mayors of Vienna were SPÖ-members.
In 2023 the dispute of the 3 wings of the party, the left-liberal wing under Pamela Rendi-Wagner, the conservative wing under Hans-Peter Doskozil and the marxist wing under Andreas Babler, escalated and all 3 are fighting for the leadership of the party.
The SPÖ section Der Funke (The Spart) is member of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT).
Red Vienna
See Main Article:
After WWI Otto Bauer, Max Adler and Karl Seitz seized power in Vienna and promoted some sortiert of democratic communism which was influenced by Centrist Marxism, Authoritarian Democracy, Nationalism, Anti-Globalism and Anti-Imperialism.
They nationalized many buisnesses in Vienna, invented an inheritance tax, a rich tax and government housing for people with low or none income. This led to the name Red Vienna.
They also supported the unions and for some extend the USSR.
After the civil war 1934 the Fatherland Front put an end to Red Vienna. After WWII the SPÖ was again the strongest party in Vienna but never completely returned to the ideology of Austromarxism.
Liesinger Partie
The Liesinger Partie (Liesinger Party), named after a district of Vienna, is a circle wìthin the SPÖ which promotes Corporatism and to some extend Left-Wing Populism. It is often falsely seen as the right-wing of the party. The Liesinger Partie is economically centrist to center-left, culturally center-left and semi-authoritarian. It promotes a class collaboration instead of a class war.
The Liesinger Partie held the power in the party from 2008 to 2023 and is still in power in Vienna. In 2008 Werner Faymann together with Doris Bures, Christian Deutsch and Josef Ostermayer seized power in the SPÖ and ended the neoliberal influenced course of Victor Klima and Alfred Gusenbauer and also set an end to the partnership with the Liberal Forum. Faymann became chancellor and formed a coalition with the ÖVP. In 2014 they installed Michael Ludwig as the successor of Viennas mayor Michael Häupl. In 2023 the Liesinger Parte lost power after Hans-Peter Doskozil and Andreas Babler won a member vote against Pamela Rendi-Wagner.

Main Article:
Nordic Model
The Swedish Social Democratic Party had its roots in Reformist Marxism, like most social democratic parties in Europe. They were in and out of governments from 1917 to 1936, when they stayed in governance for just under 40 years, sometimes with a coalition sometimes with a genuine majority. The Swedish Social Democratic Party implemented a robust social safety net and nationalized several important industries, such as establishing a state-owned company for certain types of alcohol! However, the Swedish Social Democrats long term in office would come to an end in 1991 when
Carl Bildt was elected PM after severe political controversy emerged over the
Rudolf-Meidner plan which saw vast privatisations of state industries and monopiles, a repeal of the Rudolf-Meidner plan and has been a shadow over the
SAP ever since.

Main Article:
Nordic Model

Main Article:
Nordic Model
Danish Social Democracy (In Danish: Socialdemokratiet) represents the social democratic political party in Denmark. Under the leadership of Mette Frederiksen, the party became increasingly skeptical of mass immigration from Islamic countries,
globalization, and other
neoliberal policies that have been adopted under the social democratic parties in Europe that have caused their political performance to decline due to the abandoning of social democratic values for the rise of
third-way neoliberalism. It has been described as
welfare chauvinist.
Democratic Coalition (DK) is a
social liberal,
social democratic,
pro-European party in Hungary in founded October 22, 2011. It was formed by politicians leaving the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) under the leadership of former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány and the intellectual milieu surrounding them. It defines itself as a westernised, bourgeois center-left party. His political goals are summarised in the Manifesto of the Republic and in the political analysis entitled "Let us dare to be patriots".
Party leader and former Prime Minister of Hungary Ferenc Gyurcsány is a supporter of Third Way politics. The party platform has adopted elements of social liberalism and strongly pro-European themes. During the 2019 European Parliament election campaign, the EP list leader of the Democratic Coalition, Klára Dobrev, announced to the press that her party would seek to build a United States of Europe during her mandate, thus becoming a
European federalist. During the campaign, DK included a number of center-left proposals in its more social democratic platform, including tackling child poverty, an EU-wide minimum pension, an EU minimum wage, a new EU tax on multinational corporations and EU funds for affordable housing.
In the 2014 European election, DK received 9.75% of the vote, and had two MEPs returned. On 26 May 2014, Csaba Molnar announced that DK had applied to join the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. In October 2022, the party became an associate member of the Party of European Socialists.

Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) - a Polish center-left political party, founded on April 15 1999 by activists of most of the organizations included in the SLD coalition. This coalition was centered around the Social Democracy of the Republic of Poland party and was established in 1991.
In the years 1993–1997, the SLD coalition formed a majority government with the Polish People's Party, and its prime ministers were Józef Oleksy (1995–1996) and Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz (1996–1997). The SLD party formed the government in the years 2001–2005 (until 2003, majority government, coalition with PSL and Labor Union; from 2003, minority government with some left-wing parties). The prime ministers appointed by the party were Leszek Miller (2001–2004) and
Marek Belka (2004–2005). In the years 1995–2005,
Aleksander Kwaśniewski, from the SLD coalition, served as the President of the Republic of Poland.
Since 2005, SLD has been in the opposition (in the parliamentary opposition until 2015 and since 2019, and in the extra-parliamentary opposition in 2015–2019). The Democratic Left Alliance was a member of, among others, Party of European Socialists, he also belonged to the Socialist International. In the European Parliament he was a member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. The party's ideology came from the social democratic trend.
Due to plans to merge with Wiosna, SLD formally adopted the name Nowa Lewica, registered on January 27, 2020. The party's abbreviation was not changed by the court at that time. On June 11, 2021, as a result of the dissolution of
Wiosna and its activists' declaration of joining the New Left, the two groups actually merged. On July 17, 2021, the SLD and Wiosna factions were formally established within the New Left. A congress was held on October 9, 2021, which sealed the process of combining both environments through the parity election of authorities.

Main Article:
Nordic Model
Sanna Marin is a Finnish politician, congresswoman, former Minister of Transport and Communications and the Prime Minister of Finland. As a congresswoman, she has served on the grand committee, legal committee, and environment committee, and has had congressional memberships on administration, futures, and finance committees.
As prime minister, she aimed to reform the Nordic Model to adapt to the environment, also opposing nuclear energy and having made alliances with environmentalists. It self-proclaims its values being "freedom, equality and solidarity" and "joint and communal responsibility". A characteristic of her government would be its opposition to Russia and Putin, who even initially opposed NATO membership, later, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in which Finland became favorable to NATO membership, making the alliance sign an accession protocol, in addition to being pro-Zelenskyy and pro-improvement of the relationship with Estonia. Even though it claims to be left (center-left), Finland is still the most economically free country, with Denmark behind according to The Heritage Foundation.
There are controversies surrounding her, such as the actions regarding the pandemic, the low quality of the food benefit (among other things) and a video of a private party she attended, increasing opposition, especially from the conservatives.
Main Article:
Nordic Model

In the later years of the USSR
Gorbachev will try to do something like Social Democracy (and failed) in the USSR
In 2006, Many parties merged to form the A Just Russia which is a Social Democratic party in
Russia Debatably is because the Right-Wing
Rodina was apart of the party until 2012 and it is considered Controlled Opposition and in 2021 the For Truth Party joined A Just Russia renaming it to A Just Russia - For Truth as of 2024 it is the third largest party only behind
United Russia and the
CPRF and having more seats then the
PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party) was first formed in 1879 and had been in government longer than any Spanish political party. It is the ruling party of Spain and of course, is very popular.
United Kingdom 
The British Labour Party was first formed on the 27th of February 1900 by the Labour Representation Committee (a pressure group that focused on workers' rights) and was initially socialist and the abolition of private property was included in the party's platform but by the 1940s, in accordance with many other
"socialist" political parties in Europe, the abolishment of private property was dropped from their party platform and they swiftly won elections after this.
Clement Atlee was elected prime minister in 1945, just three years later his party created the NHS and oversaw mass nationalizations and the formation of a comprehensive welfare state.
In the 90s, the concept of the "Third Way" was first thought up by Anthony Gidden. Originally intended to be a rebranded version of
Social Democracy, as well as an alternative to traditional forms of
Socialism and
Capitalism. The
Labour Party, after 4 consecutive election losses to the
Tory Party, decided to adopt
Gidden's idea of the "Third Way" under the leadership of
Tony Blair and rebranded itself as "New Labour". Blair moved the party to the
right, embracing most of
Margaret Thatcher's polices. Blair went on to beat the
Tories in a landslide in 1997, being the first
Labour leader to be PM in 18 years. After his involvement in the Iraq War in 2003, Blair's premiership became increasingly unpopular with the public.
He resigned in 2007 and was replaced with Gordan Brown, who was nearly identical to Blair in policy but differed interpersonally. Brown lost in a landslide against the
Tories under
David Cameron in 2010. His replacement,
Ed Miliband was slightly to the left of him and Blair, but still compromised on issues like austerity and famously immigration where he took a stance similar to Cameron's Muscular Liberalism.
In 2015, Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the
Labour Party and his victory was seen as a rejection of the
New Labour direction and the party finally moving back to the
left. Corbyn rid Labour of most of its Third Way influence but due to Corbyn's silence on Anti Semitism within the Labour Party following a report from the European Court of Human Rights. Corbyn was ousted by
Keir Starmer who, although praised Corbyn for making Labour the party of Anti Austerity, condemned Corbyn and removed many Corbynites from the party leading to Starmer being accused by the Left wing of Labour to be third way however he is much further left than Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and was a member of Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet for years. Starmer has taken a more fiscally responsible and business friendly approach than Corbyn did, which does not help his perceived association with New Labour, however with his "securonomics" he supports increasing the role of government to help the unfortunate and as the Shadow Brexit Secretary he called for a second referendum on leaving the European Union however now as Labour leader has distanced himself from Europe.
United States
Congressional Progressive Caucus
The Congressional Progressive Caucus is the most left-leaning faction in the
Democratic Party. The founding CPC members were concerned about the economic hardship imposed by the deepening recession and the growing inequality brought about by the timidity of the Democratic Party response in the early 1990s. On January 3, 1995, at a standing room only news conference on Capitol Hill, they were the first group inside Congress to chart a comprehensive legislative alternative to U.S. Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Contract with America. The CPC's ambitious agenda was framed as "The Progressive Promise: Fairness".
Sandersism is an ideology based off of the
American progressive independent candidate Bernie Sanders. It is economically
center-left to
environmentalist, and
culturally progressive. Being a
left-social democrat and a
democratic socialist, Bernie supports strong government intervention in the economy, strong welfare programs, trade protectionism, worker co-operatives, and unions. Socially, he supports abortion rights, racial equality, feminism,
drug decriminalization, secularism, criminal justice reform, and other policies associated with the cultural left. He is associated with the
Vermont Progressive Party and
Social Democrats USA
The Social Democrats USA (SDUSA) was an organization established in 1972 as the successor to the Socialist Party of America (SPA). It was founded by moderate socialists and social democrats who took a hardline anti-communist stance throughout the remainder of the Cold War. Many SDUSA members such as Penn Kemble and Bayard Rustin were associated with Neoconservatism. The SDUSA today is nearly defunct, about to be overtaken by
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) which is more left-wing due to
Michael Harrington, who in 1972 announced that he favored an immediate pull-out of American forces from Vietnam and coined the term "neoconservative". After losing all votes at the 1972 Harrington resigned in 1973 to form the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, the forerunner of DSA.
Vermontese Progressivism
Vermontese Progressivism is based off of the beliefs of the regional Vermont Progressive Party, a left-wing political party active in the U.S. State of Vermont. On social issues it advocates for social justice, the
end of systemic racism,
gender equality,
LGBT rights, disabled rights, easier immigration, and an open and inclusive society. As for economics, it supports left-wing policies such as progressive taxation,
universal healthcare, free education,
housing for all, and
small, local cooperatives as opposed to multinational corporations. It also supports
combatting climate change, including a transition to renewable energy. As for foreign policy, it supports diplomacy and pacifism, and
opposes interventionism.
Despite a social democratic party never being elected federally as the largest party and only once elected to federal official, social democracy has had a large influence on Canadian politics and is the main ideology of the New Democratic Party, and has played a massive role in provincial and local politics.

Main Article:
Main Article:
Center-Left Kemalism
Main Article:
Labour Zionism
South Korea
Abdul Razak Hussein
Kamarazaman Yaakob
Democratic Action Party
The Australian Labor Party was historically a social democratic party, and claims to still be. However, since 1983 and the election of
Bob Hawke, they have been largely more
Third Way. Despite this, they still have some social democratic individuals.
There was also a Social Democratic party founded in 1980 that lasted 3 years and didn't get any seats.
New Zealand
Social Democracy is generally portrayed as being quite caretaking of other people, even if they may not like it. They are occasionally mistaken for Democratic Socialism, which they usually don't like, but they'll often proudly call themself a democratic socialist in
The United States. He will get very mad at
Italian Left Communism and
Marxism–Leninism whenever they call him a "Social Fascist".
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Color the ball red
- Draw a white rose on the ball, extending from the bottom to the upper-middle
- Add the eyes
You're finished!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Red | #E10600 | rgb(225, 6, 0) | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) |
Nordic Model - We're essentially the same.
Keynesian School - We make the government spend... together.
Social Feminism - The best form of
Regulationism - Time to tax and regulate those big businesses!!
Iron Front - Down with
Communism! Down with
Fascism! Down with
Libertarian Social Democracy - My left libertarian buddy. Basically, me but with more of an emphasis on civil liberties.
Internationalism - Globalism minus the bad parts, based!
Fair-Trade - Protectionism minus the bad parts, even more based!
Christian Social Democracy - My religious Son, still better than your conservative
Social Georgism - Most of my advocates support LVT but I dunno about
Georgism in general. Still a good person to talk to.
Alter-Globalism - Many of my (non-Western) advocates support you!
Reformist Marxism - My father whom I love very much, although nowadays Marxism is too unpopular but his reformist ways let me chart my own path for the working people.
Third Way - My son, you have made a lot of good progress but did you really have to undo some of my work?
Social Capitalism - Humanising capitalism is great, we don't need a revolution just some light reforms.
Avaritionism - I've become friends with school shootersCenter-Left Populism - For the Working People!
Left-Wing Nationalism - WP SNP DMK and BQ is pretty great, also we need to reclaim patriotism and nationalism from the far-right. We cannot let them steal our national flags.
Civic Nationalism - Best nationalist by far, though that doesn't say much. Some of my followers are more
Social Authoritarianism - Um, I don't know who you are at all.
I do still stan Ebert and Noske protecting our democratic republic from communists thoughMarket Socialism - I support decentralized worker cooperatives within a democratic framework, but I'm more in favor with private enterprises.
Progressivism - I like you but the police matter too, and also you do really need a shower.
Austromarxism - You created me in Austria but are really extreme now, good song though.
Social Libertarianism - Too libertarian, I like unviversal welfare but UBI seems a bit too much and even austere considering the amount we'll have to cut.
Liberal Socialism - You are cool and we are closely related but I am not a liberal or a socialist.
Social Liberalism - We do a lot of coalitions, but I am still not a liberal.
Centrist Marxism - Too revolutionary and far left, but you are BFFs with my dad and are anti-authoritarian socialists too so I will give you a pass.
Eurocommunism - Most based communist post WW2, still a commie though.
Socialism - Too revolutionary and your authoritarian variants can fuck right off but you did start this whole thing anyway.
Globalism - Look I am all for helping the consumer and developing countries, but you have led to massive inequality and virtual slave labor.
Protectionism - And you have the exact opposite problem, I love helping workers keep their jobs and standing up for human rights abroad, but you tend to make products unreasonably expensive for the average consumer.
Paternalistic Conservatism - We often fight in elections, but he's a worthy opponent.
One-Nation Conservatism - A slightly more nationalist version of the above, decent opponent.
Christian Democracy - Pretty much just a more religious version of the above, also fairly decent to fight with.
Liberal Conservatism - And again also like the above.
Democrats - I work for you but why does your establishment keep preventing me and
My Friends
into power?
American Model - Maybe one day Bernie Sanders will put you in the right direction, but for now, can you just stop calling me a socialist?
Ceremonial Monarchism - Meh, you go against my belief that every man is equal and I would abolish you if I could but I just don't care about you.
Laicism - I agree that separation of church and state is necessary, but you come across as a tad too authoritarian and at times even slightly racist for me.
Socialism of the 21st Century - Depends on the mood he's in.
Capitalism - Maybe my modern type is good with you, but my ideological spirit will always be your enemy, I will never go under your umbrella like the Social Liberals, you have to pay taxes and accept my economic rules and regulations.
Bismarckism - While I appreciate you a lot for installing the first welfare state, I'm still pretty pissed with how much you tried to suppress my movement.
Democratic Confederalism - Some of my parties in the past were somewhat sympathetic to you, but why do you call us a failed attempt to reform capitalism? We both like the HDP at least.
Neoconservatism - You're very controversial among my followers. You always try to coup me in the third world but my followers in the West have become more accepting of you in recent years. At least we both hate Russia and China.
Neoliberalism - I like to say I hate but you've infiltrated most of my parties in the west nowadays.
Anti-Centrism - Hates me for being moderate, but he doesn't know I created him.
Democratic Socialism - Brother, we often work together for working people but his visions are pretty distorting and I think he needs the doctor.
Zionism - I get that anti-semitism is awful... and the idea of Jews having their state is actually good, but I think you should calm down sometimes, and stop killing Palestinians. Also, Marwan Barghouti once supported the peace process, but as your vile actions became clear.. a Third Intifada could prevail.
Syndicalism - Unions are great but there are lots of non-unionised workers who still count, farmers and small businesses are also pretty important.
Welfare Chauvinism - My racist son who constantly sells out his principles for his racism, I try and be a good dad but you make my life so hard.
Libertarian Marxism - Stop bringing up that Marx quote to me! I don't have a "Servile belief in the state".
Jacksonian Democracy - Racist demagogue who committed genocide against thousands of native Americans and promoted an economic policy that doomed the USA.
Putinism - God awful dictator and imperialist. Hands off Ukraine! If only Gorbachev had been given a second chance before he passed away... Idk why my
Mongolian, Russian, Ukrainian, Slovakian and South African variants likes you for some reason.
Left-Wing Populism - Why do you favor strikes, socialism, and (in some cases) revolution? Don't you know that the best way to achieve stuff is to work within the system? But I like
him though.
Acid Communism - Communist psycho who hates me for improving the living standards of workers he claims to care about.
Marxism - You may be my grandfather, but you fail to realize how beneficial working within the system is.
Libertarianism - Just because I like Bernie Sanders doesn't mean I'm a communist!
Babouvism - Started all of these psychotic revolutionaries.
Austrian School - You caused countless depressions and recessions since the birth of capitalism, so I and my
friend undid all your work.
Hayekism - If right-libertarians understood humanity, they wouldn't be right-libertarians.
At least you believed on a minimum of food, shelter and clothing, like you said; I don't think it's best that we just leave that stuff up to local governments though.[Note 2]Classical Conservatism - Goddamn Tories.
Spartacism - Cope harder commie. You attempted to overthrow a democratic government and failed miserably, HA!
*quietly tightens fiber wire*Marxism–Leninism - The "Social Fascist" is
Social Authoritarianism, not me! Also, you scumbag worked with
him to sabotage me![Note 3][84]
But your Eastern European and Mongolian Variants became me Post-Cold War.[85][86][87][88][89]Titoism - Another ML, hating Stalin and killing Nazis is good but authoritarianism still isn't.
Maoism - Bastard who killed 80 million of his own people.
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - Combination of the two above.
Maoism–Third Worldism - Piss off
Neo-Libertarianism - The most American ideology I have seen. And no that is not a compliment.
Monarcho-Capitalism - Another benefit of solving climate change, apart from saving the entire world, is that your totalitarian regimes will not exist anymore.
National Bolshevism - What an abomination.
Italian Left Communism - You claim to love the working class, but all you do is sit on an armchair reading political literature all day, without contributing to society you lazy prick!
Anarcho-Capitalism - Healthcare is a human right!
Imperialism - Stop trying to coup me every time I try to nationalize my country's natural resources.
Fascism - Leave me alone, fascist pig!
National Conservatism,
Alt-Lite and
Right-Wing Populism - I! AM! NOT! A! COMMIE!
Alt-Right - Neo-nazi asshole.
Juche - Stop using
my name for propaganda you totalitarian scumbag!
Pinochetism - Allende wasn't perfect but he didn't deserve to be overthrown for that, and YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S THE DICTATOR NOT HIM!
Pink Capitalism - We could have been friends but you just had to cause economies to collapse.
Objectivism - Stop throwing around your pseudo-intellectual garbage to justify hating poor people.
Salazarism - I only overthrew you to give people true freedom.
Corporatocracy - That's why I hate laissez-faire and I care about small businesses, you also caused the concentration of much of the world's wealth to go to 1% of the population.
Authoritarian Capitalism - Authoritarianism and unregulated capitalism. What a nightmare.
National Capitalism - Please, tell me this is a joke.
Paleolibertarianism and
Buchananism - They said that are going to break me as a clock, still standing social Darwinist bigots.
National Democracy &
National Radicalism - I would rather Sanation than you two.
Football - No your not getting a new stadium and?[90]
Alternative designs
Left-Social Democracy
Comics and Artwork
Further Information
For overlapping political theory see:

- A Theory of Justice by
John Rawls
- Time for Socialism by
Thomas Piketty
- Foundations of Social Democracy by
Tobias Gombert
- Social Democracy After the Cold War by Bryan Evans and Ingo Schmidt
- Basics on Social Democracy by Thomas Kastning
- SockDem's #1 Economic Fact Sheet™
Parties and Organizations
Australian Labor Party
Workers' Party
Democratic Labour Party
New Democratic Party (Canada)
Socialist Party (France)
Social Democratic Party of Germany
Democratic Coalition (Hungary)
Democratic Party (Italy)
New Zealand Labour Party
Akbayan (Philippines)
Socialist Party (Portugal)
Partido Morado
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
Democratic Socialists of America
Labour Party (United Kingdom)
- Party of European Socialists
- Socialist International
- Progressive Alliance
- What is Social Democracy? (with playlist) by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
- Social Democracy vs. Social Liberalism Explained by Liberaven
- Democratic Socialism Vs. Social Democracy by Secular Talk
- How Denmark Invented Social Democracy by Kraut
- The Free Market & Healthcare | Why the healthcare market fails (and always will) by
Jobs, Defense, Social Europe - The S&D's Plan for Europe by EU Made Simple
Online Communities
Memes and Humor
Political Parties
- ↑ Whitlam was pro-free trade and anti-protectionist.
- ↑ "There are difficult questions about the precise standard which should thus be assured... but there can be no doubt that some minimum of food, shelter, and clothing, sufficient to preserve health and the capacity to work, can be assured to everybody." - Friedrich Hayek.
- ↑ Ernst Thälmann and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) as well as their party's paramilitary wing,
Anti-Fascist Action (Antifaschistische Aktion) targeted Social Democrats, Social Democratic politicians, & the
Iron Front (Eiserne Front) instead of the Nazis because they thought the Nazis coming into power would accelerate the collapse of capitalism, which at the time seemed much more preferable to the slow and reformist nature of the moderate Marxists (like
Friedrich Ebert) within the SDP.
- ↑ Centre-Left Politics
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ w:Thabo Mbeki#HIV/AIDS
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ The Social Democrats opted to form a Grand Coalition with Venstre and Moderates when a left-wing coalition was possible
- ↑ They have approved weapons shipments to Ukraine over when their state flooded Their house member has also not voted against Israel in the bills that have passed.
- ↑ "13 PT scandals in power"
- ↑ "Lula says fiscal responsibility has been a commitment of his government since 2003"
- ↑
- ↑ Clement Attlee believed "a conscientious constitutional Monarch is a strong element of stability and continuity in our constitution.”
- ↑
- ↑ While personally against abortion, he views it as a "public health issue" and that women have "supremacy over their bodies."
- ↑ 17.0 17.1
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ "Lula says he blocks the Budget 'whenever he needs to' and that he brings fiscal responsibility 'at the entrance'"
- ↑ "'I will not give up fiscal responsibility', says Lula in a speech on national television this Sunday'"
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Operation Catrimani II
- ↑ "The economic orthodoxy of the Lula government"
- ↑
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- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ “Lula claims America under Trump would be 'nazism with another face'”
- ↑ "
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ David Pakman on Libertarianism | Lex Fridman Clips - In this clip, David Pakman mentions he's Libertarian-Left on the political compass test, which often has a schew to Left-Libertarianism
- ↑ A decisive moment for the Social Economy, Social Economy Europe
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ “Pro-Pedophile” Activist Group Celebrates As Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn Possession
- ↑ German Parliament To Review Petition To Make “Pedosexuality” A Legally Protected Identity
- ↑ Germany pledges to make its military 'the backbone of defence in Europe', November 10, 2023.
- ↑
- ↑ 67.0 67.1 67.2 67.3 67.4 Where Democratic VP pick Tim Walz stands on China, Israel, and Ukraine
- ↑ [4]
- ↑ I've become friends with school shooters
- ↑
- ↑ Video Resurfaces of Walz Declaring ‘One Person’s Socialism Is Another Person’s Neighborliness’
- ↑ Gov. Tim Walz On "White Dudes For Kamala Harris" Call: "One Person's Socialism Is Another Person's Neighborliness"
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ "I’m 100 percent with them on the critique of capitalism. What they want to replace it with does not seem well thought out."
- ↑ "2/ The Moon is probably the most tactically valuable military ground for earth. Rocks dropped from there have power of 100s of nuclear bombs"
- ↑ "As your congresswoman, I'll make progress on #gunsafety that the broken status quo can't. We can fix this, but not with our current congress"
- ↑ "Women's access to reproductive health care is under assault in America. As your Congresswoman, I promise to NEVER compromise on this."
- ↑ Apparently we’re all wrong and Trump will be good for foreign policy, actually. “Democratic strategist” btw.
- ↑ "You can't have women's liberation without sexual liberation. I'm a sex-positive feminist, and would legislate that way as your Congresswoman"
- ↑ "I understand that we need to entirely rethink the American economy. As your Congresswoman, I will lead the way on #universalbasicincome."
- ↑ "How the Left enabled Fascism", The New Statesman. October 2018.
- ↑
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- ↑
- ↑–_Social_Democracy
- ↑
- ↑