Religious Zionism
"I prefer a powerful and proud Jewish State that is hated by the entire world than an Auschwitz that is loved by one and all."
Religious Zionism is a religiously Judaist, economically centrist, culturally right, and conservative ideology. It takes the idea of Zionism but only because the Torah wills them to have state of their own, and wishes to combine mainstream Zionism and combine it with traditional Judaism practices.
Even if most of the religious Jews across the world are against Zionism, Religious Zionism stills exist, particularly among many political parties in Israel.
Most of the other Zionists hate him, for the fact that Zionism is a secular movement. He fully supports Israeli settlements and the "State of Judea" idea.
He also believes that Israel should exist, not because it would be a "safe haven" against anti-semitism but, because it is written in the Torah.
Kahanism - My good son! You are basically a radical version of me and that is all I ever wanted. The fascism and racism is a bit too much, though...
Jewish Theocracy - Besiyata Dishmaya!
Paternalistic Conservatism - I like your Paternalism and Communitarianism, not to mention that
biggest variants like you!
Neo-Libertarianism - One of my biggest and most vocal supporters! Thanks for all the help against the terrorists, and your right-wing policies are certainly based!
But your support for Libertarianism is pretty cringe.Theodemocracy - Based admirer of mine.
Zionism - Father, why are you so liberal, and why are there stupid Arabs in our country? Do you understand that THE TORAH says we need a state right? Are you stupid? Why do we have those minorities? Fithy goy.
Revisionist Zionism - Greater Israel, territorial expansion, and nationalism sound based and all, but you still are too secular and liberal.
Labour Zionism - Brother, you are like our father, but you are even more onto social equality. Filthy antisemite.
Feiglinism - Okay, but why libertarian?
Secularism - Too liberal and is against the Torah. Antisemite!
Islamic Theocracy - Muslim who tried to destroy Israel. You must be kicked out!
National Capitalism - You remind me a lot of
my son, but your anti-Semitism is too much for me to handle!
Bundism - What in the world are you, an antisemitic Jew?
Jewish-Nazism - Excuse me? A literal antisemitic Jew? Oy vey, now I've seen everything.
Nazism - Obvious.
Esoteric Fascism - [comment removed by moderator]
- Everyone else - Goy.
Further Information
Portraits and Artwork
"Theocracies compass" By Spade