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Austromarxism is a reformist offshoot of Marxism originating in inter-war Austria. It sought to integrate the ideas of Social Democracy with the more revolutionary forms of Socialism.


In 1904, Austromarxist groups founded multiple magazines. The Austromarxist movement was unique from other socialist movements that existed around that time. Austromarxist groups were also involved in the Second International, and were part of its social democratic faction.

However, as a result of the First World War, internal conflict occured within the Second International due to the fact that it contained parties from both the Central Powers and the Allies. In 1919, the Third International would be founded. However, the Third International's stated support of revolution in order to achieve socialism, many members of the Austromarxist movement became disillusioned.

Austromarxists would participate in the founding of the International Working Union of Socialist Parties in 1921. The IWUSP served as a front for social democrats who had become disillusioned with the revolutionary polices of the Third International. However, after a decline in popularity, the IWUSP would merge with the remnants of the Second International to create the Labour and Socialist International.

In the 1930's, Austrofascism became more popular in Austria as a result of the decreasing popularity of Austromarxism. When Engelbert Dollfuss took power in 1932, he heavily cracked down on what remained of the Austromarxist movement, eradicating its political power.



Austromarxist theorists believed in left-wing nationalism. Otto Bauer argued that the workers national identity mattered, and that nationalism and patriotism are not obstructive towards class consciousness.

Stance on Revolution

Austromarxism believes in the establishment of a synthesis between social democracy and revolutionary socialism. Bauer believed that a socialist revolution had a low chance at success in Austria. He popularized the idea of a gradual evolution towards socialism.

How to draw

Flag of Austromarxism is based on the flag of Austria with the symbol of Anti-Authoritarianism, in reference to an older relationship between Austrian Marxist intellectuals and the German Iron Front movement.

Flag of Austromarxism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color the ball red
  3. Add a white horizontal line in the middle, making the ball an equal tricolor
  4. Draw a golden circle with 3 diagonal arrows going from top-right, and facing bottom-left
  5. Add the two eyes
Color NameHEXRGB
 Red#C8102Ergb(200, 16, 46)
 White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255)
 Gold#F9CF01rgb(249, 207, 1)




  • Marxism - If a revolution is truly the only option, then so be it.
  • Social Democracy - My beloved friend who is a little bit too reformist.
  • Marxism-Leninism - You go too far. Also, please drop the authoritarianism.
  • Chavismo - Fellow left-wing patriot, but please stop the authoritarianism.
  • Democratic Confederalism - Too revolutionary for my liking. Otherwise, still good.
  • Liberal Socialism - Too reformist and non-Marxist (most of the time) for my liking. Still good on other issue.


  • Capitalism - Oppressors of the Austrian working class!
  • Imperialism - The highest stage of capitalism.
  • Globalism - Ditto for you!
  • Austrian School - My evil capitalist brother.
  • Austrofascism - You're adopted.
  • Nazism - A evil imperialist who invaded the Austrian motherland and subjected her citizens to torture!
  • Fascism - Another horrible imperialist system.

Further Information




