"I want to live dangerously. Most people aspire to mediocrity, and that’s fine. Not everyone can be controversial. Not everyone can be recognized by a random person at a restaurant."
Contrarianism is an economically, culturally, and socially variable ideology whose only defining feature is opposing any currently prevailing political ideologies and their respective policies. Contrarianism does not have any distinct policies of its own, sometimes taking an opposite stance to the powers that be, but often providing no alternative at all, merely leveling criticism without offering any substitute.
In practice, Contrarianism only works when holding an existing government to account, typically proving unelectable. It is a prime example of an ideology that makes for a much better opposition than it does an incumbent.
Contrarianism believes solely in berating and lamenting existing political norms, whatever they may be. Whilst this often sees it occupy left-wing or progressive territory, there are no fixed Contrarian ideals, and under a left-leaning regime, Contrarianism could also function as a vehicle for reactionary right-wing thought.
Dramacracy represents the ideology of Encyclopedia Dramatica, a general contrarian, satirical online community centered around a wiki that acts as a "troll archive". Its primary purpose is to write satirical articles about internet phenomena in the most vulgar and lulzy way possible. Anything is mockable from left to right, so long as the article strives for "lulz", then it is acceptable. The culture bears familiarity with early internet culture, especially that relating to 4chan.
Spencerism is based on the thoughts of American political figure Richard B. Spencer.
He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America on May 11th 1978 while his father named Rand Spencer was an ophthalmologist and his mother named Sherry Spencer/Née Dickenhorst was an heiress to cotton farms in Louisiana. Richard B. Spencer grew up at Preston Hollow in Dallas,
Texas but later he attended St. Mark's School of Texas and then moved to Colgate University for one year before transferring to the University of
Virginia at which in 2001 he received a Bachelor of Arts in
English Literature & Music.
In 2003, Richard B. Spencer received a Master of Arts in the Humanities from the University of
Chicago but later in 2004, he voted for the
Democratic candidate
John Kerry instead of
President George W. Bush during the United States presidential election because he knew that Bush stood for war. From 2005 to 2007, he was a PhD student in Modern
European intellectual history at Duke University and then joined the
Duke Conservative Union in which he met future
then president Donald Trump's senior policy advisor named Stephen Miller but later Spencer spoke about the Duke Lacrosse rape case in which David Evans, Collin Finnerty & Reade Seligmann were accused of rape while credits it with changing the course of his career.
From March to December 2007, Richard B. Spencer was the assistant editor of a
Paleoconservative magazine called "The American Conservative" but founder editor Scott McConnell fired him because his views were considered too
extreme and from January 2008 to December 2009, he served as the executive editor of a Libertarian online magazine called "Taki's Magazine" in which run by
Taki Theodoracopulos. During the late 2000s, he was involved in the
Libertarian Party and during the presidential election of 2008, he supported
Libertarian Republican candidate
Ron Paul for president while hosting him at his discussion club called the "Robert Taft Club" but later he disavowed ibertarianism as incompatible with
white nationalism.
In 2010, Richard B. Spencer moved to Whitefish, Montana in which he splits his time between this location and Arlington, Virginia but also he married a Russian Canadian women named Nina Kouprianova with whom he has two children. He was invited to speak at Vanderbilt University by the "Youth for Western Civilization (2008-2012)" while in March 2010, he founded a website called
"" in he edited it until 2012.
In January 2011, Richard B. Spencer became president mixed director of a White Nationalist think tank that was founded by William Regnery II 1941-2021, called the "National Policy Institute (NPI)" after the previous leader Louis R. Andrews have died since he was in control of this institute in 2005 and then Spencer was invited to speak at Providence College in 2011 by "Youth for Western Civilization" again.
In 2012, Richard B. Spencer founded the "Radix Journal" as a biannual publication of the Washington Summit Publishers while contributions have included articles by Kevin B. MacDonald, Alex Kurtagić, & Samuel T. Francis and then Spencer hosted a hosts a weekly podcast called "Vanguard Radio". In 2013, the "Anti-Defamation League" called Spencer a leader in White Nationalist circles while he said that after leaving The American Conservative magazine he rejected mainstream Conservatism because he believed it adherents can't represent explicitly white interests and he had a dispute with Neoconservative lobbyist Randy Scheunemann at the Whitefish Mountain Resort at Montana in which drew public attention but later in December the "National Policy Institute (NPI)" launched a website called the "Radix Journal" in which describes itself as a periodical on culture, race, metapolitics, critical theory & society even it received a grant from the "Pioneer Fund" a
ethnic pseudo-scientific organization.
In 2014, a Liberal Progressive group affiliated with the Montana Human Rights Network rallied against Richard B. Spencer's residency in Whitefish but the city council in response approved a non-discrimination resolution and Spencer decided to go on a tour in
Hungary but he was mocked by a Hungarian newspaper called "Népszabadság" for his call for a White Imperium through a revival of the
Roman Empire along with his claim to be a Racial European while
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán condemned Spencer by banning him in Hungary along with
Poland in which banned him for being
National Socialist, Anti-Polish and Anti-Slavic.
In 2015, Richard B. Spencer despite his opposition to same-sex marriage barred people with Homophobic views from the National Policy Institute's annual conference and in 2016, He was interviewed for "Time Magazine" in which he said rejected
White Supremacy along with
Slavery of Non-whites preferring to establish a
White Ethnostate in America or in Europe but Jason Wilson in
The Guardian newspaper has argued that Spencer and other White Nationalists are appropriating some elements of
Socialism because of
Capitalism as a Jewish stereotype. While in 2016,
Twitter suspended the accounts of the NPI including Spencer in which he said about execution squads across the Alt-Right while accused Twitter of
Corporate Stalinism but his Twitter account was reinstated several weeks instead of the account of the NPI and in April 2016, It was later reported that Spencer had given the Nazi salute at a karaoke bar. In October 2016, Spencer has separated from wife Nina Kouprianova while in November 2016, he delivered a speech about Donald Trump while quoted National Socialist propaganda in the original
German to denounced
Judaism along with 200 audience members in which they give a Nazi salute when he says "Hail Trump, Hail our people, Hail victory!" and he calls Donald Trump's 2016 presidential election "The Victory Of Will", a phrase evoked a German propaganda movie called "The Triumph of the Will" (1935). During the 2016 presidential election Spencer has said about
Steve Bannon being "the best possible position to influence policy" when he was promoted to chief White House strategist along with senior counsellor by Trump and then Spencer has tweeted about
women should not be allowed to make foreign policy while saying in a interview with
"The Washington Post" stated that women should be returning to traditional roles as child bearers or homemakers in an American white ethnostate. During November 2016, an online petition to prevent Spencer from speaking at Texas A&M University in December 6th 2016, while it was signed by thousands of students, employees, & alumni in which led to a university organized counter-event that held to coincide with Spencer's event but later In December 2016, Republican Representative Ryan Zinke, Republican Senator Steve Daines,
Democratic Senator Jon Tester, Democratic Governor Steve Bullock & Republican Attorney General Tim Fox condemned Spencer for Neo-Nazi march that had been planned for January 2017 and also Spencer announced he was considering an independent run for Montana's congressional district in the 2017 special election but he ultimately did not enter the race. The NPI has raised $50,000 in late 2016 and early 2017 from an online fundraising drive while has solicited donations to be sent to its Arlington, Virginia post office box.
In January 15th 2017, during Martin Luther King Jr's birthday Richard Spencer launched the "Alt-Right Corporation" with
Daniel Friberg & Jason Jorjani in which its headquarters is based in Alexandria, Virginia while the site is a Right-Wing Populist for the members of the Alt-Right and it was owned by a
Swedish Identitarian publishing company called "Arktos Media" while its headquarters is based in Budapest, Hungary. On January 20th 2017, Spencer attended the inauguration of President Donald Trump as he was giving an impromptu interview on a nearby street afterwards but he was punched in the face by a masked man who is part of
"Antifa" while it was caught in online video that went viral leading to "Punch A Nazi"
meme and leading to divergent views on whether the attack was appropriate. On February 23th 2017, Spencer was removed from the "Conservative Political Action Conference" in which he was giving statements to the press even the a spokesman said he was removed from the event because other members found him repugnant and then the "Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services" had listed the National Policy Institute (NPI) as not authorized to solicit in Virginia but in In March 2017, it removed the NPI's entry from its public database of non-profits while announced that it was reviewing the group's status. In April 2017, Spencer said in which he along with his divorced wife were not separated or still together while some days later he came into conflict with Libertarians after reportedly attempting to mess up an "International Students for Liberty conference" while the NPI had leased a townhouse office space on King Street in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia at which it maintains its headquarters today and the City leaders of Arlington & Old Town Alexandria acknowledged the groups right to operate but denounced it's views but it lead to several protests in the town. On May 13th 2017, before the Unite The Right Rally of 2017, Spencer led a torch-lit protest in Charlottesville, Virginia against the vote of the city council to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee who is commanding general of the
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the American Civil War (1861-1865) while himself &
David Duke were among those who led the crowd that are chanting certain slogans and
Michael Signer who is the mayor of Charlottesville, called the protest horrific while he stated that it was either profoundly
ignorant or intended to spread fear among minorities in a way that hearkens back to the days of the Klu Klux Klan. In July 2017, Evan McLaren became executive director of the NPI but He resigned in April 2018, while As of January 2020 he has not been replaced and sources indicate that Spencer has leaked texts with
Jason Kessler &
Eli Mosley because of the Nazi salutes at the karaoke bar in April 2016.
After The Unite The Right Rally
After the "Unite The Right Rally" Richard Spencer has been denied speaking at the University of Florida after opposition from students or locals of Gainesville, Florida for safety reasons but Floridan lawyer Gary Edinger threatened to sue the university for violating the First Amendment of the
U.S Constitution and also Spencer has been denied speaking at the Louisiana State University & the
Michigan State University. In October 19th 2017, Spencer spoke at the Curtis M. Phillips Centre for the Performing Arts on grounds of the University of Florida with Eli Mosley, Mike Enoch & Matthew Heimbach since it reached an agreement with Edinger but the security of the event costs about $600,000 and it drew about 2,500 loud protestors in which vastly outnumbering Spencer's supporters while later that day three of them who were residents of Texas are arrested while charge with homicide along with the Ohio State University rejected Spencer for speaking for safety reasons. A few days later the "Washington Post" ask Spencer on his opinion on American women having the right to vote but he said it was not a greatest thing after he stated that he was not terribly excited about voting in general and in November 2017, his twitter account was removed that made him to create a another acount later on
In July 2018, Richard Spencer was detained at Keflavík Airport in Reykjavík, Iceland on route to
Sweden while then ordered by Polish officials to return to the United States of America that arises from the Schengen Agreement but then in August 2018, he moved out of Alexandria, Virginia and then in October 2018, his divorced wife accused him of emotional abuse, financial abuse & violent physical abuse even when he is four months pregnant or frequently in front of his own
children and according to media reports, the recordings or thee text messages showed that Spencer tell his wife that he will break her nose, encouraging suicide and apologizing for previous incidents of physical abuse but he denied this while being not charged with a crime but then in November 2018, Spencer told his followers about Donald Trump not being the best president he hope for.
In a July 2019, Richard Spencer was interviewed on CNN in which he called Donald Trump's tweet about four congresswomen (telling them to go back to where they came from) racist while believed that Trump was practicing a con game in not clearly developing a White Nationalist agenda with tweets that are meaningless or cheap and in November 2019, Milo Yiannopoulos who is an Alt-Right person released an audio recording allegedly of Spencer using racist slurs immediately after Unite the Right rally of 2017.
In 2020, after following the assassination of Qasem Soleimani in which lead Richard Spencer criticized President Trump's administration for escalating tensions between the United States & Iran while he blamed the
traitorous elites for it and he advocated for the United State to pull out of NATO while he called Russia the "A Sole White Power in the world" even his divorced wife referred to herself as a "Kremlin troll leader" along with Spencer who has ties with
Aleksandr Dugin.
In late June 2020, Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute (NPI), David Duke, Stefan Molyneux & the American Renaissance magazine were banned from YouTube for not following the website policies on hate speech and in June 2020, Spencer was at court with
Judge Norman K. Moon presiding over the Sines v. Kessler civil rights lawsuit that stemmed from the violence at the "Unite The Right rally" while his lawyer named John DiNucci allowed him to withdrawl from the case but Spencer still fined with $500 along with two weeks in a county jail in Montana if he did not pay over $60,000 that he owed to his divorced wife or legal guardian representing his children's interests but Spencer ultimately avoided going to jail after settling the debt. In August 2020, Spencer said that he planned to vote for
Joe Biden with the straight Democratic ticket in the 2020 Presidental Election while Joe Biden campaign renounced his support while in November 23th, 2021, he was at court again but this time he was found liable on two counts such as civil conspiracy under Virginia state law & race-based harassment or violence but then the jurors awarded more than $25 million in total damages with Spencer personally liable for $700,000 in punitive damages. In January 16th, 2022,
Nick Funtees released an audio recording of a phone call about Spencer ranting after being called a child molester in Twitter and in February 24th 2022, he supported
Ukraine after the Russian Federation declares war on this nation while in June 14th 2022, he was on a dating website called "Bumble" as a
Moderate instead of a White Nationalist.
Richard Spencer's Political Views
Health Care: Spencer supports legal access to abortion but in part because he believes it would reduce the number of Black or Hispanic people in which he says would be a great boon to White people and he also supports a national single-payer health care system because he believes it would benefit white people.
Religion: Spencer was an Secular Atheist but he also believes that Christianity had previously held some pragmatic value that helped to unify the White population of Europe but also he opposes traditional Christian values as a moral code due to the fact that Christianity is a universalizing religion rather than an ethnic one and he references his views on Christianity as being influenced by the German philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche while
Sean Illing from "Vox News" along with other certain news sources such as "The Week" & "The Courier-Journal" believes that Spencer's theory was incorrect. Spencer has promoted
Paganism in the "Radix Journal" and also he described himself as a
Cultural Christian.
Nazism: Spencer during the conference in which he held celebrating Trump's election mentioned the mainstream media as Lügenpresse also known as the lying press or the press of lies in which it was a term used by Joseph Goebbels and he also admires
George Lincoln Rockwell who is the founder of the "American Nazi Party" for using the quote called "shock as a positive means to an end" but also he admires
Julius Evola,
Francis Parker Yockey & the
German Conservative Revolution that included
Carl Schmitt.
Ethnonationalism: Spencer now claims to be a White Zionist while praising Israel's Jewish Nation-State law and he said "Jews are once again at the vanguard of rethinking politics and sovereignty for the future by showing a path forward for Europeans" even the Alt-Right does not support Zionism. During an interview with the Cable News Network (CNN) he said defined
Syrians as white in the context of Steve Jobs's role in developing the iPhone but described them as a non-white presence in Europe in the context of the Syrian refugee crisis of 2011 and in 2016, Spencer expressed support for the Multi-National bloc as a potential racial empire and an alternative to "American hegemony" stating that he has "Always been highly sceptical of a certain group so-called 'Euro-Skeptics".
Whether anyone else says an opinion or even an objective fact, Contrarianism goes out of the way to say the opposite, no matter how absurd or illogical it is.
Basically, the person who hates on <insert popular thing here> because everyone is talking about it, usually without even digging into why it's popular. They just hate it because they think it will make them a much cooler person.
How to draw
- Draw a ball,
- Fill it with white
- Add four diagonal arrows in the corners pointing toward the center
- Fill the top-left and bottom-right arrows with red
- Fill the top-right and bottom-left arrows with blue
- Add gray borders around the arrows
- Add the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | rgb(255, 255, 255) | |
Blue | #373F7E | rgb(55, 63, 126) | |
Red | #FF0000 | rgb(255, 0, 0) | |
Grey | #DADADA | rgb(218, 218, 218) |
Critical Thinkers
Anti-Centrism - Burn the fence down.
Anti-Realism - And prevent the fence from being rebuilt.
Skepticism - Fellow free-thinker who is as skeptical of the mainstream as I am.
But why do you also doubt my habit of opposing anything popular?Dogmatism - Anything the mainstream supports is automatically cringe and nothing can change my mind.
But if you become mainstream then I will be against you too.Anarchism - You're probably never going to be the dominant ideology within society, so I can sleep well knowing we're probably going to be friends forever.
Conspiracism - You reject the mainstream just like I do.
Marxism - Ruthless criticism of society, you say? Pretty based. Plus you're also probably not going to become the status quo anytime soon.
Trotskyism - Permanent revolution is based af.
Alt-Lite &
Libertarianism - Opposition to mainstream politics from the right? Also based. But again, if you succeed I will complain about you too.
Alt-Right - Like the above even but less mainstream
and more racist.Alt-Right Libertarianism - A fusion of alt-right and libertarianism is a great idea because it is EVEN less mainstream.
Alt-Right National Bolshevism - A fusion of alt-right and national bolshevism is a greater idea because it is EVEN less mainstream.
Insurrectionary Anarchism - Hell yeah, destroy every political norm, baby!
Illegalism - Challenge the authorities!
Anarcho-Egoism - Screw everyone else!
Avaritionism - Even better than those above...
Populism - Anything the elite supports is automatically cringe.
Anarcho-Nihilism - Negation of every political system? Based!
National Bolshevism,
Reactionary Socialism,
Strasserism &
Fourth Theory - THE most anti-mainstream ideologies of our time.
National Anarchism,
Lys Noir,
Monarcho-Syndicalism, and
Anarcho-Fascism - Forget what I just said. THESE are the most anti-mainstream ideologies of our time.
Crusade of Romanianism - Same as above. Also "I AM THE ETERNAL OPPONENT!" sounds extremely based.
Climate Skepticism - What global warming? It's cold outside!
Liberal Socialism - Let me see, you reject: Mainstream liberalism, mainstream socialism, conservatism, nationalism, mainstream populism, fascism, anarchism, and centrism? Quite the enlightened… not centrist?
Please stop posting videos implying I still hold alt-right and white nationalist beliefs, ok? I'm actually much closer to your politics than you would like to admit.Esoteric Fascism - Alright! NOW We’re talking!
Hey dude, no offence but you seem a bit…… unwell… mentally.Satanic Theocracy - You’re me if I was a cult.
Misanthropy &
Nihilism - No Lives Matter!
Anti-Natalism - Why should I bring kids into this mess?
Asceticism - No comfort, just discipline? Holy mother of BASED! Truly an enlightened mind amidst a sea of mindless pleasure-seeking NPCs. (RESPECT+)
Holism - You're like a beacon cutting through the fog of dumbed-down thinking. If only more people were willing to follow your light to see the big picture instead of drifting aimlessly in their tiny bubbles. #MakeNuanceGreatAgain
Libertinism &
Transgressivism - Down with social norms!
Individualism - My opinion is more important than the opinion of society.
Nazism (1945-) - We need to restore order by a bloody mutinity, the world is corrupted by subhumans.
White Nationalism - White race needs to stand up for itself from intruders!
Ignore the fact that Spencer bootlicks the establishment.
Revolutionary Progressivism - I like how you make things change, but if the government gets too progressive, I will have to become a reactionary, and then we can't be friends.
Reactionaryism - I like how you make things go back to a golden age. But if the government gets too reactionary, I will have to become a progressive, and then you can't come to my birthday party.
Neoreactionaryism - Geek son of above.
Reactionary Liberalism - And also his moderate son who's mildly more pro-status quo.
Radical Apoliticism - We both think that the status quo sucks, but we don't need to kill all ideologies.
Fascism - You used to be part of the status quo during the Second World War but now you're not even mainstream anymore.
Radical Centrism - Yes, every side can be wrong... Wait, why are you embracing certain status quo ideas?! Stop that!
Paleoconservatism &
Classical Conservatism - The past was better than the present (still opposed it).
Progressive Conservatism - What? Make up your mind already!
Soulism - You hate current reality with the status quo, and you just... escape from it by shifting to your personal utopia? Why you are such a defeatist?
Manosphere - Go against feminism? Depends on which country we're talking about. If the country we're talking about is pro-feminist, I'm with you, but if it's anti-feminist...
Radical Feminism - ...that means it's RadFem time!
State Atheism - We usually get along except when he succeeded which fortunately is not very common.
Left-Wing Populism &
Right-Wing Populism - Good opposition, but unfortunately you have become the establishment in some countries; but at least they usually still oppose the supranational entities that conform the current thing. The second one is becoming more powerful.
Welfare Chauvinism - Synthesis of the two above but you also have your moments of being part of the current thing.
Paternalistic Conservatism,
Left-Wing Nationalism,
National Communism, and
Conservative Socialism - Also the opposite of the global status quo, but are or have been the local one.
State Liberalism - Are you or are you not part of the status quo?
Marxism–Leninism - I used to be against you when you were dominant in USSR from 1924-1991, but now we kinda get along, especially among the youth.
St*tus Quo
Conservatism - Keeping things the same is the worst. I would rather have a disastrous change. All revolutions are good.
Neoconservatism &
Third Way - F*ck the status quo.
Social Democracy &
Social Liberalism - Close to status quo bootlickers.
But modern socdems advocate policies that are in direct opposition to austerity and neoliberalism, so they too can oppose the status quo endlessly.Reformism - Modify the status quo, technically is still the status quo.
Liberalism - I'm so bored of you.
Liberal Feminism - Literally status-quo feminism. You would be cool if you were like
your sister, but you aren't.
Liberal Conservatism &
Conservative Liberalism - You two are so generic and boring.
Pink Capitalism - The aesthetics of the status quo.
Radicalism - You were so cool but no longer are. What a shame.
Mediocracy - What the f**k is this?!
Democracy - Stupid popularity contest.
Ochlocracy - NPCs rule? NO.
Apoliticism - Passive supporter of the status quo. Stop grilling and start complaining.
Moderatism - Same as above. You are the ideology of the masses.
Illiberal Democracy - Anything but that!
Ingsoc - *unpersoned for wrongthink*
Capitalism - The largest religion of the current world order. But
he is based and if the status quo is socialist then I can support you.
Hedonism - Living for pleasure? How original. As if every sheep out there isn't already chasing dopamine highs with overpriced products and licking the boots of influencers and corporate overlords.
Reductionism - Congrats on making ignorance trendy for so long. Who needs depth when you can just regurgitate flashy slogans, hackneyed quotes, and shallow opinions?
Javier Milei - The worst of the libertarians! God do you embarrass them!
Nazism (1933-1945) - Racist tyranny ends up in a genocide!
Alternative designs
Old design
Old flag design
Old Portrait
Comics and Artwork
Further Information
- ↑ "Nihilism", Encyclopedia Dramatica.
- ↑ In 1 Year, All Content Will Be AI
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 AI Will Solve The Immigration Crisis
- ↑ Marxists Are Still Scared Of "COv!D" 😂
- ↑ The 5 Signs That Told Me Trump Would Win
- ↑ 🌽hub Should Be Banned
- ↑ The US Should Learn From China
- ↑ ...and why that might be okay
- ↑ What If We Paid Off The National Debt (pt. 1)
- ↑ I Literally Don't Use Google Anymore
- ↑ Liberals Are Losing Their Mind Over The Election
- ↑ The Indominable Human Spirit Meme
- ↑ Multiculturalism Will Destroy America
- ↑ How To Fix Multiculturalism
- ↑ Restrict The Vote By IQ
- ↑ 4 Political Parties Instead Of 2
- ↑ Am I a Colonialist?
- ↑ My Hot Take On Capital Punishment
- ↑ Liberals Are Losing Their Mind Over The Election
- ↑ How To Escape The Alt-Right Pipeline - None of his views have been seen to be ethnonationalist, but he still claims he's "coming back to reality" and away from "edgy Rightist content"
- ↑ Things I Like About Fascism
- ↑ How To Escape The Alt-Right Pipeline
- ↑ Who is Anti.Prophet?]
- ↑ The US Should Learn From China
- ↑ A New Political Theory
- ↑ The USA Should Be Like Singapore
- ↑ Lee Kuan Yew For San Francisco
- ↑ My Thinking On Islam Has Changed
- ↑ Declare Martial Law To Save America
- ↑
- ↑ While Spencer used to praise Israel's alleged ethnostate status as a Jewish state. After the Hamas attack in October 7th and Israel's subsequent response he denounced Israel's hawkish policies, alleged ethnic cleansing, bombardment of Gaza and ultimately Zionism itself.
- ↑ When you talk to White liberals about abortion, it doesn’t take much effort to uncover their inner Lothrop Stoddard. With Christian conservatives, you quickly find that they’re radical Third Worldists at heart.
- ↑ Richard Spencer Listed Himself on Bumble as Politically ‘Moderate’
- ↑ "Euro-Skepticism" Skepticism
- ↑ Anime—indeed, even anime porn—has done more to advance European civilization than the Republican Party.
- ↑