Racial Nationalism

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Not to be confused with Ethnonationalism.

Racial Nationalism is a nationalist ideology. Instead of believing that nationality is based on common shared institutions and values (like Civic Nationalism) it believes that it's based on common race, and views it as the primary pillar of citizenship.

Race and Nation



Religious Racism

Religious Racism is a type of racism that uses religious and theological justifications for the discrimination of groups of peoples based on racial and ethnic lines. Among the most infamous is the Curse of Ham, which was interpreted by some Jews, Christians and Muslims as an explanation for black skin, as well as a justification for enslavement of black people. According to the Catholic mystic Anne Catherine Emmerich: "I see that the Black, idolatrous, stupid nations are the descendants of Ham. Their color is due, not to the rays of the sun, but to the dark source whence those degraded races sprang." For Southern slave owners who were faced with the abolitionist movement to end slavery, the curse of Ham was one of the many grounds upon which Christian planters could formulate an ideological defense of slavery. Even before slavery, in order to promote economic motivations within Europe associated with colonialism, the curse of Ham was used to shift the common Aristotelian belief that phenotypic differentiation among humans was a result of climatic difference, to a racialist perspective that phenotypic differentiation among the species was due to there being different racial types. This often came as a result of European anxieties to avoid being sent to the colonies, as they were terrified of the high casualty rate of settlers due to disease and warfare. Thus, many of them formulated the idea that being sent south of the equator "blackened" them and thus made them inferior.

Josiah C. Nott, a creationist surgeon who owned slaves, used his scientific reputation to defend the institution of slavery. He claimed that "the negro achieves his greatest perfection, physical and moral, and also greatest longevity, in a state of slavery". Nott was influenced by the racial theories of Samuel George Morton (1799–1851), one of the inspirators of physical anthropology. Morton collected hundreds of human skulls from around the world and tried to classify them. Morton had been among the first to claim that he could judge the intellectual capacity of a race by the cranial capacity (the measure of the volume of the interior of the skull). A large skull meant a large brain and high intellectual capacity, and a small skull indicated a small brain and decreased intellectual capacity. By studying these skulls, he came to the conclusion of polygenism, that each race had a separate origin. Influenced by the works of Samuel George Morton, who promoted a polygenist interpretation of the Bible, claiming that each race had been created separately and each was given specific, irrevocable characteristics, both Nott and George Gliddon in their monumental tribute to Morton's work, Types of Mankind (1854), carried Morton's ideas further and claimed and backed up his findings, which supported the notion of polygenism, which claims that humanity originates from different ancestral lineages and is the ancestor of the multiregional hypothesis. In their book, Nott and Gliddon argued that the races of mankind each occupied distinct zoological provinces and did not originate from a single pair of ancestors; they both believed God had created each race and positioned each race in separate geographic provinces. The doctrine of zoological provinces outlined in Types of Mankind did not allow for "superiority" of one type of race over another; each type was suited to its own province and was superior within its own province. Nott claimed that because races were created in different provinces, that all race types must be of equal antiquity. However, Nott and other polygenists, such as Gliddon, believed that the biblical Adam means "to show red in the face" or "blusher"; since only light skinned people can blush, the biblical Adam must be of the Caucasian race. Nott persistently attacked the scientific basis of the Bible and also rejected the theory of evolution by claiming that the environment does not change any organism into another, and also rejecting common descent. Nott believed monogenism was "absurd" and had no biblical or scientific basis. He pointed to excavations in Egypt that depicted animals and humans as they looked today to refute monogenism and evolution. According to Nott, the monuments and artifacts found in Egypt show us that the "White, Mongolian and Negro existed at least five thousand years ago." Nott claimed that proved beyond dispute that each race had been created separately. Charles Darwin opposed Nott and Gliddon's polygenist and creationist arguments in his 1871 The Descent of Man, arguing for a monogenism of the human species. Darwin conceived the common origin of all humans (aka single-origin hypothesis) as essential for evolutionary theory. Darwin cited Nott and Gliddon's arguments as an example of those classing the races of man as separate species; Darwin disagreed, and he concluded that humanity is one species.

Scientific Racism

Scientific Racism, also known as Race Realism, is a racial theory which is based on scientific research and biological factors. The advocates for this line of thought usually believe in polygenism, that different races have different racial origins making races biologically diferent therefore in mental and physical traits also. The Darwinian theory of evolution is also sometimes used as variable which affects racial differences; i.e. cold winter theory. While the polygenist idea of humans being separate races as in separate species, as argued by proponents in the 18th to mid-20th centuries, has been disproven by science, it can be argued that race as a kind of “variation” via haplogroups and genetics within a single human species is scientifically valid.[3] However, regardless which interpretation of “race” one uses, adherents of Scientific Racism, including those who promote a myth of racial hygiene and those who promote the idea of intellectual differences between the race (ex. Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve), would often use such ideas as justification for discrimination, which is now currently frowned upon in the present-day.

Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778), the Swedish physician, botanist, and zoologist, modified the established taxonomic bases of binomial nomenclature for fauna and flora, and also made a classification of humans into different subgroups. In the twelfth edition of Systema Naturae (1767), he labeled five "varieties" of human species. Each one was described as possessing the following physiognomic characteristics "varying by culture and place":

  • The Americanus: red, choleric, upright; black, straight, thick hair; nostrils flared; face freckled; beardless chin; stubborn, zealous, free; painting themself with red lines; governed by habit.
  • The Europeanus: white, sanguine, muscular; with yellowish, long hair; blue eyes; gentle, acute, inventive; covered with close vestments; governed by customs.
  • The Asiaticus: yellow, melancholic, stiff; black hair, dark eyes; austere, haughty, greedy; covered with loose clothing; governed by beliefs.
  • The Afer or Africanus: black, phlegmatic, relaxed; black, frizzled hair; silky skin, flat nose, tumid lips; females with elongated labia; mammary glands give milk abundantly; sly, lazy, negligent; anoints themself with grease; governed by caprice.
  • The Monstrosus were mythologic humans which did not appear in the first editions of Systema Naturae. The sub-species included: the "four-footed, mute, hairy" Homo feralis (Feral man); the animal-reared Juvenis lupinus hessensis (Hessian wolf boy); the Juvenis hannoveranus (Hannoverian boy); the Puella campanica (Wild-girl of Champagne); the agile, but faint-hearted Homo monstrosus (Monstrous man); the Patagonian giant; the Dwarf of the Alps; and the monorchid Khoikhoi (Hottentot). In Amoenitates academicae (1763), Linnaeus presented the mythologic Homo anthropomorpha (Anthropomorphic man), or humanoid creatures, such as the troglodyte, the satyr, the hydra, and the phoenix, incorrectly identified as simian creatures.

There are disagreements about the basis for Linnaeus' human taxa. On the one hand, his harshest critics say the classification was not only ethnocentric, but seemed to be based upon skin color. Renato G. Mazzolini argued that classifications based on skin color, at its core, were a white/black polarity, and that Linnaeus' thinking became paradigmatic for later racist beliefs. On the other hand, Quintyn (2010) points out that some authors believed that Linnaeus' classification was based upon geographical distribution, being cartographically-based, and not hierarchical. In the opinion of Kenneth A. R. Kennedy (1976), Linnaeus certainly considered his own culture as superior, but his motives for the classification of human varieties were not race-centered. Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould (1994) argued that the taxa was "not in the ranked order favored by most Europeans in the racist tradition," and that Linnaeus' division was influenced by the medical theory of humors, which said that a person's temperament may be related to biological fluids.

Spiritual Racism

Spiritual Racism is a concept which builds on the idea that race, or the racial spirit, is first and foremost immaterial. It rejects scientific explanations for race and instead believed in an inner, spiritual existance. An example of a big ideologue in this field is Julius Evola.


The Nazis, with a majority of Europe at the time, believed (correctly) that most of the peoples of Europe- that is the Indo-European speaking peoples of Europe, belonged to a grouping of peoples we would now know as Indo-European, at the time of course referred to as "Aryan". Their belief was that the Aryan race (Arier Rasse)- or "Indo-Germanics", had originated out of what is now Northern Europe, conquering the pre-European peoples there before going on to spread into Anatolia, Iran, India, Central Asia, all the way into modern day Xinjiang. They thought that as the Aryan race had conquered farther from their homeland of Northern Europe, the more non-Aryans they intermingled with and thus the less "pure" their blood was. The Nordic race, a sub-race of the Aryan race, was considered by the Nazis to be the most racially pure Aryans; that is the race which carried on their appearance, culture and genetics most closely.
The Nazis did not group the Aryan peoples based on "how Aryan" they were, however. While it did acknowledge that the Nordic peoples were the most racially pure form of Aryan, it did not believe that they were inherently "better" or superior to the rest of the Aryans for that. The "Nazi racial hierarchy"- that is of the chart where Nords and Germanic peoples are at the top, Latins in the middle and etc. farther down is not a chart of superiority, but rather a chart highlighting how racially pure they are.

The racial hierarchy

If we are to ever understand Nazism's racial views, at least in the concept of why it compares everything to "Aryans", let us first examine the word "Aryan". "Aryan" (from Proto-Indo-Iranian *Áryas) has several reconstructed origins. It seems most likely however that the root of the word comes from the Indo-European "h₂er-", which literally means "to fit", but which is translated in this context usually as "fitting, proper"- that is 'noble'. Hence, the word "Aryan" can be understood as meaning 'noble one'. Now, we must examine the word "Herrenvolk". Normally, this is translated as "master race; master people". In the context of which the Nazis categorized the Aryan race as the "Herrenvolk" however, we find that the common translation of "Herr" as 'master' does not fit in this situation. While Herr indeed can be translated as master, it is almost always used in the concept of 'gentleman'- a title of respect equivalent again to 'noble'. Hence, when Nazism speaks of the "Aryan race" being the "herrenvolk", they were not saying that they were the 'master race', but rather a "gentlemanly race". In other words, calling the 'noble race' noble. The floor is floor. In contrast, we find that the common translation of "Untermensch" as literally meaning "subhuman" also makes little sense if we understand what it is contrasting to.

The term "Untermensch" was previously used to refer not to racially inferior or genetically inferior people but rather to a morally or culturally inferior person. A gambler as an example would be considered morally inferior and thus "untermenschen". In Nietzschean philosophy, the term "Untermensch" is in contrast to "Übermensch". Nietzsche's description of the "Übermensch" was that of a person who had transcended the 'otherworldliness' of Christian values- that is values given by God, and instead that of which manifested the 'grounded, human ideal'. In other words- they were supposed to be a gentlemanly (noble) people. Such is confirmed with the 'last man'- the antithesis of the "Übermensch". The last man is described as tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security. If the Übermensch is the antithesis of this, then we can find that "Übermensch" hence means somebody who is appreciative or even loves the world and life, is willing to take risks, and rejects passive comfort and routine (security).

Henceforth, we find in a sense that the term "Übermenschen" is a cognate with the term "Herrenvolk"- both mean 'gentlemanly people'- 'noble people'. In contrast we therefore find that the term 'untermenschen' refers to a culturally or morally inferior person.
This description is further backed up by Dr. Walter Gross, the head of the Office of Racial Policy of the NSDAP. In a letter sent to Dr. Gross in response to another by Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani, Dr. Gross had this to say.

"The Germans do not fight the Jews because they are Semitic or because they come from the East, but for their character, egoism and their hostility to society."

Nazi racial hierarchy, therefore, was based on the concept of gentlemanliness- of nobleness. It was not rooted in the belief of some races being inherently 'superior' physically or genetically (though the Nazis despised racial mixing), but rather in the concept of moral supremacy. The Jews were lambasted by the Nazis as being 'untermenschen' because of their supposed synonymity with the 'Untermenschen'. They were thought to be greedy, lazy, egoistic and self-serving and desired only passive comfort and security. Likewise, this is why there were 'noble Jews'- treated the same as 'Aryans'. Nazism ranked races therefore on their character: at least their perceived character. This hence is why Nazi racial hierarchies appear to be so self-contradicting: because nothing about the racial hierarchy was set in stone: it was always ever-changing with new perceptions of the supposed characteristics of races.


Racial Nationalism hates foreigners and race-mixing, and is really similar to Alt-Right in a lot of ways. Racial Nationalism doesn't care about ethnicity, only race.

How to Draw

Flag of Racial Nationalism
  1. Draw a ball and fill it with a white, but not completely white color. (very light gray)
  2. Draw a black but not completely black flag on it (extremely dark gray)
  3. Add the eyes, and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Very Light Grey#E1E1E1rgb(225, 225, 225)
 Very Dark Grey#191919rgb(25, 25, 25)


Fellow Gamers


  • Black Nationalism - BLACK POWER! WAKANDA FOREVER!!! But the Black Panthers are super cringe, what the fuck is this "intercommunalism" bullshit? What do you mean my flag design kinda gives away which race I am more favorable to?
  • Indigenism - RED POWER! MAKE AMERICA NATIVE AGAIN!!! Same as the above.
  • Zionism - JEWISH POWE- What do you mean there are multiple active Churches and Mosques in Israel? At least some of your variants are based.
  • Ethnonationalism - People confuse us all the time, but we disagree on the basis of nationality.
  • Cultural Nationalism - Preserving our national identity that defines us is important, but our racial identity matters more than our culture does.
  • Ethnopluralism - You're too moderate.
  • Incestism - ... Honestly, I rather let my handsome and muscular chad son marry my wife/sister/cousin to keep the blood line pure, than for her to get r*ped by some [REDACTED].
  • Scientocracy - Nooooooo, you can't just deny the superiority of our race, modern science is funded by [REDACTED], there is no other explanation! They hijacked modern science! But I still thank you for the scientific evidence supporting evolution! Without it, I would’ve never been able to justify the superiority of my race!


  • Civic Nationalism - Cuckism! at least your founder was a race realist
  • Multiculturalism - I won't mix with those inferior races you [REDACTED] lover!!!
  • Globalism - Wants to bring dangerous people of other races to spoil my people's racial genes!
  • World Federalism - Worse than the above.
    • There's only one race, the human race.
  • Anationalism - A rootless slave.
  • Falangism - You would've been based as a fash, but you're another cuck who likes miscegenation.
  • Progressivism - I hate SJWs and Cultural Marxists.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - John Brown deserved to be hanged! I'll never tolerate [REDACTED], you hear me?! NEVER!!
  • Conservatism - You claim to be conservative yet don't want to preserve your race? More like cuckservatism.
  • Progressive Conservatism - Mix of the two cucks above
  • MLK Jr - Your civil rights movement made the US government take away their racial segregation laws! FUCK YOU!
  • Anti-Fascism - FUCK YOU!

Further Information




  1. The Japanese Empire did employ “scientific racism” as a means to dehumanise other ethnic groups in Asia: this was intended to provide an ideological underpinning for Japanese expansion and to justify its colonial ambitions. From the late 19th century, a new field of ethnography emerged in Japan focusing on the relationship between the Japanese and other Asian groups; typically, this tended to portray the Japanese race as superior, and argued that Japan should become a ‘custodian’ of the ‘lesser races.’ One example can be found in the Japanese colonisation of Taiwan: in 1873, an expedition was launched to the island, and Japanese rule was formalised with the Treaty of Shimonseki after the First Sino-Japanese War of 1895. Japanese ethnographers focused on the ‘savagery’ of the Taiwanese Aborigines: they were typically portrayed as primitive headhunters, in need of a ‘civilising influence’ (in this case, that of Japanese rule of the island).
  2. The Amazon Prime adaptation renames it to the Nazi American Reich or American Reich for short.
  3. https://youtu.be/-QdtwRJdVsM?si=vbh4WGhH6sbSjlJg