Dead Centrism
This article is about the mascot of the subreddit and the strawman of Centrism. For other uses, see Centrism.
Dead Centrism is a ball inhabiting the exact center of the political compass and is the mascot of Polcompball. They believe the best solution to all problems is an exact compromise between two sides. This compromise is usually ridiculous and pleases neither side, hence Dead Centrist is far from being centrist in the typical sense of the word.
They are also the only Polcompball who can accurately and fairly pinpoint any other polcompball on a political compass, as they have no bias like the others.
Personality and Behaviour
Dead Centrism has only half a personality, and their (half) personality is just indifference. Don't talk to them or you'll be (half) bored to death. They always make a perfect compromise. Because of this, they tend to advocate things that are considered very extreme and wacky for a centrist, like gassing half the Jews as a compromise between gassing no Jews and gassing all of them. They tend to hang out with horseshoe centrism.
How to Draw
The flag of Dead Centrism is based on the political compass.
- Draw a ball,
- Split the ball into four separate quadrants with black lines,
- Fill in the quadrants clockwise starting at the top left in the following order: pale red, pale blue, pale yellow and pale green,
- Draw a dark red circle in the middle of the four quadrants,
- Add the tilted eyes and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Pale Red | #FABCBC | rgb(250, 188, 188) | |
Pale Blue | #96D4FA | rgb(150, 212, 250) | |
Pale Green | #C8FABC | rgb(200, 250, 188) | |
Pale Yellow | #FAFAAF | rgb(250, 250, 175) | |
Dark Red | #FA1925 | rgb(250, 25, 37) |
Having friends and enemies would be too extremist.
National Conservatism,
Right-Wing Populism, and
Multiculturalism - Maybe we can just deport half of the immigrants? Seems like a good compromise.
Ingsoc - Maybe we can unperson half of the wrong thinkers?
Anti-Fascism and
Fascism - Maybe we can bash half the fash?
Jacobinism and
Monarchism - Maybe we can behead half of the monarchs?
Authoritarianism and
Anarchism - Maybe we can abolish half of the state and crack down on half of the civil liberties?
Manosphere and
Radical Feminism - Maybe we can put half of women at the kitchen, while the other half is free? Do you agree with this compromise?
Ultranationalism and
Jingoism - How bout we kill half of all Neighborstanis? Sounds good?
World Federalism and
Illuminatism - How bout we unite half of the world? Good compromise?
Kahanism and
Jihadism - How about we kill half of all Palestinians, Muslims, and Arabs and half of all kaffirs, and them split the Middle East in half between a Greater Israel and a Islamic Caliphate? Sounds good?
Neoconservatism and
Paleoconservatism - How about we stop half of the military interventions?
Palestinan Nationalism and
Zionism - How about we just split the land from the river to the sea in half?
Capitalism and
Socialism - Maybe the workers can seize half of the means of production?
Nazism - Maybe gassing half the Jews?
Posadism and
Neoliberalism - Or how about nuking half of the world to achieve communism, while keeping the status quo on the other half?
Regulationism and
Austrian School - Maybe we can implement half of economic regulations
Distributism - Maybe turning half the big corporations into small businesses?
Insurrectionary Anarchism and
Platformism - How about the Stateless Affinity groups are half organized and half unorganized?
Hoppeanism and
Pinochetism - Maybe we can physically remove half the leftists?
Titoism - Maybe we can bury half of the rightists to the pits?
Environmentalism and
Climate Skepticism - Maybe we can pollute half of the earth and preserve the other half?
Neoluddism and
Anarcho-Primitivism - Maybe we can destroy half of the world's technology and advance other half?
Post-Humanism and
Primalism - Maybe we could make half of humans evolve into cyborgs while the other half to devolve into primates/apes?
Communalism - Maybe sharing half of the toothbrushes?
Social Darwinism - Maybe we can kill half the weaklings?
State Liberalism - Consider gassing half the reactionaries, communists, and libertarians? And no, I'm not a "Reactionary behind a mask", I'm actually Half a Reactionary behind Half a Mask.
Progressivism and
Conservatism - Maybe we can allow half of LGBT+ Rights and preserve half of the culture and heritage?
Revolutionary Progressivism and
Reactionaryism - Maybe we kill half of reactionaries and behead half of modernists?
Anarcho-Egoism - Maybe ignoring half the spooks?
Hive-Mind Collectivism - How about assimilating half of everyone into the Hive-Mind?
Soulism - Maybe breaking half the laws of physics?
Kraterocracy - Maybe enslaving and subjugating half of the weaklings?
Avaritionism - Maybe you could kill half of the people that does not buy your product?
Kakistocracy and
Meritocracy - Maybe we could put half of the incompetent in power, and half of the skilled in power?
Populism and
Oligarchy - Maybe we can disempower half of the elites?
Irredentism - How about retaking half of Stanistan's lost territory?
Isolationism - Maybe you can open half of your country?
Crusadism and
Satanic Theocracy - Maybe we can burn half of the witches at stake?
Fordism - Maybe we can distract half of the population through drugs, orgies and mass-consumerism? What do you think with this compromise?
Voluntary Human Extinction and
Death Worship - Or how about killing half of humans?
Communitarianism and
Anarcho-Individualism - Or how about making a society that is half collectivist and half individualist?
State Atheism and
Clerical Fascism - Maybe we can kill half of religious individuals and excommunicate half of the heretics?
Ethnocracy and
Ethnonationalism - Maybe ' your ethnic group should rule over half of others?
Eugenicism - Maybe you can sterilize half of neurological minorities?
Separatism - Maybe half of your region can gain independence?
Piratism and
Agorism - What about abolishing half of copyright?
Pol Potism - Maybe we can kill half of glasses-wearing intellectuals?
Utopian Socialism and
Marxism - Maybe half of dialectical materialism is applicable?
Anationalism - Or how about forcing half of the world's population to speak Esperanto? Sonas Bone?
Authoritarian Conservatism and
Libertarian Feminism - And how about banning half of pornography?
Colonialism and
Indigenism - What about colonizing half of native land while keeping half of it uncolonized? You happy now?
Mercantilism and
Protectionism - Maybe you can disallow half of foreign products?
Apoliticism - Maybe you can choose half a political ideology?
Radical Apoliticism - Maybe you can kill half the ideologies?
Horseshoe Centrism - Maybe half of the extremists are the same?
Anarcho-Pacifism and
Pacifist Feminism - Maybe decommissioning half of the military force?
Police Statism and
Illegalism - Maybe disarming half of the police force?
Alt-Lite - Maybe you could troll half of the SJWs? And no, I'm not you, I am half-you.
Financialism and
Strasserism - Maybe banks could take half of government power?
Corporatocracy - Maybe corporations could take half of government power?
Ismism - Maybe we can combine half of all ideologies?
Anti-Centrism - Maybe we can force half of the centrists and moderates to choose an extremist ideology?
Anti-Realism - Maybe we can force half of on-compasses to choose an off-compass ideology?
Postgenderism - Or maybe abolishing half of the gender?
Gerontocracy - How about you could put old people in power over half of others?
Necrocracy - Or half of dead people on power?
Post-Leftism - Or how about abolishing half of labour?
Khrushchevism and
Stalinism - Maybe we can get rid of half of Stalin's legacy?
Imperialism - How about annexing half of
White Nationalism and
Black Nationalism - Maybe we can subjugate and disenfranchise half of the blacks and empower the other half?
- Literally every other Polcompball
Having friends and enemies would be too extremist.
Further Information
Online Groups
Older site logo
‘‘"Dead" Centrism’’
Dead Centrismball
Old Wiki logo
Sketch by Zedro