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Participism is a libertarian socialist political philosophy. Participism believes that it is as an alternative to both capitalism and centrally-planned state socialism. It believes in participatory politics and economics. There are two political systems in Participism: participatory politics and participatory economics.

Participatory politics is a political system that complement participatory economics in a way that both make up Participism. The main values of this political system is freedom, tolerance, self-management, solidarity and justice. The goal of this system is to allow people to participate as much as they could in a manner that is face-to-face.

Participatory economics is an economic system that is based on participatory decision making in the economic mechanism as their primary allocation. They say that decision making in the system of participatory economics can impact an individual or a group of individuals. Participatory economics is more of a decentralized planned economy, which involves the ownership of the means of production. Participatory economics is proposed to be an alternative to Capitalism and centrally-planned socialism.

Foundations and Beliefs

Participatory policy

The participism system preaches a political system where the maximum participation of people directly. Criticizing modern representative democracy. In a participism society there would be local councils that through consensus (or vote) would issue policies that affect only the local council. Each Council would send a delegate to a higher-level advice, a delegate can be revoked at any time by his advice. And then that council would send a delegate to a higher council that would send its delegate to a higher council than that, and so on. In this system there would be rotation of delegates.

Participatory economics

It is an economic system where participatory decision-making is used to guide production, consumption and the allocation of resources in society. The theory distinguishes, in opposition to Marxism, the "coordinating class" that manages and does the conceptual and creative work and the rest that does the rote work. In this system there would be workers' and consumers' councils, balanced work complexes, remuneration according to effort and sacrifice, and economic democracy. In the system averia personal vouchers that would be awarded for work performed in the purchase of goods and services. Vouchers would disappear upon purchase and would be non-transferable between individuals.

Personality and Behavior

Participism usually likes to argue about socialism with Distributism, as well as talking about councils with Council Communism.

How to Draw

Flag of Participism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill in with black.
  3. Draw a large, white curling cross in the center.
  4. Fill the other sides with red, pink, and medium spring green.
  5. Add in the eyes.

You're done!

Color NameHEXRGB
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Black#191919rgb(25, 25, 25)
 Red#FF0000rgb(255, 0, 0)
 Magenta#FF00FFrgb(255, 0, 255)
 Medium Spring Green#00BF5Crgb(0, 191, 92)





  • Capitalism - I'm not saying I'm much of a commie, but I don't like your system, mine is better.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - How can you control your war-torn society with your capitalism?

Further Information


