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GASTRO GAMING is the 6th admin of PolCompBall being appointed by IncendiaryBullet on March 27, 2020 at 6:44 PM UTC. He is half-Asian and was born in the United States of America. A national of both REAL CHINA and America, he is patriotic for both to a large extent. A bunch of stuff happened and he owns the place now.
Known For
Being really good a math and engineering.
liking planes too much.
Being autistic.
GASTRO GAMING joined the first PCB discord server and offered to make the roles for the server, he than got admin there and set up the entire server, a couple months later IncendiaryBullet gave him admin on r/polcompball.
GASTRO's first polcompball post, didnt even get the correct liberal
Wiki image of Minarchist January 25, 2020
GASTRO's second picture showing pinochet throwing communists into a lake
GASTRO's Third post showing ancap practicing some social distancing
GASTRO's 4th post, fisrt mod announcement
GASTRO's 5th post making a joke about Anarcho-Smashism wanting to duel people
GASTRO's 6th post and his Second Mod Post
GASTRO's 7th Post making fun of people saying CHECKMATE at the end of turning point memes
GASTRO's 8th post making a visual pun that pinochetism looks like poland from the side
Wiki image of Reactionary Oct 10, 2020