Dead Centrism

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This article is about the mascot of the subreddit and the strawman of Centrism. For other uses, see Centrism.

Dead Centrism is a ball inhabiting the exact center of the political compass and is the mascot of Polcompball. They believe the best solution to all problems is an exact compromise between two sides. This compromise is usually ridiculous and pleases neither side, hence Dead Centrist is far from being centrist in the typical sense of the word.

They are also the only Polcompball who can accurately and fairly pinpoint any other polcompball on a political compass, as they have no bias like the others.

Personality and Behaviour

Dead Centrism has only half a personality, and their (half) personality is just indifference. Don't talk to them or you'll be (half) bored to death. They always make a perfect compromise. Because of this, they tend to advocate things that are considered very extreme and wacky for a centrist, like gassing half the Jews as a compromise between gassing no Jews and gassing all of them. They tend to hang out with horseshoe centrism.

How to Draw

The flag of Dead Centrism is based on the political compass.

Flag of Dead Centrism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Split the ball into four separate quadrants with black lines,
  3. Fill in the quadrants clockwise starting at the top left in the following order: pale red, pale blue, pale yellow and pale green,
  4. Draw a dark red circle in the middle of the four quadrants,
  5. Add the tilted eyes and you're done!
Color NameHEXRGB
 Pale Red#FABCBCrgb(250, 188, 188)
 Pale Blue#96D4FArgb(150, 212, 250)
 Pale Green#C8FABCrgb(200, 250, 188)
 Pale Yellow#FAFAAFrgb(250, 250, 175)
 Dark Red#FA1925rgb(250, 25, 37)



Having friends and enemies would be too extremist.



Having friends and enemies would be too extremist.

Further Information



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Comics and Artwork
