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Centralism is a non-quadrant ideology that advocates for a Unitary State. A unitary state is a state in which political power is held by a single central government, instead of it being spread amongst states, provinces, federations, or the like. Despite wanting centralized power, it is not inherently authoritarian, as one can argue a libertarian central government, or even an authoritarian decentral government. It can be seen as the opposite of Federalism and Confederalism.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball
    Flag of Centralism
  2. Fill it in red
  3. Draw a government house in black
  4. Finish with the eyes!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#F44133rgb(244, 65, 51)
 Black#1C1C1Crgb(28, 28, 28)



  • Jacobinism - Thanks for removing any leftover feudalism in France.
  • Absolute Monarchism - Thanks to your bureaucracy, France became centralized. Long live the king!
  • Fascism - All within one state, you say?
  • Nazism - Coordinating the economy and all of society into the state? Holy based...
  • Francoism - One based Spaniard. Pity your successors reverted your policies on those insolent Basques and Catalonians.
  • Saddamism - I like how you centralised Iraq. It's a pity that damn neocucks overthrew you.
  • Xi Jinping Thought - You kept the damn autonomous zones, but you cracked down on them and act like your predecessors so you're basically perfect.


  • Autarchy - Every man a state... What? But at least individual sovereignty ensures unitarity for the individual himself.
  • Marxism-Leninism - You might've made the USSR federal, but I'll give you a pass for still making it so centralized. And I'm glad you didn't make any of your satellite states federal too, well except for Czechoslovakia.
  • Trumpism - Agenda 47 seems interesting, but you don't wanna go full unitary because of you don't want to piss your more libertarian followers.
  • Nordic Model - I love most of your domestic policies, but I don't like how Denmark gives autonomy to Greenland and Faroe Islands, and that 3/5 of you joined the European Union.
  • Maoism and Dengism - Extremely based Chinese ideologies. But get rid of the autonomous regions.
  • Patchwork - On one hand, you are sometimes a disgusting supporter of decentralization. On the other, independent city-states are too small to have any autonomy in the first place.
  • Zionism - I like the fact you made Israel centralized and won't give autonomy to Palestinians but your allies with Federal Nations .


  • Federalism - Decentralization will only create instability and factionalism.
  • Confederalism - States' rights my ass. No states, no rights.
  • World Federalism - The worst child of Federalism that is on a global scale. Stop saying I am a bad form of government!
    • We can't govern the whole planet as a unitary state.
  • Feudalism - The HRE and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are but two outstanding examples of why decentralization is stupid!
  • Helvetic Model - Pathetic. Can't even decide on anything without a referendum! Liechtenstein is a tad bit better though.
  • European Federalism - Why the hell was it decided that the EU should be federal? To make matters worse, states like German are federations within federations.
  • Bismarckism - Why did you have to make the German Empire federal, you jerk?!
  • Adenauerism - And why did you have to go back to federalism when WW2 ended?
  • Neoconservatism - You protect the United States and the European Union and you also made Iraq federal.Oh, wait, the USSR was federal too, same with modern Russia. So, federalist infighting?
  • Yeltsinism - Why did you continue to keep Russia federal even after the USSR was dissolved?
  • Titoism - Your time has ended. Cope and seethe!
  • Democratic Confederalism - You are stupid and pathetic, Turkey and Syria will rise!
  • Blairism - Did you know "devolution" also means "a step back", which is exactly what you did?
  • Anarchism - Your silly and will never work in practice.

Further Information



